"The Sound of Screaming Is Constant" - Haiti Devastated by Massive Earthquake, Desperat... - 0 views
A desperate search for survivors continues, but rescuers lack heavy lifting equipment and are often using their bare hands.
corey stanley on 15 Jan 10this will takee way to long to try to help people get from under buildings and help them live, something has to be done.
Allesia EWSIS on 15 Jan 10This is a tragedy. Bodies in the street just lieing there and no equipment to get them off the street. i know that we all have our diffrences but they need help and we need to help them.
Jose EWSIS on 15 Jan 10bare hands will not get the job done. This is a horrific event and i hope things will begin to get better for them.
Yanira EWSIS on 15 Jan 10I think that there should be more first aid kit sent to them because it seems like they are also dying do to the lack of supplies
Dylan EWSIS on 15 Jan 10This is crazy as if the country wasnt already in enough trouble, then this happens. These people need every sort of aid they can recieve whether it be prayers or money donated or food and supplies.
qixun cai on 15 Jan 10i hope many people under the ruins can be saved
Raymond EWSIS on 15 Jan 10poorness+earthquake wow. Thats just bad luck. They need help quick.
Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
The people of Haiti will not survive if something is not done quickly, with no water, no hospitals its impossible to survive.
There are many agencies and people trying to send donations, giving money, and trying to help. This poor country was not prepared for this damage and people will help.
However other countries are hastly trying to get there and aid the people. It's not just hundreds of people that we are talking about, its over thousands. Agencies are desperately trying to get there and give out help. I really hope they make it through. God bless
We had one nurse at our hotel, so he was out front helping people who were coming in who were injured. When word got out that there was a nurse at our hotel, people just started bringing their injured family members to the hotel. I was deputized by the nurse to help in whatever way I could. So he would tell me where a broken bone was, and I had to learn on the sly how to make a splint.
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there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
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there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
After watching the video, I was utterly speechless. It's really sad to know that another country is in desperate help of need, especially when they weren't in a good state before.Having a massive earthquake hit a city that;s already in poverty is really devastating. The situation is almost similar to that of the tsunami that happened just a few years ago. Other countries are contributing by sending over aid and people to help revive the city and help the people. Most of the buildings have collapsed and many of the few buildings had cracks. It's very interesting to hear about different people who were visiting Haiti speak about their experience during the disaster. Over thousands of people in Haiti are currently homeless and injured. A person walking by would be able to witness bodies being crushed by concrete and bodies covered by a sheet of blanket laying on the floor. The country is now short in water supply, food, money,and many important factors. People are desperate for aid and money. I think it's great that other countries aren't just standing by and not doing anything. I hope in the future, they will be able to revive most of the damaged buildings and maybe the people there will find jobs and homes again.