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Valerie Graves

Partnership for 21st Century Skills - 6 views

    • Heather Causey
      Great resource! I am saddened that Virginia is not on the state initiative list but maybe someday.
    This seems like a very interesting site/organization to note as an overview of the educational topics we are discussing so far. The bulleted articles are quite informative.
Heather Causey

Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education | Video on - 0 views

    Create Change
Elizabeth Thompson

21st Century Schools - 2 views

    I read throught this, and for me it began to clear some of the fog a bit about what we're trying to get into. I think there are some interesting things pinpointed on this website.

NMC Horizon Project Report - 3 views

    This report came out last week and is the pk-12 2011 edition that describes "emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, research or creative expression within education around the globe." The groups producing the report are the New Media Consortium and the International Society for Technology in Education. I highly suggest reading the executive summary which gives the trends and challenges predicted for the next five years. It then summarizes the six emerging (within five years) technologies that are the upcoming trends in education. The main report details each technology, gives examples for how each can be implemented in the classroom, and provides additional web sites as resources.

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - 1 views

    I read Marc Prensky's article for my other class. I like the way he contrasts the two groups, especially within the frame work of the immigrants trying to educate the natives. He does a nice job describing how the two generations view each other, of course supporting the theory of why educators must change.
Elizabeth Thompson

China Top in Tests but Educators Call for Reform - 3 views

    I heard this report on the radio tonight on the way home and I thought it may be worth sharing if someone missed it. It brought up some of the same points we're talking about with 21st century education.
Heather Causey

TeachersFirst: The web resource by teachers, for teachers - 2 views

  • TeachersFirst is a rich collection of lessons, units, and web resources
Heather Causey - 3 views

    Voki for Education
Elizabeth Thompson

Theta Music Trainer - 0 views

    This is a great website for ear training. One of the downsides is that it does have a cost to get the full benefit of the tool but anyone can sample the activities for free. Teachers can track student progress as well.
Elizabeth Thompson

Classics For Kids - 0 views

    This is a cool website for elementary students to use to have a more hands on and interactive research experience. Students can find out information about composers and the orchestra and listen to radio broadcasts about them as well as hear samples of music.
Heather Causey The Flipped Classroom Infographic| The Committed Sardine - 1 views

    Flipping the classroom great idea.
Patricia Oliver

Glogster - 0 views

    This site is a great way to make or have your kids create an informational online poster. There is a education site for educators to utilize.
Patricia Oliver

Blabberize - 0 views

    This site is just a fun way to share information in a simple way.
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