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Aurialie Jublin

The future of jobs: The onrushing wave | The Economist - 1 views

  • The machines are not just cleverer, they also have access to far more data. The combination of big data and smart machines will take over some occupations wholesale; in others it will allow firms to do more with fewer workers. Text-mining programs will displace professional jobs in legal services. Biopsies will be analysed more efficiently by image-processing software than lab technicians. Accountants may follow travel agents and tellers into the unemployment line as tax software improves. Machines are already turning basic sports results and financial data into good-enough news stories.
  • There will still be jobs. Even Mr Frey and Mr Osborne, whose research speaks of 47% of job categories being open to automation within two decades, accept that some jobs—especially those currently associated with high levels of education and high wages—will survive (see table). Tyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason University and a much-read blogger, writes in his most recent book, “Average is Over”, that rich economies seem to be bifurcating into a small group of workers with skills highly complementary with machine intelligence, for whom he has high hopes, and the rest, for whom not so much.
    "Previous technological innovation has always delivered more long-run employment, not less. But things can change"
Thierry Nabeth

140 million full time jobs created or destroyed by knowledge work automation in the coming age of the machine: PART IV of our McKinsey study review - 1 views

    The jobs won't all necessarily be lost, as technology will also make many workers more productive, but as always there will be losers, according to McKinsey and Company in their report into the most disruptive technologies for the next decade.
    Report| McKinsey Global Institute Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
julien camacho

A brief history of robots - 1 views

    Les robots (terme dérivé d'un mot Tchèque signifiant : travail) sont devenus omniprésents, à tel point que leur présence dans tous les domaines d'activité passe parfois inaperçue. Paristech review revient sur 3000 ans d'histoire de la robotisation, processus qui débute avec les preières tentatives d'automatisation.
Thierry Nabeth

Nearly half of US jobs could be at risk of computerization, Oxford Martin School study shows -- .Kurzweil AI - 0 views

    The study, a collaboration between Dr. Carl Benedikt Frey (Oxford Martin School) and Dr. Michael A. Osborne (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford), found that jobs in transportation, logistics, and office/administrative support are at "high risk" of automation.
Thierry Nabeth

The CEOs Are Wrong: Smart Machines Will Replace Millions Of Jobs -- TechCrunch, Oct 10, 2013 - 0 views

    Smart machines are coming to the business world, but don't tell that to the CEOs. Sixty-percent of CEOs surveyed by Gartner Research say the emergence of smart machines capable of absorbing millions of middle-class jobs within 15 years is a "futurist fantasy." The survey results reflect the anxiety about automation of the work world and the advent of smart machines that Gartner says will have a widespread and deep business impact by 2020.
hubert guillaud

Neurio : la maison intelligente, simplement - HackThings - 1 views

    Neurio - - est un petit appareil qui permet de surveiller sa consommation d'énergie très simplement... En étant capable de dire quels appareils consomment quoi... Mais grâce à ses API, il permet également un bricolage inhabituel, permettant d'inventer des applications réactives à telle ou telle consommation d'un appareil...
Aurialie Jublin Même pas peur : le salaire de l'Uber. - 0 views

  • Au-delà des avancées technologiques qui permettront l'automatisation d'un certain nombre de tâches, d'emplois ou de métiers, les critères d'une "uberisation" sont clairement posés dans cette interview d'Olivier Ezratty. En 1ère ligne des "uberisables" on trouve : "ceux qui génèrent de l'insatisfaction client" (des médecins aux plombiers pour - par exemple - raccourcir les délais d'attente et favoriser la mise en contact directe) "ceux susceptibles d'être désintermédiés par des plateformes d'évaluation", c'est à dire ceux qui nécessitent une forte évaluation client distribuée en pair à pair (ici les plateformes sont déjà en place pour l'hôtellerie et la restauration par exemple, mais pourraient s'étendre à d'autres "métiers) "ceux qui sont dans une situation de quasi-monopole" (les taxis donc, mais aussi, dans un tout autre registre ... l'éducation) "les métiers de service dans l'aide à la personne" (de la livraison à domicile en passant par la recherche de nounous ou de cours particuliers)
  • A l'aube du 21ème siècle, c'est la même question qu'il faut poser une fois acté le remplacement d'un certain nombre de tâches et de fonctions par des automates / algorithmes / robots, etc. Ces nouvelles formes de "travail journalier à la tâche", ce "salariat algorithmique" sera-t-il un privilège ou un droit ?  S'il doit devenir un privilège (c'est pour l'instant ce vers quoi nous nous dirigeons), alors il ne permettra qu'à quelques-uns d'accentuer leurs rentes en déployant une idéologie libérale devant laquelle notre actuel capitalisme dérégulé fera office de gentillet kolkhoze ; le modèle du Mechanical Turk d'Amazon deviendra la norme, on cotisera tous à la sécurité sociale de Google, nos points retraites seront chez Amazon, notre banque s'appellera Apple et Facebook fera office de mairie et d'état-civil. Fucking Brave New World. Pour qu'il puisse exister comme un droit, alors, plutôt que de lâcher 200 képis à la poursuite de pauvres auto-entrepreneurs ou d'interdire une application, c'est aujourd'hui que notre classe politique doit lire du Michel Bauwens (cf supra), c'est son rôle de faire en sorte que LE Droit puise offrir à chaque citoyen la possibilité de réinstaller au coeur d'un système outrancièrement individualiste l'horizon d'une représentation et d'une négociation collective possible. C'est aujourd'hui également que la question de savoir ce qui relève du bien commun inaliénable, dans nos usages sociaux comme dans nos ressources naturelles, doit être posée.  Bref, Candide avait raison : il nous faut cultiver notre jardin. Mais le cultiver en commun. Le cultiver comme un bien commun. Sinon on va tous se faire uberiser. A sec.
    "Du côté de l'uberisation du monde et de nos amis les taxis, les derniers jours ont été riches d'enseignements et ont accessoirement permis à ma navritude (c'est un peu comme la bravitude) d'atteindre des niveaux jusqu'ici inégalés devant tant d'incurie politique."
Aurialie Jublin

BBC News - Robot trucks do the jobs Australians shun - 0 views

  • John McGagh, head of innovation at mining leviathan Rio Tinto, assures me that there will always be people employed by mining, but they will move "up the chain". The company is working to automate its drilling and crushing as well as the dozens of mile-long trains that ship nearly a million tonnes of iron ore to the coast each day. However, it will still need remote operators, maintenance staff and experts in mechatronics
    Les robots camions font le travail que les Australiens évitent; évitant ainsi une crise industrielle dans un pays dont la géographie rend les emplois clés indésirables
Thierry Nabeth

Bank of England: half of British jobs at risk from robots (Wired UK) - 0 views

    Robots could replace 15 million British workers in the "third machine age", according to the Bank of England's chief economist. That's almost half of the 30.8 million people currently employed in the UK. The figure comes from a Bank of England study into the potential impact of widespread automation in different industries.
Thierry Nabeth

Even your boss may be threatened by robots: Study - CNBC - 0 views

    For years, workers have feared how automation may threaten their jobs in the future. Now, their bosses may be feeling those same jitters. Consulting firm Accenture recently surveyed a wide group of managers about their attitudes on cognitive computing and the future of the workforce.
Thierry Nabeth

Study Roland Berger: Of Robots and Men: Impacts of robotization on the contract logistics industry - 0 views

    In his study "Des robots et des hommes", "Of Robots and Men: Impacts of robotization on the contract logistics industry", Roland Berger analyzed the human and economic impact of robotization in logistics industry and examines the best ways to manage the transition and strengthen the French competitiveness in this field. Automated solutions for logistics progressing at high speed since the web giants have made their key issue. Now, they allow to move human operators and machines within the same warehouse. The lower cost and maturity of solutions are such that the tipping point of favorable wide dissemination of warehouse robots is getting closer. As a direct consequence, the robotization on logistics industry will remove up to 1.5 million direct jobs in Europe - if nothing is done to prepare the transition.
Aurialie Jublin

Worker Surveillance and Class Power - « Law and Political Economy - 0 views

  • As a first example, consider how workplace monitoring generates data that companies can use to automate the very tasks workers are being paid to perform. When Uber drivers carry passengers from one location to another, or simply cruise around town waiting for fares, Uber gathers extensive data on routes, driving speed, and driver behavior. That data may prove useful in developing the many algorithms required for autonomous vehicles—for example by illuminating how a reasonable driver would respond to particular traffic or road conditions.
  • with GPS data from millions of trips across town, Uber may be able to predict the best path from point A to point B fairly well, accounting not just for map distance, but also for current traffic, weather, the time of day, etc. In other words, its algorithms can replicate drivers’ subtle, local knowledge. If that knowledge was once relatively rare, then Uber’s algorithms may enable it to push down wages and erode working conditions.
  • By managing drivers’ expectations, the company may be able to maintain a high supply of drivers on the road waiting for fares. The net effect may be to lower wages, since the company only pays drivers when they are ferrying passengers.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Finally, new monitoring technologies can help firms to shunt workers outside of their legal boundaries through independent contracting, subcontracting, and franchising. Various economic theories suggest that firms tend to bring workers in-house as employees rather than contracting for their services—and therefore tend to accept the legal obligations and financial costs that go along with using employees rather than contractors—when they lack reliable information about workers’ proclivities, or where their work performance is difficult to monitor.
  • This suggests, in my mind, a strategy of worker empowerment and deliberative governance rather than command-and-control regulation. At the firm or workplace level, new forms of unionization and collective bargaining could address the everyday invasions of privacy or erosions of autonomy that arise through technological monitoring. Workers might block new monitoring tools that they feel are unduly intrusive. Or they might accept more extensive monitoring in exchange for greater pay or more reasonable hours.
    "Companies around the world are dreaming up a new generation of technologies designed to monitor their workers-from Amazon's new employee wristbands, to Uber's recording whether its drivers are holding their phones rather than mounting them, to "Worksmart," a new productivity tool that takes photos of workers every ten minutes via their webcams. Technologies like these can erode workplace privacy and encourage discrimination. Without disregarding the importance of those effects, I want to focus in this post on how employers can use new monitoring technologies to drive down wages or otherwise disempower workers as a class. I'll use examples from Uber, not because Uber is exceptional in this regard - it most certainly is not - but rather because it is exemplary."
Aurialie Jublin

Comment la fiction nous aide-t-elle à penser les futurs du travail ? - 0 views

  • Dans un article de Wired publié en 2015 et intitulé « À quoi ressembleront les entreprises en 2050 ? », le prospectiviste Stowe Boyd construit trois scénarios à partir d’une démarche inductive qu’on ne peut décrire que comme une matrice fictionnelle. Ces scénarios reposent sur la combinaison de trois facteurs déterminants pour l’avenir du travail : l’IA, mais aussi le changement climatique et les inégalités, ces deux derniers – et en particulier le changement climatique – étant pratiquement absents du débat actuel sur le travail et l’emploi.
  • Pourtant, que deviendrait la robotique dans monde où l’énergie serait rare, sans parler des matériaux nécessaires pour fabriquer les robots ? Comment le travail se transformerait-il si une forme d’effondrement contraignait la majorité des terriens à relocaliser leur activité et la réorienter vers leurs besoins de base ? Que deviendrait-il si la dynamique de notre économie globalisée, nourrie par une innovation continue, se brisait ? Si les économies développées devaient faire face à des mouvements migratoires climatiques sans commune mesure avec ceux qui les inquiètent tant aujourd’hui ?
  • Dans le scénario «  Collapseland », l’absence d’action sur le climat conduit à un effondrement qui stoppe le progrès des technologies numériques, en partie faute de ressources, en partie parce que les grandes entreprises et les pouvoirs autoritaires qui dominent ce monde-là trouvent plus intéressant de faire travailler plus pour gagner moins. La fille automate de Paolo Bacigalupi (2009) nous invite dans une usine caractéristique de ce monde
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Dans le scénario « Néo-Féodalistan », les entreprises mènent le combat contre le changement climatique en optant pour le tout-technologique. L’automatisation est maximale, jusqu’à la direction des entreprises, sous la supervision de petites équipes d’experts et, au-dessus d’elles, des actionnaires. ·Un revenu universel, des services publics gratuits et des biens rendus beaucoup moins coûteux grâce à l’automatisation assurent la survie (et la soumission) d’une population dont l’immense majorité n’a pas d’emploi.
  • Enfin, le scénario «  Humania » résulte de choix politiques délibérés pour lutter à la fois contre le changement climatique et les inégalités, et limiter le recours à l’automatisation au nom d’un «  droit à l’emploi ». Le monde du travail qu’il décrit ressemble à celui que vantent aujourd’hui les start-up du Net : des organisations horizontales, agiles, que l’on rejoint et quitte au gré des projets, au sein desquelles on s’organise un peu à sa guise. Les conventions qui relient entreprises et collaborateurs prennent acte du caractère temporaire de leur relation, chacun s’engageant alors à aider l’autre à se passer de lui. Un revenu universel facilite l’arbitrage permanent entre travail rémunéré et autres activités.
    "Appelant fin mars la science-fiction à « s'emparer du thème du travail », la ministre Muriel Pénicaut s'est attiré la réplique de Norbert Merjagnan sur le site d'Usbek & Rica, ainsi que d'un collectif d'auteur·es dans ActuaLitté : « Madame la ministre, la SF ne vous a pas attendue ! » Mais comment la fiction nous aide-t-elle à penser les futurs du travail ? Illustration dans cette série de 4 articles, issue des travaux du collectif pour une « Université de la Pluralité »."
Aurialie Jublin

Exploring portable ratings for gig workers - Doteveryone - Medium - 0 views

  • Unlike the traditional economy, the gig economy doesn’t rely on CVs or letters of recommendation. You build your reputation on one platform at a time — and your reputation is often the route to higher earnings (A service user is more likely to choose someone with 100 five-star ratings than just one or two). Platforms don’t want people to leave, so they don’t let workers have ownership over their own ratings. Leaving a service means starting over.
  • More recently, we’ve been exploring the “how” of ratings portability: what technology, data, user experience and investment might be needed to make this real.Our design team, along with our policy intern and developer James Darling, have been conducting user research and prototyping possible technical solutions for ratings portability. Here’s where we’ve got to so far.
  • “Cab” drivers didn’t have visible habits around their ratings, weren’t checking them frequently and when we spoke about them, they told us that this wasn’t something they’d considered before or something they were particularly concerned about. They were confident in their skills and ability to find work outside of their platforms, and viewed ratings more as performance indicators for their platform owners — the main fear being a drop below 3.5 stars, where they might be dropped from the platform completely.
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  • This “performance indicator over ratings” feeling was even stronger with food delivery workers. They expressed even less concern about the issue, focussing more on their delivery metrics such as attendance and cancellations. The rider app screens we were shown support this.
  • This makes sense for both food delivery and transit: the customer has little to no ability to use workers’ reputation data to inform their purchase decision. (When we press a button to order a cab or for food to be delivered, speed is the primary factor and platforms emphasise that in their design.)
  • It was a radically different story for tradespeople. Their reputation data feels important to them, and they prefer to keep control over it. They preferred word of mouth reputation and recommendations, as there was no middleman who could take that away from them. Online platforms were seen as something to graduate away from once you had a sufficient “real world” presence.
  • Alongside our user research, James Darling looked at the technical possibilities, drawing on the Resolution Trust’s initial work and the research that our policy intern did. They came up with five possible solutions and gave them names and some logos. They are in increasing order of complexity.
  • Personal referenceThis is the status quo: when approaching a new employer, workers create their own CVs, loosely standardised by convention.
  • Publicly hosted reputationsWhat feels like a technical quick win is to ensure that a platform hosts a publicly accessible web archive of all worker reputation data, including for profiles which have been disabled. This would allow workers to provide a URL to anyone they wish to provide their reputation data. How would this be encouraged/enforced?
  • Profile verificationHow does a worker prove that they are the owner of a publicly hosted reputation profile? There are a few technical solutions that could be explored here, like a public/private key verification or explorations around OAuth. Is it possible to create something that is secure, but also usable?
  • Decentralised open data standardA data standard for reputation data could be created, allowing automated transfer and use of reputation data by competing platforms or external services. Creating the standard would be the trickiest part here: is it possible to translate between both technical differences of different platforms (eg 5 stars versus 80%), but also the values inherent in them.
  • Centralised data holderPerhaps one way to help standardise and enforce this easy transfer of reputation data is to create some sort of legal entity responsible for holding and transferring this reputation data. A lot of discussion would have to be had about the legal framework for this: is it a government department, a charity, a de facto monopoly?
  • We also thought about ways to verify identity (by including an RSA public key), what a best practice data standard might look like (here’s an example in JSON), and what the import process might look like (via a mock competitor site). The code for all this is on Github, and everything above is available in a slide deck here.
  • I worry that the concept of “owning” people’s ratings reflects some deeper, more systemic issues around who “owns” things more generally in society. In the coming months, we’d like to keep working with like minded organisations to explore that idea more, as well as how the cumulative effects of those systems affect us all.
Aurialie Jublin

Startup Expensify's "smart" scanning technology used humans hired on Amazon Mechanical Turk - Quartz - 0 views

  • The line between automation and humans blurs more often than Silicon Valley might like to admit. Facebook hired thousands of people this year to moderate content on its social network, after algorithms repeatedly failed to do the job. Uber depends on more than 2 million drivers worldwide to provide rides every day, as well as employees at headquarters to make sure enough of those drivers are on the road. Behind much of Google’s digitization of books and maps is random people on the internet, conscripted using reCaptcha. Expensify is just another example.
  • The receipts on Mechanical Turk belonged to “less than 0.00004% of users—none of whom are paying customers,” Barrett said, adding that, at any rate, there is nothing important on a receipt, “that’s why receipts are so commonly thrown out—because they are literally garbage.” Also: “anybody concerned by the real-world risks of a vetted, tested transcriptionist reading their Uber receipt should probably consider the vastly more immediate and life-threatening consequences of getting into that stranger’s car in the first place.”
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