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Hypnosis Training Academy

Master Hypnotic Storyteller Home Study Video Program at 40% Discount - 0 views

    Do you want to hypnotize people without them knowing they're being hypnotized? Do you want to create powerful hypnotic stories on the fly to transform your subjects unconscious realities? Do you want to increase your persuasion with storytelling mastery? Do you want to influence people's primal decision making process? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the program you have been seeking….This program can be used in everyday conversations as well as serious business meetings. It is perfect for anyone who wants to win people over! Through this program, you can easily transform yourself into a master hypnotic storyteller - even if you have zero previous experience. You can get instant access to all the hypnotic storytelling secrets when you sign up for this training program. If you're a hypnotist or in the influence game in any way, shape or form, then looking this program over is simply in your best interest. Visit to grab this amazing 40% off deal. You can split up your investment into 4 simple installments of only $147. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer! Click Here To Get Started Now!
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Hypnotize Yourself: The 6-Step Self-Hypnosis Formula - 0 views

    Interested in reaping the many rewards that come from a regular self hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Got good news for you. Self hypnosis is a lot easier to learn than you might think (it's actually very similar to meditation). Anyone can master it - all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover how to get started with a self hypnosis practice, visit us at
Hypnosis Training Academy

[INFOGRAPHIC] How To Hypnotize Yourself: 6 Easy Steps - 0 views

    Interested in discovering the many rewards that come from a regular self-hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Well the good news is, you'll be surprised just how easy self-hypnosis actually is, all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover the benefits of self-hypnosis and 6 easy steps that'll help you flex your "self-hypnosis" muscles, check out this infographic from the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Create Influence Channels in the Mind - Part 1 - 0 views

    Interested in discovering how to master hypnotic influence and create powerful channels in the mind using emotion, logic, and reasoning? Yes? Well, we have got good news for you as Hypnosis Training Academy has created an in-depth guide that explains the heart of influence, the Influence Strategy Tree and the 5 branches of influence that fall under it. With this guide, you will get a very clear sense of how you can effectively use hypnosis to carve influence channels in people's mind. This 2-part guide on hypnotic influence also takes you through strategic influence techniques to generate a positive change in your subjects and clients. Intrigued? Visit today to discover what is the role of influence when used in hypnosis….
Hypnosis Training Academy

Hypnosis: Who Is Susceptible? How To Spot Highly-Hypnotizable People - 0 views

    According to professor David Spiegel MD, about 25% of people cannot be hypnotized. It's thought that roughly between 5-10% of people are highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestion, while up to 79% of the population are considered moderately susceptible. These numbers suggest that hypnotists have a good chance of hypnotizing most people that they meet. However, the real challenge is to spot those who are considered to be "highly-hypnotizable." That's where street hypnotists may have the upper hand. To weave their magic, they have to act fast. They only have seconds to make an impression. Interested to find out how they do this? Check out this informative article that reveals how to quickly spot highly-hypnotizable people and to find out the 5 most common reasons hypnosis fails.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Breakthrough Stanford Research: Hypnotic Trance Changes Brain Activity - 0 views

    A groundbreaking Stanford Study lead by Dr. David Spiegel has revealed what hypnotists have long known about brain activity whilst under a hypnotic trance. That is: some parts of the brain function differently under hypnosis than during normal consciousness. In essence, hypnosis indeed alters brain patterns and activity. These findings might help explain the intense absorption, lack of self-consciousness and suggestibility that characterize the hypnotic state. Would you like to discover more about Dr. David Spiegel hypnosis research findings and how you can use hypnosis to control pain and increase someone's self-esteem? Check out the latest article on now…..
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Put A Resistant Subject Into A Hypnotic Trance - 0 views

    New hypnotists often fear they won't be able to put a subject into trance… which can be even more of a challenge if someone's nervous, skeptical or defensive. Yet at the same time, overcoming this problem is essential to your success as a hypnotist because without trance...hypnosis won't work. But the good news is, with the right hypnosis technique up your sleeve, you'll become confident in your ability to put even the most resistant subject into a trance. And once you do, you can get down to business and help them resolve the issue they've come to you for. Interested to discover what that technique is? Check out this hypnosis demonstration from the Hypnosis Training Academy to see master hypnotist Karsten Küstner work with an over-analytical subject and break down their resistance using the Non-Awareness Set in just a matter of minutes.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Master the Skills of an Expert NLP Practitioner - 0 views

    Interested to find out how you can use NLP in hypnosis for fast and effective results? Now is your chance to double your hypnotic power by getting your hands on Igor's advanced training. This program is specifically designed for you to master the techniques of NLP quickly and shows how it can complement your hypnosis skills. Simply by listening to the audio sessions, you'll be absorbing the knowledge, secrets, and skills of an expert NLP practitioner. If you're ready to take the next step and combine the strengths of NLP and hypnosis into a new and more powerful way to help people, take this course. This special NLP in Hypnosis Program will provide you a thorough grounding in the advanced concepts and the core principles of NLP. Included in our Master's Program is NLP main training of 9 hours and 52 minutes, the extra TWO bonus inductions and the 186 page PDF manual. You can either carry on at your current level of skill, perhaps slowly improving or you can take advantage of this proven program and quickly take your powers to dynamic new heights of excellence. It's Now Your Choice... All of this is available to you now for just $497 3 simple monthly installments of only $59 at When you think about it, it is a very modest investment for something that can bring you enormous benefit. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer!
Hypnosis Training Academy

8 Effective Hypnosis Techniques to Deal with Insomnia - 0 views

    Curious to discover how you can use hypnosis for insomnia? Yes? Great, you've come to the right place. The Hypnosis Training Academy has compiled a list of 8 proven hypnosis techniques for better sleep, energy, and health. This in-depth article discusses the causes of insomnia, the medical side effects of prolonged sleeplessness, 9 non-hypnotic lifestyle changes that can help, in addition to 8 proven hypnosis techniques that'll get to the root cause of insomnia. If you'd like to learn how hypnosis can be used to treat sleep disorders, you won't want to miss this article. Read it, share it and never stop enhancing your hypnosis skills!
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Read Someone's Mind: 5 Ethical Hypnotic Mind Reading Techniques - 0 views

    Wouldn't it be great if you could uncover a fact about someone that they hadn't yet divulged to a living soul, and then use this information to enrich their life? Mind reading hypnosis technique is an interesting and one of the most desired method that people want to master. If you are also longing to learn this technique, here is a detailed article that explains 5 mind reading techniques to become a force for positive change.
Hypnosis Training Academy

What Can Hypnosis Treat and How Does it Work? - 0 views

    Hypnosis has been shown to be an effective therapeutic tool when treating a host of mental and physical issues. In fact, given how versatile it is, you'd be hard pressed to find something that hypnosis can't treat. Some of the common issues it's been proven to resolve include: quitting smoking (smoking cessation), weight loss, sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, pain relief, self-esteem issues, physical healing, trauma, bad habits and phobias. Interested to find out how? Check out this article by HypnosisTrainingAcademy to discover 15 common issues that can be resolved by going into a hypnotic trance, in addition to the scientific studies to back it up.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Induce Hypnotic Trance with the Igor Ledochowski Handshake Induction - 0 views

    It almost seems unlikely that in any kind of situation you walk up to someone, shake their hand, and voila! They are in trance. But no matter how hard it is to believe, that's exactly what the handshake induction is designed to do. This induction is incredibly effective when when time isn't on your side, or when you're after an effective and instant way to bypass a particularly resistant critical factor. And while it might appear to be some unbelievable magic trick, it's actually very simple to perform. Especially when you have the right technique. Check out the infographic here for a breakdown of master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski's very own 8-step handshake induction technique.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Lose Weight Using Hypnosis: A 5-Step Guide - 0 views

    Interested in discovering how you can use hypnosis for weight loss? Yes? Well we've got good news for you as the Hypnosis Training Academy has created an in-depth guide that explains 5 key reasons for weight gain and how you can overcome them. With this guide, you'll get a very clear sense of how you can effectively use hypnosis for weight loss so you can help your subjects lead healthy and happy lives. No matter the fitness or health level, hypnosis allows for longer lasting results than any other diet or fad treatment because you're dealing with weight gain at a core and holistic level. Visit today to find out how you can use hypnosis for weight loss with this 5-step guide.
Hypnosis Training Academy

5 Hypnosis Techniques For Grinch-Free Holidays - 0 views

    Yes, Christmas is meant to be a happy and festive time. But let's face it, the holidays can get pretty stressful. Which means this time of the year presents the perfect opportunity to practise your hypnosis skills so you can keep yourself and everyone around you feeling calm and cheerful without letting holiday stress get in the way. Check out this "Christmas Survival Guide" created by the Hypnosis Training Academy to discover how to beat the Grinch and transform negative emotions by: Setting your daily intention using self-hypnosis and powerful mantras to keep a positive attitude throughout the day. Using distraction methods to lift others out of bad moods -- when one person (especially the host) is stressed it can trickle down and make others also feel tense… but not once you know how to break the "Grump Pattern"! Giving a shot of "hero fuel" to a friend or relative going through a tough time to help them focus on the positive aspects of their life and re-energize their self-belief using conversational hypnosis. Showing off your hypnosis talents and giving your family a "hypnotic gift" using a 4-step sequence to instantly provide a self-esteem boost So break out the eggnog and check out this amusing and useful article so you can stay feeling festive throughout the holidays and lift the spirits of everyone around you!
Hypnosis Training Academy

Stuck In A Self-Hypnosis Rut? Try These 13 Powerful Induction Methods To Induce A Deep ... - 0 views

    When it comes to inducing a deep, self-hypnotic trance, a common misconception is that there is a magical, fool-proof method. In reality many people fail the self-hypnosis. And, the reason is, they tend to focus on the method first, and when this doesn't work, there is a strong temptation to give up and let out an exasperated exhale. In order to master self-hypnosis, you need to first focus on mastering yourself, and only then use an induction method to get you into a trance. Read the complete article here to understand this process and conquer the self hypnosis technique.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Helping Clients Overcome Trust Issues - 0 views

    The Great Hypnotherapist helped his clients in a clinical setting by answering the questions of the people who are suffering from chronic pain or psychiatric disorders, and who also have a general mistrust of medical professionals. Igor was glad to answer such question His methods Helped Clients In A Clinical Setting to Overcome Trust Issues With Medical Professionals
Hypnosis Training Academy

Want To Learn Hypnosis? What To Expect At A Hypnosis Training Course - 0 views

    Taken hypnosis training courses in the past? If you're looking to attend an intermediate course, then you're probably a bit more up to speed about what you might expect. You're probably already a little more fluent, but you may still be uncertain about your abilities or simply want to continue to learn hypnosis in a controlled group setting. An intermediate course can bring you lots of benefits and Whatever is your skill level, you'll be able to find a hypnosis training course suit you.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Hypnosis Training Academy - Learn Hypnosis | Hypnosis Training - 0 views

    Learn hypnosis with the internationally renowned Hypnosis Training Academy for hypnotherapy training, conversational hypnosis and the Hypnosis Diploma School.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Meditation: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace - 0 views

    Struggling to connect with an inner sense of calm and peace? [AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Induction With Master Hypnotist Karsten Küstner: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace & Drop Into Your "Centre Of Calm" In Part 2 of our self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm. Listen to this 11-minute self-hypnosis induction now to feel more balanced, relaxed and energized. Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy now to listen to this calming self-hypnosis induction. In Part 2 of this guided self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Hypnosis For Weight Loss: Your 5-Step Guide - 0 views

    When it comes to food - as with nearly everything these days - there's an abundance of choice. It takes tremendous willpower not to give into temptation and indulge whenever hunger strikes - or simply when something looks or smells delicious. But the thing is, availability is only part of the problem. The issue when it comes to overeating, or eating poorly, goes much deeper. In fact, there are 5 key areas that need to be addressed when it comes to successfully using hypnosis for weight loss. In this article, we're going to take an in-depth look at the issues and the hypnosis techniques you can use to overcome each of them. Visit Hypnosis Training Academy to know more.
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