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Matti Narkia

25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels in serum at the onset of multiple sclerosis -- Soi... - 0 views

    25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels in serum at the onset of multiple sclerosis. Soilu-Hänninen M, Airas L, Mononen I, Heikkilä A, Viljanen M, Hänninen A. Mult Scler. 2005 Jun;11(3):266-71. PMID: 15957505 DOI: 10.1191/1352458505ms1157oa
Matti Narkia

Use of cod liver oil during the first year of life is associated with lower risk of chi... - 0 views

    Use of cod liver oil during the first year of life is associated with lower risk of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes: a large, population-based, case-control study. Stene LC, Joner G; Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Study Group. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Dec;78(6):1128-34. PMID: 14668274 Conclusion: Cod liver oil may reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes, perhaps through the antiinflammatory effects of long-chain n-3 fatty acids.
Matti Narkia

Are sunlight deprivation and influenza epidemics associated with the onset of acute leu... - 0 views

    Are sunlight deprivation and influenza epidemics associated with the onset of acute leukemia? Timonen T, Näyhä S, Koskela T, Pukkala E. Haematologica. 2007 Nov;92(11):1553-6. PMID: 18024404 doi:10.3324/haematol.10799 Month of diagnosis of 7,423 cases of acute leukemia (AL) in Finland during 1964-2003 were linked with data on influenza and solar radiation. Acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) showed the highest risk in the dark season. During the light season, the incidence decreased by 58% (95% confidence interval, 16-79%) per 1,000 kJ/m2/d increase of solar radiation. Independent of solar radiation, AML increased by 9% (95% confidence interval, 0-19%) during influenza epidemics. Reoccurring at the same time annually, darkness-related vitamin D deficiency and influenza could cause successive and co-operative mutations leading to AL with a short latency.
Matti Narkia

Darkness linked to dementia by Plymouth researchers - 0 views

    PLYMOUTH medical researchers have discovered a link between lack of the 'sunshine vitamin' and the onset of dementia.\n\nTeams from the city's Peninsula Medical School and the universities of Cambridge and Michigan have for the first time found a relationship between lower Vitamin D levels and cognitive impairment in older people.\n\nThe results of their large-scale study are to be published in the Journal of Geriatric Psychology and Neurology.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D deficiency is the cause of common obesity - 0 views

    Vitamin D deficiency is the cause of common obesity. Foss YJ. Med Hypotheses. 2009 Mar;72(3):314-21. Epub 2008 Dec 2. PMID: 19054627 doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2008.10.005 Common obesity and the metabolic syndrome may therefore result from an anomalous adaptive winter response. The stimulus for the winter response is proposed to be a fall in vitamin D. The synthesis of vitamin D is dependent upon the absorption of radiation in the ultraviolet-B range of sunlight. At ground level at mid-latitudes, UV-B radiation falls in the autumn and becomes negligible in winter. It has previously been proposed that vitamin D evolved in primitive organisms as a UV-B sensitive photoreceptor with the function of signaling changes in sunlight intensity. It is here proposed that a fall in vitamin D in the form of circulating calcidiol is the stimulus for the winter response, which consists of an accumulation of fat mass (obesity) and the induction of a winter metabolism (the metabolic syndrome). Vitamin D deficiency can account for the secular trends in the prevalence of obesity and for individual differences in its onset and severity. It may be possible to reverse the increasing prevalence of obesity by improving vitamin D status.
Matti Narkia

Weight-gain: the Fall and Vitamin D Conspiracy: Why We Eat More in Autumn and Winter an... - 0 views

    "The major factor which stimulates weight gain in winter months is vitamin D. Human bodies get vitamin D from sunlight; as the hours of sunlight become less with the onset of fall, so our levels of vitamin D decrease. Low levels of vitamin D affect the brain's production of the hormone leptin. Leptin plays a vital role in controlling appetite and metabolism; so as the amount of vitamin D in our bodies decreases so does the leptin, and this causes an increase in our appetite and a change in our metabolism. Researchers at Aberdeen University found that obese people had 10% less vitamin D than people of average weight. The study also found that excess body fat absorbed vitamin D so the body couldn't use it. Scientists now believe that there is a direct correlation between obesity and low levels of vitamin D.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D may curb diabetes - Pharmacy News - 0 views

    A New Zealand study has found that South Asian women with insulin resistance improved markedly after taking vitamin D supplements Nutrition researcher Pamela von Hurst of the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Albany, said while diet and exercise played a major part in the onset of type-2 diabetes, her findings reinforced the importance of vitamin D from the sun and supplements to prevent type-2 diabetes. Initial screening of 235 Auckland women from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka aged 20 and older, revealed 47 per cent were insulin deficient and 84 per cent were vitamin D deficient. The 81 recruited for the study were split into two groups for a randomised controlled trial and given a vitamin D supplement or placebo. As well as an improvement in insulin resistance among those who took vitamin D for six months, Ms Von Hurst said post-menopausal women in the study also showed a reduced rate of bone breakdown.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin-D supplements benefit diabetic Indian women - 0 views

    "Women from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka with insulin resistance showed marked improvement after taking vitamin D supplements, says a study. Von Hurst, nutrition lecturer at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Albany, conducted the study for her doctoral thesis. Insulin resistance is largely symptom-free and sufferers are unaware of their condition. 'Once it has fully developed into type-2 diabetes, it can be treated, but not cured,' says Von Hurst. Von Hurst says that while diet and exercise play a major part in the onset of type-2 diabetes, her findings reinforce the importance of vitamin D from the sun and supplements to prevent type-2 diabetes. She also found evidence of vitamin D increasing bone strength in older women. "
Matti Narkia

DIRECT-MS - 0 views

    "In 1995 my son received the devastating diagnosis of MS. Having been a research scientist for 30 years, I decided to plunge into the scientific literature for MS to determine the most likely factors which cause MS and to use this information to develop an effective therapy for my son. Notably, many people are having great success in halting or greatly slowing MS with nutritional strategies; many Testimonials are available. I am most pleased to report that my son remains in excellent health with no MS symptoms. I discovered abundant scientific evidence that indicates that various nutritional factors potentially play major roles in the onset and progression of MS. Strangely, this information was not being made available to persons with MS by doctors nor by established MS charities."
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