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Nigel Robertson

On the Identity Trail - Lessons From the Identity Trail - 0 views

    During the past decade, rapid developments in information and communications technology have transformed key social, commercial, and political realities. Within that same time period, working at something less than Internet speed, much of the academic and policy debate arising from these new and emerging technologies has been fragmented. There have been few examples of interdisciplinary dialogue about the importance and impact of anonymity and privacy in a networked society. Lessons from the Identity Trail: Anonymity, Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society fills that gap, and examines key questions about anonymity, privacy, and identity in an environment that increasingly automates the collection of personal information and relies upon surveillance to promote private and public sector goals.
Nigel Robertson

Informal learning and identity formation in online social networks - 0 views

    "All students today are increasingly expected to develop technological fluency, digital citizenship, and other twenty-first century competencies despite wide variability in the quality of learning opportunities schools provide. Social network sites (SNSs) available via the internet may provide promising contexts for learning to supplement school-based experiences. This qualitative study examines how high school students from low-income families in the USA use the SNS, MySpace, for identity formation and informal learning. The analysis revealed that SNSs used outside of school allowed students to formulate and explore various dimensions of their identity and demonstrate twenty-first century skills; however, students did not perceive a connection between their online activities and learning in classrooms. We discuss how learning with such technologies might be incorporated into the students overall learning ecology to reduce educational inequities and how current institutionalized approaches might shift to accommodate such change."
Nigel Robertson

What is this thing called 'digital identity'? by Inger Mewburn on Prezi - 0 views

    Useful look at identity for research students
Nigel Robertson

Digital storytelling and identity - 0 views

    Good post on the changing role of identity in a digital and social age.
Nigel Robertson

New Media Literacies - 0 views

    "Our Space is a set of curricular materials designed to encourage high school students to reflect on the ethical dimensions of their participation in new media environments. Through role-playing activities and reflective exercises, students are asked to consider the ethical responsibilities of other people, and whether and how they behave ethically themselves online. These issues are raised in relation to five core themes that are highly relevant online: identity, privacy, authorship and ownership, credibility, and participation. For more information, download the Introduction to Our Space [pdf], FAQ [pdf], and Road Map [pdf]. All curricular units and lessons are free and available for download below. The full casebook [pdf - 133MB] can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of the page." Critiqued by @downes for not addressing the issue properly "This is "a set of curricular materials designed to encourage high school students to reflect on the ethical dimensions of their participation in new media environments." The content divides into five major subject areas: participation, identity, privacy, credibility, and authorship and ownership. I'm not sure these are the top five things I would list when thinking of ethical dimensions of new media environments. While it's useful that there is a section on flamers, lurkers and mentors I think there should be something about hate, racism and bulling. And while a section on credibility is a good idea, it should be based on the principles of reason and inference, not outrageously bad definitions like this: "Networking-the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information." And this: "Collective intelligence-evidence that participants in knowledge communities pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal." Wow, those are just wrong. Maybe I need to review this and criticize it more closely."
Nigel Robertson

25 'worst' web passwords - Telegraph - 1 views

    Understand the importance of your digital identity - listing passwords you really shouldn't use!
Nigel Robertson

Life Narratives in Social Media | DMLcentral - 0 views

    The importance of our digital identities and the use of social media.
Nigel Robertson

elearnspace › Blackboard's identity crisis, Desire2Learn's optimism, and Inst... - 0 views

    George on the LMS - and he has to backtrack on Moodle in the comments!
Nigel Robertson

Blackboard's New Platform Strategy | e-Literatee-Literate - 0 views

    Interesting post from the always interesting Michael Feldstein on BB shaving bits of the LMS to run as stand alone services in the cloud. The only core bits of an LMS are the gradebook and identity management...
Nigel Robertson

Blurring the boundaries - New social media, new social science?: Different platforms? D... - 0 views

    "Focusing on the ethical issues that arise in social media research, we looked at issues around understanding digital identities, the ethics of platforms and public and private data. This is the first in a series of posts detailing the discussions we held as part of the breakout session. "
Stephen Harlow

Ti Point Tork » Blog Archive » Libraries: Where It All Went Wrong - 0 views

    "I personally believe that the greatest role you [libraries] play is around the documentary national identity. People come to you to find out about their ancestors, to find out what life was like, to critically evaluate and understand the past."
Nigel Robertson

Teleogistic / Project Reclaim - 1 views

    Reclaim your digital identity - an attempt by a developer to go open source, open control.
Nigel Robertson

Moodle Developments - Giving Moodle courses visual identities - E-learning team blog - 0 views

    Adding images to course names in Moodle
Nigel Robertson

Shimmering Literacies - Bronwyn T. Williams | Thoughts on literacy, pop cultu... - 0 views

    New blog to me on Digital Literacies. Useful Like the 2 way bridge ideas.
Nigel Robertson

Odin Lab's Storefront - - 0 views

    A couple of books on Lulu about digital identity.
Nigel Robertson

ALT_SURF_ILTA_white_paper_2005.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    This paper summarises the results of the Reflective Learning, Future Thinking research seminar jointly held by ALT, SURF and ILTA at Trinity College Dublin. At this seminar 50 leading researchers from three nations came together to share thoughts about the direction of learning technology development. Summary At the heart of all three discussions we still see concerns about status and valorisation of knowledge, disciplines and roles. Repository discussions touch on quality and gate keeping, portfolio discussions touch on the ownership of identity as a learner, while ubiquitous computing and informal learning touches on fundamental questions of access and learner control.
Stephen Bright

Living and Working on the Web - 1 views

    Example of a formal university module aimed at 'digital literacy' for university students. Maybe could be adapted for UoW?
Nigel Robertson

A Rough Guide To Musical Anthropology (paper) - 0 views

    "As the world becomes increasingly more connected to media, the consumption of music as cultural goods rises as well. It is speculative to assume that this proven increase in quantity will make music a more central part of peoples' lives, but it will certainly attract more scientific attention to the behavior and perception transformations associated with it."
Nigel Robertson

BBC News - Hackers outwit online banking identity security systems - 0 views

    Description of Man In Browser (MIB) attacks on banking website access.
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