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Pedagogical Repository - 1 views

    The University of Central Florida's (UCF) Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) offers the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR) as a public resource for faculty and instructional designers interested in online and blended teaching strategies. Each entry describes a strategy drawn from the pedagogical practice of online/blended teaching faculty, depicts this strategy with artifacts from actual courses, and is aligned with findings from research or professional practice literature. From Wendy - we may want to encourage our faculty to use this, but this also provides an opportunity for them to contribute their own practices.

Thinking Small About Online Learning | Technology and Learning - 0 views

  • Understanding the changing dynamics of the big players in online learning is important - but I fear that these numbers may dissuade some institutions from exploring distance education
  • An alternative way to think about online learning is not about scale - or even really about revenue generation - but about specialization.
  • Online programs can be a vehicle to highlight differentiation. What school, department, program, or area of research does your school do better than anybody else? What degree programs are you most proud? What areas of teaching and knowledge creation have you build a critical mass of faculty?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The economics of online education mean that it is possible to build a very small program that is financially sustainable.  If the focus is institutional differentiation and program quality - economic sustainability should be enough
  • Online teaching is the world’s greatest faculty development program
  • The instructional designers that you will bring to campus to build a quality online program will end up working on residential courses.
  • faculty teaching online in a small program are the same faculty teaching on-ground - and they bring all their new course design and active learning skills developed in their online teaching to the face-to-face classroom
  • The real online learning story is the extent that distance education has been a catalyst to improve all the teaching and learning that happens on campus.

The Making of a Teaching Evangelist - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

  • Mr. Mazur realized what he had really been teaching them: to memorize formulas.
  • Joy is not a word that often describes the lecture.
  • One humanities professor wrote last year that lectures work because they demand that students pay close attention, connect ideas, and understand how to build an argument.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Mr. Mazur wondered whether lecturing was an ethical teaching choice.
  • The lecture creates the perfect illusion
  • Students learn when they think about what they’re hearing and organize it into salient points. "This places the responsibility for learning on the student,
  • modern zeitgeist places the responsibility on the instructor.
  • Lecturing, he says, serves another important purpose. It reaffirms the importance of expertise and allows students to see how an expert role-models the process of working through a problem.
  • Learning is not a spectator sport,"
  • Lectures are inexpensive for institutions, allowing hundreds of students to be assigned to one faculty member.
  • Mr. Mazur often likes to cite education research suggesting that students overestimate how much they learn from a smoothly delivered lecture.
  • a lecture is only as passive as the listener
  • His syllabus dedicates two paragraphs to the virtues of failure
  • Students post comments on the reading and respond to one another’s annotations
  • comments drive the next class.
  • o answer each problem, students do four things: articulate the problem in their own words, devise a plan to answer it, execute it, and evaluate how well it worked.
  • omplete the problem sets alone before class and work in teams during it to correct errors
  • not graded on how correct their answers are but on their effort and their accuracy in judging how well they understood the problem.
  • udents do complete five hourlong "Readiness Assurance Activities" during the semester. In the first half-hour they solve the problems alone; they can consult the internet but not one another. In the second, they go over the problems again, this time with their teams. Their scores reflect individual mastery and collective contribution.
  • Project-based learning is the center of the new course. Students work in teams. Many projects have low-stakes competitions attached to them, like constructing the most secure safe by using magnets as locks. Other projects have an explicit social benefit, like building musical instruments for an orchestra for poor children in Venezuela.
  • Mr. Mazur has moved himself far offstage; he missed about 40 percent of the meetings this past semester. Class just rolls on without him.
  • Peers, Mr. Mazur says, are a far greater source of motivation than a professor.
  • Students read material before class on an online platform
  • They should see failures, he writes, as "learning opportunities, not negatives, as steppingstones to success."
  • Repeated failure, as he has learned, is necessary for success.

ANU Online Coffee Courses - 0 views

    "Coffee courses are an easy way to learn new ideas for using technology in your teaching. Each coffee course will cover a new topic in education technology, teaching online, digital tools, pedagogy, or trends in technology. It is equivalent to a one- or two-hour face-to-face training session, but is done at your own pace from your own desk. Courses are offered regularly through the blog, and take place over one week. Each day while the course runs, a short activity or video will be posted to the blog for you to do. It should take about 15 - 20 minutes, just enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea, or whatever you prefer). For more information, please see this post about coffee courses. You can do any course at any time and all are welcome to participate. If you would like recognition on your employment record for completing the course, you can register for the session on HORUS prior to the course starting (available for ANU staff only)." From Wendy: I love the blog idea! Participants from their University can review each course and post a substantive comment to the blog in order to get the certificate. We could do this with workshop. It would help ensure faculty are really learning, since their posts would be public. Thoughts? Also note that all of their content is posted with a CC-BY license in case there's something we can use. It's also a model we can follow?
Steve Kaufman

BGSU's 2017 Teaching and Learning Fair - 1 views

    BGSU's Teaching and Learning Conference (something to look at as a way to lay out information for NEXT?)

Brandman University, CBE pioneer, offers advice on program development | Education Dive - 0 views

  • volving the role of faculty — Brandman has traditional faculty who build the curriculum as well as tutorial faculty who teach, another group who grades, and another, non-faculty, group responsible for monitoring student activity and engagement.
     evolving the role of faculty - Brandman has traditional faculty who build the curriculum as well as tutorial faculty who teach, another group who grades, and another, non-faculty, group responsible for monitoring student activity and engagement.

Facebook testing features to let users teach online courses - 0 views

  • Facebook is testing new features in its developer community that, if rolled out across the platform, could let anyone on the social networking service teach online courses.
  • initiative, known as Developers Circles,
  • The company is working with online education provider Udacity to create training programs for developers who participate in the circles.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has recently taken an interest in education. He and pediatrician Priscilla Chan, his wife, in 2015 founded the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which among many initiatives is exploring whether personalized learning can benefit students.
  • I'm nervous about a deep integration of social media and learning. The mix of constant interruption (social media) with a need to focus (learning) seems counterproductive.”

Tips for college leaders to make online programs work | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • “Why are we doing e-learning?”  Is it to increase tuition revenue?  Decrease costs? Create greater access? Allow greater flexibility for our students? Experiment with new pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning, so as to better educate a different generation of students? All of the above?
  • ultimately the senior no-wake proponents on campus will delay and/or sabotage any meaningful e-learning strategy.
  • all must understand the risks of NOT advancing one.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • key to succeeding is to incentivize faculty and senior staff.
  • sharing of tuition revenue generated from online courses and/or financial support for scholarly activities
  • same individuals must be engaged in defining and ensuring the highest level of quality of the online student experience
  • houghtful use of both internal and external resources, including independent marketing research
  • student-faculty engagement
  • measurable retention strategy
  • baseline for retention must be established
  • retention “dashboard” created to enable the provost to monitor all online programs
  • course development standards, teaching expectations, proper advisement and support services
  • careful use of third-party vendors and consultants to properly assess your institution’s market niche is typically a good expense.
  • more personalized, technologically advanced and affordable online degree program.
Patrick Tabatcher

Teaching the Support team how to fish by Mig Reyes of 37signals - 0 views

  • writing fully-packed guides
    A technical overview of how 37signals set up their new help site. Check out their help guides. 

​The Future of Online Learning Is Offline: What Strava Can Teach Digital Cour... - 0 views

    This is worth thinking about. What if we had an app where students could record their learning 'workouts' and it was social? Imagine a Brainbit similar to the Fitbit that reminded students to study for 15 minutes every hour or they could set their own goals and reply yes/no if they met the goal. They could then choose to share on FB or twitter, etc. Maybe there's a way to start thinking about the D2L Awards and the Mozilla backpack and start modeling something like this?

How to Prepare Professors Who Thought They'd Never Teach Online - The Chronicle of High... - 1 views

  • hat comes through in the video, imperfect as it surely is, is a sense of authenticity.
  • watching a clip repeatedly isn’t a bad thing when it comes to learning.
  • He had been worried about making his lecture videos perfect — thinking that he had to give a command performance every time the camera was rolling, as if he were in a Hollywood production
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • "I don’t expect hyper-efficiency when I teach face to face.
  • ig called a "lightboard," designed a few years ago by a professor at Northwestern University
  • It’s not just that it looks cool, it actually works better
  • autions the professor not to write so much on the board that it blocks her face.
  • 20 minutes of "pre-draw
  • ready to rehearse
  • five-minute lecture twice, each time noting how long it takes and how well she stays focused on the points she wants to emphasize. The goal is to shoot the video in one take, so there is no room for flubs
  • need to let the camera linger on the professor for a few seconds after her lecture so that the video doesn’t appear to end abruptly
  • he tries to think about the students who will be out there watching, eventually. But for now she is bathed in harsh light in a windowless concrete box, remembering to smile
  • It took well over an hour to produce the five-minute clip

Teacher Presence: Using Introductory Videos in Online and Hybrid Courses by Paula Jones... - 1 views

    "We evaluated student perceptions relating to the significance of producing an introductory video to introduce the instructor to students in both a fully online course and a hybrid course. From the results of this study, we concluded that introductory videos can help to establish the instructor's teaching presence with the students, regardless of the method of delivery of the course.""
Patrick Tabatcher

Mic Technique - YouTube - 1 views

    Good information on how to get good sound when recording audio. This is something we should share with, or teach to, faculty who are recording audio for their Storyline/Narrated PPTs

The Hope and Hype of the Academic Innovation Center - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "A 2015 survey found that a growing number of colleges were marrying their academic-technology units with their teaching and learning centers in hopes of igniting fundamental reforms across campus. A common mission for innovation centers, particularly at large public universities like Michigan State, is improving student success. That may include revamping large introductory courses, training professors in design thinking and active learning, and using analytics to improve retention and graduation rates."

3 Universities Will Grant Credit for 2U's Online Courses - Wired Campus - The Chronicle... - 0 views

  • First, the courses will be taught entirely online—an option that Southern Methodist has never before offered to undergraduates.
  • taught by professors at other universities
  • ourses, offered through the online-education company 2U, will come from a consortium of colleges participating in 2U’s Semester Online program
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • will allow Southern Methodist to see how well online courses work for its students without committing resources to building its own
  • students will be allowed to take a maximum of four courses through 2U
  • prevent cannibalizing enrollment from its own courses
  • will allow each student to take only one Semester Online course this fall
  • courses have already passed through a faculty review.
  • during their time at Southern Methodist
  • U has increasingly pitched itself as the anti-MOOC online provider.
  • teach the courses live, via Webcam, to virtual classrooms of no more than 20 students.
  • 4,200 per student per course.
  • purposefully exclusive.
  • teaching institutions supply high-quality courses, while the affiliates supply high-quality students.

Pandemic-driven teaching pivot drives a surge in sharing among the faculty - 0 views

    Great resources linked here

Virtual reality: could it revolutionise higher education? | THE News - 0 views

  • Conrad Tucker, an assistant professor of engineering at Pennsylvania State University, has received funding to build a virtual engineering lab where students hold, rotate and fit together virtual parts as they would with their real hands
  • One question his project aims to answer is whether students learn as well in VR as they do in real classrooms, or whether without being physically present with their classmates, they miss out on developing intangible skills such as teamwork
  • The same year saw the University of British Columbia experiment with a full lecture in VR. Five students were given an earlier version of the Oculus Rift headset and sat in a virtual classroom where they watched a gaming lawyer deliver a lecture
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • with headsets covering their entire field of view, the students were unable to take notes in the real world.
  • ou activate more of your brain because…it’s not a single channel [sense]
  • llow users to toggle between modes, hiding and then revealing the reconstructed parts
  • could, however, help universities to optimise their use of space, reserving real labs for when they are truly needed.

Self-Described 'EduPunk' Says Colleges Should Abandon Course-Management Systems - Techn... - 0 views

  • learning-management system that promises to improve teaching, it "really encloses space, and it encloses the possibility of the Web,"
  • most limit access to those with an account at that univer
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