Ready to Print, by Essare LLC, was created by Diane Reid, an Occupational Therapist with over twenty years of experience. Her extensive experience has been brought to this app and is demonstrated in every feature and activity throughout. It is a tool for parents, therapists and educators to help teach pre-writing skills to children, in order to build a strong foundation for this necessary skill.
Either we allow for the ambiguity that freedom and unregulated 3D printing will bring, or we enforce far-reaching laws that may decrease liberty without changing results. For those who appreciate the internet because of its democratizing effects and freedom, I believe the choice is clear. We should decide now that we will oppose any law that attempts to undermine freedom on the internet, no matter the consequences.
An interesting read about what may become important to us in the future
3D printers may become very important to us.
The true potential is when we can design our own remotes, with our our own sense of flair, using design software, and then print in our own homes. Cottage industries might emerge, contests, DIY markets - and all fueled by creativity and inventiveness.
Here's a handy site that helps students publish three types of documents - a poster, a brochure or a newspaper. Read Write Think's site is easy to use with an intuitive interface but its real power comes in the fact that students can save incomplete work! The site lets a user save in a proprietary .RWT format on a usb stick or saved to a network space. When your next class begins, that same file can be opened so it can be completed and shared as a .PDF
Google Books can help with this. What's needed is the information that appears in a citation: the author, place, and date of publication. Luckily, traditional print materials (in the form of books) often include the kind of citation information you might need and Google Books allow you to search the full text of books.
"Plotz will create a hollow sphere (and now wizard towers and observatory models) of your chosen size and you can then step through the layers to see how to build it. Plotz will also print a full schematic including a 'ghost' of the layer below to help you position blocks."
Be Web Aware comprises a PSA campaign on television, radio, print and outdoor and this comprehensive Web site. The site, which was developed by MNet, is full of information and tools to help parents effectively manage Internet use in the home. In 2010, Bell funded the re-design and updating of MNet would like to thank Bell for its generous ongoing support of this valuable resource for Canadian parents.
The greatest limitation of the study is that students read narrative rather than informational texts, and "research has found that most ereaders are used for reading for pleasure, and most users are satisfied with their devices for this purpose." When it comes to studying, traditional print books are preferred to ebooks.
""Student Comprehension of Books in Kindle and Traditional Formats" by Michael Milone, a research psychologist and educational writer at Renaissance Learning, asked students in two fourth-grade classes located in the Upper Midwest to read up to six books from a selected list of a dozen popular fiction titles"
"The program for this year's ISTE had a few sessions with "Google-proofing" in the title. Since, I suppose no one copies directly from print sources anymore, "Googling" and "plagiarizing" are synonymous. And as professor Hokanson suggests in the quote above, when there is a direct transfer of information from source to student product - with no cognitive processing stop in-between - little learning occurs as a result of the assignment. It is busy work that no one likes."
Take a moment to reflect:
How many minilessons have you taught this year that guide students to become effective digital readers?
Do you have anchor charts or scaffolds in place that will support them as they attempt to read digitally with independence?
Have you provided ample time for them to read diverse genres or self-select their onscreen reading material?
"His mood brightens, however, when talk turns to the occasionally brilliant work of the students whose heavily footnoted history papers appear in his quarterly, The Concord Review. Over 23 years, the review has printed 924 essays by teenagers from 44 states and 39 nations. "
1) read
2) type
3) write
4) communicate effectively, with respect
5) Question
6) be resourceful
7) be accountable
8) know how to learn
9) think critically
10) be happy