Why Education needs to change? - 2 views
For VCU EDU 651 Technology and the 21st Century Learner
The thing that wills tick with me from the presentation was the way that you can format a Google Search. I never knew you could adjust a search to meet criteria all the way down to reading level. ...
I definitely believe in promoting more of the arts. Cool website!
I used Authorstream and Google Reader as my two 2.0 tools. Authorstream allows all students to paste weekly powerpoints online and view and comment on eachothers work. Google Reader, combined with...
http://www.fdavidpeat.com/bibliography/essays/dempsey.htm This article says that creativity is not a skill, but makes use of knowledge and skill we already know. I believe this to be very true....
I choose Audacity and Mindomo for my Web 2.0 tools. Audacity is a free audio recorder and editor, and Mindomo is a site for creating mind maps. Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Mindom...
here is an animated portion of Robinson's speech, several more comments about creativity in schools. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U
The other Web 2.0 tool I used was Google Docs. This tool offers documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and forms. After creating the account, I chose the presentation aspect to practic...
Here is a cool Prezi about the Michigan public schools that takes a look at important new issues facing the system. Check out all of the other cool things done by Mark Bea. http://prezi.com/-q9ol...
Our ability to teach a lot of 21st skills is definitely obstructed by "teaching to the test." One day we will actually be able to measure how the students can use the skills, instead of how much i...
This is the site for a blog that allows people to voice their opinions. Take a look. There are some good responses. http://blog.learnlets.com/?p=559