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URL Shorteners: opens multiple tabs. - 1 views

  • is a great place/idea for educators who are struggling with students finding the right websites or who are having their students copy long URLs off of the board. This tool will let you have one URL that will open multiple websites at one time.
Shelly Landry

Step C… Seven Steps To Website Evaluation For Students… Promoting Digital Cit... - 1 views

    This blog contains the first 3 steps (out of 7) for website evaluation.  The author is using letters to represent each step.  Thus far, he has A for author; B for bias; and C for currency.  Each step is explained and a poster is included for teachers to print and use in the classroom.  This is very important information for students in order to become responsible digital citizens.  Students need to think about who is writing, why they are writing, and when they are writing.  I am anxious to see what other steps the author will include.
    Very useful resource for teaching information and digital literacy. The idea of A to G is brilliant and inspirational! I think the break-down steps of each aspect can be truly helpful for students to understand what exactly they're looking for in terms of author, bias, or currency (and soon more). For teachers, each aspect could be introduced and focused in each topic or project, and the posters can serve as visual prompt in classroom.
Chris Skrzypchak

Seventh grader creates social media website for new school | eSchool News - 3 views

    What a better way to promote collaboration by students than for a student to create his own social networking site for his high school.
    I wonder what program he used to create the social media website.
Neal Sonnenberg

Quick Screen Share - 1 views

    This is a free screen sharing service from the makers of Screencast-o-matic. just go to their website, select share your screen, and enter your name. Quick Screen Share will then provide you with a URL to share with the person with whom you are screen sharing. When that person opens the link you he or she will be able to see your screen.
Meaghan Roach

Secure Social Networking - 4 views

    The article uses a friendly approach to help teens stay safe and for parents (adults) to understand how to change privacy settings. There is a series of videos (11) to help learn more about social networking and how to check yourself it something doesn't seem right. The article also demonstrates the use of protection your personal property from hackers and spammers.  I personally think the article does a great job using the friendly approach with teens, and using videos, and teens will click on a video than read an entire article. Holly
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    This site offers a number of websites to help learn how to use and how to be safe while networking. Some of the sites are aimed at teens, others at adults (parents and/or teachers). Most sites include videos. I like the site as a first step to put one on the road to being saavy or literate on the web when using social networks.
    This site has information that is valuable for parents and students alike, so all users of the Internet can protect themselves as securely as possible. It's important to know the limits of social networking and the videos present this information in a clear concise manner.
  • This up-to-date site designed for adults offers an excellent online discussion forum on social networking sites. You'll also find the latest related news, with "commentaries" written by both staff and guest experts covering various legal, social, and safety issues. Of special interest: the commentaries on age verification and cyberbullying.
    In Web 2.0 classrooms, teachers encourage students to use social networking for collaborative work. This article delves into the issue of safety in regards to social networks. It provides five links to websites, which help students become aware of the possible dangers of social networking. The article summarizes the different links, discussing the particular purpose and audience of the linked site. Some the sites even provide resources for parents and teachers.
    These are great articles. I like the user friendly approach to all of these; In there are great personal accounts of what can go wrong using social media. Those articles really resonate with my own fears. We must be wise when we use the web.
    This online discussion forum offers adults insight into the legal, social, and safety issues tied into specific social networking sites.
Steven Young

elearn Magazine: Promoting Information Processing and Ethical Use of Information for On... - 4 views

    A first-rate account of how students can analyze, evaluate, and internalize the information on websites, rather than merely collecting sources and spitting back unprocessed information.

Create a virtual corkboard/presentation using Spaaze - 4 views

    Spaaze is a website that allows for the simple creation of a virtual cork board. It is extremely dynamic and easy to use. You can add video, images, files, titles, and notes all in one spot so your students can have easy access to unit material. The canvass size of Spaaze is huge so you can add quite a few units to one canvass.

Create a virtual cork board/sticky note page for K-8 students. - 0 views

    Use PrimaryWall to create a virtual cork board/sticky note website that can be used for student interaction with a lesson. Easy to use and taylored to the K-8 teacher's classroom.
Anna Hitchcock

Good Assessment is the right of all our students - 0 views

    This website is a guide to effective assessment In a Digital Age. The online resources from this website enable teachers to investigate the potential of enhancing assessment and feedback through technology.
Ann Chapman

The Google Platform - 1 views

    This is a fascinating article to read about a NJ school that took on the Google Platform. Much of what is documented in the article reminds me of why school district went with Google. The ease of emails, calendars, saving documents and designing websites through one platform is so helpful. What I found interesting is that the principal of the school operates with a BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) policy. Her arguments being that as soon as schools make investments in iPads, or laptops etc. the "hardware" is obsolete in no time. She advocates a "learn anytime, anywhere on any device" approach - which I find refreshing and so innovative. At my school, there are many teachers who want to outright ban all personal electronic devices in school - well...for students! This article is a powerful reminder that with guidance and careful, thoughtful planning and implementation, we can make use of everything students bring to school with them - including personal electronic devices.
Ann Chapman

Open Education | DCU - 0 views

    The Dublin City University of Ireland site popped out at me. As I got into exploring the site, it reminded me of all the things we have discussed on "communication" and online education. The President of the university, Professor Brian MacCraith said of the learning experience at DCU "Online platforms are changing the traditional teaching and learning paradigms. Technology is providing an enhancement of choices and flexibility. Learning happens any time, any place." The website also displayed specific and detailed regulations for students to be good digital citizens! Along with lots of other great stuff!
NIM Facilitator

Welcome to My Site Podcasts - 4 views

    tudents have produced a range of podcasts based on the Year 11 and 12 Human Biology Course from 2006-2009. Check out his website to see the assignments set and his students' work.
Vicki Shulman

How Districts Create Community Connections with Social Media -- THE Journal - 1 views

    This article looks at online communication from a district's point of view. Using tools such as websites, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, online surveys, YouTube, and Pinterest, school districts are getting information out to a variety of constituents, not just parents and students. They are building a connection to the community.

Discovery Education Web2014 : Web 2.0 Tools - 1 views

    The article from the Discovery Education website is relatively new and it points out how Web 2.0 tools are about revolutionary new ways of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing ... and more, these clever apps turn cell phones into smart teaching tools.

Online Learning 2.0: Easy Animation for Teaching - 8 views

    This site overviews the importance of using media in instruction and provides some Web 2.0 tools to achieve animation for teaching.
    This is a very cool article. I loved the comparison of a teachers introduction of education background is compared to a computer " It's like going to Dell's website to shop for a computer and getting nothing but photos of the factories and descriptions of how the computers were built." Use a video to introduce ourselves and explain all we can do in the classroom. We should be making them look forward to what they can do during the year with me. Very Cool.
    This is a very cool article. I loved the comparison of a teachers introduction of education background is compared to a computer " It's like going to Dell's website to shop for a computer and getting nothing but photos of the factories and descriptions of how the computers were built." Use a video to introduce ourselves and explain all we can do in the classroom. We should be making them look forward to what they can do during the year with me. Very Cool.
Kristin Steiner

Free websites use social networking tools to share content - 1 views

    This article, from eSchool News, summarizes the features of two free social networking sites, Wiggio and Sophia. In Wiggio online groups can be formed and then users can communicate through email, voice, and text messages, and can share links and files. Teachers can use Wiggio to "set up chat rooms for after-school help" and for "peer-to-peer collaboration within group projects." Sophia "has been described as a mashup of Facebook, Wikipedia, and YouTube focused solely on education." It consists of user created "learning packets" on various subjects that use Web 2.0 tools. Each packet can also be rated on a five star system by the users as well as be given a "green checkmark" to be considered academically sound by experts in the appropriate field.
brian williams

Adding Video Elements to Your Online Classroom - 1 views

    Getting your Jing on!! The ability to enhance online courses with simple video elements helps students to complete assignments, readings, and discussions, and it motivates them to check into their classes more often which in turn helps instructors retain their students. The students will how to create a simple video, compress it, and access code to embed the file into a course management system or even upload it to a website, blog or YouTube. No expensive equipment or software is required, there is little to no cost, and the process is fairly quick and straightforward.
Linda Stanley

4 Free Web Tools for Student Portfolios - 3 views

    This article attracted my attention due to my affiliation with Graduation Portfolios for our district. I loved the idea of students taking ownership of their Portfolio in terms of linking it to an electronic format they could *present* at the end of the school year. One of the apps listed ("Three Ring") sounded really interesting, and I hope to model it with next year's Seniors.
    This article was great. Our high school students should be creating career portfolios and some of the programs like Evernote and Three Ring seem to be great ways of collecting and organizing career information. Employers are now looking at what students have accomplished over a paper resume. Some employers want to see you digital resume' with examples of a student's work. These two programs seem to be a great way to help students be prepared for the new way employers might require for job interviews. One other website is a great resource for Student Portfolios and that is MassCis. Not only does it have the ability to upload exemplars, but it has lessons teachers can use that are aligned with the standards to help students explore their career interests. Imagine, career information, career inventories, goal setting activities, resume writing, college and financial information, teachers' lesson plans and student portfolios all on the same website. Each student can create a portfolio and have it from the middle school through high school. Check it out:
NIM Facilitator

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and Web 2 Tools by pip cleaves on Prezi - 11 views

    This Prezi about Bloom's Taxonomy was a good example of a basic Prezi.. Each slide presented the six levels and the objectives for each level. I liked how each slide had websites you could use to strengthen the skills needed to master each level. Example: Remembering, was the first level in the Bloom's Taxonomy and this slide showed how a student might use the website, or use flashcards to help them remember the information the teacher presented. The Prezi showed the six levels and ways to achieve or master the level presented.
Ann Chapman

Efficient and Effective Feedback in the Online Classroom - 20 views

    A discussion of "disruptive innovations" and how online learning can be used in brick and mortar schools to engage students in richer, more complex learning experience and increase student/teacher interactions.
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    Example of prezi presentation. Also at the top are tabs to learn how to make a prezi presentation and an explore tab showing other prezi presentations and reasons to make one. Good background for anyone to learn more about Prezi.
    RSS aggregator
    Nowadays IPAD is being used in the classrooms for more and more functions. This article introduced APPs offering 5 new software and assistive technology for special needs kids.They have a lot of other options for a child's particular needs. I am sure IPAD(APPLE) will keep their great contribution in the education in the future.
    "We believe the more connected students are with their peers and instructors, the more likely they are to enjoy the overall experience and successfully complete their course. Decades of research from scholars such as Lev Vygotsky and Gabriel Tarde indicate that by making groups more interactive and social, student learning experiences can become more productive and fun. We are working hard to evolve the online learning process from markedly remote to highly collaborative." Original article site:
    Online homework is beneficial to students. They get feedback promptly, even more promptly than that provided by very conscientious instructors. Online homework can also be designed so that it allows students to work on areas that frequently cause trouble and/or on areas where the individual student is having difficulty. Original Article site:
    This brief article points out that many new online teachers focus on two of the three critical elements identified by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000) that support instruction and learning: cognitive presence and teaching presence. The third, social presence, might be overlooked. The article's author, Dr. Oliver Dreon, offers five ways to build social presence in an online class, many of which are familiar to the VHS community.
    While this article is about 'flipping' in general, it also describes a team-based learning approach to flipping. The author used this approach at the university level by grouping students into heterogeneous and permanent teams of six or seven. The students then used the author's templates to explore course material.
    This article fully explains implementation of blogging in a classroom. The teacher explains: expectations; use of blog posts for classroom discussions, and decorum. She highlights that student blogging enables her to bring to the classroom, without pinpointing a particular student: "insightful responses, inaccurate interpretations, good questions, and lively exchanges". Excellent Information!
    This is actually one of the most useful blog things I've seen. It's a solid reminder that teaching an online course is not a checkout for the teacher. Students really want constant feedback - because many things are not verbally explained and the students have to break them down into steps for themselves, it can be overwhelming. They want to know "Am I doing this right? Is this what you're looking for?" so constant feedback and grading reinforcement in more necessary online than in f2f.
    This blog really hits home with me. I do get overwhelmed at all the different places I have to navigate to get my work done, so it is important, as the article stated to have an easy-to-access-course - design. Trying to tab to resources , clicking on links, then opening up different websites. I love the videos, which help me, because I am a visual learner. As stated in the article, it is difficult for the teachers to be present all the answer questions, but if students and teachers work together the class can work out. Some students take longer to master a new process than other, so good communication is the key here.
    The article explains the importance of Problem-Based Learning in Education. It is crucial to create lessons that incorporate interesting, safe and useful activities.
    I read this and thought how true it is that giving feedback to students taking an online course...or working on a website etc. is as important as feedback we give on essay writing, reading, speaking and listening. Feedback is a key communication tool for students to know where they stand. As is any feedback - provided it is constructive.
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