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Weblogg-ed » What's Changed? (2009 Version) - 0 views

  • I’m in the midst of a great book by Allan Collins and Richard Halverson titled Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology, and they spend about 20 pages writing about why the system is so resistant to change. The bottom line, they say, is that “teaching is an inevitably conservative practice.” When embedded in institutions that protect instruction from systemic change, a conservative practice is reinforced by a conserving institution. It is difficult for teachers to implement substantially changed programs when they already have dedicated years adapting to what the traditional system of school offers (36).
    Miksi koulun muutos uudenlaiseen kulttuuriin on niin vaikeaa? Tässä blogi-kirjoituksessa vastataan viitaten kirjaan: I'm in the midst of a great book by Allan Collins and Richard Halverson titled Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology, and they spend about 20 pages writing about why the system is so resistant to change. The bottom line, they say, is that "teaching is an inevitably conservative practice."

Should schools test teachers for technology proficiency before hiring them? | Kobus van... - 0 views

    Tämä on mielenkiintoinen kysymys: Should schools test teachers for technology proficiency before hiring them?

Experiential Learning Cycle & Social Technologies | Teemu Arina - 3 views

    Teemu Arinan oivaltava video oppimisen kehästä ja sitä tukevista sosiaalisen median välineistä.

Digital Writing, Digital Teaching - Integrating New Literacies into the Teach... - 1 views

    "Dan Priest suggested that his explorations of the internet and some of the tools available continue to inspire the ways in which he teaches with technology. Using his Wii remote/homemade Smartboard, he argues that "Students are more receptive to graphically designed instruction today than what is considered practical""
    Liittyen viime aikojen esitystekniikan, visualisoinnin ja graafisten diojen käyttöön tässä opettajan vinkkejä palveluihin, joilla voi kehittää oman opetuksen visuaalisuutta.

Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform - the numbers don't add up' | Technology | The ... - 0 views

  • His predictions for the fate of print media organisations have proved unnervingly accurate; 2009 would be a bloodbath for newspapers, he warned – and so it came to pass.
  • "Look, we got erotic novels, first crack out of the box, once we had printing presses. It took a century and a half for the Royal Society to start publishing the first scientific journal in English. So even with the sacred printing press, the first things you get serve the basest human urges. But the presence of the erotic novels did not prevent us from pressing the printing presses into the service of the scientific revolution. And so I think every bit of time spent fretting about the fact that people have base desires which they will use this medium to satisfy is a waste of time – because that's been true of every medium ever launched."
  • Shirky does not own a television. Americans watch, collectively, two hundred billion hours of television a year, and if online social media diverts even just a fraction of that time, he argues, that has to be a good thing. "As I say in the book, even the stupidest possible creative act is still a creative act. And I'd still take the most inane collaborative website over someone watching yet another half hour of TV."
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  • So, there's two things to this paradox. One is that those conversations were always happening. People were saying those nasty things to one another in the pub or whatever. You just couldn't hear them before. So it's a change in our awareness of truth, not a change in the truth."Then there's this second effect, that anonymity makes people behave more meanly. What I think is going to happen there is we are slowly going to set up islands of civil discourse.
    Clay Shirky tiivistää, mistä sosiaalisessa mediassa ja avoimissa sisällöissä oikein on kyse.

Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010 - 0 views

  • The Tablet: It’s the most anticipated product of the year.
  • Geo: The combination of GPS chips in mobile phones, social networks, and increasingly innovative mobile apps means that geolocation is increasingly becoming a necessary feature for any killer app.
  • Realtime Search: After licensing realtime data streams from Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and others, Google and Bing are quickly ramping up their realtime search.
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  • Chrome OS: In November, Google gave the world a sneak peek at its Chrome operating system, which is expected to be released later this year.
  • HTML5: The Web is built on HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and the next version which has been taking form for a while is HTML5.
  • Mobile Video: With video cameras integrated into the latest iPhone 3GS and other Web phones, live video streaming apps are becoming more commonplace—both streaming from phones and to them.
  • Augmented Reality: One of the coolest ways to use the camera lens on a mobile phone is with the increasing array of augmented reality apps.
  • Mobile Transactions: As mobile phones become full-fledged computers, they can be used for mobile commerce also.
  • Android: Last year saw the launch of nearly two dozen Android-powered phones, including the Verizon Droid.
  • Social CRM: We’ve seen the rise of Twitter and Facebook as social communication tools.  This year, those modes of realtime communication will find their way deeper into the enterprise.
    Techcrunch -blogin ennustus vuoden 2010 tärkeimmistä uutuuksista.

Future Education Tech: Schools, like newspapers must adapt or die - 1 views

  • What's the goal, the one unifying everything that we need from technology? It's really quite simple... One device with ubiquitous access to information via the internet.
  • That's all we need. Paper, gone. Books, gone.
  • Assessment is one of the key components of technology in education.
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  • If you look at how radically technology is changing the face of the newspaper industry, who can say it won't have the same effect on our school system?
  • with M.I.T. and Yale and Harvard offering free online content of a wide variety of courses, how can small schools distinguish themselves
    Koulun on muuttuttava tai sille käy kuten sanomalehdille uhkaa käydä.

TechTrainingWheels - 2 views

    TechTrainingWheels How to videos about technology needs for teachers. 

7 Things You Should Know About... | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    Collection of PDF articles on various Educational technologies, describing 7 things you should know about them: what it is, who is doing it, how it works, where it's going, why it matters to teaching and learning, downsides, and significance.

The Ed Techie: Using learning environments as a metaphor for educational change - 0 views

  • In examining the current physical space Wesch (2008) asked students what a lecture hall ‘said’ about learning, in essence what were the affordances (Gibson 1979; Norman 1988) of the standard learning environment. They listed the following: To learn is to acquire information Information is scare and hard to find Trust authority for good information Authorized information is beyond discussion Obey the authority Follow along
  • These are obviously at odds with what most educators regard as key components in learning, such as dialogue, reflection, critical analysis, etc. They are also at distinct odds with the type of experience students have in the online world they inhabit regularly, particularly the social network, read/write web. These environments are characterised by User-generated content Power of the crowd Data on an epic scale Architecture of participation Network effects Openness
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  • When it was necessary for education to be performed face to face, a number of services were bundled together. When it becomes digital and online, this may no longer be the case, as we have seen in most content industries, such as music and newspapers (education has some similarities with content and also some significant differences). The first round of learning tools replicated the centralised model, but as the tools have become easier to use, and the methods for integrating them simpler, so this centralised approach seems less applicable. Clay Shirky (2008) argues that the ‘cost’ of organising people has collapsed, which makes informal groupings more likely to occur and often more successful:"By making it easier for groups to self-assemble and for individuals to contribute to group effort without requiring formal management, these tools have radically altered the old limits on the size, sophistication, and scope of unsupervised effort"Part of the function of universities is to provide this organisation, for example by grouping individuals together to form a student cohort who are interested in the same subject. But as this grouping becomes easier to do online, it becomes less of a valued function of the university - ie you don’t need to go to a university to find like minded people. Education then faces the same challenges regarding the cost of organisation that, say, the Encyclopedia Brittanica faced from wikipedia. Returning to the theme of this paper, Shirky’s argument can also be applied to technology, namely that the ‘cost’ of integrating technology has drastically reduced, meaning it is now feasible for individuals to do this, thus alleviating the need for centrally provided pre-integrated solutions. For example, we could reword the above quote to read:By making it easier for tools to (self) assemble and for applications to contribute to the environment without requiring integration, these approaches have radically altered the old limits on the size, sophistication, and scope of any individual to create their own environmentProjects such as SocialLearn, illustrate that the conceptualisation of a learning environment goes beyond technical, or even pedagogical considerations. In a digital society it comes to represent the institutional response to changes in the nature of knowledge creation, sharing, and participation, in short to the nature of education itself. Shirky argues that ‘when we change the way we communicate, we change society’, and the new socially based technologies we have today are doing this in fundamental ways. It is only by exploring their potential that universities can remain relevant to the society they are helping to shape.
    The central theme of this article is that the online learning environment can be seen as the means by which higher education can explores the challenges and opportunities raised by online and digital society.

open thinking » 90+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy - 1 views

    "Over the past few years, I have been collecting interesting Internet videos that would be appropriate for lessons and presentations, or personal research, related to technological and media literacy. Here are 70+ videos organized into various sub-categories. These videos are of varying quality, cross several genres, and are of varied suitability for classroom use."
    Medialukutaitoon liittyviä videoita eri aiheista kategorisoituna. Osa sopii luokkaopetukseen, osa omatoimiseen tutustumiseen.

Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies - 0 views

    Jane Hartin verkkopalvelu, jossa on artikkeleita ja blogitekstejä oppimis- ja esitysteknologiasta sekä lista sadasta tärkeimmästä oppimissovelluksesta.

Education Rethink: 11 Reasons Teachers Aren't Using Technology #edchat #edtech - 3 views

    Miksi opettajat eivät käytä teknologiaa ja sosiaalista mediaa? John T. Spencer kertoo kokemuksiinsa pohjautuvat 11 syytä. Miten suomalainen opettaja ja opetuslaitos näihin suhtautuvat?

Lasten verkossa kohtaamista riskeistä - 0 views

    Rochester Institute of Technology on tutkinut USAn koululaisten kohtaamia ongelmia netissä. Kaavio antaa suuntaa erilaisista ongelmista, joihin netissä voi törmätä.

eLearn: Predictions for 2009 - 0 views

    eLearning experts give their predictions for learning and technology for the year 2009

Free Technology for Teachers: Holiday Edition: Seven Ways to Find Teachers on Twitter - 0 views

    Hyviä ideoita hyödyllisten Twitter-kontaktien löytämisessä opettajille.

Free Technology for Teachers: Google SketchUp Education Uses and Tutorials - 0 views

    Googe SketchUp:in avulla voi tehdä kolmiulotteisia kohteita valoineen ja varjoineen.

10 Best Technology Videos Explained in Plain English - 1 views

    Webstudio 13 -blogin mukaan 10 parasta Commoncraft -videota "in Plain English".
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