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The Language of Sports Motivation - 4 views

    In many countries outside the US, athletes use calming words to ready themselves before a match or game. They tell themselves phrases like "let's go!" and remind themselves to be present. One of India's highest ranked tennis players silences his inner dialogue so that he is ready to go when the moment comes. Many American athletes, however, get 'pumped up' by calling each other 'sissy' and criticizing themselves so they have more drive to do better. Some sports teams put value in their lives outside the sport by encouraging their team mates that they should "do it for their family's sake." Overall, there is not one pep talk that works best for different sports, different positions, or different players.
Lara Cowell

Positive Self Talk: Self talk may affect an athlete's sports performance - 11 views

    One of the simplest concepts of sports psychology is developing positive self talk. It's also one of the hardest sports psychology skills to master. Research supports the theory that an athlete who continually practices positive self talk will improve his or her sports performance. Succumbing to negative mental self talk is a sure way to reduce performance and sports success. Over time and with repetition an athlete can develop a new habit of thinking positive statements and thoughts and expect a more positive outcome. It's this connection between the words and the belief that is the ultimate goal of this technique. Another important factor of positive self talk is that it must be possible and believable.

How One Sport Is Keeping a Language, and a Culture, Alive - The New York Times - 1 views

    This article talks about Pelota mixteca, a sport, and how it has been keeping Oaxacan, a native mexican language, alive. The article talks about the stigma and resistance Mexicans and Mexican-Americans face when speaking non-English languages or their local languages.
Jenna Enoka

Gender divides in the language of sport - 0 views

    That's the conclusion of new research from the UK's Cambridge University Press, which has looked at the way we talk about men and women in sport. Analyzing over 160 million words from decades of newspapers, academic papers, tweets and blogs, the study finds men are three times more likely than women to be mentioned in a sporting context, while women are disproportionately described in relation to their marital status, age or appearance.

How One Sport Is Keeping a Language, and a Culture, Alive - 1 views

    Pelota mixteca has been played for hundreds of years by indigenous people throughout the Americas. But it's more than a competitive event.
    This sport is a weekly ritual and is a network for an immigrant community. It also serves a pastime for people and allows them to speak their own indigenous languages. Players who speak indigenous languages such as Zapotec and Mixtec travel to these games where there are even under-the-radar international tournaments.
Jeffrey Yamashiro

Effect of Crowd Noise on Sports Performance - 2 views

    This kind of ties in with my field research paper, in which I tried to find connections between verbal stress, and how it affects the performances of players. Crowd Noise How Much of an Effect Does Crowd Noise Really Have on Sports Teams? Sport Psychology is a field of research taken so seriously that most elite level sport teams have an entire staff dedicated to the mental wellbeing of their players.
Ryan Catalani

BBC: The shared language of sport and politics - 22 views

    "Sporting metaphors always overrun the language of politics in the English-speaking world at election time - and perhaps most of all in the US. We have now reached the point in the race for the White House when it helps to keep a glossary of American sporting terms ever close at hand."
Lara Cowell

Sports Psychology: Mental Skills for Achieving Optimum Performance | USTA - 3 views

    This article, courtesy the US Tennis Association, summarizes mental skills that coaches should foster, in order to help athletes control their minds efficiently and consistently as they execute sport-related goals. This not only involves developing skills such as concentration and stress control, but it also includes efforts to influence personal characteristics such as self-esteem and sportsmanship.

Affirmations in Sport - IResearchNet - 0 views

    Self affirmations have been seen to impact peoples' performance in sports. The self affirmation theory says that our sense of self worth can be affected by affirmations, especially when they are written out. If we don't affirm ourselves, we instead transition to defensive strategies of self deprecation.
Lara Cowell

Being Loud "More Important Than Being Right" - 0 views

    Two graduate economics students from Washington State University used Twitter to analyze how sports pundits' reputation was affected by their confidence and accuracy at predicting the outcomes to sporting events. They analysed tweets in which professional pundits and fans made predictions about the winners of a series of high-profile baseball and American Football matches. Each tweet was given a "confidence" rating depending on its language, with words like "destroy" and "annihilate" scoring higher than "beat", for example. Both the pundits and fans' predictions were worse than chance, with the professional analysts only proving correct 47 per cent of the time and amateurs 45 per cent of the time. Yet pundits' confidence was measured as 50 per cent higher than amateurs, and they gained more followers on the networking website as a result, the researchers said. Presenting their findings at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Economics and Finance earlier this year, the researchers explained that being confident could increase a pundit's following by 17 per cent, while predicting every game correctly only raised it by 3.4 per cent.There was a similar pattern among amateurs, with brash people increasing their following by 20 per cent but correct guesses only raising it by 7.3 per cent. In general, pundits are better served by being brash and making people excited, they claimed.

Language of sports forever changed - 3 views

    A sportswriter was interviewing a football player about an upcoming game and listening to a by-the-numbers stream of war, soldier and battlefield metaphors. [...] the player said, "You don't understand what it's like to be in a war," and at that, the reporter bristled.
Jesse Crabtree

Foul Play: Sports Metaphors as Public Doublespeak - 10 views

    Article touching upon the usage of sports metaphors in our culture
Lara Cowell

Thoughts that win - 12 views

    For you athletes out there, an article on sports psychology and how self-talk, either technical or motivational, can enhance performance.

Overzealous parents are ruining youth sports. It's past time to sit quiet and let the k... - 0 views

    Parents become too intense while watching their children's sports games, and their language (yelling, profanity, etc.) ruins the environment for everyone.

Body Language in Sports - 2 views

    Sports is all about the body, movement and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication plays a major roll in the success of an athlete. They have to be able to interpret and send nonverbal signals to teammates and competitors incredibly quickly.

The Power of Positive Coaching - The New York Times - 0 views

    Positive words from coaches and parents to their kids play a crucial role in the development of the child. Youth sports is about the development of the players. Most coaches often forget this and only focus on the win. This can result in yelling at the players and overall very negative language use. However, being "relentlessly positive" can improve the attitude and play of an athlete.

SuperSport to broadcast Russia 2018 World Cup commentaries in pidgin - Sport - The Guar... - 0 views

    This article talks about how some World Cup games will be broadcast in pidgin for Nigerian and Ghana audiences. I find it fascinating that the world has become more friendly to pidgin and other "informal" languages. I wonder if Hawaii broadcasts and television shows will start to utilize more pidgin and Hawaii Creole English.
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