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Keri-Lee Beasley

Turnitin : Results : Plagiarism Spectrum - 0 views

    Great plagiarism summary by Turnitin
Katie Day

YouTube - Univ. of Bergen funny take on plagiarism....Et Plagieringseventyr - 0 views

    aimed at university students, but still great for secondary  -- acts out Dickens' Christmas Carol as showing what will happen if you plagiarize
Martin Lyon - 1 views

    This looks like a really easy to follow site based around citation and academic honesty.
Katie Day

Kate Hart: Citing Sources: A Quick and Graphic Guide - 1 views

    Academia has lots and lots and lots of systems in place for assuring that credit is always given where credit is due. If you're writing a paper, there are particular ways to cite internet sources-- even tweets and Facebook posts. But what about on the internet? We know we're supposed to cite sources, but a standardized system hasn't developed, and in the meantime, you could face a lawsuit if you steal someone else's work, even by accident. Does that mean you can't ever elaborate on someone else's ideas or repeat a little of what someone else said? Of course not. Just use some common sense and always err on the side of caution.
    POSTER: "A magical guide to avoiding plagiarism" - using JKRowling as an example
Jeffrey Plaman

To make it Google-proof, make it personal - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk ... - 2 views

    "The program for this year's ISTE had a few sessions with "Google-proofing" in the title. Since, I suppose no one copies directly from print sources anymore, "Googling" and "plagiarizing" are synonymous. And as professor Hokanson suggests in the quote above, when there is a direct transfer of information from source to student product - with no cognitive processing stop in-between - little learning occurs as a result of the assignment. It is busy work that no one likes."
Katie Day

The Ethical Researcher: Template for a Plagiarism Policy - 0 views

    "An ethics policy explains your [school, library, technology, classroom] goals, values and program within the larger context of the [district, school] educational mission, policies and procedures. By stating the rules and identifying the norms as lived in daily practices, the ethics policy offers explicit guidance about an individual's behavior and clarifies the rights and responsibilities of the institution and its stakeholders, the community and its members, the classroom and its learners. "
Katie Day

Caught red-handed: IB boss plagiarising - News - TES Connect - 0 views

  • Jeffrey Beard, the head of one of the world's most respected assessment organisations - the International Baccalaureate (IB) - has been caught red-handed passing off someone else's work as his own.The Geneva-based director general of the IB has been publicly named and shamed by an American academic institution where he made a speech that it has discovered "was not original work".Mr Beard gave a talk on "Education for a Better World" last month at the Chautauqua Institution in New York State.
  • It appears that Mr Beard broke one of the golden rules of cheating - if you're going to do it don't be too obvious. In using material from Sir Ken, he picked on a world-renowned US-based British educationalist who has had one of his talks viewed more than 1.5 million times on the internet."Mr Beard neglected to cite his source or reveal the quotations for what they were. Yesterday's speech was not original work," the statement continued.The IB's own guide for schools on academic honesty defines plagiarism as "the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate's own".
  • This week an IB spokeswoman said: "On reflection, Mr Beard thinks that he could have been more explicit about the sources and authors that inspired him for the content of this speech."She said he had drawn from "a number of sources", including Sir Ken Robinson, but "it was never Mr Beard's intent to imply that the ideas were his alone"."If this had not been a speech, but a scholarly or academic paper, he would have made a complete list of all references available," she said.The Chautauqua Institution was not impressed and has withdrawn the speech from its website and bookshop. Its statement ends: "Mr Beard's behavior in this matter is not characteristic of the work done here at Chautauqua and violates the expectations you should have for that work. We acknowledge to you our genuine disappointment in this event."
    The head of the IBO has been caught not attributing ideas in a speech which came from Sir Ken Robinson... and has been reprimanded.... Interesting example to show students.
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