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Tarmo Toikkanen

Free Music Archive - 1 views

    "The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads. The Free Music Archive is directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Radio has always offered the public free access to new music. The Free Music Archive is a continuation of that purpose, designed for the age of the internet."
    Vapaata musiikkia omiin podcasteihin tai videoihin.
Tarmo Toikkanen

K-12 Web Archiving - 1 views

    "If you were a K12 student which websites would you want to save for future generations? What would you want people to look at 50 or even 500 years from now?"
    USAssa kysytään oppilailta, mitä pitäisi webistä arkistoida tuleville sukupolville ja miksi.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Summarizr - 0 views

    Twitter Twapperkeeper archive summaries
    Rakentaa yhteenvedon tietyn aiheen twitter-arkistosta.
Tero Toivanen

Dewey Music - 0 views

    DeweyMusic is a new interface for's wonderful public domain music library.
Eija Kalliala

The Active Class » Blog Archive » Digital distraction in the classroom - 1 views

    Digitaalinen hämmennys luokkahuoneessa. Mitä tapahtui ja mitä opimme tästä? Miten opettaja voisi yhteistyössä oppijoiden kanssa kehittää toimivat sopimukset sosiaalisen median käytöstä opetuksessa?
Eija Kalliala

The Active Class » Blog Archive » Improving online discussions - 1 views

    Pohdintaa ja keinoja, miten verkko-opiskelun keskustelujen laatua voisi parantaa.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Sähköinen tietoisuus » Blog Archive » Pitkyn CC-kysymykset - Tarmo Toikkanen ... - 1 views

    Tarmo Toikkasen haastattelu avoimista lisensseistä.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Social Network Profile Costs Woman College Degree - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • if you take the time to review the judge's decision (PDF), you'll see that Synder's "unprofessionalism" that was cited in those reviews came from accusations that she exhibited "over-familiarity with her students," and "had difficulty maintaining a formal teaching manner."
  • Synder's real mistake in this situation was not knowing or choosing to turn on any sort of privacy controls on her social network profile page.
    Opettaja menetti MySpace-profiilin vuoksi opintopaikkansa (USAssa). Hyvä tiivistelmä tapahtuneesta ja ohjeita omien tietojen jakelun avoimuuden suhteen.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Education 2.0: Never Memorize Again? - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Memorization is a waste of time when Google is only a a few clicks away.
  • "Kids should learn about history to understand the world and why things are the way they are. But they don't need to know all the dates. It is enough that they know about the Battle of Hastings, without having to memorize that it was in 1066. They can look that up and position it in history with a click on Google,"
  • "Children are going to have to reinvent their knowledge base multiple times," he continues. "So for them memorizing facts and figures is a waste of time."
    Don Tapscott (kirjoittanut mm. Wikinomics-kirjan) toteaa, että ulkoa opettelu on ajan hukkaa.
Tarmo Toikkanen

10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2009 - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    10 ennustusta tämän vuoden trendeistä sosiaalisessa mediassa.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Google Giveth, and Taketh Away: Google Video, Notebook, Catalog Search, Jaiku, and Dodg... - 0 views

    Google lopettaa uusien videoiden lähettämisen Google Videoon (koska YouTube hoitaa oleellisesti samat asiat). Lisäksi Jaiku lopetetaan, joskin Jaiku jatkaa avoimen lähdekoodin projektina. Lisäksi Notebookin kehitys lopetetaan ja Catalog sammutetaan.
    The Google Video team announced that it will shut down uploads in a few months, while the Google Notebook team announced that it is stopping development (the service will continue to function, however). According to Danny Sullivan, Google is also closing Jaiku, a Twitter-like micro-blogging service that was bought by Google before it even launched, but which has lingered in invite-only mode ever since. Google Catalog search, which made shopping catalogs searchable, will also be closed soon.
Tarmo Toikkanen

How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    Itse olen PostRankia käyttänyt jo vuosia samaan tapaan. Jos olen tilannut syötteen, jossa on arvokasta sisältöä, mutta liikaa kirjoituksia, vedän sen PostRankin läpi jolloin voin valita vain ne parhaat katseltavakseni.
    13 askelta, joilla saa itselleen parhaat kirjoitukset omalta alaltaan. Haetaan ensin keskeiset blogit, viedään ne PostRank-palveluun, jossa valitaan suodatettavaksi vain parhaat kirjoitukset, jonka jälkeen suodatetut syötteet viedään uutistenlukijaan.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Yahoo! Launches Major Challenge to Facebook Connect - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • If you thought Facebook represented the mainstream face of newsfeeds, 3rd party identity authentication, etc. just imagine what Yahoo! could do. The only question is whether the giant company will move fast enough - Facebook is very close to having stolen its thunder already. Yahoo! has been talking about "opening up" and integrating social data across its sites for months, Facebook tends to be much, much faster at taking action and innovating.
    Facebook Connectin avulla FB-tunnuksella voi vaikkapa kommentoida blogia. Nyt Yahoo vastaa haasteeseen omalla Updates-palvelullaan. Kisa kiihtyy, kun isot pelaajat yrittävät vastata pienien tulijoiden haasteisiin, kuten avoimuuteen ja yhteensopivuuteen.
    Yahoo's response to Facebook Connect: Yahoo Updates. And it uses OAuth, an open standard.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Facebook Announces New Homepages: It's All About the Stream - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • One highlight of the new homepages is a new 'publisher' feature which looks almost exactly like a similar feature on FriendFeed. Users can now easily post updates, notes, photos, and videos right from their homepage without having to go to the specific application first.
  • Just like on FriendFeed, users can now easily block updates from others if they turn out to be spammers or are simply posting too few interesting (or too many) updates.
  • Thanks to updates to Facebook's privacy settings, users will now also be able to follow others without having to become actual 'friends.' This is basically the same 'friendship' model that Twitter has implemented on its service.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Facebook is slowly moving towards combining some of the best features of FriendFeed and Twitter on its homepages as it has seen how quickly users latched on to Twitter and its real-time updates.
    Facebookin uudet ominaisuudet tulevat käyttöön 11.3.2009. Tässä käydään läpi, mitä uutta on tiedossa. Huhut kasvavasta kilpailusta Friendfeedin ja Twitterin kanssa sävyttävät spekulaatiota.
    New Facebook features revealed
Tarmo Toikkanen

Education News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers - 2 views

    "With classes, homework, and projects-not to mention your social life-time is truly at a premium for all teachers, so why not take advantage of the wide world that Google has to offer?"
Tero Toivanen

12 things you didn't know Google Docs could do | News | TechRadar UK - 0 views

  • 1. Recover old revisionsGo to File > Revision History and the entire past of the current document will be revealed.
  • 2. Create HTML tablesYou can access a document's underlying HTML code direct by going to "Edit > Edit HTML".
  • 3. Add CSSGoogle Docs allows you to add CSS styles to any document.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 4. Batch upload filesClick the "Upload" button, then use CTRL-Click to selectively highlight multiple files or SHIFT-Click to select a continuous list. Google Docs will put them in a queue and upload the lot.
  • 5. Back up Google DocsYou can export multiple documents to a ZIP archive.
  • 6. Synchronise documentsThe free personal edition of back-up tool Syncplicity [] enables you to connect your Google Docs account with a designated folder, which in turn can be synchronised with a folders on your computer.
    Google Docsissa on paljon hienoja ominaisuuksia, joista tässä blogi-kirjoituksessa mainitaan muutamia.
Tarmo Toikkanen

Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web - 0 views

    "Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases."
    Välineitä aiheiden ja keskustelujen seuraamiseen.
Tero Toivanen

No Free Lunch for Ning Users; Still Plenty of Bargains Elsewhere - 0 views

    Lisää vaihtoehtoja Ning:lle.
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