Contents contributed and discussions participated by adina sullivan
Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives - 5 views
Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America - 3 views
LearniT-TeachiT - 4 views
Eisenhower Middle School | Cyber Safety - 4 views
Creative Commons : Spectrum of Rights - 2 views
Cyberbullying Research Center - 2 views
FBI-SOS: Safe Online Surfing - 0 views
The Top 100 Search Terms Queried by Kids - 0 views
Security firm Symantec has identified the top 100 searches conducted by children online. Popular items in the list include some expected entries like YouTube, Facebook, and MySpace as well as queries for popular pop idols like Michael Jackson and Miley Cyrus. However, what's surprising about the children's list is how similar it looks to that of any other online adult - something which seems to imply that our online activities aren't all that age dependent after all. - 0 views
The Internet can be a rich and valuable source of information - and an even richer source of misinformation. Sorting out the valuable claims from the worthless ones is tricky, since at first glance a Web site written by an expert can look a lot like one written by your next-door neighbor. This lesson offers students background and practice in determining authority on the Internet - how to tell whether an author has expertise or not, and whether you're getting the straight story.
bNetS@vvy - 0 views
Internet Safety Resources | SimpleK12 - 0 views
Survey: Teens 'sext' and post personal info - 0 views
An Internet safety study (PDF) just released by Cox Communications shows that teens may be a bit more safety conscious than previously thought. The survey, which was done by Harris Interactive, asked 655 13- to 18-year-olds about their online and cell phone behavior, specifically addressing issues of cyberbullying and sexting. The study was in partnership with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and "America's Most Wanted Host" John Walsh.
CTAP4 Directory of Cybersafety Education Links - 0 views
Copyright Webquest for 6th Graders - 0 views
The Copyright Police are checking student multimedia projects for possible copyright violations. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and violators will be prosecuted under the federal law. The Copyright Police are having some difficulty checking leads because there are so many students creating multimedia projects. You and your group have been hired by the Copyright Police to monitor multimedia projects created in our school. The Police Chief will give you information about a multimedia project to investigate and provide some Copyright Guidelines for your group.