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Nigel Robertson

Court Declares Newspaper Excerpt on Online Forum is a Non-Infringing Fair Use | Electro... - 1 views

    "Late Friday, the federal district court in Nevada issued a declaratory judgment that makes is harder for copyright holders to file lawsuits over excerpts of material and burden online forums and their users with nuisance lawsuits." The judgment - part of the nuisance lawsuit avalanche started by copyright troll Righthaven - found that Democratic Underground did not infringe the copyright in a Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper article when a user of the online political forum posted a five-sentence excerpt, with a link back to the newspaper's website. 
Derek White

Eduforge: Welcome - 0 views

    Open source community forums for software development for education purposes - New Zealand site
Stephen Harlow

Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW - 2 views

    "SNAPP is a software tool that allows users to visualize the network of interactions resulting from discussion forum posts and replies."
Nigel Robertson

Updated edcast - Forum - 0 views

    Stuff on EdCast which is needed to stream to IceCast servers from Winamp
Stephen Harlow

Relaxing in the Digital Garden: How to Thrive in the 21st Century | HASTAC - 1 views

    "I use a version of the "garden method" in my classes at Duke, requiring each student to make at least two public contributions to knowledge, where they translate something they learned in the class to some online forum where others can make use of their learning and respond to it."
Nigel Robertson

Google Begins Country-Specific Blog Censorship - Slashdot - 0 views

    Slashdot forum on Googles announcement that they will redirect to country specific domains for a blog which has been censored somewhere. So may become if something bloccked here.
Nigel Robertson

Data Mining Exposes Embarrassing Problems For Massive Open Online Courses | MIT Technol... - 0 views

    A report of some MOOC analysis of discussion forums. Sounds like the analysis is flawed from the report here.
Nigel Robertson

The role of critical discussion in ICT PD « hELPC! - 0 views

    "Prestridge identifies three professional learning activities vital for meaningful ICT teacher PD; collegial dialogue;investigation; and reflection. She chooses to investigate the role of collegial dialogue in developing learning communities and enabling pedagogical change. This is intended to inform a model for ICT professional development, using online discussion forums to facilitate discussion."
Tracey Morgan

Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars - 0 views

    Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog. Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums, so why not on any site?
Stephen Harlow

Video Forum: Students Assess Their Professors' Technology Skills - Wired Campus - The C... - 0 views

    Students assess their professors' technology skills (via @catspyjamasnz) #digitalliteracy #yam
Stephen Harlow

The 10 Biggest Myths About Synchronous Online Teaching (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 2 views

    Myth 1 - Online Learning Is Impersonal Myth 2 - Too Much Going On Myth 3 - My Class Is Unique Myth 4 - Blogs Are for Navel Gazing Myth 5 - Discussion Forums Push on Strings Myth 6 - Online Group Projects Are Impossible Myth 7 - Tech Problems Will Derail Teaching Myth 8 - You Cannot Convey Passion Online Myth 9 - Virtual Classroom as a Literal Translation Myth 10 - Faculty Training Is About Technology
Teresa Gibbison

Using Moodle: Good article about one of this forum's favourite topics - 0 views

    Tim Hunt's posted a link to a 'cheating' article within the Quiz forum
Nigel Robertson

Welcome to Think Tech - 0 views

    A new site developed by e-cast which seems to be setting itself as a forum for technology (and education?) debates.
Nigel Robertson

Blueprint for a post-LMS, Part 3 -e-Literate - 0 views

    Includes description of Discourse, a StackOverflow developed discussion forum.
Nigel Robertson

Discourse - 0 views

    Interesting discussion tool, lightweight & simple.
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