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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Matti Narkia

Matti Narkia

D-vitamiinista on moneksi - Lääkäriasema Pulssi - 0 views

    "Saantisuositukset liian alhaisia D-vitamiinin mittayksikkönä käytetään mikrogrammaa (µg) ja kansainvälistä yksikköä (KY tai eng. IU). Tämänhetkinen suositus 3-60-vuotiaille on 7,5 mikrogrammaa (300 KY) vuorokaudessa. Aivan pienille lapsille, raskaana oleville ja yli 60-vuotiaille yleiset suositukset ovat hieman korkeammat (10µg eli 400 KY). Uusimpien tutkimusten valossa ne ovat kuitenkin aivan liian alhaiset. Nykyisin tutkijat pitävät täysin turvallisena jopa 50 mikrogramman päiväannosta. Arvioiden mukaan jopa puolet suomalaisista saa D-vitamiinia liian vähän. Matalimmillaan vitamiinitasot ovat tammi-maaliskuussa. Asiantuntijan mukaan D-vitamiinin puutteesta kärsivät erityisesti nuoret tytöt, armeijaikäiset miehet ja vaihdevuosi-ikäiset naiset. Ongelma on yleinen myös vanhuksilla, sillä D-vitamiinitasolla on taipumus laskea ikäännyttäessä. - D-vitamiinin puutos altistaa iäkkäämmät ihmiset muun muassa kaatumisille ja lonkkamurtumille. Alokkailla sen vajaus saattaa ilmetä marssimurtumina, ja kasvuikäisillä tytöillä puute vaikuttaa epäedullisesti luun vahvistumiseen. Raskauden aikainen D-vitamiinin puute on haitallista lapsen luuston kehitykselle, minkä lisäksi se lisää raskausmyrkytyksen riskiä, Lehtonen-Veromaa luettelee."
Matti Narkia

The Vitamin D Research Library is open for your learning pleasure - 2 views

    "Do Your Vitamin D Research Here Links to all the Latest Research Studies Welcome to the Vitamin D Research Library. Here you'll find links to all of the latest Vitamin D Facts and Research studies, clinical trials and other scholarly Vitamin D Facts. The Research Library is Open 24/7 and is always growing. I'll be adding more and more links all of the time. Can't find what you are looking for or just don't want to spend the time doing the research yourself? Chances are, I've already done the Vitamin D Research myself and can answer your question. Read Frequently Asked Questions about Vitamin D OR Ask Your Question About Vitamin D Here and I'll answer your Question about Vitamin D Personally based on the best available Vitamin D Research."
Matti Narkia

Onko D-vitamiini tehokkain flunssalääke? Paljon mahdollista... - Terveesti - 0 views

    "Jo vuonna 1981 Hope-Simpson yritti löytää vuodenajasta riippuvaa tekijää, joka selittäisi influenssan vuosittaisen vaihtelun. Tätä tekijää on siitä lähtien etsitty, mutta vasta nyt on huomattu, että tuo tekijä voisi olla D-vitamiinin puute (Cannell et al 2006). Suuri joukko nimekkäitä tutkijoita on päätynyt tähän tulokseen "Epidemiology and Infection" -lehden joulukuun 2006 numerossa. Influenssa esiintyy säännönmukaisesti talviaikaan kun aurinko pohjoisella pallonpuoliskolla on matalalla. Tropiikissa influenssaa esiintyy puolestaan sadekausina kun ihmiset ovat sisällä. Myös harvemmin eteläisellä pallonpuliskolla toistuvaan El Nino -ilmiöön ja sen mukanaan tuomiin sadekausiin liittyy influenssaepidemian esiintyminen. Seerumista mitattavan 25(OH)D-vitamiinin ja varsinaisen kudosten aktiivisen D-vitamiinin, 1,25(OH)2D:n, pitoisuudet laskevat pohjoisella pallonpuoliskolla talviaikaan ja eteläisellä pallonpuoliskolla sadekausina. Tummaihoisilla 1,25(OH)2D, pitoisuudet ovat pohjoisessa, esimerkiksi Euroopassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa, erityisen matalia, koska heidän ihonsa ei kykene täällä tuottamaan riittävästi D-vitamiinia. Tiedetäänkin että Pohjois-Amerikassa afrikkalaislähtöiset tummaihoiset sairastuvat influenssaan valkoihoisia enemmän ja heidän kuolleisuutensa on suurempi. "
Matti Narkia

Know the Vitamin D facts. Your Health Depends Upon It - 0 views

    "Vitamin D facts are not well known - even though this fat soluble vitamin is essential to our good health. As more and more Vitamin D facts are being discovered in Vitamin D research, this vitamin is being found to be IMPERATIVE to our good health in many different ways."
Matti Narkia

The Vitamin D Research Library is open for your learning pleasure - section 8 - 1 views

    "Do Your Vitamin D Research Here Links to all the Latest Research Studies Welcome to the Vitamin D Research Library. Here you'll find links to all of the latest Vitamin D Facts and Research studies, clinical trials and other scholarly Vitamin D Facts. The Research Library is Open 24/7 and is always growing. I'll be adding more and more links all of the time. Can't find what you are looking for or just don't want to spend the time doing the research yourself? Chances are, I've already done the Vitamin D Research myself and can answer your question."
Matti Narkia

Terveeksi ravinnolla: D-vitamiini saattaa hillitä eturauhassyöpää - 0 views

    "Riittävä D-vitamiinin saanti saattaa parantaa eturauhassyöpää sairastavien ennustetta. Tähän viittaa tuore norjalaistutkimus, johon osallistui 160 eturauhassyöpää sairastavaa miestä. Tulokset julkaistiin British Journal of Cancer -lehdessä. Tulosten perusteella runsaasti tai kohtalaisesti D-vitamiinia saavat kuolivat noin nelivuotisen seurannan aikana selvästi epätodennäköisemmin kuin potilaat, joiden veressä oli vähänlaisesti D-vitamiinia. Vitamiinipitoisuudet oli mitattu ennen tutkimuksen alkamista. D-vitamiiniin liitetty vaikutus oli suurin potilailla, jotka olivat saaneet hormonihoitoja ennen verinäytteiden ottamista"
Matti Narkia

NephroPal: PPARs - 0 views

    "Summer vs Winter Mode: Explaining AMPK Last year I read an article which made a statement that has not left my mind. The statement went as follows: "You are only good as your mitochondria." In fact, the more a dwell into the details of human metabolism, the more I sense that this is true - especially with the metabolic syndrome. For those who are not familiar with the concept of mitochondria, they are the tiny energy factories within the cells that produce cellular energy through aerobic means (meaning oxygen). Mitochondria utilize oxygen to ultimately produce Adenosine Triphosphate or simply ATP. ATP relays energy by donating a phosphate bond resulting in Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP). Another phosphate release would entail Adenosine Monophosphate or AMP. ATP is one of the main sources of cellular energy in the body
Matti Narkia

NephroPal: Vitamin D - The saga goes on... - 0 views

    "Had enough about reading/hearing about Vitamin D? Well, it keeps on coming. And for my lack of surprise, the medical community in general is not catching on like wild fire. I really don't understand it. A recent study from the Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City (click) followed 27,686 patients greater than 50 years of age with no prior history of cardiovascular disease. The Vitamin D levels were checked and classified as such: * normal - greater than 30 ng/ml * low - 15 to 30 * very low - less than 15 The results of the study showed that patients with very low Vitamin D levels in comparison to normal had: * 77% greater risk of death * 45% increased risk of coronary artery disease * 78% increased risk of stroke * twice the risk of developing heart failure"
Matti Narkia

The Bioavailability of Vitamin D from Fortified Cheeses and Supplements Is Equivalent i... - 0 views

    The bioavailability of vitamin D from fortified cheeses and supplements is equivalent in adults. Wagner D, Sidhom G, Whiting SJ, Rousseau D, Vieth R. J Nutr. 2008 Jul;138(7):1365-71. PMID: 18567762 Compared with baseline, serum parathyroid hormone decreased with both fortification (P = 0.003) and supplementation (P = 0.012). These data demonstrate that vitamin D is equally bioavailable from fortified hard cheeses and supplements, making cheese suitable for vitamin D fortification.
Matti Narkia

Bread Fortified with Cholecalciferol Increases the Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrat... - 0 views

    Bread fortified with cholecalciferol increases the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in women as effectively as a cholecalciferol supplement. Natri AM, Salo P, Vikstedt T, Palssa A, Huttunen M, Kärkkäinen MU, Salovaara H, Piironen V, Jakobsen J, Lamberg-Allardt CJ. J Nutr. 2006 Jan;136(1):123-7. PMID: 16365070 Both fortified breads increased serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration as effectively as the cholecalciferol supplement. Supplementation or fortification did not affect serum intact parathyroid hormone concentration or urinary calcium excretion. In conclusion, fortified bread is a safe and feasible way to improve vitamin D nutrition.
Matti Narkia

A randomised comparison of increase in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentratio... - 0 views

    A randomised comparison of increase in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration after 4 weeks of daily oral intake of 10 microg cholecalciferol from multivitamin tablets or fish oil capsules in healthy young adults. Holvik K, Madar AA, Meyer HE, Lofthus CM, Stene LC. Br J Nutr. 2007 Sep;98(3):620-5. Epub 2007 Apr 24. PMID: 17456248 We conclude that fish oil capsules and multivitamin tablets containing 10 microg cholecalciferol administered over a 4-week period produced a similar mean increase in s-25(OH)D concentration.
Matti Narkia

Manninen Nutraceuticals: D-vitamiinitabletti vs. D-vitamiiniöljykapseli - 0 views

    "Kuluttajille on eräillä keskustelufoorumeilla yritelty uskotella, että öljypohjaiset D-vitamiinivalmisteet omaavat paremman biologisen hyväksikäytettävyyden kuin D-vitamiinitabletit, mutta tälle väitteelle ei löydy mitään tukea tieteellisestä kirjallisuudesta. Norjalaistutkimuksessa verrattiin D3-vitamiinia sisältävät multivitamiinitabletin ja D3-vitamiinia sisältävän kalaöljykapselin vaikutuksia seerumin (veren) 25-OH-D-vitamiinipitoisuuteen (S-25(OH)D). Koehenkilöt saivat neljän viikon ajan 10 mikrogrammaa D3-vitamiinia joko tableteista tai öljykapseleista. Tablettiryhmässä S-25(OH)D-pitoisuus nousi keskimäärin 35,8 nmol/l ja kapseliryhmässä 32,3 nmol/l. "We conclude that fish oil capsules and multivitamin tablets containing 10 microg cholecalciferol administered over a 4-week period produced a similar mean increase in s-25(OH)D concentration", päättelivät tutkijat. Vuotta aiemmin julkaistussa suomalaistutkimuksessa havaittiin, että D3-vitamiini imeytyy erilaisista leivistä samalla tehokkuudella kuin D-vitamiinivalmisteesta. Kanadalaistutkijat raportoivat juuston osalta samanlaisia tuloksia. Vuonna 2003 jenkkitutkijat totesivat, että "fat is not required for vitamin D to be bioavailable." Mainittakoon lopuksi, että D3-vitamiinitabletteihin lisätään yleensä D3-vitamiinivalmistetta, jossa on öljy jo valmiina. Ainesosaluetteloissa lukee lähes säännönmukaisesti "D3-vitamiinivalmiste" ja sen jälkeen suluissa pelkkä aktiiviaine eli "kolekalsiferoli" tai "sisältää mm. kolekalsiferolia ja soijaöljyä" tai jotain vastaavaa. Tämä D3-vitamiinivalmiste on sitten ympäröity täyteaineilla, jotka eivät vaikuta D3-vitamiinin imeytymiseen millään tavalla. Tabletti hajoaa hyvin nopeasti maha-suolikanavassa."
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D and calcium insufficiency-related chronic diseases: molecular and cellular pa... - 0 views

    Vitamin D and calcium insufficiency-related chronic diseases: molecular and cellular pathophysiology. Peterlik M, Cross HS. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009 Dec;63(12):1377-86. Epub 2009 Sep 2. PMID: 19724293 doi:10.1038/ejcn.2009.105 A compromised vitamin D status, characterized by low 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-(OH)D) serum levels, and a nutritional calcium deficit are widely encountered in European and North American countries, independent of age or gender. Both conditions are linked to the pathogenesis of many degenerative, malignant, inflammatory and metabolic diseases. Studies on tissue-specific expression and activity of vitamin D metabolizing enzymes, 25-(OH)D-1alpha-hydroxylase and 25-(OH)D-24-hydroxylase, and of the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) have led to the understanding of how, in non-renal tissues and cellular systems, locally produced 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3) and extracellular Ca2+ act jointly as key regulators of cellular proliferation, differentiation and function. Impairment of cooperative signalling from the 1,25-(OH)2D3-activated vitamin D receptor (VDR) and from the CaR in vitamin D and calcium insufficiency causes cellular dysfunction in many organs and biological systems, and, therefore, increases the risk of diseases, particularly of osteoporosis, colorectal and breast cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type I, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type II, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Understanding the underlying molecular and cellular processes provides a rationale for advocating adequate intake of vitamin D and calcium in all populations, thereby preventing many chronic diseases worldwide.
Matti Narkia

Iisalmelaislääkäri kauhistelee suomalaisten vitamiinivajetta | Savo | - 0 views

    "Iisalmelaislääkäri Hannu Vierola on työnsä kautta päätynyt tutkimaan potilaidensa D-vitamiinin määriä. Tulokset ovat olleet hälyttäviä, esimerkiksi 15-vuotiaista tytöistä joka viides on lähestulkoon riisitaudin partaalla. D-vitamiinin vajaus koskee kuitenkin myös kaikkia muita ikäluokkia ja molempia sukupuolia. Kriisiryhmiä ovat nuoret ja vanhukset sekä laktoosi-intoleranssia ja keliakiaa potevat. D-vitamiinin puute aiheuttaa lukuisia puutostiloja. Matala D-vitamiini lisää Vierolan mukaan mm. syöpäriskiä, luun haurastumista, diabetesta, verenpainetautia, MS-tautia ja influenssaa.Vitamiinin lisääminen ruokavalioon vähentää nivel- ja lihassärkyjä, kohentaa lihasvoimaa, mielialaa ja karkoittaa väsymystä. Pelkästään ruokavaliolla D-vitamiinin puutetta ei voi saada tasapainoon, esimerkiksi maitoa tulisi tällöin juoda jopa neljä litraa päivässä. Vierolan mielestä etenkin kouluruokailujen yhteyteen tulisi lisätä D-vitamiinin saantia lisäävä tabletti. "
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D may curb diabetes - Pharmacy News - 0 views

    A New Zealand study has found that South Asian women with insulin resistance improved markedly after taking vitamin D supplements Nutrition researcher Pamela von Hurst of the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Albany, said while diet and exercise played a major part in the onset of type-2 diabetes, her findings reinforced the importance of vitamin D from the sun and supplements to prevent type-2 diabetes. Initial screening of 235 Auckland women from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka aged 20 and older, revealed 47 per cent were insulin deficient and 84 per cent were vitamin D deficient. The 81 recruited for the study were split into two groups for a randomised controlled trial and given a vitamin D supplement or placebo. As well as an improvement in insulin resistance among those who took vitamin D for six months, Ms Von Hurst said post-menopausal women in the study also showed a reduced rate of bone breakdown.
Matti Narkia

On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved - 0 views

    In 1945, Dr. Weston Price described "a new vitamin-like activator" that played an influential role in the utilization of minerals, protection from tooth decay, growth and development, reproduction, protection against heart disease and the function of the brain. Using a chemical test, he determined that this compound-which he called Activator X-occurred in the butterfat, organs and fat of animals consuming rapidly growing green grass, and also in certain sea foods such as fish eggs. Vitamin K2 is produced by animal tissues, including the mammary glands, from vitamin K1, which occurs in rapidly growing green plants. A growing body of published research confirms Dr. Price's discoveries, namely that vitamin K2 is important for the utilization of minerals, protects against tooth decay, supports growth and development, is involved in normal reproduction, protects against calcification of the arteries leading to heart disease, and is a major component of the brain
Matti Narkia - Main - 1 views

  • Grassroots Health and ZRT Labs are working together to help us all make sure we have enough vitamin D. Participate in understanding vitamin D. Visit and join the research project. You'll get your D tested twice a year for five years. The cost is just $40 a test, $80 a year, more than reasonable for accurate D testing, and you'll help provide real answers, for yourself and for us all, about how much D we get and how much we need. Join now. Do commit to the full 5 years if you decide to sign on. If not joining for the full test period please use the testing links below.
Matti Narkia

Low vitamin D serum level is related to severe fibrosis and low responsiveness to IFN-b... - 0 views

    Low vitamin D serum level is related to severe fibrosis and low responsiveness to IFN-based therapy in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C Salvatore Petta et al. Hepatology, Volume 9999 Issue 999A, Page NA. Published Online: 4 Dec 2009 DOI: 10.1002/hep.23489 Conclusions: G1 CHC patients had low 25(OH)D serum levels, possibly due to reduced CYP27A1 expression. Low vitamin D is linked to severe fibrosis and low SVR on IFN-based therapy. (HEPATOLOGY 2010.)
Matti Narkia

Estimation and Fortification of Vitamin D3 in Pasteurized Process Cheese -- Upreti et a... - 0 views

    Estimation and fortification of vitamin D3 in pasteurized process cheese. Upreti P, Mistry VV, Warthesen JJ. J Dairy Sci. 2002 Dec;85(12):3173-81. PMID: 12512590 The objective of this study was to develop methods for the estimation and fortification of vitamin D3 in pasteurized Process cheese. Vitamin D3 was estimated using alkaline saponification at 70°C for 30 min, followed by extraction with petroleum ether:diethyl ether (90:10 vol/vol) and HPLC. The retention time for vitamin D3 was approximately 9 min. A standard curve with a correlation coefficient of 0.972 was prepared for quantification of vitamin D3 in unknown samples. In the second phase of the study, pasteurized Process cheeses fortified with commercial water- or fat-dispersible forms of vitamin D3 at a level of 100 IU per serving (28 g) were manufactured. There was no loss of vitamin D3 during Process cheese manufacture, and the vitamin was uniformly distributed. No losses of the vitamin occurred during storage of the fortified cheeses over a 9-mo period at 21 to 29°C and 4 to 6°C. There was an approximately 25 to 30% loss of the vitamin when cheeses were heated for 5 min in an oven maintained at 232°C. Added vitamin D3 did not impart any off flavors to the Process cheeses as determined by sensory analysis. There were no differences between the water- and fat-dispersible forms of the vitamin in the parameters measured in fortified cheeses
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