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Mathieu Plourde

Who Cares? MOOCs, CAS:T, Care Work, Student Evaluations and the Work of Evaluating Stud... - 0 views

    "Universities quietly maintain the fiction that student work is mostly evaluated by people in a structural position to assess it both independently and generously. Independently, because they are tenured: when they call good work good and bad work bad, they do so because their dispassionate judgments have no bearing on their continued employment.  Generously, because they themselves enjoy consolations of time, resources, and respect that redound to their evaluative practice: they sit in quiet private offices, attentively marking a reasonable volume of student work, and have no fundamental reasons to resent the students they teach nor the institutions which employ them."
Mathieu Plourde

The Primary Problem with Educational Technology - 0 views

    "the biggest problem as succinctly as possible: Caring Doesn't Scale. This three-word sentence captures so much. First, it clearly communicates that "scale" has become a virtue. More importantly, it implies that old-fashioned virtues - things like caring about people - simply can't compare in importance to modern values like scale."
Mathieu Plourde

How to Get a Job - 2 views

    "It is best summed up by the mantra from the Harvard education expert Tony Wagner that the world doesn't care anymore what you know; all it cares "is what you can do with what you know." And since jobs are evolving so quickly, with so many new tools, a bachelor's degree is no longer considered an adequate proxy by employers for your ability to do a particular job - and, therefore, be hired."
Mathieu Plourde

Understanding the Factors That Influence the Adoption and Meaningful Use of Social Medi... - 0 views

    "Overall, 117 of 485 (24.1%) of respondents used social media daily or many times daily to scan or explore medical information, whereas 69 of 485 (14.2%) contributed new information via social media on a daily basis. On a weekly basis or more, 296 of 485 (61.0%) scanned and 223 of 485 (46.0%) contributed. In terms of attitudes toward the use of social media, 279 of 485 respondents (57.5%) perceived social media to be beneficial, engaging, and a good way to get current, high-quality information. In terms of usefulness, 281 of 485 (57.9%) of respondents stated that social media enabled them to care for patients more effectively, and 291 of 485 (60.0%) stated it improved the quality of patient care they delivered. The main factors influencing a physician's usage of social media to share medical knowledge with other physicians were perceived ease of use and usefulness. Respondents who had positive attitudes toward the use of social media were more likely to use social media and to share medical information with other physicians through social media. Neither age nor gender had a significant impact on adoption or usage of social media."
Mathieu Plourde

Here's To The Death Of "Personal Branding" On The Internet - 2 views

    "I'm not exactly sure who made being a "personal brand" a thing on the Internet, but I'd really like to sit down with them and ask them why they thought that it was a good idea. You see, an entire ecosystem of people looking to make money have cropped up around this notion of helping people become a "brand." Honestly, it's bull, and I'd like to see it stop. Why is it bull? Because unless you're Kim Kardashian and have a line of clothes or stinky fragrances, you are not a brand. You are a person."
    "It's honestly the people who figured out one day that being them was fun who are successful in life. They're weird, odd, loud, quiet, sexy, ugly, bald, rude, or funny and they don't care what other people think. I don't think that Box's CEO Aaron Levie took a class in "personal branding," I just think he's cool with being himself."
Pat Sine

The Internet? We Built That - - 0 views

    "Who created the Internet and why should we care? These questions, so often raised during the Bush-Gore election in 2000, have found their way back into the political debate this season - starting with one of the most cited texts of the preconvention campaign, Obama's so-called "you didn't build that" speech. "The Internet didn't get invented on its own," Obama argued, in the lines that followed his supposed gaffe. "Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet." In other words: business uses the Internet, but government made it happen."
Mathieu Plourde

Your Problem Isn't Motivation - 0 views

    "Each attempt to "motivate" himself will only increase his stress and guilt as it widens the gap between his motivation and his follow-through, between how badly he wants to work out and his failure to do so. We have a misconception that if we only cared enough about something, we would do something about it. But that's not true. "
Pat Sine

Why Twitter doesn't care what your real name is - Tech News and Analysis - 1 views

    "Shirky's point is that for a functioning online community, all you really need is some kind of system for attaching reputation points to a user's "handle" or pseudonym. Klout is trying to do that with a number that rises and falls based on your activity on networks like Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Tumblr. "
Mathieu Plourde

Screencasting to Engage Learning - 1 views

    Screencasts can provide learners a student-centered and engaging learning experience in both distance and traditional learning settings. To align screencasts with lesson objectives, goals, assessment practices, and standards, instructors can create their own screencasts rather than searching through the thousands of educational screencast videos on the web. Good educational screencasts depend not only on thorough planning but also on thoughtful and careful editing to re-sequence lesson elements, eliminate awkward and unnecessary portions, and craft a focused, easy-to-follow presentation that uses students' time efficiently.
Mathieu Plourde

The Real Reason for my Personal Learning Network - 0 views

    But it isn't professional development - at least not in the traditional concept of it. Instead, my PLN is a network of people who care about me. It's where I go in those dark moments where I have wanted to quit. It's where I go when I am excited and want to celebrate. It is far less of a "network" and more of a community. The reality is that teaching is hard. That's the real reason I have a PLN.
Mathieu Plourde

Do Young People Care About Privacy? - 0 views

    They don't see privacy as simply keeping secrets. They understand privacy as controlling information flow. It is rare these days to be able to hide information from absolutely everyone. There are too many technologies that capture images and information. Instead, people control who sees their information. They set their social media profiles to allow certain people to have access but others not to have access. They allow some companies to have their data but do not want others to access it or want it used in some ways but not others. Privacy isn't all-or-nothing - it's about modulating boundaries and controlling data.
Mathieu Plourde

Stop Worrying About Privacy, Start Caring About Identity - 0 views

    Every entity must learn to curate their Social Identity. Social Identity is how the world perceives an entity. In the past that audience might have been limited or filtered to a select few. No more, social media is the great equalizer and spreads the word fast. Some might call this your brand. Regardless of the naming, data is being collected and directed for use about you. You are being watched and talked about, so what can you do about it? There are six elements of a person, group or government's Social Identity:
Mathieu Plourde

Derivation of electronic course templates for use in higher education - 0 views

    Lecturers in higher education often consider the incorporation of web technologies into their teaching practice. Partially structured and populated course site templates could aid them in getting started with creating and deploying webbased materials and activities to enrich the teaching and learning experience. Discussions among instructional technology support staff and lecturers reveal a paucity of robust specifications for possible course site features that could comprise a template. An attempted mapping from the teaching task as understood by the instructor to the envisaged course website properties proves elusive. We conclude that the idea of an initial state for a course site, embodied in a template, remains useful and should be developed not according to a formula but with careful attention to the context and existing pedagogical practice. Any course template provided for the use of lecturers should be enhanced with supporting instructions and examples of how it may be adapted for their particular purposes.
Mathieu Plourde

Workshops Don't Work - 0 views

    "In other words, the key is to define indifference, rather than non-attendance, as the problem.  Attack the indifference -- preferably by having trusted colleagues show or discuss the cool new thing they've found -- and the non-attendance will take care of itself."
Mathieu Plourde

Defending Tech Literacy/Use for Elementary School Children - 0 views

    "We live in a tech world, and tech is not going away.  Tech is an amazing resource that can make learning far more engaging and accessible to children of all income levels, academic profiles and interests.  It is essential that we integrate technology into the education of young children with enthusiasm, knowledge and care."
Mathieu Plourde

Case Foundation - 0 views

    The Case Foundation, created by Steve Case and Jean Case in 1997, invests in people and ideas that can change the world. We create and support initiatives that leverage new technologies and entrepreneurial approaches to drive innovation in the social sector and encourage individuals to get involved with the communities and causes they care about.
Mathieu Plourde

Real-Time News Curation, Newsmastering And Newsradars - The Complete Guide Part 1: Why ... - 1 views

    ""What we need to get much better at is scaling that system so you don't have to pay attention to everything, but you don't miss the stuff you care about...""
Mathieu Plourde

Adobe Youth Voices - 0 views

    "Adobe Youth Voices Essentials provides free curricula and tools for educators to inspire young people to create digital media on issues they care about. Based on the best practices of educators from around the world, our curricula promotes youth expression, creativity, and engagement, helping young people build critical 21st century technology and life skills."
Mathieu Plourde

Aggregation and curation: two concepts that explain a lot about digital change - 0 views

    "Curation is a term that has always referred to the careful selection and pruning of aggregates, such as for a museum or an art exhibition. But the concept in the digital content world means the selection and presentation of these disparate items to help a browser or consumer navigate and select from them. Aggregation without curation is, normally, not very helpful. Curation creates the brand."
Mathieu Plourde

Samsung Reveals The Galaxy Gear, Will Be Available Starting On September 25 - 0 views

    After much anticipation, Samsung's Galaxy Gear is here, and, at first glance, it's not quite as strange as some earlier reports made it out to be. In case you don't care about any of the following information and just want to own one (you weirdo), the Galaxy Gear will start its world availability tour on September 25 - it'll cost $299 when it makes its October debut in the U.S. and you can only use it with the Galaxy Note 3 for now.
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