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Anne Bubnic

Back to School Tips| Americans for Technology Leadership - 0 views

  • Cyberbullying Cyberbullying or online bullying is repeated, unwanted or cruel behavior against someone through computers, cell phones, gaming consoles, or other Internet-based means. The Internet is always “on,” opening the door for 24-hour harassment. Cyberbullies can be anonymous. They never have to confront their victims, they don’t have to be physically stronger and cyberbullies may be virtually invisible to parents and adults.
  • Look for warning signs your child may be the victim of cyberbullying – depression, lack of interest in school and friends, drop in grades and subtle comments that something may be wrong. If your child is the victim of cyberbullying, take action. By filtering email, instant messages and text messages, you can cut off many of the ways the cyberbullies contact your child. By having your child avoid the sites and groups where the attacks occur, he/she can ignore the bully. If harassment continues, change your child’s email address, user names and Internet account. If these steps do not stop the cyberbullying, contact the parents of the child who is behind the bullying, contact the school, and if the situation is not resolved, involve the police. It’s important to compile copies of harassing emails and postings to have evidence for authorities or the school, so they can take action. Look for signs that your child may be the cyberbully themselves – if they sign onto the Internet under someone else’s name, if they use someone else’s password without their permission, if they posted rude or mean things about someone else online, if they use bad language online, or if they changed their profile or away message designed to embarrass or frighten someone. Talk to your kids about cyberbullying and why it’s wrong and hurtful.
    As children go back to school, many parents are concerned about how their children will be using the computer and Internet devices in the classroom. Communication is key. Parents need to talk with their children about how to use the Internet safely, potential threats and appropriate usage of the Internet. By understanding both the benefits and the risks of Internet use, families can have a safer and more secure online experience. This article includes key tips on cyberbullying, internet safety, privacy and security.
Tania Grosz

Tuned into Tech Internet Safety Webquest - 1 views

    Title: Tuned into Tech Internet Safety Webquest Description: The internet is a powerful tool that allows you to communicate, gather information, network, publish and share resources. However, when not used cautiously or properly, the internet can expose you to ill-intentioned strangers, inappropriate content, computer viruses and cyber-bullying. This webquest will help you gather information about being safe while using the internet. Grade Level: 6-8 Curriculum: Technology Keywords: Internet, safety, cyberbullying, privacy
Anne Bubnic

America's Libraries adapted to digital age - 0 views

  • As a group, libraries have embraced the digital age," said Lee Rainie, founding director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, which has surveyed public attitudes toward libraries. "They've added collections, added software and hardware, upgraded the skills of their staff. A lot of institutions have had to change in the Internet age, but libraries still have a very robust and large constituency." A December 2007 Pew survey found that more than half of Americans — 53% — visited a library in the past year. That's expected to grow as more people look for free resources and entertainment in a slowing economy.
  • At the one-room Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Interim Library in the District of Columbia, books still line the shelves. But on one recent day, almost every adult at the library sat in front of a computer, surfing the Web, checking e-mail or visiting a social networking site.
  • The analysis found that libraries are thriving in the Internet age: •Attendance increased roughly 10% between 2002 and 2006 to about 1.3 billion. Regionally, Southern states lag the rest of the country in visits per capita. •Circulation, which measures how often library visitors check out print or electronic materials, increased about 9%, from 1.66 billion to 1.81 billion during the five-year period.
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  • •The number of Internet-capable computers soared 39% — from about 137,000 in 2002 to nearly 190,000 in 2006. Libraries in rural states in New England and the Midwest led the country in public computers per capita in 2006. The increase in Internet access is thanks in part to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which launched a national program in 1997 to bring the Internet to libraries, beginning with the South. By 2003, the foundation had spent $250 million on some 47,000 computers, as well as training and tech support, bringing almost every public library online, said Jill Nishi, deputy director of the foundation's U.S. Libraries initiative. "You should be able to walk into any library and find Internet service," she said. "It's free, unfettered access to information."
  • Free Internet access is particularly important for low-income people, said Ken Flamm, an economics professor at the University of Texas at Austin who has studied the role of the Internet in public libraries. Only about a third of households with incomes below $25,000 have Internet access, according to federal data.
    The Internet was supposed to send America's public libraries the way of eight-track tapes and pay phones. But it turns out, they're busier than ever. Libraries have transformed themselves from staid, sleepy institutions into hip community centers offering
Anne Bubnic

Just The Facts: Online Youth Victimization - 0 views

    Blog from Danah Boyd. Last week, she and three other social scientists participated in an Internet Caucus panel in DC. David Finkelhor (Director of Crimes Against Children Research Center), Amanda Lenhart (PEW), and Michele Ybarra (President of Internet Solutions for Kids) all presented quantitative data. Most of the press coverage of Michele and David's work has been consistently inaccurate in representing the implications of their findings. So they've helped clarify some of the misinterpretations. The Internet Caucus put the video up online so you can view the actual conversation.

    Personal note: David Finkelhor has a great document that helps with clarifying interpretations of his work. He coaches you on what to say. You can download INTERNET SAFETY EDUCATION FOR TEENS: GETTING IT RIGHT and use it for your next presentation!

Anne Bubnic

China: Explosions In The Distance - 0 views

  • A greater proportion (than in the West) of Chinese users get online via Internet cafes or from work. China's Internet environment is much different than the American one. The Chinese Internet is heavily policed, with over 30,000 cyber cops blocking content that is considered hostile to the communist dictatorship that has run the country for the last 60 years.
  • Chinese who say the wrong thing on message boards, chat rooms or email, are subject to detection and punishment.
  • ot so much for cyber criminals. Some 52 percent of the Internet based criminality can be traced to China (versus 21 percent to the United States). It is believed that the Chinese government tolerates the cyber criminals, as long as these black hat geeks do espionage, and Cyber War tasks for the government.
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  • A greater proportion (than in the West) of Chinese users get online via Internet cafes or from work. China's Internet environment is much different than the American one. The Chinese Internet is heavily policed, with over 30,000 cyber cops blocking content that is considered hostile to the communist dictatorship that has run the country for the last 60 years. Chinese who say the wrong thing on message boards, chat rooms or email, are subject to detection and punishment. Not so much for cyber criminals. Some 52 percent of the Internet based criminality can be traced to China (versus 21 percent to the United States). It is believed that the Chinese government tolerates the cyber criminals, as long as these black hat geeks do espionage, and Cyber War tasks for the government.
    China now has the largest Internet population, with 253 million users. The U.S. is second with 223 million users. While 70 percent of Americans are online, only about 20 percent of Chinese are. Current growth trends indicate that, in the next few years,
Anne Bubnic

Internet 2: K20 Initiative/Global Learning - 0 views

    Internet2 is a non-profit membership organization of 208 universities working in conjunction with government and industry to operate a private national Internet Protocol (IP) network reserved for the exclusive use of the US research and education (R&E) community.As the national R&E backbone, the Internet2 Network provides connectivity between institutions and connectivity to international research and education networks thereby providing access to the global research and education community. While there are many benefits of using Internet2 in the classroom here are the top three for K12:
    1. Immediate access to experiences and expertise
    2. Access to rich multi-media digital collections and resources
    3. A truly global education network at your fingertips.

    In California, we have a localized statewide version of this effort called K12 High Speed Network/K12HSN

Anne Bubnic

Internet Safety Tips for Parents - 0 views

    Millions of students head to the nearest computer to conduct school research online. With the Internet's help, they can create everything from detailed projects on rainforests to slide presentations about how a hurricane forms without setting foot in a library."There's a wealth of information on the Internet, and it's a great tool," says Ross Ellis, founder and CEO of Love our Children USA, a child abuse prevention organization that is active in Internet safety. "You can't keep kids off the Internet." Yet the Internet is not the place for an all-access pass. Kids of all ages need parental supervision. A few common-sense tips can help keep your child safe online.
yc c

Jigsaw - 0 views

    Most of the world lives in countries that censor the internet. uProxy, seeded by Jigsaw and owned by the University of Washington, provides people access to the free and open internet by letting anyone who lives in a repressive society share the connection of someone who lives in a country with open internet access. uProxy works on an internet browser, with the option to set up a cloud server to provide constant access to the open internet. Perspective is an API that uses machine learning to spot abuse and harassment online.
Anne Bubnic

Internet Safety for Teens: Getting It Right [pdf] - 0 views

    VERY helpful document!!!

    A growing number of people are promoting Internet Safety Education in effort to keep youngsters safe from Internet sex offenders. But be cautious about some of the statistics that you may find from lectures, pamphlets, videos and web sites. Not all of the data accurately reflects what researchers have learned about cyberpredator crimes. For the real stats and myths vs. realities on child predators , download a copy of: Internet Safety For Teens: Getting it Right . This fact sheet (created by Dr. David Finkelhor at the Crimes Against Children Research Center) is packed with helpful clarifying information for your next presentation.

Online Predators and Their Victims - 0 views

  • My (Liz B. Davis ) Summary of Key Points (All are quotes directly from the article): Online "Predators" and Their Victims. Myths, Realities, and Implications for Prevention and Treatment. by: Janis Wolak, David Finkelhor, and Kimberly J. Mitchell - University of New Hampshire and Michele L. Ybarra - Internet Solutions for Kids, Inc.
  • The publicity about online"predators" who prey on naive children using trickery and violence is largely inaccurate.
  • adult offenders who meet, develop relationships with, and openly seduce underage teenagers
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  • In the great majority of cases, victims are aware they are conversing online with adults. In the N-JOV Study, only 5% of offenders pretended to be teens when they met potential victims online. (112)
  • Offenders rarely deceive victims about their sexual interests.
  • promises of love and romance
  • 99% of victims of Internet-initiated sex crimes in the N-JOV Study were 13 to 17 years old, and none were younger than 12. 48% were 13 or 14 years old. (115)
  • it was those 15-17 years of age who were most prone to take risks involving privacy and contact with unknown people. (115)
  • take place in isolation and secrecy, outside of oversight by peers, family  members, and others in the youth's face-to-face social networks (115)
  • Most of the online child molesters described in the N-JOV Study met their victims in chatrooms. In a 2006 study, about one third of youths who received online sexual solicitation had received them in chatrooms. (116)
  • Youth internet users with histories of offline sexual or physical abuse appear to be considerably more likely to receive online aggressive sexual solicitations. (117)
  • ..Although Internet safety advocates worry that posting personal information exposes youths to online molesters, we have not found empirical evidence that supports this concern. It is interactive behaviors, such as conversing online with unknown people about sex, that more clearly create risk. (117)
  • Online molesters do not appear to be stalking unsuspecting victims but rather continuing to seek youths who are susceptible to seduction. (117)
  • maintaining online blogs or journals, which are similar to social networking sites in that they often include considerable amounts of personal information and pictures, is not related to receiving aggressive sexual solicitation unless youths also interact online with unknown people. (117)
  • Boys constitute 25% of victims in Internet-initiated sex crimes, and virtually all of their offenders are male. (118
  • Some gay boys turn to the internet to find answers to questions about sexuality or meet potential romantic partners, and there they may encounter adults who exploit them. (118)
  • ..child molesters are, in reality, a diverse group that cannot be accurately characterized with one-dimensional labels. (118)
  • Online child molesters are generally not pedophiles. (118)Online child molesters are rarely violent. (119)
  • Child pornography production is also an aspect of Internet-initiated sex crimes. One in five online child molesters in the N-JOV Study took sexually suggestive or explicit photographs of victims or convinced victims to take such photographs of themselves or friends. (120)
  • Youths may be more willing to talk extensively and about more intimate matters with adults online than in face-to-face environments. (121
  • it may not be clear to many adolescents and adults that relationships between adults and underage adolescents are criminal. (122)
  • Simply urging parents and guardians to control, watch, or educate their children may not be effective in many situations. The adolescents who tend to be the victims of Internet-initiated sex crimes many not themselves be very receptive to the advice and supervision of parents. (122)
  • We recommend educating youths frankly about the dynamics of Internet-initiated and other nonforcible sex crimes. Youths need candid, direct discussions about seduction and how some adults deliberately evoke and then exploit the compelling feelings that sexual arousal can induce. (122)
    • anonymous
      Let's remember that although there are direct references to gay and male pedophiles of gay boys, that 99% of child sex offenders identify as heterosexual, online or offline.
    Cool summary of an article by Liz B. Davis -- Liz took the article and extracted the most valuable bits to her using google Docs. This methodology is fascinating, but even moreso the fact we may all begin doing this together with Diigo.
    This research article has the facts about sexual predatory behavior.
Anne Bubnic

New federal panel looks at Internet safety - 0 views

  • I’m not aware of any federal Internet safety commissions that met during the Bush administration. From what I can tell, that administration paid very little attention to Internet safety other than to add to the exaggerations and fear-mongering about so-called Internet predators. So is there any point in taking yet another look at Internet safety? Yes, if only because things have changed dramatically over the past few months. To begin with, we have a new administration led by a president who actually understands the Internet as well as the constitutional issues that arise whenever government tries to control online speech, access or even safety.
  • When the new working group convened Thursday, our first speaker was Susan Crawford, who works at the White House as special assistant to the president for science, technology and innovation policy. A law professor and founder of OneWebDay, Crawford brings a refreshing understanding of the government’s need to balance safety and security with civil liberties, privacy and even the First Amendment rights of minors. Her opening remarks helped set the tone for the group by admonishing us to “avoid overheated rhetoric about risks to kids online,” pointing out that “risks kids face online may not be significantly different than the risks they face offline.”
    Last year, Congress passed the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act,which called for yet another committee to study Internet safety. By statute, the Online Safety and Technology Working Group is made up of representatives of the business community, public interest groups and federal agencies.
Anne Bubnic

Governor Signs Law To Educate Children On Internet Safety [Illinois] - 0 views

  • he new law takes effect January 1st and provides that the Internet safety curriculums in schools will begin with the 2009-2010 school year. The bill allows the age-appropriate unit of instruction to be incorporated into the current courses of study regularly taught in the districts’ schools.
  • Illinois’ partnership with the Netsmartz national Internet safety program was a Governor’s initiative that was launched in 2006.
  • Earlier this week, Governor Blagojevich signed into law the state’s new Cyberbullying law. It clarifies the definition of harassing someone by using electronic communication such as the Internet and text messaging and enables the prosecution of someone who anonymously bullies in this capacity.
    Governor Rod Blagojevich Thursday signed Senate Bill 2512 legislation to help protect children from the dangers of the Internet. SB 2512 requires school districts, beginning in the 2009-2010 school year, to incorporate an "age-appropriate Internet safety unit of instruction in the current course of study regularly taught in the district's schools," beginning in third grade.
Anne Bubnic - 0 views

    The Internet can be a rich and valuable source of information - and an even richer source of misinformation. Sorting out the valuable claims from the worthless ones is tricky, since at first glance a Web site written by an expert can look a lot like one written by your next-door neighbor. This lesson offers students background and practice in determining authority on the Internet - how to tell whether an author has expertise or not, and whether you're getting the straight story.
    The Internet can be a rich and valuable source of information - and an even richer source of misinformation. Sorting out the valuable claims from the worthless ones is tricky, since at first glance a Web site written by an expert can look a lot like one written by your next-door neighbor. This lesson offers students background and practice in determining authority on the Internet - how to tell whether an author has expertise or not, and whether you're getting the straight story.
    The Internet can be a rich and valuable source of information - and an even richer source of misinformation. Sorting out the valuable claims from the worthless ones is tricky, since at first glance a Web site written by an expert can look a lot like one written by your next-door neighbor. This lesson offers students background and practice in determining authority on the Internet - how to tell whether an author has expertise or not, and whether you're getting the straight story.
Anne Bubnic

Cybercitizenship For Kids and Parents - 0 views

    How do parents teach kids about internet morals and how to protect themselves at the same time? Hear some tips about being a good cyber-citizen Three-minute video from Gen Y Author, Vanessa Van Petten. See also: Dirt-E Secrets of an Internet Kid."

Anne Bubnic

Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading? - 0 views

  • hildren like Nadia lie at the heart of a passionate debate about just what it means to read in the digital age. The discussion is playing out among educational policy makers and reading experts around the world, and within groups like the National Council of Teachers of English and the International Reading Association.
  • As teenagers’ scores on standardized reading tests have declined or stagnated, some argue that the hours spent prowling the Internet are the enemy of reading — diminishing literacy, wrecking attention spans and destroying a precious common culture that exists only through the reading of books. But others say the Internet has created a new kind of reading, one that schools and society should not discount. The Web inspires a teenager like Nadia, who might otherwise spend most of her leisure time watching television, to read and write.
  • n fact, some literacy experts say that online reading skills will help children fare better when they begin looking for digital-age jobs.
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  • ome children with dyslexia or other learning difficulties, like Hunter Gaudet, 16, of Somers, Conn., have found it far more comfortable to search and read online.
  • Some Web evangelists say children should be evaluated for their proficiency on the Internet just as they are tested on their print reading comprehension. Starting next year, some countries will participate in new international assessments of digital literacy, but the United States, for now, will not.
  • Some traditionalists warn that digital reading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. Often, they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and parents. Zigzagging through a cornucopia of words, pictures, video and sounds, they say, distracts more than strengthens readers. And many youths spend most of their time on the Internet playing games or sending instant messages, activities that involve minimal reading at best.
    The Future of Reading: Digital Versus Print.
    This is the first in a series of articles that looks at how the Internet and other technological and social forces are changing the way people read.
Judy Echeandia

PTA Article : Internet Safety - 0 views

    Designed for parents, this article offers benefits and risks of Internet usage, parental action strategies to keep students safe while online, links to Internet safety organization resources and other Internet safety related articles.
Stephanie Sandifer

Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering - 0 views

  • ccess Denied examines the political, legal, social, and cultural contexts of Internet filtering in these states from a variety of perspectives. Chapters discuss the mechanisms and politics of Internet filtering, the strengths and limitations of the technology that powers it, the relevance of international law, ethical considerations for corporations that supply states with the tools for blocking and filtering, and the implications of Internet filtering for activist communities that increasingly rely on Internet technologies for communicating their missions.
    New book on the state of internet filtering worldwide
Anne Bubnic

Pew Internet Study of Online Activities and Pursuits [eCommerce] - 0 views

    [May 18, 2008] Most online Americans view online shopping as a way to save time and a convenient way to buy products. At the same time, most internet users express discomfort over a key step in online shopping -- sending personal or credit card information over the internet. Internet users like the convenience but worry about the security of their online information.
Anne Bubnic

The Internet Protectors Launches First Online Cybersecurity Information Community - Tec... - 0 views

    The Internet Protectors(TM) today opened its doors to computer users looking for non-technical help in learning about and protecting themselves against the security risks that plague Internet users today. The Internet Protectors (TIP) website ( provides a neutral environment where users can ask questions of topic experts, research different aspects of security in a library of podcasts, videos, and white papers, read and subscribe to blogs on multiple security topics, discuss security issues in forums, and more.
Anne Bubnic

How children search the internet with keyword interfaces [PDF] - 0 views

    Children are among the most frequent users of the Internet, yet searching and browsing the web can present many challenges. Studies over the past two decades on how children search were conducted with finite and pre-determined content found in CD-ROM applications, online digital libraries, and web directories. However, with the current popularity of the open Internet and keyword-based interfaces for searching it, more critical analysis of the challenges children face today is needed. This paper presents the findings of an initial study to understand how children ages 7, 9, and 11 search the Internet using keyword interfaces in the home.
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