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Hypnosis Training Academy

[Interview] Meet the "risk-taking" and business-savvy hypnotist - 0 views

    Opening a business isn't easy. Sure, it takes preparation and planning… But once you've built a solid foundation, sometimes the best thing to do is just jump in and give it your best shot. If you've been thinking about starting your own business, but you're scared to take the plunge, you might just find the inspiration you've been looking in this interview published by the Hypnosis Training Academy. In this interview, you'll hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski interview a savvy entrepreneur by the name of Jason Linett. One of Jason's main skills is thinking quickly on his feet and taking calculated risks, so in this interview Jason shares advice on how to prepare yourself and act without getting bogged down in the details. You'll also find out: -- How Jason cultivated the kind of mindset that allowed him to see past the "typical" way of doing things and find a fresh approach to running a hypnosis practice -- Insights on how Jason made it to success quicker and easier than most people -- Incredible stories about how Jason took on difficult hypnosis clients and used a creative approach to get amazing results Plus you'll find out Jason's TOP tip for hypnotists and professionals to help further your career on your own terms. Listen to Jason Linett's empowering story of how to build a successful hypnosis practise based on your experience and passion.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Hypnotist Michael Watson - Creator Of Evolutionary Hypnosis - 0 views

    In this inspiring interview, Igor Ledochowski talks with minister-turned-hypnotist and the creator of Evolutionary Hypnosis, Michael Watson. In this insightful interview, Michael Watson shares his inspiring NLP and hypnosis journey - which starts off with how he discovered hypnosis and NLP when it was first emerging in the 1970s, and the life-changing epiphany that followed. You'll also hear Michael's fascinating and honest stories about his work with some of the pioneers of NLP and hypnosis, such as John Grinder, Richard Bandler and even Timothy Leary. Plus how he's used the lessons he's picked up along the way to create the Evolutionary Hypnosis method. Curious to discover more about Evolutionary Hypnosis and how you can use it for personal change and growth? Listen to this powerful interview at now...
Hypnosis Training Academy

[INTERVIEW] Expert Reveals The Link Between Hypnosis & Creativity - 0 views

    Would you like to be able to help people think outside the box and inspire them to dream big? If so, check out this free (and inspiring) interview with creativity and innovation expert, Paulina Larocca, and master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski. In this insightful interview, you'll discover: - The surprising link between hypnosis and creativity - Why innovation is critical in any field and how a "creative" hypnotist can offer a mindset shift to help companies foster innovation - The different phases of a creativity session and how you can go into a trance of opportunities - Why it's important to take people beyond their rational selves to help them dream up bigger and bolder ideas - The creative language Paulina uses to help open up the right state of mind To listen to this free interview (and to get those creative juices flowing!), visit the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview with Dr. Paul Scheele - Pioneer Of Paraliminal Hypnosis - 0 views

    In this fascinating interview, Dr. Paul Scheele CEO of Scheele Learning Systems, explains that by activating the rich resources within the mind, it is possible to achieve phenomenal results in relationships, work, money and health. In this insightful interview, he shares his inspiring hypnosis journey - which starts off with how he came to run the oldest hypnosis practice in Minneapolis at only 19, and the life-changing epiphany that followed. You'll also discover how this realization inspired him to develop Paraliminal hypnosis to help people uncover their inner resources for success by communicating with both sides of the brain simultaneously. Curious to discover more about Paraliminal Hypnosis Technology and how you can use it to improve all areas of your life? Listen to this powerful interview at now...
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Mike Mandel, Leading Forensic Hypnotist - 0 views

    In this exciting interview, Mike Mandel - forensic hypnotist, master of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and consultant for the Canadian police force - shares the priceless lessons he's learned after practicing hypnosis for 40 years. Like many great tales of success, in his interview he reveals the interesting story behind it all that's made up of life lessons, failure, doubt and perseverance. Oh, and in this instance, some wise advice from an old Chinese medicine book. You'll also discover his trick for getting into an amazing mental state, and some invaluable insights he wished someone had told him at the start of his career... Intrigued? Visit to listen to this exclusive interview now…
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Master Hypnotist and Neuroscientist: Ramon David - 0 views

    In this exciting interview, Ramon David, an Applied Neuroscientist, Hypnotist, Success Coach and Founder of the NeuroCoaching Institute reveals the neurological processes during transformational change work. In this insightful interview, he shares with Igor Ledochowski how his curiosity for growth and adventure led him to neuroscience, hypnosis and even extreme sport. You'll also discover Ramon's "5 domain" model of transformational personal change, which he created through a combination of psychology, neuroscience, nutrition and personal training. Plus you'll also find out the 7 most effective habits of brain-healthy people. Intruigued? Visit to listen to this exclusive interview now...
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (84) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's episode! Do you let your felony conviction get in the way of realizing your dreams? I certainly hope not. I do realize however that it is easy to fall into the trap of letting the past consume us. I don't do that anymore, but believe me, I useed to. I actually now see my situation as providing me with some opportunities that I most likely wouldn't have been able to persue had I never gone to prison. If you haven't reached that point in your thinking or you just need a little encouragement ( we all need a little encouragement from time to time), then my interview this week with noted author Jim Donovan is for you. Jim wrote the best seller This Is Your Life Not A Dress Rehearsal and he has some great thoughts for ex-offenders. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
mathersro dney

Journey Of Hope With Rodney Mathers (81) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's show! Want some help dealing with stress? Well, I've got just the thing for you! Ex-offenders and the people who support them know all too well the pressures, and therefore stresses, associated with reintegration. It can literally be a killer. Everything from blood pressure to eating habits and social interaction skills can be negatively altered. Dealing with stresses in a way that doesn't lean on some sort of addiction can be tricky as well. My guest this week, Heidi Thompson, has what just might be the answer for you. In her book Calm Focus Joy The Power Of Breath Awareness Heidi explains how a simple exercise can reduce stress and improve focus. Join us this week for our discussion with Heidi Thompson and after the interview you can learn more about Heidi at the following link: Heidi Thompson Remember, If God is for you, who can be against you?
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (62) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's show. Wow! We has some some major technical issues with the show this week but no way are we going to let that stop us! We kept trudging along because this week's guest is must for the show. Jan Coates stops by this week to deliver a powerful Christian based message concerning "attitude". I think Jan is right on target as she addresses the issues relating to our attitudes, despite our situations. This is a great show and you don't want to miss it! You can find out more about Jan after the interview at Jan Coats. Remember, If God is for you, who can be against you?
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (70) - 0 views

    Nice interview on my show this week with Ilene Dillon. Ilene addresses the ways to confront anger in our lives
    Welcome to this week's edition of the show. Want a successful life? My guest this week, Ric Morgan claims to have the keys and his ideas are are very interesting. Ric inquired about being on the show and after looking at what he has to offer to ex-offenders, I had to book him. Ric's message is extremely powerful for ex-offenders looking for ideas that help them advance their lives and put incarceration behind them. I urge you to listen to what he has to say because I think what you are going to find will immediately impact your thinking. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
mathersro dney

At what point in a relationship should an ex-offender reveal their past? - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's show. Have you ever stuck your foot in your mouth? We all have and my guest this week, Marie Dubuque, has some advice on how to smooth a situation like that over. That's just the tip of the ice berg when it comes my discussion this week with Marie. Marie specializes in the navigation of the social interactions we all encounter. As ex-offenders, we already have a strike against us as we start new relationships, date, and generally move through our social lives. Marie Dubuque has some great advice and we touch on a variety of subjects during this week's interview. After the show be sure and check out Marie's videos on You Tube along with the hundreds and hundreds of followers who have found her advice helpful. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (199) - 0 views

    Faust Ruggiero is my guest this week. Faust is an author and a therapist and has worked in a variety of therapeutic settings over a 40 year period. In this episode, I spoke with Faust to get his ideas on integration and how we as ex-offenders can work through the adversity in ways in which we experience peace and being content.  Check out my interview with Faust!

    Faust Ruggiero
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (203) - 0 views

    Despite this bizarre time, we still need to pay our bills and buy groceries. In fact, there are ex-offenders that were in the middle of a job search when this all began. So, I thought we could talk a little about job searches on this episode. 

    Covid-19 and the riots don't stop our lives! We have to keep moving forward. 

    I found a great site that has some very good job related information for ex-offenders. The site is called Career One Stop. The site is sponsored by the United States Department of Labor. 

    On this episode I point out a few items that jumped out at me and i encourage you to look at the site and read through their excellent material.
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