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Is Twitter the next Second Life? - 0 views

  • Lance Armstrong loves it. Oprah’s all over it. Ashton Kutcher found a million people to follow him on it. Heck, Barack Obama used it to get elected president. So why is Twitter in trouble? According to David Martin, Vice President of Primary Research at Internet traffic monitor Nielsen Online, the site suffers from a retention problem. From month to month, Nielsen data says, just 40 percent of Twitter’s users return to it.
    Twitter, the microblogging service has been the tech darling of late - racking up new users at a dizzying pace. But there simply aren't enough new users to make up for defecting ones claims one blogger. FaceBook and MySpace, the two social networking giants had double the retention rates Twitter has now. And, as fans are quick to point out in fields of comments around the Web, Facebook offers so many more ways to interact than Twitter.
Anne Bubnic

Twitter and Plurk: What Parents Should Know - 0 views

  • While there is nothing inherently dangerous in the sites themselves, there is the risk that teens could use microblogs to reveal personal information or engage in a relationship with someone whose intentions are less than honorable. And like any other form of communication, the door is open for a teen to take risks such as talking about sex with strangers (albeit in relatively short bursts) or getting together with someone they meet through a microblog.
    Services like Twitter and Plurk let people post very short messages (140 characters or less) to their friends and acquaintances. Founded in 2006, Twitter has attracted millions of users who keep people posted about what they're doing and thinking. It can be as simple as "I'm standing in line at the grocery store" to as profound as a quick comment about a political candidate, a world event or a new book. There's even a video spin-off of this concept called 12 Seconds that allows people to post video clips no longer than 12 seconds.
Anne Bubnic

Bringing Twitter to the Classroom [Video] - 0 views

    UT Dallas History Professor Dr. Monica Rankin wanted to know how she could reach and include more students in the class discussion. She had heard of Twitter.The following is a short video describing her "Twitter Experiment" in the classroom with comments from students about the pros and cons of Twitter in a traditional learning environment.
Anne Bubnic

Why Don't Teens Tweet? - 0 views

  • The implication is that 11% is a small number, but if we look deeper, it turns out that Twitter has a higher concentration of teens than Facebook. You can see in the chart below that Facebook is only 9% teen, so Twitter is actually more teen than Facebook, which rightly has never been perceived as having a “teen problem.” Facebook has so many users that teens just can’t be that large a percentage of the service, by definition.
  • Nielsen also suggested that “Teens Don’t Tweet” in a report that was destined to become a trending topic on Twitter itself. Almost as quickly as it came out, a number of bloggers, including Danah Boyd, debunked the study for charting the age group 2 – 24 and yet drawing conclusions about teens, noting there are not too many 2-year-olds on Twitter.
  • As it turns out, teens actually tweet more than the general population, prompting Silicon Valley Insider to say yesterday, “Kids Don’t Hate Twitter Anymore
    Over the last few months everyone has weighed in on the question of "Why Don't Teens Tweet" - except, it would appear, teens. We recently ran a survey of 10,000+ US teens aged 13 - 17 to see if we could add anything new to the question.

Organic Twitter Marketing - 0 views

    Are you looking to Organic Twitter Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Organic Twitter Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop
    Are you looking to Organic Twitter Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Organic Twitter Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop
Vicki Davis

Twitter refuses to uphold Terms of Service - 0 views

    Cyberbullying on twitter.
    Cyberbullying can happen anywhere, even twitter. Warning: this post is rated R for use of 1-2 words of profanity.
Anne Bubnic

A Guide to Protecting Your Online Identity - 0 views

    Being online is like being in public. Nearly anything that gets posted can come back to haunt you. When you post it yourself, this isn't such a big deal - after all, it's your fault if you post something like the "fatty paycheck" tweet, the Twitter update that resulted in Cisco Systems Inc. revoking a job offer.
    Being online is like being in public. Nearly anything that gets posted can come back to haunt you. When you post it yourself, this isn't such a big deal - after all, it's your fault if you post something like the "fatty paycheck" tweet, the Twitter update that resulted in Cisco Systems Inc. revoking a job offer.
Anne Bubnic

How One Teacher Uses Twitter in the Classroom - 0 views

    Teachers are always trying to combat student apathy and University of Texas at Dallas History Professor, Monica Rankin, has found an interesting way to do it using Twitter in the classroom. Rankin uses a weekly hashtag to organize comments, questions and feedback posted by students to Twitter during class
Anne Bubnic

Twitter Lessons in 140 Characters or Less - 1 views

    The Twitter feed for Lucas Ames' class in American history has shown some lively exchanges of ideas and opinions among students at the Flint Hill School. One day this month, 11th graders at the private school in Oakton, Va., shared articles on the separation of church and state, pondered the persistence of racism, and commented on tobacco regulation in Virginia now and during the Colonial period-all in the required Twitter format of 140 or fewer characters.

10 Simple Steps will Make Your Hashtag Strategy Better - 0 views

    A keyword phrase which is spelled without spaces and preceded by a # sign is known as a hashtag. Hashtags originally got famous by Twitter and now they are used in almost all the social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter. Hashtags are important for social media. It began with Twitter and spread to other platforms. This guide will tell you how to use hashtags in social media marketing and how it will help you to get found by your target audience. Here, we will look into various effective ways to get the most out of hashtag strategy - - Hashtag Based on Social Media Platform - Number of Hashtags in a Post - Be Specific in Hashtags - Understanding Marketing Strategy - Finding a Relevant Trending Topic - Live Tweet - Create a Simple and Catchy Hashtag - Involving Audience in Hashtag Posts - Selecting the Right Time - Create to Inspire You might have seen hashtags on various social media platforms. Whenever someone clicks on the hashtag, they are directed to all the other posts containing the same hashtag. If someone searches for the word used in your hashtag, your post would get listed which means grabbing the attention of several social media users.

Buy Twitter Accounts - 100% Secure Aged With Followers - 0 views

    Buy Twitter Accounts Are you looking to Buy Verified Twitter Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most Twitter Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!

Buy Twitter accounts - 0 views

    In today's digital landscape, Twitter has become a powerhouse for communication, marketing, and influence. We've noticed a growing trend of individuals and businesses looking to buy Twitter accounts as a shortcut to building a significant social media footprint. Let's explore the reasons behind this practice and its potential benefits.
Vicki Davis

Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less - 0 views

  • Clay Shirky speaks of a day in the not-too-distant future when human resources departments will have the wisdom to look beyond social networking faux pas — at least in some small part because by then, everyone will have made at least one.
  • Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., tweeted this as-it-happens update regarding his group’s location and destination:"Moved into green zone by helicopter Iraqi flag now over palace. Headed to new US embassy Appears calmer less chaotic than previous here."
  • This social networking comedy of errors spread like dancing hamsters across Twitter. In the retelling, "theconnor" earned the nick, "Cisco Fatty." Before the work day ended, Web sleuths revealed "theconnor's" true identity. "Theconnor" was lampooned in a popular YouTube meme. And thanks to Google Cache, the deleted content of "theconnor’s" homepage resurfaced on, a Web site erected to commemorate this cautionary tale.
    Students need to understand that NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING Is private. Great case study about how 140 characters got someone fired before they were even hired.
Anne Bubnic

Twitter/Many Voices: A Collaborative Story - 1 views

    You've gotta love this: A Twitter digital story created by 140 Elementary and Middle School Students Across the Globe!
Anne Bubnic

Twitter Guidelines : Safety: Privacy, Cyberbullying, and Cyberharassment - 0 views

    Twitter guidelines for protecting your privacy and preventing cyberbullying and cyberharrassment. Includes guidelines on how to file "terms of service" complaints.
Anne Bubnic

Don't be illTwitterate or aTextual - 0 views

  • 1) At Marta Valle High School they held an innovation fair celebrating the successes of the innovative work teachers are doing with their students. Some students were selected as fair reporters. These students interviewed attendees with the question, "Please tell me in 140 characters or less what has impressed you most about what you've seen at our innovation fair."
  • 2) Text to capture reflections during field trips. If you're in a school where cells are banned, you may be able to have students bring them on field trips. If that is not allowed, the chaperon's devices can be used. Rather than have students walk around taking notes. Have them Tweet their reflections.
  • Have students do a daily or weekly tweet about something that day. In his post “What Did You Create Today?” ( 08/22/09), Will Richardson shares some great possibilities that could be used in a daily tweet: What did you teach others? What unanswered questions are you struggling with? How did you change the world in some small (or big) way? What’s something your teachers learned today? What did you share with the world?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Use Twitter as a tool to capture student voice by having them respond to class lectures using Twitter.
    Four ideas for using Twitter with Students.
Anne Bubnic

Twitter responds to outrage over abuse - 0 views

Twitter responds to outrage over abuse with abuse-report buttons, following rape and murder threats.

ad4dcss digital communication cyberbullying twitter

started by Anne Bubnic on 30 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
Anne Bubnic

How We Use Twitter for Journalism - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    How useful can communication limited to 140 characters be for serious journalism? It turns out that the short messages you find on Twitter have proven wildly useful for some writers penning larger pieces.

    Could there be some classroom applications here?

Anne Bubnic

How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement - 1 views

    This post describes the two main benefits professors find when using Twitter in lecture.
Anne Bubnic

Twitter, Texting Blamed for Students' Bad Grammar - 2 views

    Little or no grammar teaching, cellphone texting, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, all are being blamed for an increasingly unacceptable number of post-secondary students who can't write properly.
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