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Brenda Wohlfeil

Is Google Making Us Stupid? - Nicholas Carr - The Atlantic - 8 views

  • My mind isn’t going—so far as I can tell—but it’s changing. I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That’s rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do. I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.
    • eeverett3
      The first question this article raises in my mind is...are other people feeling like this? that books and long articles are becoming too difficult to read?
    • Jose Escobedo
      When I am sent off to training and I know I will have limited connectivity, my laptop stays in my bag. I use this time to read articles which I print out or just simply read a book. If I have connectivity, my concentration to simply read articles or a textbook would be lost because I want to get to other class assignments or simply surf the net. To me its just a mind over matter.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      After reading/working on the computer for long periods of time, I noticed I get jittery.  I was concerned about it, so I searched the internet for answers.  I came across Linda Stone's video and website.  She has studied attention, health and technology.  In the video she talks about continuous partial attention, which is a form of multi-tasking.  Ms. Stone's research has shown that we have become hyper alert to scan for every possible input and opportunity.  In another words, we don't want to miss anything.  And this puts us in an artificial state of constant crisis.  Amongst many physical changes from this artificial state, including jitteriness, our minds find it hard to focus. (Linda Stone-May I Have Your Attention Please?, So I have to wonder, is it that we just don't have the patience for reading long books, or are we in an artificial state of constant crisis that makes it impossible for us to focus?
    • eeverett3
      I actually have a student this year who cannot use the computer at all because it causes seizures for her! Scary!
    • Olivia Basham
      This particular quote reminds me of an Aristotle quote: "We are what we constantly do, excellence isn't an act then, but a habit." It seems that Mr Carr is mistaking habits for permanent brain changes.
  • And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.
    • eeverett3
      I really like this analogy of finding information online. I often feel like this and in my library, I see students seraching so rapidly that I wonder if their research is effective.
    • Araceli Gracia
      I know that I am guilty of telling my children to "Google It" when I don't know something right away. It is quick way of getting answers to what we are not sure about. But how else would students get their information. Unless they have a set of encyclopedias, it would prove difficult to search. Long articles are more tedious to read than difficult I think. Its a matter of time that doesn't allow for reading so they are just being glanced at rather than being fully understood.
    • Merrill Redfern
      The analogy provides an excellent mental picture of what searching online looks like in the 21st century. This analogy also reminds me of times in my library, while locating a book for a student, by the time I have tracked down the book a student can't absolutely live without they have already changed their minds on what they are interested in. Amazes me on how fast students can "switch gears," which is what (among other things) the Internet searching is creating in our student population.
    • Eric Folks
      I've got mixed feelings on this. It seems counterintuitive that we should take advantage of the resources we have at hand, be it Google or some mobile device, and that we should teach our kids to do the same. How many technologies and advances in the past have changed the way we find, process, and share information? Each was met with resistance and criticism and also a bit of excitement, but eventually, they came to be seen as valuable tools for learning. While I think the same can be said of modern technologies, I do have some reservations about the concentration and scale of control companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook and the like have over society's day to day interactions. "Big data" and the way it's being used should give everyone pause, as they really boil down to refining the manipulation process. If we spent as much time teaching digital literacy and critical thinking (helping young to old be more aware of forms of manipulation, propaganda, and logical fallacies), I would be more likely to say (with some checks and balances and oversight), it's ok for these companies to provide us with goods and services specific to our needs and wants. The problem is we are witnessing both the growth of big data and the growth of technology dependence at the same time. Is technology becoming the modern day "opiate of the masses?" It just may be... More and more parents are using technology to babysit their children, enough so that pediatricians are pointing out the writing on the wall: this overuse of technology is excacerbating ADD, ADHD, childhood obeisity, and more: Personally, I have my kids complete a technology challenge every day before they're able to get on technology for gaming and entertainment (which we are now limiting to 1 hour). Most of these technology challenges involve them using technology as a creation tool, and I've got to say, it's working!
    • Stephen Simon
      The Net does chip away at your capacity for concentration, contemplation, and criticial thinking because we let it. The information on the Net is only that; you still have to decide if what you are reading can how water. I think it is important to approach search engines, like Google, by learning to structure a query followed by what storehouses of data we know to have veracity.
    • Don Martin
      It may well be that the problems we are seeing as being created by the internet and the accessibility of information are actually caused by us as instructors and not by the medium itself. As instructors it is our job to find appropriate resources and appropriate uses for the information that is so readily available today. Through the use of Web 2.0 Technologies we need to find ways to create depth of information by inspiring our students to dig deeper and helping them in the development of their critical thinking skills.
    • Olivia Basham
      While I love Mr. Carr's use of metaphor (scuba vs jet ski) this kind of argument via analogy is fallacious at best. You know what else challenges concentration and contemplation? Sports. They are just the same kind of rapid-fire informational experiences as "surfing the net" can be. No one would challenge the value of sports to a child's mind (or an adults for that matter) because it brings it's own skills and rewards. I think we confuse the situation when we try to compare un-like things.
  • It is clear that users are not reading online in the traditional sense; indeed there are signs that new forms of “reading” are emerging as users “power browse” horizontally through titles, contents pages and abstracts going for quick wins. It almost seems that they go online to avoid reading in the traditional sense.
    • eeverett3
      I wonder if reading habits are changing and if this is good or will it affect students and educators?
    • Araceli Gracia
      In the article, it mentions how texting has made it more important about being efficient and immediate which then weakens our capacity for reading. This stood out to me because this past weekend I went to help my mother send a text message. My mother does not text, she believes in the old fashion ways of speaking with people. So my 10 year old said he would help her create the text. Of course my mother wants to put capital letters, punctuation, and proper grammar. He was telling her, you don't have to do that, just put in "u" for "you". She was so shocked that he was telling her that, she was like no I have to have my name with a capital letter.
    • Merrill Redfern
      In my experience, many students are obtaining just enough information to get by and not digging deeper into a subject where it could be meaningful. The internet provides the perfect forum for this. The "grab and go" mentality. Some would argue the amount of time placed on educators is a determining factor for teachers to "power browse" information. I believe there is some truth to that but above all, the internet has significantly changed the way we search, think, communicate, teach, plan and recall information.
    • Eric Folks
      I see power browsing and recreational reading as two different activities...when I want to relax, I read (digital or print makes no difference as long as the device is light and I can adjust the brightness). When I want to stay on the cutting edge of my chosen profession, I power browse and experiement.
    • Don Martin
      It seems to me that the real problem may be related to something deeper. We have been told for so long by so many that we need to be good "multitaskers" that we have spent a great deal of time and energy on trying to do just that. Recent studies show that humans don't really multitask on any effective level and that when we do try to multitask our work and thought processes suffer for it. Here is a good article from Time Magazine about multitasking and its negative effects:,9171,1174696-1,00.html
    • eeverett3
      That is a great article,Don! I am glad to see that what I am yelling at my teens all the time is backed up by research! "When people try to perform two or more related tasks either at the same time or alternating rapidly between them, errors go way up, and it takes far longer--often double the time or more--to get the jobs done than if they were done sequentially, says David E. Meyer, director of the Brain, Cognition and Action Laboratory at the University of Michigan: "The toll in terms of slowdown is extremely large--amazingly so." I worry about the multitasking all the time...has anyone seen the tv show "Brain Games"? I think that really illustrates the hazards of multitasking....
    • Stephen Simon
      I now have better understanding of the long view of cognition and how technology impacts it. Socrates opposition to the printed word was no different than a parent restricting internet access for their children; the capacity to properly learn the learning tool, left to its own device, is largely lost.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      I find myself mostly power browsing on the Internet, but I find it is difficult to do much more because of the back lighting.  The back lighting easily tires my eyes. For long articles that I need to digest, I prefer printing them out to read.   Here is an article on computer vision syndrome: Possibly future screen technology might alleviate eye fatigue. Eizo is a company that is already working on creating screens to help with eye fatigue.  Here is their latest product:
    • Olivia Basham
      Brenda, thank you for sharing this! Eye strain and visual fatigue are really big problems for me and other persons with dyslexia.
    Here is an article that discusses the use of current technology and how it may affect the brain.
  • ...5 more comments...
    I hope that everyone had a great Spring Break! Here is the article that I would like to discuss in Diigo that week. :) EE
    The article makes several points. Technology has changed how we think and measure our abilities. For example, as a computer technician, I always tell clients that I can solve their issues even if I haven't the slightest idea how to do. I just hope that someone else around the world has posted the solution on the internet. Thank you Google. So if the internet wasn't available I don't think I would feel as confident doing my job everyday.
    Luis, I have used You Tube so many times when trying to learn how to do something. I have even used it for this course when I need that extra tutorial. For example, if Stephen had not been kind enough to post a video on how to install Java on Screenr, I would have struggled so much more. Technology comes with the good and the bad. My older son learned to play the piano from the internet while my other son just wants to watch videos. So like everything in my life, there has to be a happy medium.
    I'm inclined to believe that the problem is not with the technology but with how we adapt to it. In the past the rate of technology development has given us time to assimilate it, analyze it, and employ it. The problem with computers, the internet and all the associated electronic technology is that by the time we figure out what it is and what it is good for it's already changed. Given time we will figure out how to deal with the speed of change but in the meantime it means some struggle on our part as humans and as instructors in determining what is of value and what is not, what that value is, and how do I use it to my benefit and the benefit of my students?
    Here is an article that discusses the use of current technology and how it may affect the brain.
    Araceli, I too use YouTube for learning how to do stuff. Just last week, I needed how to embed videos into a webpage for another project. Sure enough there was a video posted on how to do that. I believe that technology affects both the learner and the teacher. Instructors expect that students use these tools and have the ability to learn how to implement.
    Google puts tremendous amounts of data at our fingertips. This data needs to be interpreted. This is a important skill that must me taught to students. Not everything posted on the net is correct. I think this teaches students to be more critical of they read.

What are Discussion Forums and How do They Enhance Learning? - 21 views

In your first Diigo Group post, please summarize your understanding of the Discussion Board and discuss how you could use this in your classroom to deepen learning. From personal experience, I hav...

technology education classroom pedagogy


WPI Teaching with Technology Collaboratory - Benefits of Using Discussion Boards in You... - 4 views

  • Discussion boards are reflective in nature. They force students to read other perspectives and carefully consider a response
    • natalie_cepeda
      During a classroom session, not all perspectives can be heard due to time. In discussion boards, everyone has the ability to respond and reflect on the opinions of others. Reflecting is a benefical strategy because it allows for learning to occur. What strategy do you implement for reflecting?
    • Cynthia Rios
      In my classroom, my students keep a reflection journal in which they write everyday. The prompts have to do with the story or novel that we are reading. I stay away from cookie cutter prompts and try to give prompts in which the students really have to reflect and give their point of view on the situation. I also had my students participate in literature circles. I think implementing the reflection journals and the literature circles onto an online discussion forum would be awesome for my students. I realize that even though I try to get them all to participate in class, some students are just not as open as others when it comes to in class participation even in a small group setting like the literature circles. Using an discussion board would ensure everyone participates.
    • cinthia_sierra
      This past year, I used Edmodo with my students, and if they were reading a chapter for homework, I always posted a question for discussion. All students participated and generated an online discussion that carried over to the fluency of the next class.
    • natalie_cepeda
      Cynthia, that is a great idea to keep a reflection journal for every day use. It even allows students to go back and see any changes in their own thinking or opinions. The literature circles are a great way to involve all group members by having enough jobs for them to complete one. Even if they get the team Illustrator, the student still has to share why they drew that and what significance it has to the project.
    • natalie_cepeda
      Cinthia, I need to get on the ball with an online Discussion Board. My students would benefit tremendously! The use to posting their thoughts online is more engaging than just writing a summary paper on the chapter they read.
  • The social aspects of the face-to-face classroom are very intimidating for many students, especially for ESL speakers, new students, and those who are simply shy or quiet.
    • natalie_cepeda
      Has this experience happened to you in a previous class where you hinder your comments and ideas to everyone because you do not want to receive a negative reaction?
    • Cynthia Rios
      Yes, of course. This has happened to me personally. For whatever reason even when we are on a collaborate session I sometimes feel intimidated, and I get very nervous. What I've noticed though is that if I have taken the professor or classmates before, I am not as nervous, and I actually enjoy participating. I think my intimidation has to do with the fear of the unknown.
    • cinthia_sierra
      Absolutely. Like Cynthia says, "the fear of the unknown" is unsettling. As part of my elective requirements, I am taking this class along with EDTC 6341, and the use of a wiki was foreign to me. I'm still adjusting and asking questions is intimidating or even humiliating at times.
    • Sean Getchell
      I might be a little different, but I have found that the older I get, the less I care what others think. While the face-to-face environment can be slightly intimidating, the fully online experience can be equally so. I think it honestly depends on the student, and their ability to jump into the unknown, and make it a part of their "known" world. Plus, once you get a little experience under your belt, usually a person is more likely to share their thoughts, ask question, or more likely to help others if they see a fellow student struggling. Pay it forward, indeed!
    • natalie_cepeda
      Cynthia, I understand your feeling. I once took an English class where we just sat in a circle and discussed classical literature. I honestly had no idea what was going in the play even though I would read and use resources like Spark Notes to understand what was going on. I did not like going to the class because everyone else knew what the professor was discussing and would make good points. I hardly spoke a word and would only speak when the professor called on me. The classroom environment has a lot to do with whether a student is going to feel comfortable or be shy.
    • natalie_cepeda
      Sean, I agree with your claim that it depends on the student. Much like the assessment on whether a student is ready for online learning. Some students feel like they can tackle online learning while others refuse. So yes, every student has their own comfort zone.
  • As students reflect upon what they want to write in a discussion board posting, they often integrate research or class readings with which they are familiar. This occurs much more frequently in discussion board postings than in face-to-face discussions, largely because of the extra time a student has to think about their response
    • natalie_cepeda
      In teaching, I have used a similiar strategy called the Wait-Time Response, where instead of demanding students to answer on the spot they have allotted time to actually think. The extra time that discussion boards allow is a powerful teaching tool. What is your view on the claim provided on the website?
    • Cynthia Rios
      I absolutely agree with this and, I too give my students sufficient wait time. In regards to discussion boards, not only is the extra time a powerful tool but so is the fact that students can read and reflect on what other students have already posted. The extra time and being able read other posts is very for students that struggle with putting their thoughts into words.
    • cinthia_sierra
      This is truly powerful. I had a student who rarely spoke in class, yet the minute I posted a discussion question in regard to the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, he inspired many through his analysis and wowed me as well. I would have never known his insightful perspective had it not been for the power of discussion.
    • natalie_cepeda
      Cinthia, hearing the story of your story is music to my ears! I am glad that even though the student was not able to express vocally their thoughts were heard on Discussion Boards. Another personal testimony that Discussion Boards help students express themselves.
Benjamin Caulder

Facilitating Creative Online Forums and Discussion Boards in Online Learning | The EvoL... - 3 views

  • Too often, instructors get caught up in seeing forums as a quantitative measure of how much a student has learned
    • Benjamin Caulder
      I actually see value in DBs as an evaulation of learning (though I am not advocating that is all they are). What do you use your boards for?
    • cinthia_sierra
      I use my discussion boards to generate thinking while reading. If I ask my students to read a chapter of a particular novel at home, many read without using the proper metacognitive skills to track their learning causing them to simply skim the reading without fully comprehending the text. Therefore, I post a question that can possible generate various types of discussion by all students, thus forcing them to think critically while reading which contributes to their overall comprehension.
  • Students need to feel connected to each other, and the best way of doing thatis to create forums and assignments that allow them to do more than prove they have simply done the assignment.
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    • Benjamin Caulder
      Do you feel connected to others in this program through DBs. Yes or No? If yes, what have you discovered that draws you and another together? If no, have you found it through another means and how does it connect you where the DB does not?
    • cinthia_sierra
      Definitely. Online education can be difficult at times since you miss out on the face-to-face interaction that enhances the chances to collaborate. However, online forums keep the lines of communication open and after several discussions or classes, you start feeling like you know the person. 
    Creativity in discussion boards, going beyond.
    Getting student participation can be challenging. Thoughtful creativity can be very beneficial. This article focuses on thoughtful creativity to deepen learning, connections and thinking.
    Creativity is key to unlocking the flow of ideas in any classroom. Once students know that they have the freedom to create, then they feel unrestricted in their learning and want to offer ideas for exchange. It is this concept that allows for the think/pair/share method of learning that we use in classrooms today. It also allows the teacher to see that each student is different in the way that they process the information and formulate a response to the prompt.

Best content in technology in education PK-20 | Diigo - Groups - 11 views

  • Preventing Summer Slide: Why Not Try Internet Research?
    • noramedrano
      How can you use the internet to avoid pitfalls for students during summer?
    • hillaryparrish
      This is difficult to answer as a teacher. Unless a student is in a program that requires them to do certain projects over the summer, we can encourage, we can show them the way, but ultimately the student or the parents are in charge once students leave for the summer. As the article mentioned, research is a good way to avoid pitfalls. In the summer, it is up to the student to be self motivated or up to the parent to motivate them in some way. I like the idea of research during the summer because not only are they answering questions they may have had, but they are also reading. Children really need to keep reading during the summer. I love the idea of having students create the map. I realize that this lesson is about the internet, but I would strongly suggest having the student map the trip on both Google Maps and a real map. What if the internet goes down? You never know. Both skills are good skills.
    • noramedrano
      Hillary, I agree. We should always have plan B, and allowing the child to use both ways to map a trip will not hurt them. I believe that parents like you say are the ones to motivate the student once they leave school. In the district that I work at, we are having a summer slide program. It is a little different because instead of researching they read book and test (AR). They are using the Internet to test because they are able to do it form home. I like this idea of summer slide programs.
  • Does this website answer my specific question? How do a variety of websites answer the same question? (We are comparing and contrasting without the Venn diagram!) Are all web resources equal and accurate, and if not, how can I tell?
    • noramedrano
      The highlighted area is important because when we research anything on the web it is important to follow these search results.
    • hillaryparrish
      I agree. These questions as well as others such as, "When was the last time this website was updated?" help a person know whether the site is real or not. This makes me think of the first time I came across a story by the site, The Onion. I kept thinking how it looked legitimate, but did not sound legitimate. This probably makes me sound pretty unintelligent, but many students believe whatever they read on the internet. There needs to be a thought process that students go through that helps them compare and contrast the different aspects of the site to a real site, and these questions help them do that. It is great learning experience, and would be an excellent activity for the summer.
    • Lucretia Human
      Nora, This reminds me of the AllState commerical with the girl waiting outside for a guy who she met on the Internet. She tells the AllState guy about some other insuracne company and adds, It is on the Interneet so it must be true." Her date walks up and is very very unappealing and definitely not a French model. Our students believe if it is on TV or the Internet then it is the truth. That is why commericals has such a huge impact on our students. As for the Internet, ther should be a much needed simply way for students to really check the creditability of a source. Wow sounds like a new apps to me.
    • noramedrano
      Hillary, YES!!!! (caps because I agree 100%) Students at times are gullible and they will believe anything they read online and what people say. It is important to teach children that another importance or safety of online researching is how reliable the source is. That is a great idea that I had not thought about.
    • noramedrano
      Lucretia, I have seen this commercial and it is funny. Commercials are powerful because they make a child want the product and ask their parents. The greatness of commercials. are we on to something here?
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  • How to Engage Children in Research at Home
    • noramedrano
      The following are some examples on how parents can engage students via internet usage. 
    • Lucretia Human
      When I was researching trying to find an article for this discussion, I ran across an article that had 7 apps for summer adventures for kids. The article had apps from birding guides to how to tie knots and some pretty cool stuff inbetween. Check out the website
  • The ability for children to ask and answer their own questions is one of the most fundamental learning objectives for life. This informal research, with children seeking to answer their own questions, is engaging, motivating and empowering. A cyclic pattern of research is established -- curiosity leading to research and back again to curiosity and follow-up questions.
    • noramedrano
      Children are not always engaged and are usually only interested in what they are curious about. Why not allow that curiosity to turn into research. Allowing the students to use the internet is fun and they will be learning at the same time. 
    • hillaryparrish
      Children are definitely curious. I find that my own children ask me so many questions that I do not know the answer to. I am constantly saying, "Google it." At first, they were scared to use the computer to Google anything. However, once they realized that you type it in and it will give you answer. Sometimes the answer is what you are looking for and sometimes it is not, they were ok. It is funny when they are looking something up and I hear, "Mom, this doesn't make any sense for what I am asking." It is a learning moment that maybe you cannot type it into the computer exactly how you would speak it. I agree that allowing students to use the computer is fun and they are learning. Students are empowered when they can answer their own questions and contribute to conversations. Last year, I had one student that had listened to countless Ted Talks. As a result, he could discuss topics that many other students had never heard of.
    • Lucretia Human
      Nora, It is true that the Internet brings information right to us in a flash. The hard part about that is getting our students to take that information and apply it to the particular problem they are trying to solve or simply retaining the information they have Goggled. That is where good teachers come in. For most of our students using the computer, Smartphone or tablet is as second nature as walking, but to getting them to incorporate that tool into critcal thinking, solving problems and engagement has to be done by well trained and dedicted teachers.
    This article will allow parents to be aware of activities to engage students during summer time in order not to fall into pitfalls.
Araceli Gracia

Using Google Glass to Transform Education - 3 views

    • Araceli Gracia
      Perhaps Google Glass could also be used for students who can not go to school due to major injuries.
    • eeverett3
      Google Glass is here, whether we like it or not! So our best course of action is to use the technology to our best advantage. I am a worrier, and I work in a high school, so in addition to the privacy issues, I worry about the distraction factor of students having all that access to IM etc. while they should be learning...however, that is a student choice! On the privacy issue, we already have students videotaping everything that ever happens (staged sometimes) and uploading to YouTube so we have to watch the internet sites constantly. I personally do not want people around me to video what I am doing and saying without my consent. Another area of technology outdistancing privacy laws. In the world of education, Glass will definitely make things faster and easier to record and upload. Some of the examples that have been given are great and we already have the technology to do this but not ready to go on a voice that will be an advantage. I really like the teacher created examples at STEMbite... A Glass user was at the ISTE conference in San Antonio last year and joked about the personal hazards of wearing Google Glass and having to focus on content and walking at the same time to avoid running into things. If everyone is about to look up how/where to get one, here is a Nov 2013 article on release dates and some changes that Google made becuase of privacy issues.
    • Araceli Gracia
      I would probably get motion sickness wearing the glasses and bump into a few walls. I'm sure over time though, people get used to them and grow to love them. The STEMbite site had great examples of what it is to experience Google glass. Thanks for sharing.
    • Don Martin
      Google Glass is an interesting technology system. I was especially intrigued by the idea that a teacher could go to a remote location and present their class information from that place. I could see this advantage being used in all kinds of applications. I could have used this in my classroom to go into the operating room and discuss surgical procedures with my students as they occurred. It would have been great to be able to get feedback from the surgeon on students questions and to be able to talk about small details of anatomy and the steps of the procedures as they happened.
    • Jose Escobedo
      How many times have we heard a teacher tell us, "I wish you guys were at the conference"? Well, Google Glass can alleviate that barrier. I understand sometimes presenters do not like to be recorded due to privacy or monetary issues but prior coordination with the presenter will allow students the opportunity to hear the presentation firsthand.
    • Merrill Redfern
      What a very interesting and fascinating technology. The first thing that I thought of when I read through the description of Google Glass is how this technology could be used in a library setting. Libraries are not really known for their technology however, I believe, efforts are being made within many districts in moving forward into the digital age especially when they are faced with the inevitable. This article lists 7 ways Google Glass can be used in a Library setting. I found number 7 especially interesting in that Google Glass has Voice Translation capability. Our school has recently enrolled three children who speak only Arabic and this type of technology would be very beneficial to them as they learn English. In addition and more fascinating, the article states there is talk regarding apps that will allow two people both wearing the Glass that can view the translations on their own screen.
    • eeverett3
      Great points! I had not really thought about the adaptive technology uses for special education students. Thanks!
    • Araceli Gracia
      Using Google Glass in the library setting is awesome. I liked number 2 because many times we do have special events going on in the library and it is just impossible for every classes to participate. For example, we had a Dr. Seuss celebration with guest readers from Target. They were dressed up and reading to the students, but not everyone was able to go. Using Google Glass would have allowed more students to be part of the fun.
    • Jose Escobedo
      The military is rolling out an equivalent protype of Google Glass for its Special Forces units in order to provide better situational awareness in a combat environment.
    • Araceli Gracia
      Jose, I can only imagine what an advantage this would be. I didn't even think about how it could help the military. Thanks for making that point.
    One of the goals is to have students become 21st century learners. This type of technology will help this happen and also be a way of creating Professional Learning Communities. Below is a short video from a teacher's perspective of Google Glass.
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    Google Glass could indeed transform education in time. I don't think it's quite there yet. Once more apps are added and concerns over privacy are addressed, I feel that it can change how we communicate and learn. For example, in math students could record how they solve a particular problem is solved and then share that with struggling peers. Students would then become co-teachers. Here are a couple of sites that I found interesting on the topic.
    I have to agree that privacy is the biggest issue with Google Glass but then again what really is private. Hackers are out there getting our personal information from credit cards. Everything can be recorded by cell phones at anytime. This is an issue that Google is aware of and no doubt working to improve this concern.
    Wow! After reading all the links and information on Google Glass, I am impressed. The first-person perspective gives students the opportunity to live in the shoes of others. What a great way to build empathy among students within the classroom and across the globe.
    This following link provides a graphic for 30 Ways Google Glass can Innovate the Classroom: One that stood out to me was using Google Glass for facial recognition to help teachers identify students. Making connections with our audience and students is very important. At Scott Lane Elementary School in Santa Clara, California, a principal hung pictures with names of a group of kindergartners so teachers could greet them by name. After 1000 days, the reading level of 97% of these students increased. (Burmark, 2011) As a middle school teacher, I can have up to 140 students in a day. Google Glass could help me identify students thus making faster and better connections with the students and improving overall learning. Burmark, L. (2011). They snooze, you lose. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    Brenda, The link you provided is great. It is very easy to follow and understand the many ways Google Glass can be used in the classroom. I like how it could provide access to students and teachers with visual, auditory, & other physical handicaps. On our campus we have a student who is a home-bound student due to her severe epilepsy. So her parents come to the school, get her work, and then she has to be tutored at home. Using this type of technology would give her the opportunity to be a more active participant in the classroom.
    Araceli, as I go through the various articles, I can't help but think about how great it would be having a QR code reader app on Google Glass. Just imagine having the power to look up information on anything on the fly without voice commands or typing. School security could also use them to identify unauthorized individuals on campus. It would make them look more intimidating as well.
    Individuals with disabilities could certainly use Google Glass. Here is a video I found interesting.
Brenda Wohlfeil

Virtual Schools Provide the Power of Choice - - 6 views

  • Virtual schools provide parents and children, from Oregon to New York and across the globe to Russia and other countries, with access to world-class curricula, myriad teachers, and support, just about anytime and anyplace. Most importantly, virtual schools provide the power of choice.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      As a prior home school mom, access to curricula at anytime and anyplace was very important.  I needed a curricula that I could take with me to hours of piano lessons and family trips across America. I home schooled my children year-long and took advantage of the many learning opportunities that occurred throughout the year.  Our curricula needed to be flexible and portable.
    • eeverett3
      Even understanding the flexibility of online classes, I had not thought about how effective this would be for someone who travels ALL the time! The best part of this article is how virtual learning takes advantage of all the online bonuses that a traditional teacher does not have time to look for!
    • Araceli Gracia
      Brenda, My youngest son, who is a 5th grader, always said he wanted to be home schooled, and if I could have, I would have. Giving him the opportunity to "visit" around the world and go at his own pace would suit his personality better. He has never been a big fan of school and it is not the teachers, because he likes them. I feel it is the structure of it all. If he was in a virtual school that provided the flexibility of online classes and learning, he would probably be a happier student.
    • Don Martin
      Araceli, I think it is still possible for your son to be in a virtual school so long as he has the resources and motivation to do it. The virtual schools are not quite the same as home schooling, they are more like the distance learning programs here at UTB. They have dedicated instructors with state approved curricula and a wide variety of choices in classes, instructors and educational experiences (including field trips). If I had this option when I still had children at home I might have considered this option. Our youngest daughter was never really connected to anything in school except for extra-curricular activities. She was "bored" with it and this offers opportunities and experiences that might have been beneficial to her.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      Araceli and Don, Some virtual programs are self-paced. For example, my daughter took classes from Texas Tech ISD for high school. They were all self-paced classes She could start a new class whenever she wanted, and she had a good amount of time to complete each classes. Extensions were also granted with an extra fee, of course. In a homeschool, parents are really facilitators, especially as the kids get older. (I can't imagine ever giving my kids a lecture. They would have just tuned me out completely. :) Most of my kids learning came from project based learning, although at the time I didn't know there was a name for it.) Homeschool kids take classes at co-ops, on the internet, through distant-learning, using a box curriculum, or using a curriculum parents put together. The parent facilitates the learning by providing the tools needed for the kids to learn and the expectations. It is amazing how these kids learn.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      Deciding which method best serves their child's unique needs and talents is key here.  Children learn in so many different ways.  If virtual classes focus on only reading passages and answering questions, they will fall short of reaching so many children.  How can virtual classrooms cater to the needs and talents of so many children?
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  • Families facing educational choices need to research all options thoroughly. They must examine their educational priorities in order to determine which features best support their goals. Most importantly, they must decide which method best serves their child's unique needs and talents.
  • Are Virtual Schools a Type of Homeschooling? The answer to this question depends on the virtual school. While most of the learning happens in the home with virtual schools, many of them are public schools without doors. Students who register with a public virtual school are counted as public-school students, not homeschoolers, in their state. These public virtual schools collect ADA (average daily attendance), just like the neighborhood brick-and-mortar school. They offer a standards-based curriculum; require attendance keeping, frequent assessments, and progress reports; and comply with mandated state testing.
    • Brenda Wohlfeil
      Take a look at this website for just a short list of online classes for home school families
    • Merrill Redfern
      I'm impressed with the diverse list of classes available to home school families seen on this website. Also, an interest-based curricula for students is an awesome way, I think, to help ensure student engagement. Some of the "fun/creative" courses for students in traditional public schools, at least in the elementary level where I teach, are in the form of clubs or additional after school programs. The flexible schedule of online classes leaves room for the management of a more stress-free existence as long as online classes are appropriate for the family. I found this article (or something similar to it) back when I was considering home schooling our daughter. #3 and #6 were our obstacles from moving forward into homeschooling.
    • Don Martin
      In the allied health education setting at the college level we are moving more and more towards an integrated curriculum. Soon that approach will be bleeding down into the high school allied health programs. The model originally comes from the integrated approaches now being employed at many medical schools and nursing programs across the country. This might be a form of "interest based currcicula". If a student has an interest in a particular area then wouldn't it make sense to approach the areas they don't have as much interest in but still have need for through their area of interest? We are now offering Developmental Reading, Developmental Writing, and Developmental Math courses in a format that approaches those areas using information and examples from the allied health arena. Students read articles and writings related to allied health, they write papers on allied health subjects and they do math problems (pre-algebra and algebra) with information related to allied health concepts. I think we will see a greater degree of this in the virtual school system as we look for new and innovative ways to connect with students that just don't thrive in the traditional setting or don't have access to the kinds of content they are interested in because their school can't offer it due to lack of funds or the size of the school.
    As much as I like the idea of teaching from home, I do hesitate to jump on board with virtual schools, especially after reading stories like this: I think a blended approach with both face to face (for experiments and activities that have to be hands on) and online (for PBL and the potential for students to own their learning more, possible with objective based goal setting and self paced facilitated approach) would be ideal. Honestly, if I had a chance to teach my teachers virtually, and home school my kids using an online virtual curriculum to help provide structure (while working in much PBL and experiential learning), I'd be all over it!
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    Eric, I had a friend who worked for K12 and when she started and was so excited to follow her experience as I imagined it would be an excellent way to reach students and I imagined that perhaps one day I could follow her. As her year unfolded and she shared what it was like for her, I quickly lost interest (at least in that particular school). She had much the same experience described in the article, except her principal was even more abusive than what was described. She was overloaded, had almost constant meetings, did 15-16 ARDs and 504 meetings a weeks (she she was one of few certified teachers, she received the majority of these students who enrolled) and felt impotent to actually help the students she was trying to teach. Worst of all she took a 40% pay cut to do it. No thanks. Nobody becomes a teacher to get rich, but I can't imagine feeling like my students were being under served while also just barely getting by financially.
    Eric and Olivia, I don't believe that this type of problem is unique to the virtual school environment. Abusive administrators, overloaded instructional staff and feelings of helplessness unfortunately are more common than they should be at any level and in every format. The solution is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of virtual schools, emphasize the strengths, find ways to minimize the weaknesses and subject the process to a continuous Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). QEP, if properly developed and employed can lead to the same type of success in a virtual learning environment as is seen in a face-to-face setting. In fact there are many instances in which the quality of the online education is as good or better than what the students are getting in the face-to-face setting. The potential benefits of VLE and virtual schools should not be overlooked or simply discarded because there may be some issues. Progress is made by doing, evaluating, planning, doing again and evaluating to start the cycle over. VLE has not been around long enough for us to have had the opportunity to work out all the bugs. Look at how long we have been practicing face-to-face education and the improvements that we continue to make today in the way we deliver education in that arena, not to mention the continuous research aimed at understanding how to make it even better. Perhaps a blended approach at first is best, it gives us an opportunity to explore the potential of VLE while developing the standards, guidelines and techniques necessary to make it a successful learning experience while using the support of the familiar face-to-face environment. However, it is my opinion that this approach should be used to help us develop the best possible VLE experience for the future. Not as a replacement for face-to-face learning (I believe there will be a place for that for many years to come) but as an effective alternative for those who would benefit from it.
    I agree with Don. I think from a teacher's perspective, possibly Dr. Butler can give us some insight as to the validity of the problems stated by this teacher with regards to VLE in general.
    I too believe that a hybrid approach to instruction is the best way. Although virtual schools sounds like the way of the future, like all new technology it may not be simply for everyone.
stacey perkins

Voicethread in the classroom - 10 views

  • collaborative projects
    • stacey perkins
      Voicethread works as an asynchronous discussion board, so students could work collaboratively in different class periods or locations.
    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      Stacey, I've not heard about Voicethread but I am excited to look into it and come back and comment more in depth on this web 2.0 tool. It's amazing just how much technology is out there for use in the classroom! I love it because I am always looking for innovative technology tools for our faculty to use in their courses!!
    • Gena Jean
      This app was new to me as well, but I could definitely see where it could boost communication among students. As a design instructor I could definitely see how it could be used by students to help them in sharing their work and providing constructive criticism to one another's works.
    • Karla Fabiola Garcia
      This tool is also new to me. I love what I have read so far and the different ways it can be incorporated into the classroom. I am defenitily sharing this with my colleagues and brainstorming on diffrent ways we can incorporate, as some of us don't have many computers in our classroom.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My initial response to Stacey Perkins Article Post- As was stated in your link, it makes sense that "text alone can't deliver the subtlety and expression required for meaningful connections (" Students need a place to be able to communicate and learn from each other. Not just via text, or typing forums- but also through real life asynchronous discussion boards. This allows students the ability to work together and collaborate to come up with some real solutions to problems. What I noticed about this particular medium, was that as an educator I would have the ability to use a webcam, and reach all types of students in that manner. It appears to be a good way for students to learn from each other, and really get into the lessons that are being taught.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My 2nd reply- @Gena Jean- I agree with you that this application can help students communicate and thus collaborate with each other- in efforts to gain knowledge. It is important in today's world that our students are as tech savvy as possible, and so the incorporation of asynchronous technology such as this has so much value in today's educational realm. The students of today are living within the technology revolution. They grew up with smart phones, and my daughter who is only 1 year old…screams when I take away my phone because she in some way understands apps like "Candy Crush." She literally knows what to do to manipulate and thus communicate with the technology. It's truly amazing in that same regard, how Voice Thread can help even the shyest students come out of their shells. As educators we need to speak our students language and that is making sure that we learn as many technology driven programs as possible- such as Voice Thread and so on.
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      @stacey perkins I have heard of voice thread but have not seen its potential in the classroom. I am glad you shared it with us. I a begin to start integrating discussion into lessons, I can see how voicethread is a good tool for students. This tool changes things up a bit, instead writing, one can record their voice. I also like the integration to LMSs.
  • You can look at examples of how other educators are using VoiceThread on its digital library or browse Ideas for using VoiceThread, a collection of 143 examples from the library
    • stacey perkins
      If you aren't sure how you might incorporate Voicethread into your classroom/curriculum, check out how these teachers are using it.
    • sharonmahabir
      Thank you for the link. I have never used Voicethread in my classroom. I wanted to implement a new technology this year and I think Voicethread is a great tool that my PreK students will be able to use. I particularly liked the Brown Bear example. We do a Brown Bear unit at the beginning of the year and this would be a great way for students to represent their learning.
    • stacey perkins
      Sharon, I have taught in the elementary grades for years, and have struggled to find tech tools that were user-friendly to my students. Their frustration threshold is low! But I think Voicethread would require minimal training.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My 1st reply- @ Elizabeth Rodriguez- just like you I had never heard of Voice Thread. I think that it is definitely something that I can use in my classroom. Right now I'm really trying to use as much technology within my curriculum, but I really need to figure out which Web 2.0 technology is going to be the most effective for the amount of time that I have with my students. I will need to research a little more about this particular software, and I hope that I can find some online You Tube tutorials to help me figure out an easier way to use this platform.
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      Wow, there are many examples one can use. I know sometimes the hardest part of web tools is learning how to integrate them into the curriculum. I can see the examples are also grouped together by subject. Best part is that educators can contribute to the examples.
  • Examples of classroom VoiceThreads
    • stacey perkins
      Examples of some finished products...
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  • A single educator license is free and class and district memberships are reasonable
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      Trying out the product at no cost is a great idea. By creating voicethreads, you can showcase your work and it becomes easier for the school of school district to see how it works. This can convince administration to purchase voicethread for the whole school or district.
  • rather than using text to talk about text (which doesn't jive when you're teaching art history)
    • stacey perkins
      Since virtually all of my students are struggling readers (I'm a dyslexia teacher), I think they would be more engaged with--and more willing to respond to--pictures or videos than a written prompt.
    How could Voicethread be used in the classroom to differentiate instruction?
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    VoiceThread seems to be a great tool to have students interact with each other. I have found in my own experience that sometimes students have a difficult time sharing in person, in front of a classroom. VoiceThread would give students the ability to share their thoughts with the classroom on different assignments. I think its a great collaboration tool!! I would not hesitate to use it in my classroom!
    Hi Stacey! I have never heard of Voicethread but after reading the article you shared it seems like a very intriguing tool to use. What I loved the most about Voicethread is that it allows those with hearing impairments to collaborate through webcam commenting by using sign language. Thank you for sharing.
    It's very nice to hear about the voice threads. I've never actually used them before, but I've seen students present information using them. It looks like something I'll be looking into for my future classes. Thank you so much for sharing.

Study: Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom - US News - 5 views

  • Login Welcome, {{name}} Logout Rankings & Advice Education Health Money Travel Cars Law Firms News U.S. News Home education Facebook Twitter Education Rankings & Advice Home Colleges Grad Schools High Schools National Rankings State Rankings High School Notes Blog (function ($) { "use strict"; $(function () { var $metaCurrentState = $('meta[name=current_state_abbreviation]'), $headerSearch = $('#headerSearch-highSchools'), $headerState = $('select[name=bhs-school-state]', $headerSearch), $headerStates = $('option', $headerStates), currentStateAbbreviation = ''; if ($metaCurrentState.length > 0) { currentStateAbbreviation = $metaCurrentState.attr('content'); $headerStates.each(function () { var $state = $(this), text = $state.text(), value = $state.val(); if (text === currentStateAbbreviation) { $headerState.val(value); } }); } }); }(jQuery)); in
  • To meet the needs of her students, Roshan made radical changes to her lesson plans. Using Camtasia Studio, a screen recording and video editing program, Roshan uploaded her lectures to iTunes and assigned them as homework. "We've kind of reversed the whole dynamic of the class," she says. "Instead of lecturing in class, I lecture to them when they're at home, and we work problems together [in the classroom]. I liken it to an English classroom where the kids go home and do the reading and then they come into class and have this lively, engaging discussion."
    • ferrari78
      Using the Camstasia Studio program is a great and fun way for students to learn from lectures. Here is a link to where you can try it out for free.
  • Taught with the video lectures, Roshan's students in the 2010-11 school year scored an average of 4.11 on the AP calculus test, compared to the 3.59 average among her students who took the test and were taught in the traditional classroom setting the year before. And a third of the class—a 10 percent increase from the previous year—scored a 5, the highest score a student can achieve on an AP test.
    • ferrari78
      Teacher's change in the classroom had a significant positive impact on her student's AP test scores.
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  • The report, IT Opportunities in the Education Market, revealed that 78 percent of K-12 teachers and administrators believe technology has positively impacted the classroom and the productivity of students. Roughly 65 percent of educators surveyed also believe that students are more productive today than they were three years ago due to the increased reliance on technology in the classroom.
  • Login Welcome, {{name}} Logout Rankings & Advice Education Health Money Travel Cars Law Firms News U.S. News Home education Facebook Twitter Education Rankings & Advice Home Colleges Grad Schools High Schools National Rankings State Rankings High School Notes Blog (function ($) { "use strict"; $(function () { var $metaCurrentState = $('meta[name=current_state_abbreviation]'), $headerSearch = $('#headerSearch-highSchools'), $headerState = $('select[name=bhs-school-state]', $headerSearch), $headerStates = $('option', $headerStates), currentStateAbbreviation = ''; if ($metaCurrentState.length > 0) { currentStateAbbreviation = $metaCurrentState.attr('content'); $headerStates.each(function () { var $state = $(this), text = $state.text(), value = $state.val(); if (text === currentStateAbbreviation) { $headerState.val(value); } }); } }); }(jQuery)); in
  • Jim Tracy, headmaster at Cushing Academy in Ashburnham, Mass., sees the "process of technology coming into the classroom as inevitable."
    • ferrari78
      Technology in the classroom is here to stay and students need to learn the necessary tools to not stay behind. Check this video out on how a teacher is using iPads in his math classroom.
    This is an article about how a calculus teacher used technology in the classroom to help her students AP calculus test scores increase. I currently teach 2nd grade and I use the digital lessons for math, science, and reading to make the lesson more fun and get more participation from students and it works great. My question to you is, how would you use technology to impact your students learning and productivity in the classroom in a positive way?
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    Everyone that wants to integrate technology in the classroom should watch this.
    Interesting examples. It's weird how if you record a video of yourself teaching, students pay attention but if you stand in front of the classroom, you're boring and invisible. But I accept it because I've watched myself do the exact same thing: a presenter shows a film of themselves and it's immediately engaging even though she's right there on stage in person! I've read some recent criticism of the Khan flipped learning video approach that says students are still learning passively, they're just doing it at home rather than at school. I disagree. As with the videos in our own class, I can watch them as many times as I need to understand what's going on. I like that. I don't think it's "passive" at all. The key seems to be having some work connected to it which is the piece I think some of these critics are missing. We're not watching a video for entertainment - there's always a task connected to it.
    I believe that the article you selected is very interesting. I like how the article describes one particular math teacher implementing technology to improve her students' scores. It also gave another side stating that some districts simply don't have the funds to buy technology or that the budget should not be used to throw gadgets to fix certain problems. That teachers in certain areas would be better off getting better training. As with everything else, there are two sides to everything, but I do believe that technology has an effective role in the classroom. When I was a teacher aide for a special education unit, the teacher had me set up a SmartBoard, which proved to be beneficial to the students. A huge task for myself and the teacher was to keep the students on task and not let their disabilities hinder teaching. So after I set up the SmartBoard, the teacher used it during the students' social skills time. During this period in the day, students would learn how to act appropriately with others and the good behavior that was expected of them. By playing educational games against each other, students learned about what the teacher was explaining through a game and how to act accordingly with their peers. It proved to be an effective technology.
    Tammy I completely agree with you how if we lecture to students, we're boring and invisible and their attention levels drop. I also remember when I was taking undergraduate courses, I had several instructors that were monotone and they made the class boring. Now, a few times I recorded the lectures and would later listen to them at home and I would get more from listening to the lecture at home than when I sat in class because I am not listening to it for entertainment, but rather to learn for my class. This class is a perfect example. I have to listen to the youtube tutorials on everything we've been learning over and over until I get it.
    You're so right, school districts shouldn't throw money to try to fix certain things, but rather use the funds to better train teachers to prepare them for the classroom. My article states that school districts budgets range from $5 million to over $100 million so some districts are able to throw money at new gadgets and technology more than others. Gadgets should be purchased, but only if they are going to be properly used in the classroom to improve student's academic success. As for Smartboard, I'm going to look it up and see if maybe I can use it in my classroom. Good post Emmanuel.
Stephen Simon

Lawmakers: Terrorists May Tap Same Web 2.0 Tools as Military - Scientific American - 4 views

  • The Congressional Research Service (CSR) recently released a report warning that enemies may be using the same Web-based, collaborative technology to prepare for future strikes that the U.S. uses to train soldiers and gather intelligence.
    • Jose Escobedo
      In 2009, over 7,000 terrorist sites were active. Terrorist also have used social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to target prospective recruits.
    • eeverett3
      I believe we have to assume that worldwide, people are learning to use and adapt technology for their own purposes. The military is correct to be looking at how to protect American assets from hacking. Recent events (i.e. the Black Friday incident) show that our credit card purchases are certainly not safe!
    • Jose Escobedo
      The Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab has used Twitter to recruit U.S. youths especially in the state of Minnesota.
    • Stephen Simon
      That our enemies use the same tools as we do should come no more a surprise than the new Chinese jet fighter looks almost identical to our F-35. A foundational premise of the US cyber-command recognizes that the next battlefield is digital. It is there we will meet some faction of the enemy.
    • Don Martin
      Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites can be a very effective tool for communication as well as a channel for harm. We have used Facebook as a base for a discussion community for the students and faculty in the our allied health programs here at El Centro as well as the surgical technology program I headed at Collin College. It gives the students an opportunity to communicate with each other and their instructors in an orderly asynchronous manner (much better than e-mail. Unfortunately it requires that someone be responsible to monitor the chatter. Sometimes information is conveyed that is inappropriate or it is communicated in an inappropriate manner.
    • Jose Escobedo
      You are right in regards to Twitter and Facebook as effective tools of communication but many times we have seen everything from students, teachers, parents, etc. who upload inappropriate pictures or comments and then face the negative consequences.
    • Olivia Basham
      Seems to me like this is to be expected and even advantageous. I mean a) terrorists are usually only effective if they are smart and it would be stupid for them to not take advantage of all forms of communication and recruitment available to them, and b) since these site are often not well secured and are well know by our own intelligence community it actually helps all peace-loving governments if terrorists DO use them as it makes their plans and colleagues more vulnerable to observation and counterintelligence. I find sites like Facebook and Twitter to be the low hanging fruit of communication and we should be lucky that terrorists aren't using more sophisticated methods more often.
  • The CRS reports that the U.S. military plans to build a virtual world called Sentient Worldwide Simulation that would include highly detailed digital renderings of different real-life cities worldwide, much the same way the Second Life virtual world is filled with banks, stores and other landmarks that give a more realistic feel.
  • The goal is to use it, among other things, to help train medics and National Guard members to respond during emergencies.
    • Jose Escobedo
      Three years ago the Department of Defense decided to establish 10 Homeland Response Force Units known as HRFs in order to focus on Chemical, Biological, Radiological,Nuclear and High Explosive (CBRNE) incidents due to natural disasters or terrorist attacks.
    • eeverett3
      As I am reading this, I am thinking about how advanced VR simulations have become and how can we use this in education? The obvious cost savings on teachers, materials, etc would be phenominal if we had a virtual chemistry lab, physics lab, etc. Then I searched virtual chemistry lab and found several websites with just that!
    • Eric Folks
      I see VR contributing to the ability of technology to blur the line between digital and real, but I don't believe VR will have to have the "V" in it for very much longer. Let me explain. There are many tools that blend digital and real. In the last two weeks I've read stories on two of them: this one highlights how smartphones can be controlled by human gestures (, and this one, the capability of some modern game systems to be also controlled by gestures ( In both cases our physical reality is helping shape and form a digital reality. Then consider Aurasma (, a site that enables users to associate digital "overlays" over real life images, or "triggers." This technology enables us to bring the digital into reali life. We cannot know what will happen, but my guess is that digital immersion via VR is less likely to take off as quickly as digital integration into real life. When they come up with a VR machine that can replicate smells, tastes and micro sensations like the wind or water against my skin, I may have to reconsider this prediction!
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  • For the past three years the Pentagon has also been testing the potential of virtual reality in treating veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. In essence, therapists immerse victims in a virtual world complete with visual and sound effects that recreate the source of their fears and flashbacks from Iraq, Afghanistan and other war zones, according to Defense Update, an online site that covers military issues.
    • eeverett3
      PTSD is such an interesting application for virtual reality.
    • Stephen Simon
      Us VR as a tool for exposure therapy is an excellent application of the technology. It is interesting that researcher combines smells with the tool.
    • Olivia Basham
      Exposure therapy has changed many peoples' lives. Never before has the concept of "facing your fear" seemed more possible as virtual realty allows individuals to work through deeply rooted and even quite rational psychological responses in a safe and controlled environment. If people can overcome a fear of flying using VR, ( why not veterans using the same simulations uses to train new soldiers before entering the battle field? In fact, I would be interesting to see a study that investigated if soldiers who have had extensive VR simulation training BEFORE going to war zones experienced more or less (or the same) instances of PTSD.
    • Jose Escobedo
      The goal is to help veterans with PTSD in reducing their anxiety and fear. Virtual reality can be programmed to help combat veterans confront feared situations.
    • Jose Escobedo
     The above link details how Virtual Reality is offered at the University of Central Florida for veterans who suffer with PTSD. The Department of Defense awarded UCF a $5.1 million grant to offer the treatment.
    • Eric Folks
      Jose this is an interesting application of virtual reality technology. I see real value in using it as a form of therapy for PTSD (and there's certainmly a need!), but any virtual world based on the real world used for military applications makes me a bit uneasy. I guess this is a lot like those Germans throwing the Google Street View van out of their neighborhood a few years back...sometimes there is TMI with technology. Honestly, I'm not sure that I trust either the military or Google with anything approaching real-time satellite feeds (which is what we're approaching) for "training purposes." It approaches the surveillence state I hope we never have to face as a society.
    • Jose Escobedo
      With the recent scandal of Eric Snowden's leak of classified information about the global surveillance by the NSA, I understand the concern when the military or any other agency wants to use Virtual Reality but there are good benefits. For example, some units use the virtual reality system EST 2000 where soldiers are able to work on markmanship skills, collective squad level training and judgmental use of force scenarios.
    • Don Martin
      The potential for education applications for VR are staggering. We are already beginning to use VR in the health sciences, nursing and medical education settings. There are a number of VR simulations for surgery that can be used by medical students, interns and residents as well as for nursing and surgical technology students. In the area of robotics surgery VR is often used to train surgeons how to use the system before they attempt it for the real. VR is also being used to explore procedures and treatment options to map out approaches and to anticipate patient reactions to various treatments. Unfortunately the technology is still very cumbersome, expensive and sometimes wrong in very surprising ways.
    Unfortunately this is the sad reality of today's technology. There will always be those that find ways to twist new technologies created for the good of humanity into weapons. I can see how web 2.0 and virtual worlds could be used by terrorists. For example, people could theoretically communicate on collaboration networks, meet on Second Life, and ultimately finance an operation using internet currency such as bitcoins.
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    When I first read this article, I was skeptical as to how effective Virtual Realty would be in treating PTSD. I just don't understand how reliving a traumatizing experience over and over makes it less bearable. Well according to an article I found, it seems to work. According to the Journal Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation, virtual reality exposure therapy has shown a 66 to 90 success rate. That is impressive. My only question would be what are the side effects of exposure to this type of therapy.
    I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Of course, all these tools that we use for education are certainly out there and available to others who can use it in other ways.
    One of many ways terrorists are using to plan attacks.
    It is scary to think that Web 2.0 tools that are supposed to be safe and helpful are being used by terrorists. After the Target hack during Black Friday, I have been very scared to use my card there. I got a new bank card and changed my pin, even though I wasn't one that was "affected" , because it made me feel a little more secure. Apparently it can happen everywhere. As far as the virtual reality therapy, I found an article that mentions several ways how it helps and the first one is how it helps with PTSD. Even though this type of therapy may not work for everyone, it certainly is a step in the right direction.
    This article lists how terrorists can use the web to wage war. It's good to see that people are also using the internet to fight back. This article is from the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. This video discusses how terrorists are using twitter while attacking a mall.
Lauren Simpson

Districts Learn Lessons on 1-to-1 From Others' Missteps - Education Week - 8 views

  • "I wanted to observe and study what went wrong [in other districts] and why."
    • Lauren Simpson
      This is a first! I find that many of those in power in education often like to jump headfirst into something then try to troubleshoot problems along the way. I applaud Mr. Carvalho.
  • In fall 2013, districts across the country were running into trouble implementing ambitious 1-to-1 computing initiatives:
    • Lauren Simpson
      Before reading further, what do you think went wrong in so many districts with the 1-to-1 roll outs?
  • The initiative remains shelved.
    • Lauren Simpson
      What else could this money have been used for??
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  • Still, Ms. Diaz acknowledged that the school system didn't get as much teacher participation in workshops as expected, since teachers were being asked to attend on their own time.
    • Lauren Simpson
      I find this too be all too common, districts often try to implement new tech or just new resources and want teachers to attend on their own time. This is a systemic problem across education, I know that as a teacher I value my personal time away from school, and when I am asked to attend a training on my own time and money, I get a slight bit perturbed.
  • "It's not about the devices,"
    • Lauren Simpson
      This is the hardest thing for new teachers to understand, in my opinion. I feel that they see having or not having a particular device is going to make or break the students' learning. It really isn't about the device, the device just helps enrich and expand an already good lesson base.
  • Districts Learn Lessons on 1-to-1 From Others' Missteps
    • Lauren Simpson
      If you were the head/lead of a committee bringing 1-to-1 to your campus/district, what advantages could you provide to motivate/persuade people to get on board?
    • Lauren Simpson
      If you were the head/lead of a committee bringing 1-to-1 to your campus/district, what advantages could you provide to motivate/persuade people to get on board?
    My questions are a little out of order, not sure what happened with the annotator. Just read thru my comments/annotations and answer in one reply. Thanks! -Lauren
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    Sticky #1: I think the best way to get someone on board is to show results. I would do research into how other districts that have implemented a similar program have improved their students learning. Also look at the steps taken by districts that had a successful implementation, and how far or close our district is to being able to do the same. Sticky #3: They probably didn't have an effective implementation plan. It's easier said than done. It could be teacher training on the how to use devices or how to incorporate them into their curriculum. I think that's something that districts need to focus on, is the education of teachers on the technology and continual monitoring and assistance. Sticky #4: They probably should have invested in ensuring that wireless coverage would be good enough to carry out online lessons before moving on to actually implementing the technology. More research could have gone into lessons that were aligned into the state standards. Sticky #5: I think that teacher training is very important to the survival of technology programs. School districts need to realize this and invest in providing professional development for its teachers. My school district is very good at providing professional development opportunities, unless it's very outrageous, our requests for professional developments get approved. Sticky #6: I wouldn't say that this thinking is exclusive to new teachers. I think in general some teachers will hear of a new technology that is all the rage and must have it because without it they will never catch up to other districts. I agree with you its not about the device, its about how its going to be used to enhance the lesson.
    This article was a perfect read for me right now. We are in the beginning phases of a 1 to 1 program in our school using iPads. I keep trying to tell the other teachers and admins that getting apps and devices are the easy parts of design model, but what are we going to do with apps and devices, is the hard part? I like how the article says to focus on one subject and give teachers trainings that are organized and well focused. As the instructional technology coach for our campus I have my work cut out for me and getting teachers trained. I can't wait to help these teachers understand how use the iPads to facilitate problem solving and higher level thinking skills.
    Mr. Carvalho gets a thumbs up! Usually those in power just jump right in! It is great that he wanted to check out what went wrong in other districts first.
    1 to 1 needs to be more grade/need specific. We cannot use a PENCIL for all activities at all grade levels in all schools. We need to keep this concept in mind as we move to implement innovations. AND we need a plan that is shared with all stakeholders BEFORE we even decide on which device(s) to purchase! Then we need a training and implementation plan to assist teachers, students and administrators!!! Hmmmm.
    Candace you are so right! Finding what you will use is easy, but the challenging portion is using it effectively to transform learning. Mrs. Evans I agree plans need to be shared with everyone, because often times when the plans aren't shared there is less buy in to the program.
    Would a committee work in these cases? Perhaps having a sampling of everyone involved would help in this situation! Then professional development is essential!
    A committee would work, but only if the committee truly represented the population accurately (sorry I so sounded like a math teacher there). I think it is an idea worth exploring, maybe on a smaller scale first.

A Web 2.0 Class: Students Learn 21st Century Skills, Collaboration, and Digital Citizen... - 9 views

  • The students in all three of these classes have never met in person; however, they have all connected via Skype and their class blogs. They have also had many professionals come and speak to them via Skype.
    • juancalvarez
      Using Skype to bring professionals to the classroom allows for important connections and knowledge. Do you think that companies would allow their employees to Skype and give speeches about their field?
  • "You have to adapt to the world around you or progress can never happen. That is the ultimate goal of education, right? Progress. Continuous progress."
    • juancalvarez
      Adaptation is what humans have done since inventing the first tool, since inventing the wheel. We pass that knowledge to the next generation who in time develop better ways to adapt to their environment.
  • Principal Patrick Larkin comments, "I am amazed at how little the students actually know about connecting with others for educational purposes. They use social networking solely for socializing. It has been great to see the lightbulb start to go on in regards to them seeing these tools as a resource."
    • juancalvarez
      It is a fact that most students use communication tools just for social interaction and not for educational purposes. Most students, even 4 year olds, will know how to turn on the phone, tablet or iPad and go through the steps to play the games they like or type something to someone, but that doesn't mean that the media is being used for education or that the user is tech savvy. What do you think?
    I agree that because a student knows how to play games on a tablet, does not mean that he/she knows how to use it at a learning tool. Using Skype or other tools to integrate technology into the learning process is taking it to another level. It is great that students are learning how to collaborate with others for something more than socializing. Safety is such a big issue for me, but in the classroom, we can use these connectivity capabilities in order to expand the learning. Although many teachers fear this, it is great when one person is not the entire knowledge base in the classroom. Lets show our students how to search safely, and how to integrate the knowledge into their lives and give it purpose!
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    I think that providing a "flat classroom" gives the learners of the 21st century a better outlook of what the internet and "connecting" looks like outside of social purposes. This helps set the students up for more success as the move into higher education and into their careers. Having these skills will be extremely beneficial for the students in the future. Skype for learn purposes has come a long way in the past years. Similar to virtual field trips, a presenter through Skype is bringing opportunities to students that is cost effective and influential for students. I think companies are more willing to allow their employee to visit through Skype than in person. It also allows the ability to meet with others that are not in the immediate area to connect.
    Ana Suarez: You are totally right, safety is the most important. In fact, at the beginning of the year what I say to my new students' parents is, before learning, safety first. I thought that the best way to ensure that students stay on task is for them to record their Skype educational interactions. Skype doesn't have a tool to record, but there are software like SuperTintin Skype Recorder that is used by many people. is a rating website I have known for almost 20 years, and they rate it with 4 stars. This is the direct link to it It is true that teachers fear not being the knowledge center, but I think this is because students value more a teacher when they see him/her as someone they can look for explanations, solutions, and knowledge. Still, we have to evolve and let the students interact and discover the world too.
    Brandy Hanak: You are right, these tools will be very important for the students' to identify and learn that they can be used for professional purposes and not just for socializing. You mention a very important point. Skype allows students to connect with people that are far and could be impossible for them to come. The cost for a face to face presentation is so high that most companies do not invest in it. Being able to present at a distant opens doors to benefit everyone.
    I was thinking about all the various uses of video web 2.0 technologies that is used for e-learning. While I recognize that Skype is an excellent way for students to "interact" and learn together- I am aware that Skype doesn't allow more than 10 students to meet at once. I recognize that this article was written in 2010 and I know that there is a great improvement and more video web 2.0 tech/apps out there that allows for virtual collaborative learning beyond a one-to-one interaction. We have Blackboard Collaborate, Fuze Meeting,, Google HangOut, and many more that does give more of a "classroom" feel. Incidental learning is also very important (students to get more than just one opinion, but comments, backgrounds, reactions from rest of their peers.) Hmm. just my thoughts :)
    Skype would definitely be a great way to get professionals to "come" and talk to students. I don't see why employers would have a problem with this, they already allow employees to attend the in person career days. This would be a great idea for those employers that are not in the area. I can see this being a great tool for science and technology, to get professionals from the fields to give workshops to students. This is one of things I tell my students. They may know how to use their devices for socializing or gaming, but they have no idea how to use them for educational purposes. With how technologically advanced we are, you'd think students would know how to use their resources. The biggest downfall of students not knowing how to use their technology as an educational resource, tells me that they do now know how to use it to problem solve. I think this is where our focus needs to be with our students. Ensuring that the technology we use in our classroom is not something just for fun, but a tool that we are going to teach to them to use to problem solve. And problem solving can mean finding answers, collaborating, communicating, etc. I like what they talk about at the end of the article about digital citizenship. It is obvious that students are not aware of how to behave and the consequences of their posts on social media. I tell them once you post it on the net it is out there forever. Not only that but with the rise of Snapchat, teachers are becoming targets of video capture and without notice a video of them is up on social media. Students definitely need a course in high school relating to digital citizenship. Great article!
    Summer, I think you right, there are other collaborative learning applications that have been developed but we also have to consider that we don't always need the capabilities of a BB and sometimes teams just need to talk. Skype is a technology that can be used in any electronic device with not to many computer resources. Students' home computers or phone does not always have the applications to run some programs or the internet connection. I have found Skype to be really easy and most people know it. It is just one more application to consider. Plus, we need media specialist that can show and teach the new resources.
    Juan, as you say, we have to teach our students to use technology to find solutions, collaborate and have better communication. Students need to learn to use technology to become better at what they like to do.
    When I read the through comments you posted Juan about this article I was reminded of this article from Dr. Corbeil's blog. The article talks about how students use technology all the time, but lack problem solving skills and completing educational based task using technology. Skype is great tool and can be used to reach people that specialist in many different fields including writers, scientist, and business people. We have to embrace technology and learn how to help our students use the social networking to benefit their education and develop problem solving skills.
    With today's technology this is a great instructional opportunity! Research shows and teachers know that students learn best from each other! Getting another perspective from a different area of the country/world provides extended learning opportunities that are boundless!
    This makes perfect sense. This is how students communicate. This is how global multinationals communicate albeit with a business platform like Share point. Learning is supposed to be relevant and authentic. One way to achieve this is by giving students real world tools to accomplish learning objectives and promote collaboration. Share point provides Web 2.0 tools for wikis, blogs, and discussion threads.
    Juan, great article. Just because a student, or anyone for that matter, is able to turn on devices doesn't make him/her "tech savy." I agree with Ms. Evans on how students learn best from each other. Take for instance this weeks Diggo assignment. We have to read and comment on classmates posts. Well, I admit sometimes the article it makes even more sense after reading the feedback in the comment section of the article or my classmates comments here on Diggo.
Benjamin Caulder

15 Rules of Netiquette for Online Discussion Boards [INFOGRAPHIC] | Online Education Bl... - 12 views

    • Benjamin Caulder
      Cannot highlight text in an infographic :). I prticularly like this "bullet" (not in bullet form). Tone is absolutely one of the hardest things to communicate and only great writers communicate accurately every time, and they do after many many edits and re-writes. Being overly polite is the best course of action. Personaly, I alomost lost a dear friend because she didn't understand my sarcasm in a Facebook post. It was the last time I tired to be sarcastic online.
    • Lucretia Human
      When I talk to my sons, especilaly when they are in college, I always call them if I ask them something of importance. Their text can lie, their voice, pitch and tone never could!
    • hillaryparrish
      Ben, I am sure that I do not follow this rule very well and need to work on it! When I speak, I use a lot of voice inflection so people understand my intentions. I have even noticed that when speaking on Collaborate, tone does not transfer well there either, and I have been misunderstood. However, it is funny because sometimes I will write and re-write an email worried that someone will take me the wrong way. I never mean harm. For example, with someone that has unfair working conditions, I naturally have the tone, "Bless your heart." But, it is not always taken that way! I do wonder if it is a cultural thing?
    • Benjamin Caulder
      Long replies, or posts, are not detrimental. They just aren't read. Giving away quite a bit here, but this is my confession. In previous classes that had discussion questions or boards, I rarely read posts over 200 words. That may seem rediculous, but I have prefer posts that get the heart of the matter quickly and effectively as apposed to excessive posts. Therefore, this is a great point to keep in mind.
    • Lucretia Human
      Ben, Unfortunately I have been in classes that have a minimum requirement of words written! I have a class right now that has a 250-500 word minimum requirement on almost every initial post! So all I do is read and write!
    • hillaryparrish
      Ben, As Lu mentioned, I too, have been in classes that required a certain number of words. I enjoy writing, and sometimes, to be clear as I mentioned in the above post, I require a few more words! Not only do I want to be understood, but I want to fulfill the requirements of my classes. If it means I do extra research, give more of my opinion, or write more, I do!
    • Benjamin Caulder
      Nothing in our society erodes people's confidence in someone else's intelligence as quickly as bad grammar and poor spelling. There are, of course, exceptions... like when the whole tone of the DB is very casual or is filled with a certain vernacular or jargon. On the whole, a few seconds of editing is always worth it.
    • Lucretia Human
      Ben, I am very guilty of not using spell check as often as I should in discussion boards. It is nice when the discussion forum platform underlines misspellings and at least you can correct spelling.
    • hillaryparrish
      Ben, This reminds me of students who translate their texting speech to formal typing. Unfortunately, I used to spell well, but now I have used spell check way too much. I agree that unless the forum is casual, words should be spelled correctly.
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    • Benjamin Caulder
      These do not appear to be in a heirarchical order. It would seem to be a fun and natural class activity to order them rank of importance. My top 5, in order, are: 1. #4 2. #9 3. #2 4. #15 5. #7 What are you top 5?
    • Lucretia Human
      Intersting Ben! First let me apologize if I have been sarcastic in anyway to you over the course of this program, becauseI tend to be. My top 5 are: #9 #5 #2 #11 #15
    Nice infographic of 15 good rules all discussion board posters should follow.
    From, Touro College on Long Island. These 15 tips are not overly complex, but they do get the heart of best practices for online postings. Point in fact, if all of our face to face interaction mirrored these 15 rules, our society as a whole would be changed for the better.

Using Digital Storytelling for Creative and Innovative e-Learning - 3 views

    This article discusses how creativity and innovation can be enhanced with e-learning systems based on digital storytelling. A story creation model called movement-oriented design (MOD) is introduced for systematically developing effective digital stories, in conjunction with story creation principles articulated by Robert McKee, a Hollywood guru of script writing. "E-learning systems can play a key role in providing creative and innovative pedagogical solutions by using digital storytelling as the underlying model." Other than creating personal autobiographies into digital storytelling format, how can we encourage teachers to diversify different ways to use digital storytelling across various subjects and disciplines? Have you ever done this with your students? What were their reactions? Did they engage more? For example, would Digital Storytelling help students visualize math problem solving scenarios better because it resembles a real-life application?
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    I love digital storytelling! I think that it is a creative way to have students collaborate and have students and teachers diversify their learning/teaching styles. My students are completely engaged when they create. It becomes a personal task that is a part of them. When students own their learning, they internalize it. Digital storytelling is a great way to accomplish this!
    I think digital storytelling is great and it gets kids highly motivated to develop a voice and promote writing and reading skills. One of my favorite digital storytelling tools is to have the kids create comics. Here is an example of a website you can use for comics.
    I am going to incorporate digital story telling into my classroom. Excellent opportunity to use digital literacy in my classroom and this is a great way to get students highly motivated and engaged. Candace thanks for sharing the website. Awesome that it helps both in reading and writing!
    This is an excellent article. Digital Storytelling is very engaging for all grade levels. Students love the opportunities to be creative in an online environment. Sharing and engaging!
Merrill Redfern

How Technology Trends Have Influenced the Classroom | MindShift - 8 views

  • let’s examine which features of society (and media) have changed and then consider what we can do in education to use it as an advantage for learning.
    • Merrill Redfern
      I like the author's approach to this article. Bringing the two worlds together (society and education) with a commonality is an example of thinking forward.
  • As students, we learned to play the game of “know your audience” when it came to writing a paper for a certain professor. Our purpose was writing for writing’s sake. Now we no longer have to limit ourselves to one recipient. Our students have access to a global audience and don’t have to write just to please one teacher. They can write based on what they see and believe to be true.
  • One of the greatest challenges to the classrooms of today is mobile technology. Do we fund a 1:1 program? Allow a Bring Your Own Device policy? Won’t this just add the distraction of the outside world into a classroom?
    • Jose Escobedo
      As a parent, I would not oppose for my daughter to take her tablet to school. She carrys her tablet everywhere and is always reading. This has helped increase her reading skills. I am not saying this works with every child but its time we left the "seat time" concept behind.
    • Merrill Redfern
      Jose - I agree. My 10 year old daughter also carries an Ipad around with her. I would not be against a "bring your own device" policy to school if the proper policies and procedures were in place, even for the elementary level. In a lot of cases, bringing in the outside world into education could be of significant benefit. While working with our school Ipads yesterday, I took a poll in two of my kinder classes on who had some kind of tech device at home (not mom or dads, but their own). More than 1/2 the class raised their hands and proved their skills with a library Ipad. The poll provoked some thought, it is more important than ever to provide 21st Century learning opportunities for the younger grade levels as well.
    • Jose Escobedo
      At first, I had mixed feelings about the "bring your own device" concept until I started learning how to use a digital device in a classroom with the help of my EDTC graduate courses. I had an old school mentality until last semester when my flip phone gave up and I made the transition to a smart phone. This transition made me realize it was time to allow technology in the classroom.
    • Olivia Basham
      While I find 1:1 policies laughable (I have yet to see a school district not lose millions of dollars on these kinds of programs), I think that BYOT policies are great, as long as the teacher has some technology (I have a set of netbooks) that students who are without their own device can use. I DO think this brings the outside world into the classroom, but I also think that this is a good thing. And those teachers who find the outside world to be a distraction can still use technology; they just need to use closed systems like Edmodo.
    • Don Martin
      While my students are older than what we are typically talking about here I have tried to incorporate the use of personal electronic devices in the classroom for some time now. For example, I have on occasion sent my students on an internet scavenger hunt for items or information related to the content of lecture. One of the impediments to using personal electronic devices is the disparity of quality and capability based upon cost. To get around that I try to have the students work in groups using whatever devices they have available to them in their respective groups. This also creates an opportunity for collaboration.
    Merrill, I like the idea of Flipped Teaching, where lessons are recorded and then viewed later in the classroom. I am not sure how I would feel hearing myself give the lesson, but the kids would love it. I am sure my students get tired of hearing me give a lesson, but if I was recorded, they would possibly be more engaged with the lesson simply because I am on the computer. It is very noticeable when we do online activites, compared to just lecture, that they are more attentive. As far as the 1:1 program, I teach 3rd grade, so our district does not "allow" that type of technology in the classroom. Students bring cell phones anyways, but to use them in the classroom is not ok. Budget is always a concern on my campus, so we do not have enough technology, such as kindles and iPads, for every student. We can request them ahead of time, but that is only for the day. I can understand how it may be a distraction in the classroom, like being on other programs or texting with others. However, for the most part, students would do what the lesson call for. They would much rather do the lesson on their phone, kindle, iPad, etc, than on paper.
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    I teach math, and although I don't flip my classes, I provide videos or links to videos for my students to watch at home. Videos have been a good resource for my students, especially those who miss class. My favorite sites for finding videos are Kahn Academy and LearnZillion. My school has also banned student devices due to the misuse of them in school. I find it frustrating and would love to hear how other schools have handled students using their own devices to school.
    The reason I like videos and links is so that students have access to the learning when they decide to learn it! I see way to many high school students wasting their class time and hope that they have the video or link listed somewhere when they finally see that the lesson was important not...that being said, it is crucial that the lessons we are tying to teach are important! Real world applications again...not just tests.
    I come from a corporate perspective and would definitely like to bring more of these types of concepts to the adult "classroom" or training situation. I think kids "get it" more, though. I notice that the adults all around our company still have trouble with just basic computing skills. So, while I'd love to adopt more mobile type learning, I wonder how it would be received. For my kids, I think they'd really accept it because they are so used to all of these devices.


  • Challenge One One of the most common challenges math teachers face is having a classroom full of students with varying levels of comprehension
  • Solution A:
  • Solution B
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  • Challenge Two Another common challenge facing teachers, especially given the pressures of high stakes testing and large class sizes, is keeping track of each student’s areas for growth. Once again, when leveraged appropriately, math technology can support targeted and personalized instruction by enhancing a teacher’s ability to keep track of student achievement data.
  • Solution A:
  • Solution B:
  • Challenge Three The final challenge we are going to explore is absent students and teachers. When a student is absent it is very difficult to find the time to catch them up on the material they have missed. Leveraging math education technology in this instance is ideal.
  • Solution A:
  • Solution B:
    • emrodriguez
      I have to agree with the fact that there will always be varying levels of comprehension and teachers must find ways to reach all students. Technology can be used to split the classroom so that those students who are behind can self pace. Technology can also be used to keep students active for those who are advancing quickly.
    • emrodriguez
      Another challenge that teachers face is keeping track of each student's individual progress. Software programs can keep track of each student's progress so that the teacher can review. With this information, teachers can intervene and help students with the particular part of math they're falling behind on.
    • emrodriguez
      Since it is almost for sure that either students or teachers will be absent, technology can be implemented to help instruction on these particular days. Tech can be set up so that students know what to review for the day when the teacher is out. If students are absent, the teacher can use technology to send the material through email or web 2.0 services so that students don't fall behind.
  • Solution B:
  • Solution A:
  • Solution A:
  • Solution A
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  • Solution B
  • Solution A
    This article is about using technology in the classroom to supplement instruction in the field of mathematics. It describes common challenges that math teachers face and solutions that can be taken to resolve these problems using technology.
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    This is a great article about implementing technology into a math classroom to resolve the common challenges of these particular educators. From a student's perspective, I wish these tactics would've been around when I was taking math classes.
    Great work, Emmanuel! I truly enjoyed the article. It was nice to read that there are easy solutions to 3 of the most challenges educators face daily. I liked the idea offered in Solution A to Challenge #1 - split the class into 2 groups. One meets with the teacher for direct instruction while the other group works on math activities on a device. It was also nice to know that there is software out there to keep track of data for the teacher. More importantly, I was pleased to read that there are technology programs available to students/ teachers who are absent. These programs help students learn lessons they have missed so long as they have internet access. The programs also help teachers when they are absent. Students are familiar with the programs and can use them and continue to learn when the teacher is out.
    Thanks, Rosalyn! I enjoyed the article as well. I like how all of the problems are realistic while the solutions are simplistic. I would have never thought to have students that are behind to watch math videos to catch up while the others receive direct instruction. I too thought it was convenient to have software available for students to work on when teachers are absent. Most days that teachers are absent, students lose on instruction. By having this technology in place, students could use the technology to catch up while the teacher is out or use the day to get ahead on lessons. Thanks for the response, Rosalyn.
    Great article - and not just for math teachers. It really spells out the three basic teaching challenges of modern classrooms. I like that that article values teaching kids how to learn independently as a skill in and of itself. I have a teacher friend who explained to me that when she used the term "independent learning" with her 7th graders they didn't know what she was talking about until she explained it to them. They were also confused by the idea of following their own interests in learning when given the chance rather than being told what to learn. They're getting it now and some, especially in her accelerated classes, love doing it!
    @ Tammy Visco. I too enjoy the aspect that students get the opportunity get the chance to learn independently whether the teacher is out or they are working on computer modules. I think the ability to learn independently is a great asset to have because it builds upon your motivation and will to want to learn without having someone tell you learn. It's similar to our educational technology degree because we are given the necessary guidance to do what we have to and we take it from there. While the article does use a math classroom as reference, I believe that the principles are universal. If a teacher is out, students can work on modules. If particular students are falling behind, they can work on modules to catch up. Just a great article and I'm glad I came across it.

4 Tips for Getting to Know the Blended Instructional Model | Edutopia - 10 views

  • this same technology is banned from our schools to prevent students from using it inappropriately
    • Cynthia Rios
      There are still many schools and districts with a strict no electronics policy.  What can you do in order for your students to be able to use their electronics in your classroom?
    • cinthia_sierra
      Recently, our Dean of Instruction mentioned she wanted to post posters emphasizing the use of cellphones for the purpose of learning. I think this is a great idea since they are easily accessible and allow students to gather information much quicker than having to wait till they get home or making a trip to the library. I can be a responsible moderator and observer who ensures the proper use of these electronics in order to enhance learning rather than hinder it.
    • Sean Getchell
      I can't imagine that in this day and age they would still try and have a "no electronics" policy. I think most progressive schools would understand that electronics will be there whether they like it or not, so they might as well try to focus students on using them to accentuate their learning experience. If I were a student in a classroom, I would try a modified bring your own device (BYOD) to class. Whether it was a cell phone, tablet, or laptop (okay, maybe not a laptop, but definitely some of the smaller devices), and show them how it could be used to improve their learning (and collaborative) experience. I know it would take some time and understanding to get the students to use the devices responsibly, but nothing worth it is ever easy in my experience.
    • natalie_cepeda
      In the campus I am in, the librarian hosts a training session for the BYOD program. It is highly encouraged for students to bring their devices. This year since it was my first year, I did not want to take too much on, but this coming year I am definitely taking on the BYOD Program to help students use their electronics in my classroom for Web 2.0 tools like Discussion Boards.
    • noramedrano
      At the campus I currently work there is no electronics allowed. I would like for students to be allowed to bring their electronic or given an electronic such as an iPad for learning purposes. Students can do many things with electronics, such as reviewing a specific area that needs improvement on a web 2.0 tool.
    • hillaryparrish
      At my campus (a PK-12 campus), electronics my be used before the first bell rings. During class, they may be used at teacher discretion. However, this has been abused because I have had parents say to me that their child was posting to Facebook during a specific class period daily. Of course, the child could be going to the restroom or somewhere else on campus to do this, but sometimes the privilege does get abused. I like the idea of BYOD for learning purposes.
    • Cynthia Rios
      It is surprising that schools still have a "no electronics" policy which is the case of my school. Now like Sean and Cinthia added, electronics are in our schools whether they are allowed or not, and we should have our students use these electronics to enhance their learning. I've caught my students taking selfies and or sending Snapchats, but I wonder if we truly engage them and use technology to its fullest potential in our classrooms will students continue to abuse BYOD?
    • crystallee530
      Our school district implemented bring your own technology (BYOT) at the beginning of the 2012-2013 2nd semester. Since it began in the middle of the school year, most students and teachers were still hesitant to use personal technology in the classroom because it was unfamiliar ground. The past year I used more BYOT in the classroom with strict supervision and high expectations for following the district technology rules and restrictions.
    • Maria Ing
      Our campus still has a no electronics policy. We were supposed to get bring your own device (BYOD) implemented this past year but it never happened. I think they were not happy that they couldn't secure the network to where only students and teachers would be on the network. I'm not sure what they are going to do. But I see so much potential for students being able to use their devices in the classroom. I think next year, regardless if they have the policy implemented or not, I will try to start having students using their phones in class for activities if I can't get the iPads checked out, if it's for quick electronic surveys. Most have phones now and they are on them anyway for social media and texting (under desk, in bathrooms, when my back is turned), so I may as well make them use them for educational purposes.
  • Tip #1: Kids Aren't as Tech Savvy as You Think
    • Cynthia Rios
      This very true, although many of our students seem to be Tech Savvy, their skills when it comes to technology are mainly for entertainment and social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  I recently gave a digital literacy survey to a student partner for another course and her results were very low.  This is the link to the survey: How do you think your students would perform on this survey?
    • cinthia_sierra
      I think it would be a 50/50 depending on the population. I find that most of my GT, highly involved (gaming) students, and tech junkies can figure out almost anything. But for the most part, others' abilities rely heavily on the social networking tools used to communicate but little experience is shown for Web 2.0 tools or other technological uses.
    • Sean Getchell
      I saw this firsthand last week when I was doing a presentation for a high school summer school technology course. You have most students that are able to use social media technology effortlessly; however, if you get to Web 2.0, or some of the more complex tools, and they are clueless. Now some of the more tech-savvy students can figure anything out, but I was a little disappointed by the 30/70 difference in students understanding / students overwhelmed by new technology. I definitely thought it would be the reverse...especially with all of the gamers in attendance (though to be honest, I think they were the majority of the ones that were able to keep up with some of the more complex tech).
    • Cynthia Rios
      Cinthia, I think you are correct in adding that it depends on the population. Do you think that students' socioeconomic status has a correlation to their digital literacy?
    • rcepeda610
      Yes, I agree with Cynthia, most of the student population is pretty good with social networking and entertainment. They spend countless hours sharing, uploading, blogging, exploring that they become quite the experts. But if presented with a different task they are hesitant and have difficulties completing the task.
  • Tip #2: Be Wary of Online Textbooks and Online Classes
    • Cynthia Rios
      If you are to pick and choose from online textbooks based on the need, what other tools can be used in a blended classroom and how can you implement them?
    • cinthia_sierra
      Apps and websites such as Whyville, playground, etc, can improve students' learning in order to deviate from the traditional textbook teaching method.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Tip #4: Get Your Students to Communicate with Each Other
    • Cynthia Rios
      We recently read about discussion boards.  How would you use a discussion board in your classroom or what other collaboration tools are you interested in using and how?
  • Tip #3: PowerPoint is for Planning Lessons, Not Delivering Lectures
    • Cynthia Rios
      How does this tip go in hand with what we have read in our textbook regarding PowerPoint presentations?
    • cinthia_sierra
      Basically, powerpoints are to be kept as a simplistic method that engages yet guides the reader without overpowering the art of your presentation.
  • 4 Tips for Getting to Know the Blended Instructional Model
    Tips for an effective blended classroom
    This is the issue that some tax payers have with instructional learning and online classes. They think that the student will be placed in a room in front of a computer and expected to teach themselves. They really need to get know what blended instruction looks like and what it can do to enhance learning. There perhaps need to be more model schools that allow for public study, so that they can showcase how efficient and effective this new phenomenon is and just how much more can be offered to the students with the same tax money.
Gena Jean

Piazza * Ask. Answer. Explore. Whenever. - 8 views

shared by Gena Jean on 17 Sep 14 - No Cached
    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      This is a short video that will give you a brief overview on what Piazza is and how it works!! Excellent way to interact with your students online!!
  • ntegrates with every major LMS and is FERPA compliant
    • Gena Jean
      It is amazing how complicated FERPA can be, but it is a very important part of an educator's job to know the guidelines
    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      Gena, yes FERPA is huge here on our campus. Although it has not been done since I started here, I know we are looking to make sure that all our faculty members go through a FERPA training. It's important to know as much as we can with these regulations!!!
    • Gena Jean
      It can be very tricky, especially when you are dealing with dual credit students. Parents feel as if they should have automatic rights to their child's information, but we have specific guidelines that we must follow that are designed to protect the students' rights.
    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      That is so true Gena. We deal with dual enrollment students all the time and it's difficult when parents call and you have to tell them that you are not allowed to give out any information. Some simply do not understand. I've even had grandparents calling. Go figure.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      @ Elizabeth Rodriguez- Yes, you're right on about the importance of FERPA compliance within schools. It is so important to ensure that student information is kept as confidential as possible, and sometimes as teachers- we may not know which programs comply with FERPA. Therefore, we can get in so much trouble if we violate FERPA, and student information gets released online. We run the unfortunate risk of getting sued. Therefore, after having reviewed Gena Jean's Piazza link, I am feeling much more comfortable in being able to use this medium in my classroom with my netbooks, and continue to add on to my flipped classroom.
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My initial response to Gena Jean's Article Post- I like that students can ask questions, that anyone can answer and that it's in real time, much like Google Drive. It's collaborative and so thank you for sharing this with everyone Gena Jean I am definitely going to definitely start looking into this platform, because I think that my English Language Arts and Reading class will greatly benefit from it. I thought it was so neat to see that a woman is the CEO and founder of this particular online program. Actually, it's quite inspiring to see that educational tools can be used in this way, and brought to the forefront by women.
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      Very interesting tool. I will give it a try. I like the fact that it integrate to major LMSs such as Canvas, BlackBoard, and Moodle. Currently I am using Moodle 2.8 and I would like to see how it works. I also like that it is FERPA compliance. I will definitely bookmark this and give it a try. Thanks for the resource.
    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      Since I work for a higher ed institution, this is a big one for me because we are always looking to see how we can integrate different web 2.0 tools to assist our instructors in their classroom! Especially online tools!
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    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      See what others are saying about Piazza! It is a powerful tool to help student communicate and learn from each other!!
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      The also like the analytics it has. I can see how the classroom is doing as a whole and individual students engagement levels as well. I wonder I there is a real time chat window. I know some LMSs have chat enabled. Once again this is worth exploring and trying out.
    • Elizabeth Rodriguez
      How would you use this Web 2.0 tool in your classroom! I think sharing each other's thoughts is a great way to learn from each other!
    • Pedro Rodriguez
      I think I would use it to more for discussion as it seems to have powerful communication and notification tools. One idea comes to mind. During the lesson, I can use polls to see how students are grasping the content or to see if they are paying attention. I wonder if one can use a microphone and camera for Piazza
    • Gena Jean
      I find it very beneficial that this uses the familiar wiki style to make it easier to use!
    • Karla Fabiola Garcia
      I have never heard of this tool. I already like how similar it is in terms of style, to wiki.
    • stacey perkins
      I am immediately drawn to the filtering and hierarchy of importance you can apply to student questions. I love the idea of bringing order to all those posts!
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      @ Karla Fabiola Garcia- Yes, I had never heard of this online tool "Piazza" before either- however, it definitely seems like a great tool, as a teacher can see how many of their students are online. Students can help each other, and therefore know that they are not alone. The purpose of this program appears to me to exemplify what a true learning community should cover. Autonomy and accessibility outside of just the classroom environment. As was mentioned in the video from the website link- "a lot of it is kind of thinking through challenging problems with other people (- Pooja Nath Sankar, Piazza Founder & CEO)."
    • Maricela Gonzalez
      My initial response to Gena Jean's Article Post- Thanks for sharing this online tool with us all Karla. Symbaloo is a smart way to bookmark important things that educators may need to go back and reference. I tend to use Twitter to bookmark my educational resources…but that can get tiring- because sometimes frankly I don't want to share them with everyone, but I need that source to be retrievable at a later time. I'd like to have the ability to organize other things within my educational realm, such as my online modules, training videos, of which I've created throughout my pursuit of my master's degree- and this appears to be a more streamlined way to do just that.
    This is a great tool to use in the classroom! It allows for an online platform to be used by students and teachers to get questions answered!!!
  • ...3 more comments...
    This looks like it could be very beneficial to a higher education instructor, especially as an additional Discussion Forum activity. I found this interesting article : that discusses wiki use in education that you may find enlightening.
    Just wondering why my post states that someone else shared it. I started the post on Piazza. Can anyone tell me? I'm new to Diigo. I just want to make sure I get created for starting this discussion post. :)
    Elizabeth, apparently when people comment, it can replace the original author. Hopefully the administrator of the group will be able to tell who was the original host/author of each post. I do apologize if I inadvertently made a setting selection that caused this to happen. This is definitely your original post. I wonder if by doing a sticky note it changed it to mine?
    Thanks Gena. Hopefully Dr. Chavez will know.
    Hi Gena, As I'm going over all these great tools, I feel a bit overwhelmed with all this information. I have never heard of Piazza before. From what I have read it is used in Colleges and University but I feel that with where technology is heading in high schools and middle schools, I can see this in that setting as well. Thank you for introducing this tool.

The Use and Capture of Images for Computer-Based Learning II - Section 1 - 4 views

  • Pictures make use of a massive range of cortical skills: colour, form, line dimension, texture, visual rhythm and especially imagination (Buzan, 1990). Imagination comes from the Latin imaginare, meaning "to picture mentally". Images are generally more evocative than words and more precise in triggering a wide range of associations, enhancing creative thinking and memory.
    • kjsanders
      Here's the link to the pdf for the full report:
  • The capacity for recognition memory for pictures is limitless. Pictures have a direct route to long-term memory, each image storing its own information as a coherent "chunk" or concept (
  • However, the images or pictures must be meaningful to be retained (Freedman and Haber, 1974).
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The presence of pictures relevant to the text will assist learning. Therefore, for each screen without an image, is there an image that is relevant to the information of that screen? If you can replace the text with an image, do so. Pictures not covered by the information in the text will not enhance the learning of the text. For each screen with an image what is the intended purpose of that image? If it does not have a purpose relevant to the text, remove it. The presence of pictures in the text will not aid the learning of the text which is not illustrated. Pictures can help learners to understand what they read and also to remember it. The memory's storing and recalling powers can be enhanced through the use of images for emphasis and association. Pictures can sometimes be used as substitutes for words or as producers of non-verbal information. Learners may fail to make full use of complex illustrations. Simple representations should not be discounted because they are not 'sophisticated' enough. Can the image be simplified without losing the point? If so, simplify it. Pictures may assist learners with poor verbal skills more than those with good verbal skills. By providing an additional visual explanation the holistic skills of the right side of the brain are brought into play
    • kjsanders
      Lists skills the use of relevant images can enhance and explains how  they benefit creative thinking and memory.
    • kjsanders
      Also, click on the Acrobat file link to print out the full report. Though some of this info is obsolete, there's lots of useful stuff. 
    • kjsanders
      This paragraph caused me to recall how Lynell Burmark talked words and how they're ineffective if we haven't first stored an image of what they represent. For example, when she asked readers to draw an Okapi before they knew what it was.
    • Rosalyn Martinez
      WOW! I had the same recollection upon reading this paragraph. I even recalled the same example. The brain is an amazing organ and how it works just astonishes me. Pictures certainly help me recall information. I am definitely using more pictures in my lessons.
    • kjsanders
      Summary of reasons for using images instead of text.
  • Title Section 1: Images and learning Images have a direct route to long-term memory
    Explanation of how images help route learning to long-term memory. The article talks about the 'cortical skills' images call into play. 
  • ...1 more comment...
    Great resource - it segues well with Lynell Burmark's comments in They Snooze You Lose about making powerpoint presentations mainly visual.
    This is a great article stating how important images are to learning. I like that you referenced chapter 2 on how words are useless if the learner doesn't have an idea of what it looks like. I like the article's notion that images are critical to a presentation and if it can be done, images should replace text as long as the learner understands the meaning of why that particular image was shown.
    Thank you for sharing! This was such an informative article. The brain is so intriguing. I, too, like that you referenced chapter 2. I believe images do play a vital role in our learning and recall of information. For me, an image helps make something concrete. Images help us make connections, use prior knowledge, and build on what we've just seen and learned.

Classroom Tech Trends To Watch - 10 views

    • tvisco
      Has anyone tried this - using twitter or mass texting to remind students or work? Have you felt it was successful? What problems have you encountered? And... did it help students get their work done?
  • Mouse Mischief works in tandem with Microsoft PowerPoint, allowing teachers to include interactive elements like multiple choice questions in their presentations. Students, using wireless or wired USB mice, click their answers in real time. It’s an easy tool for student engagement, and Microsoft has made management simple for teachers by enabling single-click commands and teacher controls that disable mice and set timers,
    • tvisco
      What has been your experience using polling technology in your classroom?
    • Rosalyn Martinez
      We don't use Twitter but students & parents are welcome to login to our teacher pages and view a copy of our assignment sheet for a particular week. We've been doing this for a year now & I like it. It works.
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • tvisco
      Is anyone at a school using this system?
  • Poll Everywhere tracks live audience polling via SMS text messages or the web.
  • Cell phones can be used as cameras for media projects, portals for Internet access and graphing calculators, and their myriad uses evolve constantly with the integration of new technology.
  • the free version is popular for educators who use this slick app for quick quizzing or classroom surveys.
  • Some instructors use Twitter simply to send out class reminders to students—“vocab test on Wednesday!” a
    This is a second article I wanted to share with the group.
  • ...5 more comments...
    I am not a teacher, but I can see how using Twitter could be useful at reminding students about upcoming assignments, projects, or tests. The only thing I'd be concerned about is making sure students don't reply with inappropriate messages that all students could see. I don't have Twitter so I wouldn't know if there's a way that you can approve only certain messages or prevent any similar problems.
    I really like the technology known as Mouse Mischief. I had never heard of it. I like that it can be used with a PowerPoint presentation and the technology required isn't excessive or expensive at all. All students can follow along by answering questions throughout the instructor's lesson. The instructor would get feedback on how well the students are understanding the material after they have finished answering the questions. The only downside that I can see is that students may just mess around with the mouse throughout the lesson, but this can be addressed with classroom management. Great technology!
    I enjoyed reading about Mouse Mischief. I am certainly suggesting this to my colleagues teaching 4-6th grade. I am a first grade teacher and use technology, however, I have not used Twitter and/or Mouse Mischief. I think both may be too advanced for my students but great ideas for upper grades. At our school, 4-6th grade teachers allow their students, on occasion, to use their cell phones and/or other devices to complete assignments. I think it's a great idea and keeps students engaged and learning in a manner in which they are very familiar with.
    I'm not certain how my profile pic ended up on this article. I do apologize! I cannot take credit for this great article but do appreciate it being shared. If anyone can figure out how to delete my pic or give me instructions on how to delete it, I would greatly appreciate it. My apologies!!!
    Hi Rosalyn! My comments are coming up under the wrong articles, too. This article that mentions Mouse Mischief is really helpful. I can tell this is going to be a great course.
    Yes. This is really strange that it's coming up as you being the owner - thanks for pointing it out Rosalyn. No idea how to change it back to me.
    Your kid spent half of math class with his cell phone out, tweeted his way through Spanish and came home only to spend an hour on a social networking site-and he swears it's homework. Delinquency run amok? Think again. Before you start revoking phone and computer privileges, read up on how classrooms are capitalizing on new media with their tech-savvy audiences.
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