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ocean wu

Why the Future of Home Page Design is "Funnel Marketing" - 0 views

  • I want to ask you a question that is the driving point to this entire article: As a consumer, when you land on the home page of a website, what do you want to achieve? In other words, what’s your immediate goal? Really, think about this question for a second before continuing. What is it that makes a great home page vs. one that frustrates you and leaves you wanting? Although many answers could be given to this question, I submit we all share one central desire: To find what we’re looking for IMMEDIATELY…without having to think too hard to get it. It used to be, and still is for many companies, that a website’s home page was loaded with text—stuffed with every keyword possible and enough messaging to practically write a book. In fact, as I’ve worked with dozens of clients over this past year with their web marketing strategies, one of the most common problems is cluttered and confusing home page design. But in 2012 and beyond, the principle of “Less is More” has never been stronger when it comes to effective web design and lead generation as “funnel marketing” (as I like to call it) appears to be the choice for many of the industry’s leading conversion authorities. Let’s look at a few examples of companies doing it right:
  • Copyblogger: With 4 distinct funnels, Copyblogger is the ultimate example of simplicity combined with efficacy. Always known for their incredible focus on design and conversions, Copyblogger’s most recent home page design manages to perfectly allow the viewer to quickly and easily choose a funnel based on their needs. Although not shown in this image, the rest of their home page continues this theme with a strong newsletter opt-in and then their latest blog article.
  • Convince and Convert: With 3 prevalent funnels showing, viewers can easily land on Jay Baer's site and find what they're looking for, or simply opt-in to his newsletter as well. I’m a huge fan of what Jay Baer recently did with his website’s homepage, as it in many ways is the ultimate “How to” example of setting up a site built to convert traffic into leads but also allow viewers to quickly find what they’re looking for. Because Jay’s two main business are speaking and consulting, they show prevalently at the top but there is also a strong call-to-action with his newsletter opt-in box at the bottom right.
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  • River Pools and Spas Going from left to right, the 4 funnels take the prospect further and further down the buying funnel of a fiberglass swimming pool. Over the years, I’ve experimented again and again and again with my swimming pool company’s homepage, but as far as increased lead conversions go, my current design has proven very effective. In fact, if you look at the four main funnels, going from left to right, you can see each addresses a “stage” in which a consumer may currently find him or herself in the buying process. For example, if you’re just getting started with researching pools, you’re going to visit “Inground Pool 101.” If you’re starting to get more serious with your research but you’re still not ready to meet with someone, you’ll likely download an eBook or order our DVD. And finally, when you’ve researched enough of our products and you feel you’re ready to take things to the next level, you’ll call us for a quote. As you truly understand your buying personas as an organization, the process of knowing what funnels to offer web viewers will get easier and easier.
  • HubSpot With 3 main funnels and a touch of social proof, HubSpot shows why their database grows by the hundreds every day. Similar to Copyblogger, HubSpot demonstrates the “less is more” technique clearly on their homepage with 3 main call-to-action funnels– (A free eBook, a free webinar, or a free trial)– all of which are set up to get prospects into a buying funnel and commence one of HubSpot’s now practically famous lead-nurturing campaigns.
  • SEOmoz 4 funnels and a little social proof help SEOmoz lead their visitors perfectly down whichever funnel they choose. It’s no surprise the leading search engine optimization site on the web is also one of the leading lead-optimization sites as well. Similar in scope to the HubSpot design, SEOmoz quickly gives viewers the ability to start a free trial of their impressive software as well as learn the 3 main components of what makes the software so effective with the bottom call-to-action funnels.
  • KISS We’ve all heard the model of KISS, or Keep It Simple Stupid, but never has the phrase been more prevalent when it comes to effective home page design to generate leads, traffic, and sales. In essence, if you’re looking to enhance your company’s homepage to make things easier to navigate and also increase leads, here are some tips for review: Don’t go nuts on the amount of text. People don’t want to invest in heavy reading until they dig further into your website. Make your services pop, preferably with visible images, buttons, and calls-to-action. A little social proof is a good thing. An opt-in box where the prospect can easily subscribe to further articles/information (see Jay Baer or Copyblogger) from your company should be prominent. Your Turn: A couple of quick questions folks. Have you noticed this trend of more simple home pages combined with less text and more prevalent marketing funnels? Also, how would you describe your company’s current home page design and where do you feel it’s falling short? What have you done that has proven effective? Jump in folks, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
  • Why the Future of Home Page Design is “Funnel Marketing”
ocean wu

GTD"Getting Things Done"资源汇总 - 0 views

  • GTD综述和介绍: 什么是"GTD" GTD中的关键词 为什么GTD这么受欢迎? 你为什么需要GTD? 5分钟向你介绍什么是GTD 开始GTD时你需要知道什么 GTD初学者须知五条 几个中文GTD在线网站 学习GTD后的十个改变 6个步骤Getting Things Done 一百步掌握GTD GTD知识深入: GTD:5条你需要明白的道理 GTD中容易遇见的错误(第一部分) GTD中容易遇见的错误(第二部分) GTD:收集的技巧 收件箱管理——清空你的收件箱 为什么下一步行动这么重要? 设置每天最重要的任务 同强动力的任务改善你的工作效率 放置大石头的艺术:让你的效率翻倍 如何建立有强行动性的任务清单 为什么你的任务清单如此糟糕 GTD:怎样不完成所有的任务 GTD:培养每周回顾的好习惯 每周回顾:GTD和实现目标的关键 如何在一小时内完成每周回顾 简化David Allen复杂的GTD配置 GTD资源下载: Getting Things Done中文版下载《尽管去做——无压工作的艺术》 Getting Things Done FAST - Workbook 中文版下载 GTD相关有声资料整理收集 GTD FAST配套音频下载 《褪墨优秀文章选摘第一期》下载 GTD工具介绍(软件): ThinkingRock:最好的GTD软件 - 综合介绍 ThinkingRock:最好的GTD软件2 - 使用说明 ThinkingRock推出新版本——支持中文 ThinkingRock Hacks:调整字体大小 ThinkingRock Hacks:让Report输出中文 Thinkingrock Hacks:设置周期性任务 GTD移动工具(PDA): MyLife Organized不完全应用手册(上) MyLife Organized不完全应用手册(中) MyLife Organized不完全应用手册(下) Pocket Informant不完全应用手册(上) Pocket Informant不完全应用手册(下) 非电子类GTD工具: 理想的笔记本:Moleskine Moleskine的GTD应用 漂亮简单的纸质管理工具:Hipster PDA GTD应用延伸: 学生版GTD:如何成为一个A学生(上) 学生版GTD:如何成为一个A学生(下) 博客版GTD:无压博客的艺术 运用GTD来整理衣柜 时间管理实践总结(软件应用篇) 时间管理实践总结(硬件工具篇) 简单做(ZTD)系列: 更简单,更具行动力的终极高效系统:Zen To Done(简易做) 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养1——收集 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养2——处理 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养3——计划 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养4——执行 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养5——信任的系统 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养6——管理 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养7——回顾 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养8——简化 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养9——常规 简单做(ZTD)习惯培养10——激情 如何培养简单做(ZTD)中的十个好习惯 简单做(ZTD)的十个好习惯总结
    时间管理 GTD的基本理论是把一个人所要要完成的任务和事件全部从大脑中移出来,记录到纸上。这样,大脑便会不被多余的事情打搅而集中于现在所需完成的事情上面。 GTD的创始人:David Allen,提倡建立一个详细的to-do列表,比如说:列出要打的电话,去市区要完成的任务。他还提出一个"二分钟法则":如果任何一件可以在二分钟内完成的事情,那么就必须得现在马上完成。
ocean wu

to B 企业运营之道 - 0 views

  • To C市场,用户不一定理性,理念、设计等很多原因会打动用户,价格战也有用,所以某种应用有可能快速崛起;但to B不一样,客户是公司,一考虑预算,二考虑技术质量。
  • 一个创业者去做to B,关键点是他是商业思维还是技术思维。如果是技术思维,很难和大企业合作,因为大企业是商业思维。
  • 技术思维考虑的是怎样以最好的技术解决问题,商业思维考虑的是技术实现的周期,还有整合成本。
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  • 需要你的新技术和它已有的系统能够并行或整合,而且整合成本要很低
  • 对于大企业客户来讲,稳定性比高效性更重要。
  • 客户的反馈一定是有原因的,只是这个原因你不一定在这个阶段能理解。如果你真的找到这个原因,再去做企业级销售会好很多。
  • to B领域,都是特定行业、特定人群、高质量的数据,这些数据可以产生巨大的效能。之前企业没有这些数据,现在有了数据,就迫切需要一个解决方案,就更愿意和小企业合作,to B推进的速度会比以前快很多。
  • to B领域收并购退出的机会是非常多的。在美国to B市场,你的很多客户都会成为你的潜在收购方。
  • 中国企业家,尤其是科技行业的人,喜欢讲战略,构建生态,如果是可以自己做的产品和服务,那就都要在自己的体系内去做。美国企业家很少会上来跟你讲战略,他们非常明确自己在针对市场做什么,有什么独特优势,核心业务也更集中于只做别的企业做不了的产品和服务。
  • 一个技术解决方案,快速以一种轻巧的方式让行业的效能提升,你的产品能不能解决问题,能节省多少成本,这是很简单直接的逻辑,那为什么要把这个产品的战略讲得那么大?十年后的大战略可能不能解决现有的商业问题。
  • 模式创新要撬动资源,更偏生产关系,但技术创新没有那么复杂,就是更快、更高、更强,新概念也帮不到什么,B端的决策是很理性的,你的产品要克服各个部门、各个环节,没有太多空间让你去用技巧性或者戏剧性的手法去获得这个东西。
  • To B公司做品牌其实只需要针对特定领域,不需要让大众都知道
  • 所以to B的品牌是相对更加集中,更偏专业性的,可能发表的东西都是在专业期刊上。客户怎么选择呢?还是看行业内的声誉。
ocean wu

O2O、C2C、B2B、B2C的区别讲透 - 0 views

  • o2o 是 online to offline 分为四种运营模式 to offline 是线上交易到线下消费体验   2.offline to online 是线下营销到线上交易   3.offline to online to offline 是线下营销到线上交易再到线下消费体验 to offline to online 是线上交易或营销到线下消费体验再到线上消费体验   比如:保险直购O2O,苏宁易购O2O,大众点评O2O等   c2c是 consumer to consumer 就是个人对个人的,比如淘宝的小店铺。   b2c是 business to consumer 是商家对个人,,这个就很多了卓越、当当、京东等等都是。   b2c c2c 很重要的一点是都运用了物流。   b2b 是business to business 是企业间的,比如阿里巴巴。
  • B2B有三宝:企业、中介、沟通好   B2C有三宝:品牌、渠道、销售好   C2C有三宝:你开、我买、支付宝   O2O有三宝:线上、线下、一起搞   LBS有三宝:签到、优惠、位置找   NFC有三宝:近场、支付、安全好   SEO有三宝:内容、外链、权重屌   EDM有三宝:内容、受众、分析好   CPA有三宝:行动、转化、站长恼   CPS有三宝:佣金、销量、效果好   CPC有三宝:点击、引导、作弊少   CPM有三宝:展示、千人、不可靠   PHP有三宝:开放、高效、成本少
  • 电子商务模式   B2B(经济组织对经济组织)   B2C(经济组织对消费者)   B2B2C(企业对企业对消费者)   C2B(T)(消费者集合竞价-团购)   C2C(消费者对消费者)   B2F(企业对家庭)   O2O(网上与网下相结合)   SaaS(软件服务)   PaaS(平台服务)   IaaS(基础服务)   M-B(移动电子商务)   B2G(政府采购)   G2B(政府抛售)   B2M(面向市场营销的电子商务企业)   M2C(生产厂商对消费者)   SoLoMo(社交+本地化+移动)   ABC(代理商-商家-消费者)   BAB(企业-联盟-企业)   P2C(生活服务平台)   P2P(点对点、渠道对渠道)   SNS-EC(社会化网络电子商务)   B2S(分享式商务,或体验式商务)
Jason Bao

apophenia: Who clicks on ads? And what might this mean? - 0 views

  • Over the years, I've read all sorts of speculations about search engine ads suggesting that people click on ads: Because they don't know that they're ads. Because they are perceived to be of greater quality than the actual search results (for example, in searches for travel). When they're searching for something that they want to purchase (intent to buy = desire to get to merchants quickly). When they're bored. When they think that they might win something or get something for free.
  • Ninety-nine percent of Web users do not click on ads on a monthly basis. Of the 1% that do, most only click once a month.
  • Who are these "heavy clickers"? They are predominantly female, indexing at a rate almost double the male population.
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  • my hypothesis would be that heavy ad clickers are: More representative of lower income households than the average user. Less educated than the average user (or from less-educated environments in the case of minors). More likely to live outside of the major metro regions. More likely to be using SNSs to meet new people than the average user (who is more likely to be using SNSs to maintain connections).
ocean wu

网站运营用户研究利器14剑 - 0 views

  • 1、网站统计来路分析:大名鼎鼎的Google AnalyticsTrack where your visitors came from, and which links they clicked. Google Analytics—get it here!
  • 2、网站点击热图:哪儿的点击最受欢迎?Easy-to-interpret “heatmaps” showing exactly where people clicked (even if it wasn’t a link). Crazy Egg—get it here!
  • 3、访客浏览录制:更清晰的真实反应访客在你博客的动作。“In-page” web analytics, showing videos of visitors’ screens(!) The perfect complement to Google Analytics. ClickTale—get it here!
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  • 4、听听访客的意见:我的博客哪儿需要改进?Let your visitors tell you what’s missing from the page! Google Talk Chatback—get it here!
  • 5、看看访客的建议:小小的一次调查Ask your visitors all your marketing questions.SurveyMonkey—get it here!
  • 6、问问访客的感觉:我的博客浏览效果怎样?Ask your visitors why they visited you, and whether their visit was successful. 4Q—get it here!
  • 7、可用性测试:我的博客是否有价值Get a big dose of reality by watching your users in action. Steve Krug’s book—get it here!
  • 8、来一次全方位的可读性调查Pop-up survey allows you to recruit participants for your usability tests. Ethnio—get it here!
  • 9、用好你的耳和嘴Use your ears and mouth (and go outside). If you can’t sell it face-to-face, how can you expect to sell it online?
  • 10、访客是最好的宣传员:一传十、十传百的道理谁都懂!Your customers are your best salespeople—so listen to how they sell! Tell-a-Friend King—get it here!
  • 11、访客反馈系统:访客能轻松的发表自己的意见与建议,这很重要!Allow your visitors to easily give feedback on your webpages. Kampyle—get it here!
  • 12、关键词分析:知道你的访客最需要什么Would you like to know what your visitors want? They’re typing it into your website’s search tool.
  • 13、小小引擎透露天机:别人对你的评价A search engine for tracking what people are saying about you. Serph—get it here!
  • 14、谷歌网站优化工具:对内容和设计进行测试和优化Test different versions of your webpages to see which is the best. Google Website Optimizer—get it here!
ocean wu

60个文雅悦目的网站设计 at 漫游世界三万日 - 0 views

    Tomá? Ledba _ graficky design _ web design _ corporate identity
    2. Intype3. BigFilebox
    4. FreelanceSwitch5. FluidBook6. Panic - Coda - One-Window Web Development for Mac OS X7. boo-box, as simple as that… 8. Future of Web Apps9. Freshview - Refreshingly Simple Software10. Welcome to Revyver11. | Welcome
    Tomá? Ledba _ graficky design _ web design _ corporate identity2. Intype3. BigFilebox
    4. FreelanceSwitch5. FluidBook6. Panic - Coda - One-Window Web Development for Mac OS X7. boo-box, as simple as that…8. Future of Web Apps9. Freshview - Refreshingly Simple Software10. Welcome to Revyver11. | Welcome12. Stuff and Nonsense13. StyleSpion14. Online Portfolio of Vijay S Nair15. Svenigson? - Yes, a
ocean wu

Weblinks: Example | High Scalability - 0 views

  • An Unorthodox Approach to Database Design : The Coming of the Shard Tue, 07/31/2007 - 18:13 — Todd Hoff Once upon a time we scaled databases by buying ever bigger, faster, and more expensive machines. While this arrangement is great for big iron profit margins, it doesn't work so well for the bank accounts of our heroic system builders who need to scale well past what they can afford to spend on giant database servers. In a extraordinary two article series, Dathan Pattishall, explains his motivation for a revolutionary new database architecture--sharding--that he began thinking about even before he worked at Friendster, and fully implemented at Flickr. Flickr now handles more than 1 billion transactions per day, responding in less then a few seconds and can scale linearly at a low cost. What is sharding and how has it come to be the answer
  • Digg Architecture Tue, 08/07/2007 - 01:28 — Todd Hoff Traffic generated by Digg's over 1.2 million famously info-hungry users can crash an unsuspecting website head-on into its CPU, memory, and bandwidth limits. How does
  • eBay Architecture Tue, 07/10/2007 - 15:40 — Todd Hoff Who hasn't wondered how eBay does their business? As one of the largest most loaded websites in the world, it can't be easy. And the subtitle of the presentation hints at how creating such a monster system requires true engineering: Striking a balance between site stability, feature velocity, performance, and cost. You may not be able to emulate how eBay scales their system, but the issues and possible solutions are worth learning
ocean wu

web2.0最全的国外API应用集合 - 0 views

  • 广告 Google AdSense Advertising management Google AdWords Search advertising Microsoft adCenter Online advertising services UrlTrends Link tracking and search optimization Wordtracker Search engine optimization services Yahoo Ads Online ad management Yahoo Search Marketing Search advertising platform Answerbag Questions and answers service Blogwise Blog and feed search service SplogSpot Database of spam blogs
  • 社区 Blue Dot Content sharing community coRank Distributed user reviews service Facebook Social networking service PartySpark Social events service RockYou Super Wall Content sharing platform within Facebook Twitter Community site
  • 书签 Blogmarks Social bookmarking Social bookmarking linkaGoGo Social bookmarking service Ma.gnolia Social bookmarking service OnlyWire Social bookmarklet service Shadows Social bookmarking and community Simpy Social bookmarking
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  • 日历 30 Boxes Calendar service Google Calendar Calendar service Spongecell Online calendar service
  • 聊天 AOL Instant Messenger Instant messaging chat service AOL Presence Online presence service Google Talk Chat application IMified Instant messenger buddy Lingr Online chatroom services MSN Messenger Chat and messaging WebAIM Web based instant messaging Yahoo Messenger Instant messaging
  • 博客搜索 Blogwise Blog and feed search service SplogSpot Database of spam blogs Tailrank Blog search and news aggregation service Technorati Blog search services 博客 Akismet Blog spam prevention service Blogger Blogging services FeedBlitz Blogs by email service FeedBurner Blog promotion tracking service LiveJournal Blogging software Performancing Blog management TypePad Blog management Weblogs Blog ping service Windows Live Spaces Blog services
  • 电子邮件 Email Address Validator Email address validation service ExactTarget Email delivery services IntelliContact Email marketing service JangoMail Bulk email service Mailbuild Email forms and templates service Publicaster Email marketing management StrikeIron Email Verification Email verification service Vertical Response Email management services Email hosting service WhatCounts Email management services Yahoo Mail Web based email system
  • 企业 Employease On-demand human resource management Google Provisioning User provisioning for Google Applications Lokad Time series forecaster NetDocuments Enterprise document management service NetSuite Business application suite CRM services WebEx Conferencing and collaboration services
  • 求职 Indeed Job search services SmashFly Job board posting service
  • 金融财政 Blinksale Online invoicing services Currency Rates Currency rates Dun and Bradstreet Credit Check Credit check FreshBooks Online invoicing and time tracking KashFlow Online accounting software Moneytrackin Expense tracking NetAccounts Online accounting service Prosper Peer-to-peer network StrikeIron Historical Stock Quotes Stock price quotes for US equities StrikeIron Mutual Funds Historical mutual funds StrikeIron Stock Quotes Basic Real-time stock quotes Wesabe Personal finance management and community
  • 政府 Cicero Lookup service for US elected officials by address Civic Footprint Political geography lookup for Illinois Democracy In Action Advocacy services for nonprofits Database of US government spending Follow The Money Database of US campaign contributions GovTracker Rhode Island state data services LOUIS US federal documents database Open Patent Services European Patent Office web services Sunlight Labs US Congress database service TheyWorkForYou Track the UK Parliament Who is my Representative Database of US congressional representatives
  • 互联 Alexa Site Thumbnail Thumbnail images of web site home pages Alexa Top Sites Web site traffic rankings Amazon EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud virtual hosting Clicky Web site analytics Compete Internet web site metrics and analytics Cordurl Geo coordinate translation Dapper Service for API creation Domain Tools Internet domain name lookup URL shortening Ecommstats Web analytics IP lookup HTML2PDF HTML to PDF conversion Internet Archive Non-profit Internet library IP Address Lookup Determine IP address from domain name Mint Web site metrics and reporting Web site monitoring services MyNotify Feed publication Nenest Web forms and application framework Outune Web map engine Pingdom Web site monitoring and reporting Qurl URL redirection SoftLayer Systems management and monitoring UnAPI Proposal for web clipboard W3Counter Web site metrics tools Webride Attaches discussions to any site WebThumb Thumbnail image generation Windows Live Custom Domains Web site administration Yahoo Site Explorer Web site analysis service
  • 日程 Eventfinder Events calendar Eventful Events discovery and demand Spraci Events and clubs database Collaborative event calendar Zvents Local events search and community
  • 地图 ArcWeb Mapping and GIS services BigTribe Location based advertising deCarta Location-based services EarthTools Web services for geographical information FeedMap Blog geo-coding Garmin MotionBased GPS services and mapping geocoder Geocoding services for US Geocoding services for Canada GeoIQ Geospatial analysis and heat mapping service GeoNames Geographic name and postal code lookup GetMapping Aerial photography and mapping service GlobeXplorer Mapping services Google Maps Mapping services HopStop Mass transit and walking directions iShareMaps On Demand UK Postcode Geocoder Map24 AJAX API Mapping services Mappr Photo mapping MapQuest Online mapping service Mapstraction Mapping API abstraction layer MetaCarta Location and geotagging services Microsoft MapPoint Mapping services Microsoft Virtual Earth Mapping services Multimap Global online mapping service NASA Satellite mapping images Naver Maps Korean mapping service Geocoding service for UK Ontok Geocode any US address OpenLayers Mapping API abstraction layer OpenStreetMap The Free Wiki World Map Platial Collaborative geographic service Plazes Location discovery service Poly9 FreeEarth 3D mapping service Pushpin Mapping service Urban Mapping Urban geo-spatial data services USGS Elevation Query Service Determine elevation based on latitude and longitude ViaMichelin Mapping, directions, and travel booking Wayfaring Map creation and sharing service WHERE GPS Mobile GPS widget platform Where Is Tim Web Service Location tracking Where2GetIt Geospatial Non-mapping geospatial services Where2GetIt SlippyMap Online mapping service Whereis Australian and New Zealand mapping service Wigle Wireless network mapping Yahoo Geocoding Geocoding services Yahoo Map Image Map image creation service
  • 音乐 AOL Music Now Music playlist management Digital Podcast Podcast search Photo and media sharing service Feedcache Feed caching service Freedb / CDDB Online CD catalog service Music playlist management MP3Tunes Music services MusicBrainz Music metadata community service Music fingerprinting service MusicMobs Social music service OpenStrands Music recommendation and discovery Rhapsody Online music services SeeqPod Music recommendation service SNOCAP Digital music marketplace Soundtoys Visual artists works repository Tunelog Music metadata management WebJay Music playlist management Winamp Customizable music player Yahoo Music Engine Desktop music player
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Felipp Crawly

Amazing Customer Service - 1 views

I would like to thank Onward Process Solutions for greatly helping me with my need for assistance in a Customer service outsourcing project. They provided me with 24/7 phone/ email answering serv...

started by Felipp Crawly on 31 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
ocean wu

The Science Behind Visual Content - 0 views

  • Being that approximately 60 percent of people think through visual processing, it only makes sense to cater to this large population by presenting them with highly visual content.Some of the learning benefits associated with visual content include:Improved comprehension of ideas, concepts and informationEnhanced ability to think criticallyImproved retention and recall of information
  • Organizations spend a great deal of resources on the development of clear, concise text as a means to market to target audiences, however most people only remember about 30 percent of what they read
  • Seven Types of Visual ContentPhotographyVideoScreenshotsInfographicsCharts/GraphsComics/AnimationsMemes
ocean wu

Personality Analytics - The Next Must-Have Feature for Social CRM? - 0 views

  • 可以有一个CRM战略的深刻影响社会:性格类型来迎合客户的代表。注册与使用 快速公司 如何报告 eLoyalty 使用的是进程通信模型(PCM),相同的性格测试美国宇航局用于评估宇航员,以满足客户的支持与谁通话类型的客户代表,符合他们的个性。 但是,这是一个有效的方法或只是垃圾科学? 据快速公司,这里的工作原理是: background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-co
  • 作为人格测试,例如  迈尔斯,布里格斯类型指标 在历史上面临着很多批评。 所有性格测试更能够避免 Forer影响 ,“人民趋势对发言台准确率,他们即使是高度个人的发言可以应用到其他人。”
  • 如果eLoyalty真正分析一个客户的个性在一个单一的语音通话,而且我们当然不是说可以,社会CRM的应用可以是巨大的。 eLoyalty可以收集更多的客户从一个社交图信息,做出更聪明的客户服务代表的匹配。 它也可以用来作为分配客户或潜在客户代表特定的销售方法。
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Personality tests such as the  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator have historically faced much criticism. All personality tests much be able to avoid the Forer Effect, "the tendency of people to rate sets of statements as highly accurate for them personally even though the statements could apply to many people."
  • If eLoyalty can truly analyze a customers personality based on a single voice call, and we're certainly not saying that it can, the applications for social CRM could be huge. eLoyalty could gather much more information from a customers social graph and make more intelligent matches with customer service reps. It could also be used as a method for assigning customers or potential customers to particular sales reps.
    分析呼叫者的语言模式和其他行为的线索,以确定他们的性格类型。使得 社会化 CRM 通过简短的讲话解析出用户"人格类型",以提高客户服务代表分配客户或应对潜在客户进行特定的销售方法。
ocean wu

如何设置一个B2B的内容信息:听,规划与共享« BrainRider连接+转换 - B2B营销工具,内容和程序 - 0 views

  • 如何设置一个B2B的内容信息:听,规划与分享 发布者斯科特阿姆斯特朗在 B2B的内容开发 , 知识营销 5background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-size: 100%; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margi
  • 1。 使用内容框架,以选择合适的来源 把你的关键类别和市场的重要主题在你的仪表板。 总是问自己,如果来源是可信的,权威的,最新的,以及与你的客户想知道。 并专注于渠道,易于管理和扫描。 2。 使用RSS阅读器和饲料,以建立一个1页仪表板 例如博客,网站,搜索引擎,许多出版物的网络资源,并利用新闻媒体真正简单的联合供稿(RSS)源共享内容。 有了RSS,你可以订阅feed,以便得到实时更新。 这是一个伟大的方式来组织你的源代码。 background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip:
ocean wu

借助众包和P2P的方式,婚礼策划工具"Lady Marry"用"项目管理"的思路帮你完成一场DIY婚礼 - 0 views

shared by ocean wu on 12 Oct 14 - No Cached
  • DIY婚礼有三个重大难题:首先,毫无经验的新人对于一场婚礼不知该从何下手;其次,婚礼成本对于很多年轻的新人来说是个不小的负担;再次,他们需要在每一个环节分别挑选合适的商家,并与这些商家保持几个月的沟通,这无疑是一件劳心劳力的事。
  • 兼顾“DIY”和“省钱、方便、简洁”这些令人愉悦的体验?Lady Marry的思路是从两个方面来提供服务:第一,为新人们提供一个智能的婚礼策划管理工具,让婚礼策划变得更方便、高效;第二,为商家和新人提供信息撮合服务,让新人以更低的成本(时间和金钱)找到各个环节的商家。
  • 希望借助众包式内容分享、结构化数据处理和搭建买卖双方信息撮合平台的方式来解决这个问题。
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • 首先,Lady Marry面向所有用户搭建了一个众包的内容分享平台,所有结过婚的人们都可以上传自己的经验心得,包括婚礼策划是怎样的、自己的to-do-list是怎样的、哪些商家比较好等信息。
  • 其次,这些数据会在Lady Marry上逐步丰富并沉淀,而他们也将对这些数据进行进一步的结构化处理,搭建一个婚礼数据库。这个数据库中包含多个典型的策划方案、代表性商家、推荐的to-do-list等数据模块,可以推荐给拥有不同特点和需求的新人。与聚喜猫的“让所有环节标准化、结构化”的思路不同,Lady Marry在做这些“模板”的时候更多的让商家保留了自己的个性化服务。不过未来可能会更加趋向于重新设计标准化的服务和定价模型。
  • 首先Lady Marry团队会以一定的标准对所有申请合作的商家进行筛选(团队成员都有着丰富的婚礼策划经验);其次,用户在婚礼结束后需对每一家服务提供商给出反馈或评分,这也将直接影响合作商家在Lady Marry上的推荐指数。不过,Lady Marry只扮演信息撮合和担保人的角色,商家与新人之间的后续沟通和交易将在线下完成,但最终交易成功的商家需付给Lady Marry 10%左右的服务费
  • 对婚礼这个“大项目”的管理是基于to-do-list展开的。
  • 首先,Lady Marry会将用户的需求、特点和自己婚礼数据库中的数据进行匹配,给出用户一个推荐的to-do-list。在这个list的基础上,包括用户和各家参与到这个婚礼中来的商家们都将获得权限,以对这个婚礼计划随时进行修改和增补,也就是依靠大家的力量逐步逼近那个理想的策划方案。
  • 会按照to-do-list向用户发送推送通知(目前app还未全面上线,暂时采用的是邮件的方式),并且会给出一些相应的推荐和建议,帮助用户按照进度逐步完善方案。比如,在提醒用户定婚礼场地的时候,LM会给出一些推荐的场地,并告诉用户下一步就该在一个月内找好摄影师了,并告诉用户大概的成本、给出几个推荐的摄影师。这些推荐的权重由三方面的数据来决定:与婚礼有关的指标,如筹备时间、风格等;用户的消费习惯;商家的质量评级。
  • 未来它将进一步贯彻众包的思想,接入大量兼职策划师、摄影师、化妆师,或仅仅是个爱好者也行
  • 这些兼职“造梦师”们会作为助手的角色参与,Lady Marry也会引入一定的培养机制。但未来,这些强大的众包力量将成为平台中的主力
ocean wu

Mozilla Ubiquity 的 10 种用法 - LinuxTOY - 0 views

  • 1.搜索 按热键呼出 Ubiquity 执行界面。 输入 google 关键字,如 google linuxtoy。 敲回车键在新的标签页打开搜索结果。 除了执行 Google 搜索外,还可执行 Wikipedia、Flickr、Yahoo 等搜索。只需将上面的 google 稍作替换即可。 2.充当计算器 输入 calculate 表达式,如 calculate 1234567/654321。 将立即显示计算结果,也可以选择结果复制备用。 3.翻译 输入 translate 要翻译的文本 to 目标语言,如 translate toy to chinese。 这将 toy 翻译成汉语。 4.发送 E-mail 输入 email 消息 to 联系人,如 email hello to xxd。 会启动 Gmail,将当前页面的网址发给名为 xxd 的朋友。 5.更新 Twitter 输入 twitter 状态消息,如 twitter Ubiquity 很好玩啊。 首次会提示输入 Twitter 帐号和密码,然后即更新。 6.了解天气 输入 weather 城市,如 weather chongqing。 回车。 7.缩短长网址 先复制长网址备用。 热键呼出 Ubiquity 界面。 输入 tinyurl 回车即可。 8.操作标签 输入 tab 打开的标签名字,如 tab linuxtoy。 按回车键将转到该标签。 输入 close-tab 标签名,将执行关闭标签操作。 9.缩放 Firefox 窗口 输入 zoom 缩放比例,如 zoom 200。 回车后将按 200% 进行缩放。 10.查看源代码 输入 view-source。 回车后即可查看当前网页的源代码。
    Ubiquity 由 Mozilla Labs 出品,以 Add-ons 形式应用于 Firefox 网络浏览器。跟 Linux 中的控制台/终端相似,Ubiquity 为 Firefox 提供一个命令行输入界面,从而实现与 Web 的交互操作。
ocean wu

使用现有的B2B营销预算,以增加参与您的在线信息及双« BrainRider连接+转换 - B2B营销工具,内容和程序 - 0 views

  • 产生更多合格的线索,提高他们的参与,而且越来越多的客户并不总是需要一个更大的B2B营销预算。 相反,你应该看看如何优化您的预算开支。 下面是一个客户端项目交付不增加他们的预算增加一倍导致为例。
  • 目的:更好的B2B导致的结果从AdWords代 尽管AdWords可以有效地将流量往往是一个非常直率的需求生成工具。 AdWords的性能通常衡量每次点击费用,但对于大多数B2B营销更高的流量很少量转化为更好地带领一代。 真正的目标应该是优化你的营销的所有,包括您的AdWords费用,捕捉和转换更多合格的销售线索。 在这种情况下: 在线销售线索确定了作为高品质的铅的来源 AdWords支出的需求是一代预算的重要组成部分,但它并没有产生足够的合格的线上带领,以满足销售需求 正在使用性能测量每次点击费用(CPC)的成本,而不是每线(CPL)的</u
  • 解决方案:实现一个内容,方案的最佳实践体系和工具 第1步:重新利用现有的内容更找到,相关性和价值 每个公司都有其存在的内容尚未开发的价值。 新的内容,而不是与发展开始,你可以得到更快更好的结果,并与现有的库存开始学习。 以下是我们在这种情况下所做的: 开发了一个 内容框架background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width:
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 第3步:测试包括LinkedIn,Twitter和SlideShare额外战术 付费媒体是唯一。战术方案之一,你应该考虑带领一代 &nbsp;优化您的网站 ,使用许可营销,挖掘网络,通过你的 社交媒体 工具的前景,也应考虑,因为它们可以提供更多合格的业务。 通常45%以上的转换会导致你会在通过进货渠道! background-image: initial; background-attachment: initi
  • 结果:大幅降低成本,每次点击费用(CPC)和双引线 提供潜在客户和客户访问了什么你知道他们到底是怎么想知道更高效,更有效的B2B营销效果。 但是否会真正得到你更多的线索? 这里是发生了什么事: 旅客参与(较高的网页/造访,在网站停留时间增加,降低跳出率)显着偏高 AdWords质量得分较高的成本较低的每次点击产生更好的广告排名 双数相同的营销支出为线索 background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-wid
ocean wu

中国物联网,与发展、政策 - 0 views

  • 物联网的英文名称为"The Internet of Things" ,简称:IOT。物联网是通过光学识别、射频识别技术、传感器、全球定位系统等新一代信息技术,实时采集任何需要监控、连接、互动的物体或过程,采集其声、光、热、电、力学、化学、生物、位置等各种需要的信息,通过各类可能的网络接入,实现物与物、物与人的泛在链接,实现对物品和过程的智能化感知、识别和管理。
  • 物联网是通过智能感知、识别技术与普适计算、泛在网络的融合应用
  • 发展物联网现在已提到国家的战略高度,它不但是信息技术发展到一定阶段的升级需要,同时也是实现国家产业结构调整,推动产业转型升级的一次重要契机。2010年9月,《国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》发布,新一代信息技术、节能环保、新能源等七个产业被列为中国的战略性新兴产业,
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  • 物联网技术作为新一代信息技术的重要组成部分,更是在近一年里受到政府、企业和科研机构的大力支持。
  • 为中国乃至国际的物联网行业(RFID、传感器、智能识别、无线通讯)企业提供了一个涉及物联网整个行业链的厂家、供应商、经销商、应用集成商聚合、展示、交流与洽谈合作的完善平台。
  • 物联网相关技术已经广泛应用于交通、物流、工业、农业、医疗、卫生、安防、家居、旅游、军事等二十多个领域,在未来3年内中国物联网产业将在智能电网、智能家居、数字城市、智能医疗、车用传感器等领域率先普及,预计将实现三万亿的总产值。
  • 物联网(Internet of Things)技术涵盖范围极广,包括具备“内在智能”的传感器、移动终端、智能电网、工业系统、楼控系统、家庭智能设施、视频监控系统等、和“外在使能”(Enabled)的,如贴上RFID、条形码标签的各种资产、携带无线终端的个人与车辆等等“智能化物件或动物”或“智能尘埃”,通过各种无线和/或有线的长距离和/或短距离通讯网络实现互联互通(M2M)、应用大集成(Grand Integration)、以及基于云计算的SaaS营运等模式,在内网(Intranet)、专网(Extranet)、和/或互联网(Internet)环境下,采用适当的信息安全保障机制,提供安全可控乃至个性化的实时在线监测、定位追溯、报警联动、调度指挥、预案管理、远程控制、安全防范、远程维保、在线升级、统计报表、决策支持、领导桌面等管理和服务功能,实现对“万物”的“高效、节能、安全、环保”的“管、控、营”一体化。
  • 预计将实现三万亿的总产值。

Verified PayPal Accounts For Sale - USA Real Accounts - 0 views

    Verified paypal accounts for sale can be found online easily. Paypal is a popular online payment platform used by millions of individuals and businesses worldwide. Obtaining a verified paypal account can be a lengthy process as it requires linking a credit card or bank account to ensure legitimate ownership. However, there are numerous websites that sell verified paypal accounts, saving time and effort for those in need. These accounts are fully functional and come with all necessary security protocols in place. It is important to note that purchasing an account is against paypal's terms of service and can result in account suspension or termination.
ocean wu

53个css不可或缺技巧 - 碎月无痕 - 0 views

  • 1. CSS Based Navigation //基于CSS的导航 2. Navigation Matrix Reloaded //导航矩块翻转3. CSS Tabs //CSS标签4. CSS Bar Graphs //CSS条状图表5. Collapsing Tables: An Example //压缩表格:一个实例 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 6. Adam’s Radio &amp; Checkbox Customisation Method //亚当的单选框和复选框的用户化方法7. CSS Image Replacement //CSS图像替代8. CSS Shadows(CSS Shadows Roundup) //CSS阴影(CSS阴影综述)9. CSS Rounded Corners Roundup (Nifty Corners) //CSS圆角综述(漂亮的拐角)10. Drop Cap-Capital Letters with CSS //用CSS实现首字母下沉
  • 11. Define Image Opacity with CSS //用CSS定义图像半透明12. How to Create a Block Hover Effect for a List of Links //如何给链接列表创建鼠标悬停的区块效果13. Pullquotes with CSS (Automatic Pullquotes with JavaScript and CSS) //用CSS实现引用(用JavaScript和CSS实现自动引用)14. CSS Diagrams //CSS图表15.CSS Curves //CSS曲线 16. Footer Stickallows for the footer of a Web page to appear either at the bottom of the browser window or the bottom of the Web page content – whichever is visually lowest.页脚帖允许一个网站页面的页脚显示在在浏览器窗口的底部或者网站页面内容的底部中实际最底的一个。17. CSS Image Map //CSS图像地图18. CSS Image Pop-Up //CSS图像弹出19.CSS Image Preloader //CSS图像预载20. CSS Image Replacement for Buttons //CSS按钮的图片替换
  • 21.Link Thumbnail //链接缩略图22. CSS Map Pop //CSS地图提示23. PHP-based CSS Style Switcher //基于PHP的CSS样式改变24. CSS Unordered List Calender (CSS Styled Calender) //CSS无序列表日历(CSS设计的日历)25. CSS-Based Forms: Techniques //基于CSS的表单:技巧 26. CSS-Based Tables: Techniques //基于CSS的表格:技巧27. Printing Web-Documents and CSS //打印网站文档和CSS28. Improved Links-Display for Print-Layouts with CSS //用CSS改良打印布局的链接显示29. CSS-Submit Buttons //CSS提交按钮30. CSS Teaser Box //CSS内容摘要盒子
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 31. CSS Tricks for Custom Bullets //对于定义式列表的CSS窍门32. Ticked Off Links Reloaded //用记号标出翻转的链接33. CSS Zooming //CSS缩放34. Creating a Star Rater using CSS //用CSS创建星型评价35. The ways to style visited Links //设计浏览过链接的方法 36. PDF, ZIP, DOC Links Labeling //PDF,ZIP,DOC链接的标注37. Displaying Percentages with CSS //用CSS显示百分比38. Image Floats without the Text Wrap //没有被正文包围的浮动图片39. Let visitors decide, whether or not will they open link in a new window //让访问者决定,是否会在新窗口带开链接
  • 40. Simple accessible external links //简单易用的外部链接 41. Zebra Table with JavaScript and CSS //用JavaScript和CSS实现多条纹的表格42. Vertical Centering with CSS (Horizontal and Vertical Centering with CSS) //用CSS实现垂直居中(用CSS实现水平和垂直居中)43. Unobtrusive Sidenotes //不引人注目的旁注44. Image Caption with CSS (Styled Images with Caption) //用CSS实现图像说明(设计给图像加上说明)45. Dynamic Piechart with CSS //用CSS实现动态饼图 46. Format Footnotes with CSS //用CSS实现布局脚注47. Hierarchical Sitemap with CSS //用CSS实现分等级的网站地图48. Snook’s Resizable Underlines //史鲁克的可改变大小的下划线49. Switchy McLayout: An Adaptive Layout Technique //马克布局改变: 一个自适应布局的技巧
  • 50. StyleMap: CSS+HTML Visual Sitemap //样式地图:CSS+HTML 形象化的网站地图 51. Custom Reading Width //自定义阅读宽度52. CSS Alert Message //CSS提示信息53. CSS Production Notes //CSS产品注释
ocean wu

当大数据遭遇深不可测的人性 - 0 views

  • Target建立了一个非常规范的大数据管理系统,它拥有一个数据分析团队,在查看准妈妈们的消费记录之后,找出了20多种关联物,通过这些关联物对顾客进行“怀孕趋势”预测,并寄送相应的优惠券,为消费推波助澜。只要有可能,Target的大数据系统会给每一个顾客编一个ID号。你刷信用卡、使用优惠券、填写调查问卷、邮寄退货单、打客服电话、开启广告邮件、访问官网,所有这一切行为都会记录进你的ID号。而且这个ID号还会对号入座的记录下你的人口统计信息:年龄、是否已婚、是否有子女、所住市区、住址离Target的车程、薪水情况、最近是否搬过家、钱包里的信用卡情况、常访问的网址等等。Target还可以从其他相关机构那里购买你的其他信息:种族、就业史、喜欢读的杂志、破产记录、婚姻史、购房记录、求学记录、阅读习惯等等。
  • 线上实时优化渠道
  • 因此在传统营销时代,品牌经理经常都会质疑他们的代理商的一个问题是:“我知道我的广告费有一半是浪费掉的,问题是我不知道是哪一半”,从Target的故事来看,大数据可以非常精准地锁定甚至预测用户的下一个消费行为,这让在传统营销时代摸不清用户需求的品牌经理拥有了一个利器。
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • 通过什么渠道(in which channel)、对谁(to whom)、取得了什么效果(with what effect ),这三点在传统营销时代无法解决的问题,似乎可以迎刃而解,因为大数据营销的本质是影响目标消费者购物前的心理路径,它主要应用在三个方面:1、大数据渠道优化,2、精准营销信息推送,3、线上与线下营销的连接。在大数据营销应用的影响下,营销环节中最难解决的一个问题——如何精准地预测目标用户的需求并提供解决方案,这也是大数据营销所存在的价值
  • 一、to whom?——大数据能精准锁定目标人群。
  • 借助大数据技术,营销者可以无限的接近、近乎准确的判断每一个人的属性。一些企业通过收集海量的消费者信息,然后利用大数据建模技术,按消费者属性(如所在地区、性别)和兴趣、购买行为等维度,挖掘目标消费者,然后进行标签层的分类,再根据这些对个体消费者进行营销信息推送
  • 1,属性标签层
  • 2,行为标签层
  • 3,目标人群层
  • 二、in which channel?——大数据能实时优化传播渠道。对于公开的媒体资源,为了覆盖尽可能多的受众,创造与受众的接触机会,广告主往往需要跨媒介传播。但是预算如何分配呢?大数据此时是最佳决策参考,基于海量用户数据,在营销渠道的投放比例分配上进行调整,获得最优的投放组合。
  • 大数据可以通过抓取微博、人人网以及各种论坛的数据,获取到消费者对品牌对产品的即时的看法和态度
  • 线下实时获取反馈
  • 线上线下协同实现效果闭环
  • 三、with what effect?——大数据能实时反馈效果,大数据是一种实时分析引擎。根据投放过程中的实际数据、如受众行为、流量构成及其他实时投放数据,找到广告目标受众最集中的时间点,找出受众反应最好的创意版本,确定竞品深度用户,挖掘新进潜在消费者等,对广告进行及时的判断和调整,而以上的过程是动态的、实时的。
  • “大数据”营销者近乎实时的各种传播效果反馈数据,信息详尽,并具有跟踪性
  • “说什么(say what)”,恰恰就是大数据营销不能解决的最后一个难题。因为“说什么(say what)”是取决于对消费者真实需求的洞察,而这种洞察是源自于对消费者人性的探测,这不是机器和程序在现阶段所能取代人力的经验的。
  • 能实现5W传播模式大数据营销闭环的行业是电商行业,因为像电商这类广告主将其大部分数字媒介预算通过程序化购买,是完全合理的。因为这类公司主要投放效果广告,关注消费者看了广告后的转化率,即是否会立刻在线购买。程序化购买可以获得更便宜的广告位,通过优化算法达到更多的目标人群。  然而对于以产品、服务等核心的品牌而言,大数据营销并不能帮助他们解决品牌建立的问题
  • 对于非电商类产品而言
  • 它们最重要的工作除了销售之外,就是持之以恒地建立并保持与消费者之间有意义的关系,这种关系就是我们所熟知的“品牌的建立和维持”,它正是源自于对人性最深层次的洞察,而非其他冷冰冰的数据分析和程序筛选。
  • 拉斯韦尔模式是广告传播模式的最基本模式,它是1948年由美国政治学家、心理学家哈罗德·D·拉斯韦尔提出的一种具有代表性的线性模式,又简称“5W模式”,广告信息传播过程包含的五大要素是:谁(who)、说什么(say what)、通过什么渠道(in which channel)、对谁(to whom)、取得了什么效果(with what effect )。
  • 而潜藏在消费者潜意识里他们说不出来却又驱动他行为的因素,就是消费者洞察,这是品牌跟消费者建立“有意义”关系所不可或缺的一个环节,大数据无法取代人力进行。绝大多数消费者洞察不是来自于量化的研究数据和书面的研究报告,而是来自于与消费者的直接、深度接触中,比如街头暗访、消费行为的观察、与目标人群的谈话等等更接地气、更原始的方法,而非一串串冷冰冰的数码符号、人群标签所能替代的。
  • 大数据营销并不能取代基于人性的消费者洞察,但是可以改变广告公司过往几个星期做一个创意的工作的节奏,大数据基于实时的数据挖掘技术推动广告公司创造与热点相关的内容,传播公司可以根据表现不断更换创意。
  • 根据消费者在社交媒体上的热点话题创作出一个新创意,而确定延展哪个话题的创意,则是由从渺如烟海的社交大数据中挖掘出来最热门的话题。
  • 为了建立忠诚持久的良好消费者关系,广告主必须回归到传播的本质,即旨在创作有价值的、创新的品牌信息,这也是移动互联网传播中被人所津津乐道的“内容营销”,内容的创造也就是5W传播中最重要的say what
  • 大数据营销大潮中,广告公司必须学会如何地合理使用大数据这个非常好用的工具去触达目标人群,并通过智能化的方式把这些信息传递给用户,以深化同消费者的情感关系。
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