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Hypnosis Training Academy

Transform Childhood Thought Patterns Using NLP - 0 views

    Interested to discover NLP techniques that can be used to remove negative thought patterns learned from childhood? Then don't miss this important NLP demo where master hypnotist and NLP practitioner Martijn Groenendal helps a woman confront and remove her inner critic that was formed during childhood. In this video, you'll get a clear sense of how to transform negative thought patterns into something more positive using NLP. So don't miss it. Visit to watch this exclusive video demo now…
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (198) - 0 views

    My guest this week, Kam Knight, has written several books in the area of mental performance. He calls himself a "mind expert", and is going to be giving us his thoughts on how we can control our thoughts and decisions. Being able to do this in various situations under a variety of stress factors is obviously important. But honestly, can you say you're able to do this 100% of the time? Join me for my conversation with Kam Knght on this week's episode. If God is for you who can be against you?ental performance. He calls himself a

Thought Elevators - 0 views

    Full review of Thought Elevators Program by Eric Taller
    Please read this information on a wonderful program I have found that helps me find peace and mental wellness in my life!
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Rewire Your Brain: Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza Explains - 0 views

    Dr. Joe Dispenza is a brilliant neuroscientist and author with a knack for demystifying complicated neuroscience. His goal is to show how anyone can use the latest scientific discoveries in neuroplasticity to "rewire" the brain and recondition the body for lasting change. You see, the unconscious mind can't tell the difference between a memory of an event, and the event itself. So when you replay negative thoughts, feelings and memories, the mind reacts as if the event were really happening... ...your heart rate increases, breathing changes and your body goes into a "fight or flight" response (commonly known as stress). Not surprisingly, repeated stress leads to major health problems. But here's the good news: The human mind has an incredible capacity to observe our own thoughts and behaviors, which means you can alter your brain structure by integrating new thoughts and behaviors. Not only that - but you can even change your genetic expression. It isn't always easy... especially when it comes to deeply ingrained habits and addictions. But hypnosis can make it MUCH more likely someone will successfully replace negative thought patterns with positive, healthy new pathways! Intrigued to find out how? Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy to listen to Dr. Dispenza's illuminating talk today.
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (84) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's episode! Do you let your felony conviction get in the way of realizing your dreams? I certainly hope not. I do realize however that it is easy to fall into the trap of letting the past consume us. I don't do that anymore, but believe me, I useed to. I actually now see my situation as providing me with some opportunities that I most likely wouldn't have been able to persue had I never gone to prison. If you haven't reached that point in your thinking or you just need a little encouragement ( we all need a little encouragement from time to time), then my interview this week with noted author Jim Donovan is for you. Jim wrote the best seller This Is Your Life Not A Dress Rehearsal and he has some great thoughts for ex-offenders. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
Think Inc

Lance Armstrong - 0 views

    Just when you thought life is good to you, something disastrous happened. You can choose to give up and let life's challenges get you down. Or you can decide to fight it and savor the sweet after taste of victory!
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (203) - 0 views

    Despite this bizarre time, we still need to pay our bills and buy groceries. In fact, there are ex-offenders that were in the middle of a job search when this all began. So, I thought we could talk a little about job searches on this episode. 

    Covid-19 and the riots don't stop our lives! We have to keep moving forward. 

    I found a great site that has some very good job related information for ex-offenders. The site is called Career One Stop. The site is sponsored by the United States Department of Labor. 

    On this episode I point out a few items that jumped out at me and i encourage you to look at the site and read through their excellent material.

Make Writing a Routine for These 10 Reasons and How You Do It - 0 views

    Making a record of a day-to-day experience has become a hobby to many, without realizing how it has helped and changed them. More than just being a hobby, writing down my thoughts on a piece of a paper made my life better and could be your life too.
Think Inc

Life Lessons " Learn From Life " - 0 views

    One Click To Change Your Life
    Easy way to trigger your positive thoughts

20 Life Hacks That Will Transform Your Life - Completed Thoughts - 0 views

    Some of the best stuff on the web!
Meredith Blige

Aid For Snoring Problem - 2 views

My wife would always complain about my snoring a lot. Before, I thought it was just because I was exhausted from work, but as time goes by, I am already afraid my snoring is getting worse, that eve...

how can I stop snoring

started by Meredith Blige on 19 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
Hypnosis Training Academy

Hypnosis: Who Is Susceptible? How To Spot Highly-Hypnotizable People - 0 views

    According to professor David Spiegel MD, about 25% of people cannot be hypnotized. It's thought that roughly between 5-10% of people are highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestion, while up to 79% of the population are considered moderately susceptible. These numbers suggest that hypnotists have a good chance of hypnotizing most people that they meet. However, the real challenge is to spot those who are considered to be "highly-hypnotizable." That's where street hypnotists may have the upper hand. To weave their magic, they have to act fast. They only have seconds to make an impression. Interested to find out how they do this? Check out this informative article that reveals how to quickly spot highly-hypnotizable people and to find out the 5 most common reasons hypnosis fails.
Hypnosis Training Academy

The Difference Between Meditation And Self-Hypnosis - 0 views

    There's a good reason meditation is part of the morning routine of so many successful people. It not only improves peace of mind, but has been found to increase productivity. Some of the other benefits include: - Lower stress levels - Greater mental clarity - Sharper thinking - Improved overall health But did you know that you can achieve the same things, and much more, using self-hypnosis? This is because self-hypnosis opens you to hypnotic suggestions that can help you make changes in any area of your life. You still get to enjoy the feeling of calm and relaxation. You still get the time you need to collect your thoughts and prepare your mind. But with self-hypnosis, you get a whole lot more. Interested in understanding these two life-changing techniques? Check out this article on the find out why the most successful people have made them part of their daily routines.
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