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Design Matters « higher education management group - 2 views

  • growing recognition that design is not simply about making products attractive
  • easier to use, fit better into the flow of people’s lives, suit the needs of a broader range of end-users, increase productivity, and even influence emotions (which in turn can influence cognition).
  • digital higher education – both its software and content – has managed to remain untouched by good design.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • esign is not even on the agenda
  • just like educators.
  • design and education have remarkably similar objectives
  • Design
  • quality of design in screen-based environments dramatically influences the end-user’s experience.
  • seeks to make the complex simple
  • Both design and education attempt to leverage the user’s existing knowledge
  • maximize the audience’s retention of relevant information
  • passive form of communication
  • move beyond a one-way
  • the end-user become an active participant in the process
  • y organizing the user’s attention; encouraging them to focus on what the designer/educator feels is most important.
  • establishing a competitive difference for institutions
  • students approach education like consumers
  • seeking out meaningful differences
  • Thoughtfully designed software and content can serve as a competitive differentiators
  • tangible; students can see (and experience) the difference
  • few institutions have the talent and resources in place to leverage design
  • Nimble and intelligent institutions can use design to stake out a significant difference

Beyond Videos: 4 Ways Instructional Designers Can Craft Immersive Educational Media | E... - 1 views

  • Harvard reportedly spends $75,000-$150,000 building each new MOOC, most of which goes towards video production costs.
  • resourceful teachers and nonprofits like Khan Academy are still creating low-budget screencasts.
  • et, until we get the learning design right, these questions about production values are premature
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • makes little sense to convert your narrated PowerPoint into a 360 video if you’re still not sure whether students walk away having learned from the content.
  • This is where instructional designers come in
  • ven if an instructional designer can get an expert to explain a concept clearly, this sometimes has little effect on student understanding
  • students bring their own prior knowledge and misconceptions to educational media
  • ideo presents concepts in a clear, well-illustrated way, students believe they are learning, but they do not engage with the media on a deep enough level to realize that what has been presented differs from their own prior knowledge,
  • ou need a little friction in your educational media to actually modify the viewer’s understanding of the world and get the new understanding to stick
  • talk through the steps that people will need to take to apply their learning or complete an assignment
  • Relate” videos get the student to feel connected to the instructor. They seek to establish instructor presence. They also prompt students to reflect on their own prior experiences with the topic and reasons for taking the course.
  • arrate” videos share stories, anecdotes, or case studies that illustrate a concept or put the learning in context. They tap into the power of narrative to make learning sticky.
  • Demonstrate” videos illustrate how to do something in a step-by-step way.
  • “Debate” videos are perhaps the most important if you want students to actually change the way they think. These videos explicitly surface and address the misconceptions that students have about a domain and showcase competing points of view.
  • that social belonging interventions can be the key to helping students persis
  • coaching your experts to unfold their narratives in ways that will be riveting to an audience
  • A study by Columbia University School of Continuing Education found that videos in an online course that get the highest number of views have a direct connection to the course assignments
  • videos turn out best if I help the expert do four things: relate, narrate, demonstrate, and debate
  • focus on the places where people tend to make mistakes
  • gaps between novice understanding and expert knowledge
  • As the instructional designer, you should also be looking for controversies that might have surfaced about the expert’s work
  • minefields of misconceptions and asking the instructor to unpack them can yield rich pedagogical footage
  • o film a “debate” video, you can also invite someone else into the shoot—such as a colleague or a student—and have them discuss a topic with the instructor or receive feedback on a piece of work
  • alternative viewpoints or ways of doing things, you trigger higher cognitive load for viewers, but also prompt deeper engagement
  • tudents who watched a video dialogue involving alternative conceptions reported investing greater mental effort and achieved higher posttest scores than students who received a standard lecture-style presentation
Patrick Tabatcher

Web designers: you need a Retina MacBook Pro - - 0 views

    Some insight on why a Retina screen is necessary for screen design. But, includes some tidbits on how to simulate the appearance of your site on a high-res (i.e. retina) screen.

WAMOE! Join our Web Accessibility MOOC - Brightspace Community - 0 views

  • With registration opening today (Sept. 29, 2014) on D2L Open Courses, the Web Accessibility MOOC for Online Educators, or #WAMOE, is designed to help e-Learning professionals meet the challenges of compliance with the web accessibility requirements as they pertain to electronic learning environments.
  • There are weekly modules that are designed to help you improve your web accessibility skills specifically for teaching online
    Free MOOC designed to help e-learning professionals meet the challenges of compliance with web accessibility requirements as they pertain to electronic learning requirements.
Patrick Tabatcher

How to Make Your PowerPoint Presentation Design Better - 2 views

    Nifty guide on how to improve your powerpoint designs

​The Future of Online Learning Is Offline: What Strava Can Teach Digital Cour... - 0 views

    This is worth thinking about. What if we had an app where students could record their learning 'workouts' and it was social? Imagine a Brainbit similar to the Fitbit that reminded students to study for 15 minutes every hour or they could set their own goals and reply yes/no if they met the goal. They could then choose to share on FB or twitter, etc. Maybe there's a way to start thinking about the D2L Awards and the Mozilla backpack and start modeling something like this?
Patrick Tabatcher

The Retina War is upon us. by Wells Riley - 0 views

    More information on designing/developing for the web now that Retina screens have moved to the desktop. See also:
Steve Kaufman

iOS 7 Cheat Sheet - 1 views

    Dimensions and design standards for the upcoming iOS 7. Helpful if we are developing mobile-friendly sites.
Steve Kaufman

How Workplace Design Influences Worker Productivity - 0 views

    Whether you work in an office building or from a home office, the design of your workplace definitely influences the quality and speed of your work. This especially true when it comes to tasks which require focus. Studies examining productivity at work have shown that the physical space in which people work has the most impact on their ability to focus.

Online Education and the War Against Remote Work | Learning Innovation - 0 views

  • We have discovered that learning is less about propinquity and more about design.
  • ractices that work well in online courses - such as a focus on presence and a commitment to timely and energetic feedback
  • low-residency and online learning is preferred. (And indeed, often the only possible method to complete or continue an education
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • We have years of experience in optimizing distance education. We know it works. We know how to do it.
  • As we push more and more into low-residency and online education, are we doing enough to make our campuses remote work-friendly?
  • ctively researching the connections between learning design for online education and job design for remote work
Patrick Tabatcher

Design Staff - Story-centered design: how to make a prototype in PowerPoint - 0 views

    This focuses on using PowerPoint to mockup iPhone apps. These ideas can be used to create clickable prototypes for almost any type of application (Integrator anyone?).
Patrick Tabatcher

stacktable.js - 0 views

    Responsive tables that stack columns from a single row. 

Massages in the library - 0 views

    Course design spa idea from Aimee

Pedagogical Repository - 1 views

    The University of Central Florida's (UCF) Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) offers the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR) as a public resource for faculty and instructional designers interested in online and blended teaching strategies. Each entry describes a strategy drawn from the pedagogical practice of online/blended teaching faculty, depicts this strategy with artifacts from actual courses, and is aligned with findings from research or professional practice literature. From Wendy - we may want to encourage our faculty to use this, but this also provides an opportunity for them to contribute their own practices.

Thinking Small About Online Learning | Technology and Learning - 0 views

  • Understanding the changing dynamics of the big players in online learning is important - but I fear that these numbers may dissuade some institutions from exploring distance education
  • An alternative way to think about online learning is not about scale - or even really about revenue generation - but about specialization.
  • Online programs can be a vehicle to highlight differentiation. What school, department, program, or area of research does your school do better than anybody else? What degree programs are you most proud? What areas of teaching and knowledge creation have you build a critical mass of faculty?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The economics of online education mean that it is possible to build a very small program that is financially sustainable.  If the focus is institutional differentiation and program quality - economic sustainability should be enough
  • Online teaching is the world’s greatest faculty development program
  • The instructional designers that you will bring to campus to build a quality online program will end up working on residential courses.
  • faculty teaching online in a small program are the same faculty teaching on-ground - and they bring all their new course design and active learning skills developed in their online teaching to the face-to-face classroom
  • The real online learning story is the extent that distance education has been a catalyst to improve all the teaching and learning that happens on campus.
Patrick Tabatcher

7 Ways To Make Adobe Bridge Your Personal Assistant - DesignFestival » For We... - 0 views

    Some great tips on leveraging Adobe Bridge.

Harry Potter Monopoly 101 | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    Harry Potter monopoly analogy to course design

Serendip-o-matic: Let Your Sources Surprise You| About - 0 views

    "Serendip-o-matic connects your sources to digital materials located in libraries, museums, and archives around the world. By first examining your research interests, and then identifying related content in locations such as the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), Europeana, and Flickr Commons, our serendipity engine helps you discover photographs, documents, maps and other primary sources. Whether you begin with text from an article, a Wikipedia page, or a full Zotero collection, Serendip-o-matic's special algorithm extracts key terms and returns a surprising reflection of your interests. Because the tool is designed mostly for inspiration, search results aren't meant to be exhaustive, but rather suggestive, pointing you to materials you might not have discovered. At the very least, the magical input-output process helps you step back and look at your work from a new perspective. Give it a whirl. Your sources may surprise you."
Patrick Tabatcher

Email Signature Design - 1 views

    Tips on creating "rich" email signatures. There is a companion article that is linked at the beginning of the article.
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