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randy woodis

20 Great youtube features and tricks you need to know - 0 views

    From ways to find the best youtube videos for the classroom to tricks to make youtube videos more appropriate to use in the classroom.
Thomas Fischer

StoryTube: A great Idea - 2 views

    This article introduces a contest which promotes reading and media skills that began in 2008. It is sponsored by major publishers such as Simon and Schuster and Scholastic and 5 regional libraries, The contest is for students in grades 1-6. The students need to create a storytube on a book they have read. It is important to point out that teachers are not replacing a written report or are using this to enhance the report. I reviewed some of the winners and it is so great to see kids excited about what they read and using technology so easily. With students creating video media at such an early age and being so comfortable doing it only leads me to believe that when these students reach high school the work that they will create will be fantastic.
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    What a fun way to talk about and share enthusiasm about books. Another good idea is booktrailers. Many of those can be found on Youtube as well.
    In this article, the author promotes a new contest for students, which combines reading and YouTube. I find this idea interesting as it connects to the new literacies that are being introduced in education. Jason Ohler discusses these literacies extensively on his webpage. I feel it is important to provide students with the tools to critically engage with all types of texts. In their lives, students are constantly engaging with video. This contest allows students to synthesize this awareness with creating video stories.
    This article originally appeared in SLJ’s Extra Helping. Sign up now! By Jennifer Pinkowski -- School Library Journal, 07/09/2008 Funny accents, strange wigs, and spoiler-free plot summaries are the common elements in the winning videos made by contestants in StoryTubes, a new contest for kids that promotes reading-and new media skills-by capitalizing on the popularity of YouTube.
    This link explains how libraries are using the power and popularity of YouTube to promote learning, literacy, creativity and technology. StoryTube is a great project idea that uses the power of the contest as a wonderful motivator.
Julie Davis

What is Media Literacy? - YouTube - 2 views

    Great intro video clip to explain media literacy.  Covers lots of info and concerns.  The idea of "digital citizenship" and the believe that this must be taught at an early age.
Griffin Loynes

TED-Ed: Flipped Teaching and high order thinking skilss - 2 views

    I found a link from the Newstand that connected me to an article from, which discusses a new educational program from the people at TED talks. The program allows teachers to turn any YouTube video, including TED talks into a lesson. The article aligned this new tool with the phenomenon of flipping classrooms. To flip a classroom means to prepare a lesson that students can complete at home. The pedagogical foundation of flipped classes is connected to project-based learning. The proponents of this approach believe if students can cover lessons at home, then classroom time could be used for collaborative student projects. The new TED-Ed program allows for teachers to create a unique URL, where student can access the video as well as a series of questions. The types of questions vary from multiple choices, to short answer, to more high order thinking questions. These HOT questions expand the ideas from the video into high order thinking akin to Bloom's Taxonomy. The TED-Ed team is also producing their own educational videos, which are a collaboration between educators and animators. At this point there aren't many of the TED-Ed videos produced, but the ones I explored are quite interesting. The article has links to TED-Ed. I am not the biggest proponent of flipped teaching, but I am intrigued by TED's involvement.
Neal Sonnenberg

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship - Google in Education - 6 views

    Google just recently released 10 classroom-ready lesson plans that teach students how to be responsible digital citizens and to protect themselves online. Lessons include information on media literacy and privacy.
Vicki Shulman

How Districts Create Community Connections with Social Media -- THE Journal - 1 views

    This article looks at online communication from a district's point of view. Using tools such as websites, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, online surveys, YouTube, and Pinterest, school districts are getting information out to a variety of constituents, not just parents and students. They are building a connection to the community.
Julie Davis

What Does it Mean to be Literate in the 21st Century? (short version 8 min) - YouTube - 1 views

    What is the role of the teacher in the 21st century regarding literacy in the 21st century??
Shirleyph Chan

How to Use New-Media Tools in Your Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

    Check out these seven video tips, made by Edutopia bloggers and contributors, on using technology in your classroom. Watch teachers, an administrator and consultant talk about real applications of media tools for students. Content for this project is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License.
    In these 7 brief video clips, educators share how they use specific technology and social-media tools in classrooms, including Twitter,Facebook, Wikis, Digital Cameras, YouTube, Wii and GPS devices.
Miss OConnor

YouTube - Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education - 2 views

    Discussing how the videos used by The Khan Academy have allowed teachers to "flip" their classroom, providing more time for teacher/student interaction and allowing students to learn concepts at their own pace.
brian williams

Adding Video Elements to Your Online Classroom - 1 views

    Getting your Jing on!! The ability to enhance online courses with simple video elements helps students to complete assignments, readings, and discussions, and it motivates them to check into their classes more often which in turn helps instructors retain their students. The students will how to create a simple video, compress it, and access code to embed the file into a course management system or even upload it to a website, blog or YouTube. No expensive equipment or software is required, there is little to no cost, and the process is fairly quick and straightforward.
Jason Finley

YouTube - Pecha Kucha Training Bite - 0 views

    Training video on how to create a Pecha Kucha presentation.

3 Minute Teaching With Technology Tutorials - 3 views

    Check out these great, brief videos that offer quick introductions to getting started with numerous different tech tools and resources for teaching and learning. Be sure to share these great resources with your friends and colleagues! To access all of these videos directly in YouTube, just click on this YouTube Playlist.
Linda Williams

Team Teaching: Two Teachers, Three Subjects, One Project - 0 views

    Two teachers collaborating together with Biology, art and technology to create a video on DNA.
    For any teacher that wants to experience what cross disciplinary, project based teaching and learning can be, I recommend the short video, " Team Teaching: Two Teachers, Three subjects, One Project The video explores the opportunities that exist when a traditional physiology topic, blood, is integrated with multimedia. The results are motivating. The viewer experiences art and science coming together under the umbrella of one topic. The team teaching approach is aided by the fact that teachers begin their day an hour before students in order to meet and coordinate the team approach. Students engage in research as they work toward creating multimedia presentations that are placed on display at a local art gallery in order to promote blood donation. This project based approach allows students to share their works with a large audience while creating a community connection with the local blood bank as well as the local art gallery. The teachers guide students through the project and become a resource, rather than only a "holder of knowledge". Students are given real world deadlines and are held accountable by their teachers through online digital portfolios. The exciting part of this project, for teachers interested in attempting this approach to learning, is the opportunity it provides for the teacher to grow outside of their normal curriculum.
Linda Williams

Digital Devices Invade Campus, and Networks Feel the Strain - 0 views

    Because today's students use so many digital devices that use up bandwidth that colleges have had to block students from using online services like Naptser, Netflix and Youtube during severe storms when students are forced to stay indoors for days at a time.
Sloan Rielly

Digital Storytelling: A Tool for Teaching and Learning in the YouTube Generation - Midd... - 0 views

    This articles talks about our current college graduates being "digital natives,"  teaching digital natives, and how the use of  technology must be tied to subject matter, and  pedagogy.  
Blake Siskavich

Move Over Harvard And MIT, Stanford Has The Real "Revolution In Education" - 2 views

    This article views a bold move by two Standford professors, ditching lectures and webcam lectures for hands on learning in the classroom. They do rely on technology to flip their classroom. Here is a quote "in an era with a perfect video-delivery platform - one that serves up billions of YouTube views and millions of TED Talks on such things as technology, entertainment, and design - why would anyone waste precious class time on a lecture?,"
S Worrell

Screenr | Instant screencasts: Just click record - 3 views

shared by S Worrell on 22 May 12 - Cached
    Another web-based screencast option.
    Another one? Wonder if it makes sense publishing to start-ups. They might be gone tomorrow, so will your work. Great that there is a YouTube option.
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