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Kevin Makice

Is SOPA's bipartisan support due to legislators' ignorance? - 0 views

    here is bipartisan support for SOPA and the like. Not universal support, mind you, but bipartisan. Why? Dan Nguyen thinks he knows why: They all suffer from the same brand of earnest ignorance.
Kevin Makice

Anti-Patterns for Technical Leaders - 0 views

    What's the difference between a CTO and a vice-president of engineering (VPoE)? According to Jason Hoffman and Bryan Cantrill of Joyent, the lines are blurry. At the Monki Gras conference in London on February 1st, Hoffman (CTO) and Cantrill (VPoE), shared the stage and talked about the differences in their roles. In keeping with the generally boisterous nature of Monki Gras, the conversation with Hoffman and Cantrill was a bit more bare-knuckle than your average conference presentation. Perhaps it's a result of their joint suffering under the "Somali warlord style of management" (as Hoffman put it) of Sun Microsystems.
Kevin Makice

Alec Baldwin gets an apology from American Airlines, courtesy himself - 0 views

    Alec Baldwin received a surprise apology from American Airlines over his ejection from one of its flights -- delivered by none other than Alec Baldwin. Dropping in on "Saturday Night Live"'s "Weekend Update," the most frequent "SNL" host in the show's history played the role of Capt. Steve Rogers, supposedly the pilot of the flight delayed by Baldwin playing "Words With Friends," or being a general nuisance, depending on who's account you believe.
Kevin Makice

The case for dropping 'Social' - 0 views

    what does "social" really mean? It's become a phonetic clue that whatever follows in speech is now connected, via the Internet, to a collaborative application. If that's even close to accurate, then as marketers we're way past "social media" as a thing to do. Instead, "social media" is firmly part of markets, customer tastes, and business innovation cycles. What's more, entire organizations are governed more by consensus than individual dictum.
Kevin Makice

Social Proof Is the new marketing - 0 views

    Despite a shaky economy, many web companies are in hypergrowth.  This is reminiscent of the five-year period over a decade ago when companies like Amazon, Netscape, eBay, Yahoo, Google and PayPal were built. One challenge, which isn't new, is the battle for consumer attention.  If you're looking to grow your user base, is there a best way to cost-effectively attract valuable users?  I'm increasingly convinced the best way is by harnessing a concept called social proof, a relatively untapped gold mine in the age of the social web. What is social proof?  Put simply, it's the positive influence created when someone finds out that others are doing something.  It's also known as informational social influence.
christian briggs

So, you think you have a strategy? (via @Freek_Vermeulen, London Business School) - 0 views

    Does your company have a strategy? Freek Vermeulen doubts it. And he posits the five main reasons why, too often, a firm's strategy is nothing more than a pipe dream.
Kevin Makice

Qrank: Turning legacy content into a mobile game - 0 views

    Mobile quiz startup Qrank will announce next week that it has raised a seed round of funding, including an investment from early Twitter VP of Product Jason Goldman. Qrank is building out a platform that will let any organization with a backlog of content use it to create smart, fast-paced mobile trivia games. The games incorporate social networks, location, chat and other social features. It sounds awesome. Goldman is one of five investors in a convertible note of $350,000, ReadWriteWeb has learned and the company has confirmed. The company will use the funding to build a self-service platform, acquire more high-profile customers and complete an analytics dashboard. The existing consumer app gets high marks for responsiveness and user engagement.
Kevin Makice

Want to be more productive? Don't file your email - 0 views

    If you file your emails into folders in your email program you're wasting your time, according to a study by IBM Research. The 345-user study found that people who used the search function in their email program could find relevant emails as easily as those who had categorised each email into folders. Finding emails by searches took on average 17 seconds, versus 58 seconds finding the emails by folder. The likelihood of success - that is, finding the intended email - was no greater when it had been filed in a folder. "People who create complex folders indeed rely on these for retrieval, but these preparatory behaviours are inefficient and do not improve retrieval success. In contrast, both search and threading promote more effective finding," the study said.
Kevin Makice

Social Readiness: How companies prepare for crisis (Slideshare) - 0 views

    By Jeremiah Owyang with Andrew Jones, Christine Tran, and Andrew Nguyen Includes input from 63 ecosystem contributors, survey data from 144 social business program managers, and analysis of 50 social media crises
christian briggs

amygdala grey matter density, previously linked with real-world social net size, also c... - 0 views

    grey matter density of the amygdala, which was previously shown to be linked with real-world social network size, was also correlated with online social network size
Kevin Makice

Non-profit Digital Teams Benchmark Report, from @communicopia /via @Jfalkenthal - 0 views

    Communicopia undertook this research to better understand how non-profit leaders manage digital and online initiatives in their organizations. In our experience it's well led, well structured, and well resourced teams that are the fundamental building blocks for success online. We've gathered data from 67 senior level staff who run digital departments in non-profits and combined this with our own insights & analysis to help start a conversation in our sector about building better teams.
christian briggs

Why Corporations With a Social Purpose Perform Better (via @Forbes) - 0 views

    New Post 20 hours ago KPMG's Lord Michael Hastings: Business Must Take Note of Occupy Wall Street New Post 23 hours ago Consumers Expect CEOs to Be Held Accountable and Take Action on CSR New Post 1 day ago Why Corporations With a Social Purpose Perform Better New Post 1 week ago American Ingenuity New Post 1 week ago Sustainable Consumption Is a Myth New Post 2 weeks ago Corporate Social Purpose: It's in What You Don't Sell New Post 2 weeks ago Finally, Occupy Wall Street Puts the Blame Where It Belongs: On Us New Post 2 weeks ago Occupy Wall Street: A Powerful Demand for Something New--Like This Comment 2 weeks ago Yet another point of view Paul: on Pre-Occupied With Corporate Social Responsibility New Post 3 weeks ago Pre-Occupied With Corporate Social Responsibility New Post 3 weeks ago Starbucks' Job Creation Plan New Post 3 weeks ago Stop Being Cynical About Breast Cancer New Post 4 weeks ago How Sameer Hajee Has Shed Real Light in Africa New Post 1 month ago Taking CSR to the Next Level New Post 1 month ago How A Serial Entrepreneur Found Success By Practicing Responsible Capitalism New Post 1 month ago Making Every Dollar Count: Investing for Impact and Return New Post 1 month ago The Next Global Debt Crisis New Post 1 month ago Thriving on the Value of Vice: Stop Making Too Much of CSR Comment 1 month ago Thanks for your comment. I also makes me think of the importance of [...] on A Higher Ambition for CSR: Corporate Social Purpose New Post 1 month ago A Higher Ambition for CSR: Corporate Social Purpose   *****   6   33     45   0   0   The Forbes 400 World's Billionaires Celebrity 100 World's Leading Companies more + The Forbes 400 is the definitive list of wealth in America, profiling and ranking the country's richest citizens by their estimated net worths. View complete list » #1 Bill Gates Latest News » #14 Mark Zuckerberg Latest News » #7 George Soros Latest News » #331 Stewart Rahr Latest News »
Kevin Makice

IT company to ban employees from using email - 0 views

    Has email become the new fax machine? Thierry Breton, Atos Origin CEO and Chairman, would have you believe so. Following through with a promise made earlier this year to eliminate email use among company employees, Breton plans to move beyond email within the next eighteen months and initiate a communication policy based on instant messaging and social media sites. As Atos Origin is a major international information technology company, the decision to abandon email has the potential to influence other companies' methods of communication among employees.
Kevin Makice

How the White House Drives Engagement on Twitter - 0 views

    The White House loves Twitter, and Twitter loves the White House. How much? Last year, they grew their audience by over one-third, adding another 650,000+ followers to their 2M+ base.
Kevin Makice

The greatest TED Talk ever sold, by @morganspurlock - 0 views

    Much of the TV, video, film and sport we watch is sponsored by a brand, a product, a corporation. But … why? With humor and persistence, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock dives into the hidden but influential world of brand marketing, on his quest to make a completely sponsored film about sponsorship. And yes, the onstage naming rights for talk were sponsored too. By whom and for how much? He'll tell you. 
Kevin Makice

Consumer innovation is a new economic pattern - 0 views

    "Pathbreaking research by a group of scholars including Eric A. von Hippel, a professor of technological innovation at M.I.T.'s Sloan School of Management, suggests that the traditional division of labor between innovators and customers is breaking down. Financed by the British government, Mr. von Hippel and his colleagues last year completed the first representative large-scale survey of consumer innovation ever conducted. What the team discovered, described in a paper that is under review for publication, was that the amount of money individual consumers spent making and improving products was more than twice as large as the amount spent by all British firms combined on product research and development over a three-year period. "We've been missing the dark matter of innovation," Mr. von Hippel said from his office in Cambridge, Mass. "This is a new pattern for how innovations come about." "
    von Hippel and Baldwin also produced a related, intriguing paper in 2009 that can be found here entitled "Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation." The conclusion of the paper reads: "We conclude by observing again that we belive we are in the midst of a major paradigm shift: technological trends are causing a change in the way innovation gets done in advanced market economies. As design and communication costs exogenously decline, single user and open collaborative innovation models will be viable for a steadily wider range of design. They will present an increasing challenge to the traditional paradigm of producer-based design - but, when open, they are good for social welfare and should be encouraged."
Kevin Makice

Social Validation Critical to SEO - 0 views

    "When you create a new article, blog post, or a new page on your web site (a new URL), the search engine will crawl that URL. They might even see some links form other web sites to that new URL. But if the search engines see real people mentioning the URL and interacting with it, they consider that the URL is validated, socially. The URL is "accepted". And it's that human interaction that the search engines are looking for. If the search engines can figure out some form of social validation of a URL, then most likely it is going to be a page that they will want to show in their search results. Social validation is that human SEO factor that the search engines have been looking to include in their algorithm for a very long time."
Kevin Makice

Kenneth Cole (@kennethcole) misappropriates Cairo hashtag - 0 views

    The death toll in Egypt so far is over 300, with thousands wounded. Way to jump on a trending #hashtag to push your products, Kenneth Cole.
    Oh, and in case you missed it, there is already a parody Kenneth Cole PR Twitter account at Hours after its creation, it already has 3,633 followers. Electric speed indeed.
    Also of interest:!/dacort/status/33303368441004033 Damon Cortesi posted a screenshot of the KC fan page activity.
Kevin Makice

The Meta behind "Air Canada killed Tanner's chair" - 0 views

    Catherine (HerBadMother) talks about Twitter, Air Canada, the importance of wheelchairs, troll backlash, and what to do with privilege that comes with being a high profile mommy blogger.
Kevin Makice

How one mistake cost a Flickr user 4000 photos - 0 views

    Where did Flickr's vaunted platform fail? What design wisdom can we derive from this object lesson? When can we expect the salient code-review article to be posted to Hacker News? Never, because it wasn't a design flaw or programming error that cost Mirco Wilhelm his 4000 photos. It was plain, old-fashioned user error.
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