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Amy Faires

About Us :: State of Creativity - 0 views

    This non-profit group promotes creative ideas across the state of Oklahoma through initiatives to help in education, among other things. "Creative Oklahoma recognizes that creativity must become an overarching and essential mindset for Oklahomans if this state is to thrive economically and socially in the 21st Century. Creative Oklahoma is the only statewide non-profit organization in the nation that encourages and supports creativity in the multiple arenas of Culture, Commerce and Education." Note: It is part of a world-wide community dividing areas into "districts of creativity."

Critical Literacy and Creativity - 0 views

    This wiki is part of a group project between four educators with a common interest in Critical Literacy and Creativity. The authors assert that creativity is a part of human beings that affects how we live and understand and that it is an integral part of education and learning, not an added extra.
Melissa Robinson

Creativity within schools - 0 views

    I also read the article "The Creativity Crisis" and found it very interesting. The article ends with describing how the mind of a creative person works and the connections they make. There are methods, which I will need to research, to help all students think creatively. This is something that I am going to try to find out more information on so that I can help out the students within my classroom to become more creative thinkers as well as myself.

CREAX :: Creativity - Innovation - Trend Portal - 0 views

    This is part of the web site that hosted the creativity test we took. Great list of resources about innovation and creativity.
Heather Smith

Creativity and Web 2.0 sites - 2 views

I choose Audacity and Mindomo for my Web 2.0 tools. Audacity is a free audio recorder and editor, and Mindomo is a site for creating mind maps. Audacity: Mindom...

started by Heather Smith on 14 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Jennell Dunn

Art Works: Integrating Creativity in the Curriculum - YouTube - 1 views

shared by Jennell Dunn on 15 Feb 12 - No Cached
    High student achievement by incorporating creativity.

Odyssey of the Mind Classroom Activities - 1 views

    Activities designed to spark creativity in any aged student and with any subject.
Shirlene Ratliff

The Creativity Crisis - 2 views

    After reading this article, I was encouraged to search for projects that enhance creativity in students.
Elizabeth Thompson

Einstein on Creative Thinking - 1 views

    This is apparently one part of an article about Einstein. I found many of the ideas outlined about Einstein and how he thought about his own creativty very interesing.
Kayla Watts

Literacy and Creativity - 0 views

    This article discusses how literacy can be helped through the creativity of poetry. I think it is very interesting because it is not something that is being done in a suburban or private school with lots of funding and most students at the standard level, but in an urban classroom.
Janice Holley

Recognizing the Importance of Creativity and the Role of Web 2.0 Tools - 1 views

    "Creativity, once a trait avoided by employers, is now prized among employers who are trying to create the empowered, high-performance workforce needed for competitiveness in today's marketplace.Employees with these skills are in demand and are considered valuable human capital assets to companies," says Dr. Jacquelyn Robinson, a community workforce development specialist.
Patricia Oliver

Creative and Education - 0 views

shared by Patricia Oliver on 19 Sep 11 - Cached
    A site to check out and read some good ideas about using creativity in our classrooms.
Shane Rakowski

Creativity - 3 views This article says that creativity is not a skill, but makes use of knowledge and skill we already know. I believe this to be very true....

started by Shane Rakowski on 15 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Kristina Anthony

Creativity: The Essense of Mathematics - 1 views

    A study that lookes at matheamtics understanding in gifted students and its links to creativity.

John Hunter on the World Peace Game - 0 views

    The World Peace Game for fourth graders that sparks creative thinking in order to solve simulated world problems. John Hunter is a teacher previously with Charlotesville City Schools and most currently Albermarle County. This is his talk at TED, but I've also posted the link to the World Peace Game web site.
shelleymorris Where you are NOT alone! Created by Bill Belsey - 0 views

    I think this tool gives a voice to all of those students who are being bullied (and cyberbullied) and feeling that they are alone in this world. It engages the students so that they can make their own creative submissions to help cope with the isolation they are experiencing and to take control of their situation. There is even a game called "Bully Busters" that allows students to create their own heroes and personalize their experience. Furthermore, there is a section that talks about "Peer Power Presenters", a program that coaches and empowers students to make presentations during Bullying Awareness Week, asserting that presentations will only be made by youth to youth. Finally, there is an option to submit and access helpful resources that include multimedia, books, articles, laws and policies, projects, research, and lesson plans. This site is packed with information and hands on materials.

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles - 2 views

    If you like creating with wordle, you will love this site. There are many more creative options and numerous choices for sharing students' work online.
Heather Causey

Be The Curator of Your Favorite Topic! | - 0 views

    Creative way to find, share and store ideas found on web.
Stuart Bernstein

Web 2.0 sites - 3 views

The other Web 2.0 tool I used was Google Docs. This tool offers documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and forms. After creating the account, I chose the presentation aspect to practic...

Warren Hunter

More from Robinson - 1 views

here is an animated portion of Robinson's speech, several more comments about creativity in schools.

started by Warren Hunter on 13 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
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