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Jennifer Weeks

Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process? | MindShift - 1 views

    • Jennifer Weeks
      This statement is consistent with my own educational experience. I was in the immersion French program as a child in Ontario and half of my day was in French and half of my day was in English. I honestly feel like I spent 6 years of my life from grade 2 to grade 8 copying verb charts and doing worksheets. Clearly, it has paid off as I am a French teacher and I have an excellent vocabulary and understanding of verb conjugations and tenses. 
  • John Kounios, Professor of Psychology at Drexel University and co-author of upcoming book Insight: Aha Moments, Creativity, and the Brain, the connection between creativity and automaticity is complicated.
  • mastered something
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  • thinking about it often becomes locked in and it’s difficult for them to break out of this mental straightjacket.”
  • repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process.”
  • This would be the same as memorizing the rules of basketball and shooting endless free throws without ever learning to play the game.”
    • Jennifer Weeks
      This is the trouble with foreign language instruction sometimes. We don't let students apply what they learn at a fast enough rate to keep them interested. 
  • Focused practice, Lemov has found in his research training teachers, actually automates a process in one’s body, which then becomes fertile ground for creative breakthroughs and individual variations.
    • Jennifer Weeks
      This article talks about the interplay between rote practice/memorization and creativity. It also cites a number of books that are helpful in understanding the nuances of the topic and arguments for and against rote learning. 
  • Can Repetitive Exercises Actually Feed the Creative Process?
    "Kurt Wootton, co-author of A Reason to Read. "In my view, the repetition must not come before allowing students to participate in the creative tasks, but rather repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process."" I find this statement to "hit the nail on the head" as the debate between rote memory and creative "aha" moments continue. The analogy of the musician practicing for hours playing scales as well as note for note renditions of other's work is appropriate to this discussion. The book, "Outliers",by Malcolm Gladwell, addresses the 10,000 hour rule. To paraphrase; To become world class at anything, it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice. The author's examples range from Bill Gates to The Beatles. When two sides are set up as an US vs THEM debate, it misses the oppoprtunity to combine perfect practice with creative inspiration. Putting together a perfect meal is based on proper choices of various food combinations. Putting together a perfect learning environment is very similar in that a combination of repetitive learning and creative opportunity helps the learning as well as creative process.
    "Kurt Wootton, co-author of A Reason to Read. "In my view, the repetition must not come before allowing students to participate in the creative tasks, but rather repeated practice walks side-by-side with the creative process."" I find this statement to "hit the nail on the head" as the debate between rote memory and creative "aha" moments continue. The analogy of the musician practicing for hours playing scales as well as note for note renditions of other's work is appropriate to this discussion. The book, "Outliers",by Malcolm Gladwell, addresses the 10,000 hour rule. To paraphrase; To become world class at anything, it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice. The author's examples range from Bill Gates to The Beatles. When two sides are set up as an US vs THEM debate, it misses the oppoprtunity to combine perfect practice with creative inspiration. Putting together a perfect meal is based on proper choices of various food combinations. Putting together a perfect learning environment is very similar in that a combination of repetitive learning and creative opportunity helps the learning as well as creative process.
Shelly Landry

Creativity on the Run: 18 Apps that Support the Creative Process | Edutopia - 3 views

    'We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice.' This opening sentence is intriguing yet inspiring to me. As said in the title, this article introduces 18 apps to support students developing creativity at different thinking stages. The writer also suggests some practical strategies which could be incorporated in our daily teaching practice. Nevertheless, what strikes me more is the reminder that we, as a class, school, or community, need to build a culture of trust in the first place to cultivate culture of creativity and innovation.
    What a great article about creativity.  What I loved is that the article states that schools do not need to teach creativity.  Schools need to foster it by providing students a safe place to take risks and providing them tools that make that risk taking possible.  Creativity is about finding solutions to problems using one's own ideas and thinking skills.  Students can do this when given the power and opportunities to do so.
    Like Chris, the opening to this post caught my eye. "We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice." Ms. Darrow's article captures the importance of creating a school that values it's students, encourages them to take some risks, and lets them practice these skills with abandon. With support and coaching from teachers, students can work through the steps outlined in this article using technology to streamline the process, help them develop real life/career skills, and appeal to their interest in digital media. I like how Darrow labels this process; there are clear steps to increase understanding. Collaboration or group work can use this format as well, group members' jobs are easily created with the resulting structure. It also creates natural places to scaffold the process for individualizing learning in a classroom full of all kinds of learners. Each activity we do in a class may not need all these steps and some may need more, but I plan to keep this article in mind as I tweak my courses this summer.
Colleen Gianino

Creative Suite 6 Ships; Creative Cloud Coming May 11 -- THE Journal - 2 views

    This is a brief article describing the Adobe Creative Suite update to 6.0. Aside from listing the latest updates, he most interesting part of this article is that Adobe is introducing the Creative Cloud. If you follow the link about the cloud it unveils a whole knew way of creative possibilities. The Creative Cloud is something I want to look into for our classroom. I am wondering if it is an alternative to purchasing hefty licenses every year.
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    This is good news!
    I have a hard time imagining the powerful suite of Adobe apps working well in the cloud. For this cloud service to work, I would imagine one needing a seriously fast and reliable Internet connection. None the less, I am really excited to see if this lives up to the promises. Thanks for sharing.
    I use Photoshop all the time at my school. I'm looking forward to what CS6 has to offer. Want to research more on The Creative Cloud. So far what I know, I like.
ruby xu

Do Standards Kill Creativity? | Edutopia - 2 views

    The article argues that standards can create conditions for creativity and creativity does not equal freedom from all constraints. So what kills creativity?
S Worrell

The Creativity Crisis - The Daily Beast - 6 views

  • Creativity isn’t about freedom from concrete facts. Rather, fact-finding and deep research are vital stages in the creative process.
  • The lore of pop psychology is that creativity occurs on the right side of the brain
    Old article, but you haven't read it, it's quite interesting.
    Back in 1958, Ted Schwarzrock was an 8-year-old third grader when he became one of the "Torrance kids," a group of nearly 400 Minneapolis children who completed a series of creativity tasks newly designed by professor E. Paul Torrance.
    This really is eye-opening and makes me want to do whatever I can to nurture creativity in my classroom.

Part 2… Creativity In The Digital Classroom… Web 2.0 Tools… Are They In Your ... - 4 views

    The author points out the importance of bringing creativity into the classroom and into the curriculum to help engage the learner. The author recommends several Web 2.0 applications that can be used at any school which include Glogster, Storybird, Animoto, and Voki to name a few.
    This article was great! It was to the point and explained the importance of creativity in the classroom. The integration of that creativity helps students become producers of their own curriculum and makes them responsible for their own education. The article lists useful tools to bring that creativity alive.
Ali LP

elearn Magazine: Using Digital Storytelling for Creative and Innovative e-Learning - 2 views

    "Creativity and innovation are the keys to continued advancement in business as well as education (Sharda, 2010)."  In this article, Sharda discusses how e-learning systems based on digital storytelling can enhance creativity and innovation.
Maureen Sweeney

4Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking and Creativity - eLearning Blog Do... - 8 views

    I found this video on Twitter tonight thanks to David Walker (@drdjwalker) who re-tweeted the video from The Partnership of 21st Century Skills. The video is called "Above and Beyond: the story of the 4Cs". Enjoy "In an increasingly complex, demanding and competitive 21st century, students need to learn more than the 3R's they are tested on in school. Although the 3R's are the foundation of learning (most especially reading), students must be prepared to Think Creatively and have Intellectual Curiosity in order to excel in the 21st century.
    Oh, what fun! This video is a great tool to share with students. It's simplicity is a delight. The notion is that we all have different talents and skills we can bring to collaborative projects. We need to encourage students to take the time to share their creative ideas together; plan, explore, negotiate, compromise and problem solve together. My fifth and sixth graders will enjoy this video.
    This video is fun, interesting and great for students to see. It stresses the collaborative nature of projects and how much more we can do together rather than alone. It reminds me of Odyssey of the Mind type projects, and I will definitely show this to my Advisory. I think they will find it interesting and funny, but more than that it can jump start a discussion about the creative power of collaboration. It also makes me think that it will demonstrate to students that diversity of ideas is powerful.
Susanne Gibbs

The Creativity Crisis - 1 views

    This focus of this article is the Torrence Test which measure a persons creativity level. Scores show creativity levels in US students declining, most likely do to the lack of creative development in the schools and at home.
craig reynolds

Adobe gets creative: Touch Apps and the Creative Cloud | ZDNet - 0 views

    This entry highlights the way, Adobe, the power-maker in the area of professional design and graphics, is making access affordable to the 'touch technology' generation. It is providing Android based (and soon to be OS) tablet type apps available for as little as $10. The article highlights a few of the apps that would be accessible and appropriate students as young as 6th grade to learn to use. This brings professional type graphics power and creativity within reach of School children...something very dear to my heart!

Practice writing in the classroom with Carnigie's MyStory Maker - 2 views

    My Carnigie's story maker is an excellent tool that can be used for teaching creative writing to your students. With this tool, students will be able to create a story in minutes, with animation if desired, and then share their story with somebody else or even create a print out.  My Carnigie Story Maker is extremely user friendly and students can get started within minutes and won't need much training to do so.  Students will be able to get their creative juices flowing as they practice their English Language skills and if you happen to be a Foreign Language teacher, this site would be great for your students as well.
Pam Foster

Creativity and the Joy of Learning (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 3 views

    And because of my lifelong interest in creativity, I was thrilled to read the "Creativity and the Joy of Learning" article and reflect a bit on what I've learned and have yet to learn. .... as Jim Groom says "to practice my creativity habit" and to actually learn ... for credit or simply for the joy of learning and creating.
ruby xu

Creative Thinking - Unwrapping the Gifted - Education Week Teacher - 1 views

    The author exemplify the activities that can be used in classroom to encourage students' creative thinking.
Matthew Laurence

Yes, You Can Teach and Assess Creativity! | Edutopia - 3 views

    This article by Andrew Miller builds upon the initial posting by Grant Wiggins on assessing creativity. It provides suggestions on quality indicators, modeling thinking skills, reflective processes, and a few rubric examples with some very good descriptors.
Jasmane Frans

Video on the 4 C's - 1 views

    A simple video to demonstrate communication, communication, collaboration, critical-thinking and creativity.
Colleen Gianino

The Educator's Village: Creative Commons for Classroom Lessons | Edutopia - 1 views

    This article is an intersting take on how two teachers at Burlington High School in MA are on a mission to integrate technology into the curriculum. It's not directly related to creativity, however, I feel that these two teachers are taking a very creative approach in how they want their students to learn.
craig reynolds

Web 2.0, Constructivism, and Creativity : The Moss-Free Stone - 2 views

    This website page has many Web2.0 based apps and some interesting thinking on creativity and innovation in harmony with constructivist teaching methodologies. 'The teacher takes on the role of a facilitator, guide, and co-learner as much as is possible. Learning is driven by students, and it is immersive, flexible, and responsive to student needs and goals. Constructivists value creativity, through writing, designing applications, and making works of art.' Randy Roberts
Scott Cameron

Technology and Education | Box of Tricks - 1 views

    This article showcases a great new tool which will can be used as a creative way to teach, share, and create information. Jux allows students to briefly outline an idea or theme, connect those words with pictures, and display the words concurrently with a slideshow, photos, videos etc.It allows students the creative latitude to design their own presentation and also match up concepts with an audio and visual system.
EdTechReview Community

How Can Technology Enhance Student Creativity? - 0 views

    Here's how various technological tools help enhance student creativity.
Serge Labrecque

Flip Video Cameras in the Classroom - 4 views

    Cindy, the instructional technologist from a school in Northeastern North Carolina sees administrators using the flip camera in creative ways all the time. One principal takes her flip camera on her daily walk-through through her school. When she sees great interaction between students, unique teaching methods, or an overall great experience in a classroom she pulls out her handy camera and records the experience. Then, during faculty meetings and staff development she shares her videos with the staff as great examples of what is and should contiunue to happen in her school.
    This article presents many ways Flip Cams can be used in the classroom. Students and teachers can be very creative using Flip Cams. Suggestions included students sharing their world, digital story telling and others. Creativity can be enhanced Flip Cams.
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