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Keri-Lee Beasley

10 beautiful alternative Disney movie posters | TQS Magazine - 1 views

    Minimalist movie posters.
Louise Phinney

Block Posters - Create large wall posters from any image for free! - 3 views

    a free program that lets you take a photo and make it into any size wall posters. At first glance it looks good and it is free.
Keri-Lee Beasley

7 Poster Design Tips Plus Tons of Examples and Tutorials - 3 views

    This site has some great suggestions for making beautiful posters. It talks about white space, font, color etc. It has links to hundreds of great examples to look at. 
Katie Day

Poems for... - Home - one world, all ages, waiting - 0 views

    "Poems for... supplies small poem-posters for public display - in class rooms, libraries, waiting rooms ..." You need to register before you can download, but it's free -- and the poems make lovely A3 posters printed out
Keri-Lee Beasley

Approaches to Learning (ATL) Posters - 3 views

    Well-designed posters for the Approaches to Learning in MYP
Keri-Lee Beasley

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Twitter in the Classroom and Twitter Posters - 0 views

    Ideas from a consultant about using twitter in the classroom. Quite cool posters.
Keri-Lee Beasley

25 Ways To Design an Awesome Poster and Create a Buzz For Your Next Event – Desig... - 0 views

    Great tips for poster design, together with beautiful examples
Keri-Lee Beasley

Dutch Uncle :: Noma Bar :: Portfolio - 1 views

    Simple posters showing famous books/movies using negative space. Beautiful and clever
Katie Day

The Writing Process | College Unbound - 0 views

    great poster/diagram of the writing process
Keri-Lee Beasley

Author quote posters - StumbleUpon - 1 views

    Love these posters for their design and for the lovely quotes.
Louise Phinney

The Best 8 Tools to Create Posters for your Classroom ~ Educational Technology and Mobi... - 3 views

    some useful web tools, like the idea of muzy thoughts
Katie Day

Kate Hart: Citing Sources: A Quick and Graphic Guide - 1 views

    Academia has lots and lots and lots of systems in place for assuring that credit is always given where credit is due. If you're writing a paper, there are particular ways to cite internet sources-- even tweets and Facebook posts. But what about on the internet? We know we're supposed to cite sources, but a standardized system hasn't developed, and in the meantime, you could face a lawsuit if you steal someone else's work, even by accident. Does that mean you can't ever elaborate on someone else's ideas or repeat a little of what someone else said? Of course not. Just use some common sense and always err on the side of caution.
    POSTER: "A magical guide to avoiding plagiarism" - using JKRowling as an example
Jeffrey Plaman

WWIII Propaganda Posters - a set on Flickr - 2 views

    Great set of posters on digital media
Katie Day

Word Painting - Commas: They save lives! - 2 views

    funny poster showing the importance of commas....
Keri-Lee Beasley

Elements of Design by Paperleaf - 0 views

    Poster of the elements of design.
Keri-Lee Beasley

20 Inspiring Posters with Design Quotes - 2 views

    Quotes about design. I particularly like Saul Bass's "Design is thinking made visual" quote
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