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Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Master the Skills of an Expert NLP Practitioner - 0 views

    Interested to find out how you can use NLP in hypnosis for fast and effective results? Now is your chance to double your hypnotic power by getting your hands on Igor's advanced training. This program is specifically designed for you to master the techniques of NLP quickly and shows how it can complement your hypnosis skills. Simply by listening to the audio sessions, you'll be absorbing the knowledge, secrets, and skills of an expert NLP practitioner. If you're ready to take the next step and combine the strengths of NLP and hypnosis into a new and more powerful way to help people, take this course. This special NLP in Hypnosis Program will provide you a thorough grounding in the advanced concepts and the core principles of NLP. Included in our Master's Program is NLP main training of 9 hours and 52 minutes, the extra TWO bonus inductions and the 186 page PDF manual. You can either carry on at your current level of skill, perhaps slowly improving or you can take advantage of this proven program and quickly take your powers to dynamic new heights of excellence. It's Now Your Choice... All of this is available to you now for just $497 3 simple monthly installments of only $59 at When you think about it, it is a very modest investment for something that can bring you enormous benefit. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer!
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (84) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's episode! Do you let your felony conviction get in the way of realizing your dreams? I certainly hope not. I do realize however that it is easy to fall into the trap of letting the past consume us. I don't do that anymore, but believe me, I useed to. I actually now see my situation as providing me with some opportunities that I most likely wouldn't have been able to persue had I never gone to prison. If you haven't reached that point in your thinking or you just need a little encouragement ( we all need a little encouragement from time to time), then my interview this week with noted author Jim Donovan is for you. Jim wrote the best seller This Is Your Life Not A Dress Rehearsal and he has some great thoughts for ex-offenders. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (62) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's show. Wow! We has some some major technical issues with the show this week but no way are we going to let that stop us! We kept trudging along because this week's guest is must for the show. Jan Coates stops by this week to deliver a powerful Christian based message concerning "attitude". I think Jan is right on target as she addresses the issues relating to our attitudes, despite our situations. This is a great show and you don't want to miss it! You can find out more about Jan after the interview at Jan Coats. Remember, If God is for you, who can be against you?
Hypnosis Training Academy

What Is Consciousness? 8 Mind-Blowing Videos That Help Explain The Relatively Unexplain... - 0 views

    While we know that consciousness is a "thing" - it's still a concept that's very difficult to grasp, and even more challenging to explain. So while we might not understand the inner workings of consciousness fully, there is one thing that we can't dispute, and that's its infinite power when it comes to change work. And as a hypnotherapist or hypnotist, understanding consciousness is extremely important as you're constantly working with people who are in various states of consciousness. To get a better understanding of what consciousness means, check out these 8 cool videos at that explain the unexplainable and answer the question that's puzzled some of the greatest minds in history.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[INFOGRAPHIC] How To Hypnotize Yourself: 6 Easy Steps - 0 views

    Interested in discovering the many rewards that come from a regular self-hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Well the good news is, you'll be surprised just how easy self-hypnosis actually is, all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover the benefits of self-hypnosis and 6 easy steps that'll help you flex your "self-hypnosis" muscles, check out this infographic from the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Master Hypnotic Storyteller Home Study Video Program at 40% Discount - 0 views

    Do you want to hypnotize people without them knowing they're being hypnotized? Do you want to create powerful hypnotic stories on the fly to transform your subjects unconscious realities? Do you want to increase your persuasion with storytelling mastery? Do you want to influence people's primal decision making process? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the program you have been seeking….This program can be used in everyday conversations as well as serious business meetings. It is perfect for anyone who wants to win people over! Through this program, you can easily transform yourself into a master hypnotic storyteller - even if you have zero previous experience. You can get instant access to all the hypnotic storytelling secrets when you sign up for this training program. If you're a hypnotist or in the influence game in any way, shape or form, then looking this program over is simply in your best interest. Visit to grab this amazing 40% off deal. You can split up your investment into 4 simple installments of only $147. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer! Click Here To Get Started Now!
anna lidman

Reiki is Not a Religion - It is Natural Healing Energy Therapy - 0 views

    Reiki healing is not a Religion.It is a natural, pure energy which everyone can benefit from and had a broad appeal that touched people on a deep level despite their diversity in cultures and creeds.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Hypnotize Yourself: The 6-Step Self-Hypnosis Formula - 0 views

    Interested in reaping the many rewards that come from a regular self hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Got good news for you. Self hypnosis is a lot easier to learn than you might think (it's actually very similar to meditation). Anyone can master it - all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover how to get started with a self hypnosis practice, visit us at
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (198) - 0 views

    My guest this week, Kam Knight, has written several books in the area of mental performance. He calls himself a "mind expert", and is going to be giving us his thoughts on how we can control our thoughts and decisions. Being able to do this in various situations under a variety of stress factors is obviously important. But honestly, can you say you're able to do this 100% of the time? Join me for my conversation with Kam Knght on this week's episode. If God is for you who can be against you?ental performance. He calls himself a
Hypnosis Training Academy

Is Online Therapy As Effective As Face-to Face Hypnotherapy? - 0 views

    Given how reliant we are on the Internet for everything from shopping to learning to even working - it's now even the perfect vehicle for online therapy. However, given the obvious differences between online therapy and face-to-face hypnotherapy - the effectiveness of online hypnotherapy raises many questions. But the fact is, there are now thousands of hypnotherapists working online with clients all over the world… and are they achieving fantastic results, too. Plus, not only is this form of therapy very convenient for clients, it gives you greater flexibility as a hypnotist. All you need are the right hypnosis training tools and a good Internet connection. Curious to discover more about how online hypnotherapy works? Find out everything you need to know so you too can offer this highly effective service at HypnosisTrainingAcademy.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[GUIDE] The Difference Between Self-Hypnosis, Meditation & Mindfulness - 0 views

    A lot of people get mixed up when they try to work out the differences between certain techniques, such as meditation, mindfulness and self-hypnosis. Are they for relaxing, or are they for stimulating the mind? Do they follow the same steps? And are they just different forms of the same thing? This last question is where many people get confused. And understandably so, however, the answer is a definitive no. Whilst these practices share commonalities (which is where the confusion comes in) meditation, mindfulness and self-hypnosis are very different practices. By understanding what these differences are, you can then make an informed decision about how and when to use them - ensuring that you reap the full benefits of these amazing practices. The Hypnosis Training Academy has put together a short guide detailing the differences of meditation, self-hypnosis and mindfulness to get you started. Check it out today so you can gain a deeper connection with the inner workings of your mind... so you can then make powerful transformations in your outer world.
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (205) - 0 views

    My Guest this week is Bracha Goetz. Bracha is most known for the dozens of children's books she's written. I think there are 36 of them. However, we're going to be speaking to Bracha about addictions. She has written a book for adults called (click for Bracha's book) Looking For God In The Garbage. Bracha addresses beating a food addiction and and explains that the way she did it can be useful in addressing all sorts of addictions. This is where our path crosses with Bracha Goetz.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Overcome the 7 Most Common Barriers To Building Rapport - 0 views

    Has this ever happened to you? You meet someone and quickly fall into a deep conversation. And although you've just met this person, you feel an instant bond. This experience is known as Instant Rapport. For hypnotists, instant rapport is an invaluable tool when it comes to building trust and setting the parameters for effective communication - meaning it can make or break your hypnosis practice. Interested to find out how you can master rapport so it flows effortlessly and becomes second nature when you're working with a subject? Visit now to get your FREE eBook and MP3 audiobook to discover top rapport building secrets, including the 7 most common barriers to building rapport and the 5-step conversion formula for instant rapport building. Discover how you can enhance your hypnosis practice today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Stuck In A Self-Hypnosis Rut? Try These 13 Powerful Induction Methods To Induce A Deep ... - 0 views

    When it comes to inducing a deep, self-hypnotic trance, a common misconception is that there is a magical, fool-proof method. In reality many people fail the self-hypnosis. And, the reason is, they tend to focus on the method first, and when this doesn't work, there is a strong temptation to give up and let out an exasperated exhale. In order to master self-hypnosis, you need to first focus on mastering yourself, and only then use an induction method to get you into a trance. Read the complete article here to understand this process and conquer the self hypnosis technique.
mathersro dney

Author Darcy Keith Addresses Rodney's Audience On This Week's Journey Of Hope - 0 views

    The Horrific car wreck she was in while attending Boston University left two of her friends dead. When she awoke six days later from a coma, she had to learn absolutely everything over again. My guest this week is author Darcy Keith. Darcy has been to the deepest depths of adversity and found the secrets to overcoming. Her story is absolutely amazing. We as ex-offenders can pull ideas from her struggles as we seek to find the footing to have full and productive futures. Check out this episode and all of our archived episode at http:
Steve Scott

Stephen T. Scott's answer to How do I stop being a quitter? - Quora - 0 views

    Quitter… in which way!! Well, Being a quitter is not a bad thing. You must be amazed by reading this. But, yes this is true. "A winner never quits. And a quitter never wins." I remember that sign over the door to our high school locker room. In athletic contests, you can't quit and win.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Hypnosis For Weight Loss: Your 5-Step Guide - 0 views

    When it comes to food - as with nearly everything these days - there's an abundance of choice. It takes tremendous willpower not to give into temptation and indulge whenever hunger strikes - or simply when something looks or smells delicious. But the thing is, availability is only part of the problem. The issue when it comes to overeating, or eating poorly, goes much deeper. In fact, there are 5 key areas that need to be addressed when it comes to successfully using hypnosis for weight loss. In this article, we're going to take an in-depth look at the issues and the hypnosis techniques you can use to overcome each of them. Visit Hypnosis Training Academy to know more.
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (199) - 0 views

    Faust Ruggiero is my guest this week. Faust is an author and a therapist and has worked in a variety of therapeutic settings over a 40 year period. In this episode, I spoke with Faust to get his ideas on integration and how we as ex-offenders can work through the adversity in ways in which we experience peace and being content.  Check out my interview with Faust!

    Faust Ruggiero
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