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Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Master the Skills of an Expert NLP Practitioner - 0 views

    Interested to find out how you can use NLP in hypnosis for fast and effective results? Now is your chance to double your hypnotic power by getting your hands on Igor's advanced training. This program is specifically designed for you to master the techniques of NLP quickly and shows how it can complement your hypnosis skills. Simply by listening to the audio sessions, you'll be absorbing the knowledge, secrets, and skills of an expert NLP practitioner. If you're ready to take the next step and combine the strengths of NLP and hypnosis into a new and more powerful way to help people, take this course. This special NLP in Hypnosis Program will provide you a thorough grounding in the advanced concepts and the core principles of NLP. Included in our Master's Program is NLP main training of 9 hours and 52 minutes, the extra TWO bonus inductions and the 186 page PDF manual. You can either carry on at your current level of skill, perhaps slowly improving or you can take advantage of this proven program and quickly take your powers to dynamic new heights of excellence. It's Now Your Choice... All of this is available to you now for just $497 3 simple monthly installments of only $59 at When you think about it, it is a very modest investment for something that can bring you enormous benefit. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer!
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
Hypnosis Training Academy

Master Hypnotic Storyteller Home Study Video Program at 40% Discount - 0 views

    Do you want to hypnotize people without them knowing they're being hypnotized? Do you want to create powerful hypnotic stories on the fly to transform your subjects unconscious realities? Do you want to increase your persuasion with storytelling mastery? Do you want to influence people's primal decision making process? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the program you have been seeking….This program can be used in everyday conversations as well as serious business meetings. It is perfect for anyone who wants to win people over! Through this program, you can easily transform yourself into a master hypnotic storyteller - even if you have zero previous experience. You can get instant access to all the hypnotic storytelling secrets when you sign up for this training program. If you're a hypnotist or in the influence game in any way, shape or form, then looking this program over is simply in your best interest. Visit to grab this amazing 40% off deal. You can split up your investment into 4 simple installments of only $147. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer! Click Here To Get Started Now!
Hypnosis Training Academy

[Interview] Meet the "risk-taking" and business-savvy hypnotist - 0 views

    Opening a business isn't easy. Sure, it takes preparation and planning… But once you've built a solid foundation, sometimes the best thing to do is just jump in and give it your best shot. If you've been thinking about starting your own business, but you're scared to take the plunge, you might just find the inspiration you've been looking in this interview published by the Hypnosis Training Academy. In this interview, you'll hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski interview a savvy entrepreneur by the name of Jason Linett. One of Jason's main skills is thinking quickly on his feet and taking calculated risks, so in this interview Jason shares advice on how to prepare yourself and act without getting bogged down in the details. You'll also find out: -- How Jason cultivated the kind of mindset that allowed him to see past the "typical" way of doing things and find a fresh approach to running a hypnosis practice -- Insights on how Jason made it to success quicker and easier than most people -- Incredible stories about how Jason took on difficult hypnosis clients and used a creative approach to get amazing results Plus you'll find out Jason's TOP tip for hypnotists and professionals to help further your career on your own terms. Listen to Jason Linett's empowering story of how to build a successful hypnosis practise based on your experience and passion.
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (84) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's episode! Do you let your felony conviction get in the way of realizing your dreams? I certainly hope not. I do realize however that it is easy to fall into the trap of letting the past consume us. I don't do that anymore, but believe me, I useed to. I actually now see my situation as providing me with some opportunities that I most likely wouldn't have been able to persue had I never gone to prison. If you haven't reached that point in your thinking or you just need a little encouragement ( we all need a little encouragement from time to time), then my interview this week with noted author Jim Donovan is for you. Jim wrote the best seller This Is Your Life Not A Dress Rehearsal and he has some great thoughts for ex-offenders. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
Hypnosis Training Academy

[FREE] The Ultimate Guide On Hypnosis Training - 0 views

    The Hypnosis Training Academy has created an ultimate guide on hypnosis training that breaks down the type of training you should do in order to go from being a novice to hypnosis master. This 3-part hypnosis guide contains hypnosis resources, videos and advice from master hypnotists Igor Ledochowski and Karsten Küstner. With this guide, you'll get a very clear sense of how you can hone, improve and advance your skills as a hypnotist. In essence, consider it as your complete guide to hypnosis training. A roadmap that'll arm you with insider tips, resources and training programs to transform you into a confident and proficient hypnotist. The guide also includes online training recommendations for beginners, intermediates and advanced hypnotists - so no matter your level, you're sure to find this free guide invaluable as you strive to become a great hypnotist. Visit today and start your hypnosis training with this ultimate guide.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[INFOGRAPHIC] How To Hypnotize Yourself: 6 Easy Steps - 0 views

    Interested in discovering the many rewards that come from a regular self-hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Well the good news is, you'll be surprised just how easy self-hypnosis actually is, all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover the benefits of self-hypnosis and 6 easy steps that'll help you flex your "self-hypnosis" muscles, check out this infographic from the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

5 Hypnosis Techniques For Grinch-Free Holidays - 0 views

    Yes, Christmas is meant to be a happy and festive time. But let's face it, the holidays can get pretty stressful. Which means this time of the year presents the perfect opportunity to practise your hypnosis skills so you can keep yourself and everyone around you feeling calm and cheerful without letting holiday stress get in the way. Check out this "Christmas Survival Guide" created by the Hypnosis Training Academy to discover how to beat the Grinch and transform negative emotions by: Setting your daily intention using self-hypnosis and powerful mantras to keep a positive attitude throughout the day. Using distraction methods to lift others out of bad moods -- when one person (especially the host) is stressed it can trickle down and make others also feel tense… but not once you know how to break the "Grump Pattern"! Giving a shot of "hero fuel" to a friend or relative going through a tough time to help them focus on the positive aspects of their life and re-energize their self-belief using conversational hypnosis. Showing off your hypnosis talents and giving your family a "hypnotic gift" using a 4-step sequence to instantly provide a self-esteem boost So break out the eggnog and check out this amusing and useful article so you can stay feeling festive throughout the holidays and lift the spirits of everyone around you!
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Overcome the 7 Most Common Barriers To Building Rapport - 0 views

    Has this ever happened to you? You meet someone and quickly fall into a deep conversation. And although you've just met this person, you feel an instant bond. This experience is known as Instant Rapport. For hypnotists, instant rapport is an invaluable tool when it comes to building trust and setting the parameters for effective communication - meaning it can make or break your hypnosis practice. Interested to find out how you can master rapport so it flows effortlessly and becomes second nature when you're working with a subject? Visit now to get your FREE eBook and MP3 audiobook to discover top rapport building secrets, including the 7 most common barriers to building rapport and the 5-step conversion formula for instant rapport building. Discover how you can enhance your hypnosis practice today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Hypnotize Yourself: The 6-Step Self-Hypnosis Formula - 0 views

    Interested in reaping the many rewards that come from a regular self hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Got good news for you. Self hypnosis is a lot easier to learn than you might think (it's actually very similar to meditation). Anyone can master it - all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover how to get started with a self hypnosis practice, visit us at
Hypnosis Training Academy

[AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Meditation: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace - 0 views

    Struggling to connect with an inner sense of calm and peace? [AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Induction With Master Hypnotist Karsten Küstner: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace & Drop Into Your "Centre Of Calm" In Part 2 of our self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm. Listen to this 11-minute self-hypnosis induction now to feel more balanced, relaxed and energized. Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy now to listen to this calming self-hypnosis induction. In Part 2 of this guided self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm.
Steve Scott

Tips on Self-Improvement | Personal Development Coach | Personal Development Goals - 0 views

    Self improvement Tips of the week change your habits, changed your thinking and change your activity.
Steve Scott

Evaluate Your Performance | Tips on Self Improvement | - 0 views

    For your self-improvement to benefit you for the long term you must be regularly evaluating your performance. Here are some tips on self improvement.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Rewire Your Brain: Neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza Explains - 0 views

    Dr. Joe Dispenza is a brilliant neuroscientist and author with a knack for demystifying complicated neuroscience. His goal is to show how anyone can use the latest scientific discoveries in neuroplasticity to "rewire" the brain and recondition the body for lasting change. You see, the unconscious mind can't tell the difference between a memory of an event, and the event itself. So when you replay negative thoughts, feelings and memories, the mind reacts as if the event were really happening... ...your heart rate increases, breathing changes and your body goes into a "fight or flight" response (commonly known as stress). Not surprisingly, repeated stress leads to major health problems. But here's the good news: The human mind has an incredible capacity to observe our own thoughts and behaviors, which means you can alter your brain structure by integrating new thoughts and behaviors. Not only that - but you can even change your genetic expression. It isn't always easy... especially when it comes to deeply ingrained habits and addictions. But hypnosis can make it MUCH more likely someone will successfully replace negative thought patterns with positive, healthy new pathways! Intrigued to find out how? Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy to listen to Dr. Dispenza's illuminating talk today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

18 Top Hypnosis Articles: Powerful Resources To Enhance Your Hypnotherapy, Conversation... - 0 views

    The Hypnosis Training Academy is packed with powerful hypnosis resources that have been mindfully created to guide, teach and nurture you through your hypnosis training journey and pursuit of mastery. So to help you know where to start, the Hypnosis Training Academy has compiled a list of the 18 most influential articles in 4 main hypnosis categories: ethical conversational hypnosis, hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis and general hypnosis. The articles listed in this post are the most popular among readers in their quest to be a force for good in the world using the power of hypnosis. Read them, share them and never stop enhancing your hypnosis skills!
mathersro dney

At what point in a relationship should an ex-offender reveal their past? - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's show. Have you ever stuck your foot in your mouth? We all have and my guest this week, Marie Dubuque, has some advice on how to smooth a situation like that over. That's just the tip of the ice berg when it comes my discussion this week with Marie. Marie specializes in the navigation of the social interactions we all encounter. As ex-offenders, we already have a strike against us as we start new relationships, date, and generally move through our social lives. Marie Dubuque has some great advice and we touch on a variety of subjects during this week's interview. After the show be sure and check out Marie's videos on You Tube along with the hundreds and hundreds of followers who have found her advice helpful. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?

Your Life Begins at The End of Your Comfort Zone - 0 views

  • Develop your happiness muscle Make it super strength with these easy, scientifically proven exercises you can quickly practice and start living the happy and fulfilling life you deserved to.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Want To Learn Hypnosis? What To Expect At A Hypnosis Training Course - 0 views

    Taken hypnosis training courses in the past? If you're looking to attend an intermediate course, then you're probably a bit more up to speed about what you might expect. You're probably already a little more fluent, but you may still be uncertain about your abilities or simply want to continue to learn hypnosis in a controlled group setting. An intermediate course can bring you lots of benefits and Whatever is your skill level, you'll be able to find a hypnosis training course suit you.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Want To Be A Great Conversational Hypnotist? Be Merlin, Not Arthur - 0 views

    According to the Arthurian legend, Merlin was the wise wizard that engineered the birth of King Arthur through magic and intrigue. Once born, Merlin carefully coached and prepared Arthur to take center stage and become the legendary figure that he did. But without Merlin's wise teachings and magic - Arthur never would have existed - let alone become king. In order to become a great hypnotist, you have to adopt the same approach. This is because your job is to transform your subjects into becoming the heroes of their own stories… which can only be done if you empower them to take center stage. Check out the Hypnosis Training Academy's latest video blog post to hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski explain more on this.
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