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Keri-Lee Beasley

ZaidLearn: A Free Learning Tool for Every Learning Problem? - 1 views

    Let's explore the idea that there is at least one excellent free learning tool (or site) for every learning problem, need or issue! I want a FREE...
    Free/opensource educational tools 
Louise Phinney

Main Page | Musopen - 3 views

    Interesting music resource, all tracks are copyright free and it downloads easily
Jeffrey Plaman

There is a war coming: Cory Doctorow on the future regulation of general purpose computation - video | Comment is free | - 0 views

    Fascinating read: There is a war coming: Cory Doctorow on the future regulation of general purpose computation - video
    The battle against copyright is only the beginning... the war will be over how much we understand and care about computers themselves and the kinds of "spyware" they run to lock us out of our own property... (I'm looking at you iPad)
Louise Phinney

OpenClipArt - 3 views

    We like to use real life images when possible but for those times when you can't find image or you want an icon, you could try this clip art library - The Open Clipart Library is the largest collaboration community that creates, shares and remixes clipart. All clipart is released to the public domain and may be used in any project for free and with no restrictions.
Jeffrey Plaman

What is Sugar? - Sugar Labs - 0 views

    "Sugar is a learning platform that reinvents how computers are used for education. Collaboration, reflection, and discovery are integrated directly into the user interface. Sugar promotes "studio thinking" and "reflective practice". Through Sugar's clarity of design, children and teachers have the opportunity to use computers on their own terms. Students can reshape, reinvent, and reapply both software and content into powerful learning activities. Sugar's focus on sharing, criticism, and exploration is grounded in the culture of free software (FLOSS)."
Keri-Lee Beasley

OpenDyslexic - Dyslexia Fonts - 1 views

    A font designed to increase readibility for reachers with dyslexia.
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