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Induction of metastasis, cancer stem cell phenotype, and oncogenic metabolism in cancer... - 0 views

  • More than half of cancer patients are treated with IR at some point during their treatment
  • fractionation schedule is the delivery of 1.8–2.0 Gy per day, five days per week
  • Nuclear DNA is the primary target of IR; it causes DNA damage (genotoxic stress) by direct DNA ionization
  • ...121 more annotations...
  • IR also indirectly induces DNA damage by stimulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production
  • IR is known to induce EMT in vitro
  • p53 is activated in response to IR-induced DNA damage
  • IR paradoxically also promotes tumour recurrence and metastasis
  • DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs)
  • cancer cells undergoing EMT acquire invasive and metastatic properties
  • changes in the tumour microenvironment (TME)
  • IR seems to induce EMT and CSC phenotypes by regulating cellular metabolism
  • EMT, stemness, and oncogenic metabolism are known to be associated with resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  • Hanahan and Weinberg proposed ten hallmarks of cancer that alter cell physiology to enhance malignant growth: 1) sustained proliferation, 2) evasion of growth suppression, 3) cell death resistance, 4) replicative immortality, 5) evasion of immune destruction, 6) tumour-promoting inflammation, 7) activation of invasion and metastasis, 8) induction of angiogenesis, 9) genome instability, and 10) alteration of metabolism
  • EMT is a developmental process that plays critical roles in embryogenesis, wound healing, and organ fibrosis
  • IR is known to induce stemness and metabolic alterations in cancer cells
  • transforming growth factor-β [TGF-β], epidermal growth factor [EGF]) and their associated signalling proteins (Wnt, Notch, Hedgehog, nuclear-factor kappa B [NF-κB], extracellular signal-regulated kinase [ERK], and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase [PI3K]/Akt
  • activate EMT-inducing transcription factors, including Snail/Slug, ZEB1/δEF1, ZEB2/SIP1, Twist1/2, and E12/E47
  • Loss of E-cadherin is considered a hallmark of EMT
  • IR has been shown to induce EMT to enhance the motility and invasiveness of several cancer cells, including those of breast, lung, and liver cancer, and glioma cells
  • IR may increase metastasis in both the primary tumour site and in normal tissues under some circumstance
  • sublethal doses of IR have been shown to enhance the migratory and invasive behaviours of glioma cells
  • ROS are known to play an important role in IR-induced EMT
  • High levels of ROS trigger cell death by causing irreversible damage to cellular components such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, whereas low levels of ROS have been shown to promote tumour progression—including tumour growth, invasion, and metastasis
  • hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) is involved in IR-induced EMT
  • Treatment with the N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a general ROS scavenger, prevents IR-induced EMT, adhesive affinity, and invasion of breast cancer cells
    • Nathan Goodyear
      NAC for all patients receiving radiation therapy
  • Snail has been shown to play a crucial role in IR-induced EMT, migration, and invasion
  • IR activates the p38 MAPK pathway, which contributes to the induction of Snail expression to promote EMT and invasion
  • NF-κB signalling that promotes cell migration
  • ROS promote EMT to allow cancer cells to avoid hostile environments
  • HIF-1 is a heterodimer composed of an oxygen-sensitive α subunit and a constitutively expressed β subunit.
  • Under normoxia, HIF-1α is rapidly degraded, whereas hypoxia induces stabilisation and accumulation of HIF-1α
  • levels of HIF-1α mRNA are enhanced by activation of the PI3K/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)
  • IR is known to increase stabilisation and nuclear accumulation of HIF-1α, since hypoxia is a major condition for HIF-1 activation
  • IR induces vascular damage that causes hypoxia
  • ROS is implicated in IR-induced HIF-1 activation
  • IR causes the reoxygenation of hypoxic cancer cells to increase ROS production, which leads to the stabilisation and nuclear accumulation of HIF-1
  • IR increases glucose availability under reoxygenated conditions that promote HIF-1α translation by activating the Akt/mTOR pathway
  • The stabilised HIF-1α then translocates to the nucleus, dimerizes with HIF-1β, and increases gene expression— including the expression of essential EMT regulators such as Snail—to induce EMT, migration, and invasion
  • TGF-β signalling has been shown to play a crucial role in IR-induced EMT
  • AP-1 transcription factor is involved in IR-induced TGF-β1 expression
  • Wnt/β-catenin signalling is also implicated in IR-induced EMT
  • Notch signalling is known to be involved in IR-induced EMT
  • IR also increases Notch-1 expression [99]. Notch-1 is known to induce EMT by upregulating Snail
  • PAI-1 signalling is also implicated in IR-induced Akt activation that increases Snail levels to induce EMT
  • EGFR activation is known to be associated with IR-induced EMT, cell migration, and invasion by activating two downstream pathways: PI3K/Akt and Raf/MEK/ERK
  • ROS and RNS are also implicated in IR-induced EGFR activation
  • IR has also been shown to activate Hedgehog (Hh) signalling to induce EMT
  • IR has been shown to induce Akt activation through several signalling pathways (EGFR, C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 [CXCR4]/C-X-C motif chemokine 12 [CXCL12], plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 [PAI-1]) and upstream regulators (Bmi1, PTEN) that promote EMT and invasion
  • CSCs possess a capacity for self-renewal, and they can persistently proliferate to initiate tumours upon serial transplantation, thus enabling them to maintain the whole tumour
  • Conventional cancer treatments kill most cancer cells, but CSCs survive due to their resistance to therapy, eventually leading to tumour relapse and metastasis
  • identification of CSCs, three types of markers are utilised: cell surface molecules, transcription factors, and signalling pathway molecules
  • CSCs express distinct and specific surface markers; commonly used ones are CD24, CD34, CD38, CD44, CD90, CD133, and ALDH
  • Transcription factors, including Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, c-Myc, and Klf4,
  • signalling pathways, including those of TGF-β, Wnt, Hedgehog, Notch, platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), and JAK/STAT
  • microRNAs (miRNAs), including let-7, miR-22, miR-34a, miR-128, the miR-200 family, and miR-451
  • Non-CSCs can be reprogrammed to become CSCs by epigenetic and genetic changes
  • EMT-inducing transcription factors, such as Snail, ZEB1, and Twist1, are known to confer CSC properties
  • Signalling pathways involved in EMT, including those of TGF-β, Wnt, and Notch, have been shown to play important roles in inducing the CSC phenotype
  • TGF-β1 not only increases EMT markers (Slug, Twist1, β-catenin, N-cadherin), but also upregulates CSC markers (Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, Klf4) in breast and lung cancer cells
  • some CSC subpopulations arise independently of EMT
  • IR has been shown to induce the CSC phenotype in many cancers, including breast, lung, and prostate cancers, as well as melanoma
  • Genotoxic stress due to IR or chemotherapy promotes a CSC-like phenotype by increasing ROS production
  • IR has been shown to induce reprogramming of differentiated cancer cells into CSCs
  • In prostate cancer patients, radiotherapy increases the CD44+ cell population that exhibit CSC properties
  • IR also induces the re-expression of stem cell regulators, such as Sox2, Oct4, Nanog, and Klf4, to promote stemness in cancer cells
  • EMT-inducing transcription factors and signalling pathways, including Snail, STAT3, Notch signalling, the PI3K/Akt pathway, and the MAPK cascade, have been shown to play important roles in IR-induced CSC properties
  • STAT3 directly binds to the Snail promoter and increases Snail transcription, which induces the EMT and CSC phenotypes, in cisplatin-selected resistant cells
  • Other oncogenic metabolic pathways, including glutamine metabolism, the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), and synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol, are also enhanced in many cancers
  • metabolic reprogramming
  • HIF-1α, p53, and c-Myc, are known to contribute to oncogenic metabolism
  • metabolic reprogramming
  • tumour cells exhibit high mitochondrial metabolism as well as aerobic glycolysis
  • occurring within the same tumour
  • CSCs can be highly glycolytic-dependent or oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)-dependen
  • mitochondrial function is crucial for maintaining CSC functionality
  • cancer cells depend on mitochondrial metabolism and increase mitochondrial production of ROS that cause pseudo-hypoxia
  • HIF-1 then enhances glycolysis
  • CAFs have defective mitochondria that lead to the cells exhibiting the Warburg effect; the cells take up glucose, and then secrete lactate to 'feed' adjacent cancer cells
  • lactate transporter, monocarboxylate transporter (MCT)
  • nutrient microenvironment
  • Epithelial cancer cells express MCT1, while CAFs express MCT4. MCT4-positive, hypoxic CAFs secrete lactate by aerobic glycolysis, and MCT1-expressing epithelial cancer cells then uptake and use that lactate as a substrate for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
  • MCT4-positive cancer cells depend on glycolysis and then efflux lactate, while MCT1-positive cells uptake lactate and rely on OXPHOS
  • metabolic heterogeneity induces a lactate shuttle between hypoxic/glycolytic cells and oxidative/aerobic tumour cells
  • bulk tumour cells exhibit a glycolytic phenotype, with increased conversion of glucose to lactate (and enhanced lactate efflux through MCT4), CSC subsets depend on oxidative phosphorylation; most of the glucose entering the cells is converted to pyruvate to fuel the TCA cycle and the electron transport chain (ETC), thereby increasing mitochondrial ROS production
  • the major fraction of glucose is directed into the pentose phosphate pathway, to produce redox power through the generation of NADPH and ROS scavengers
  • HIF-1α, p53, and c-Myc, are known to contribute to oncogenic metabolism
  • regulatory molecules involved in EMT and CSCs, including Snail, Dlx-2, HIF-1, STAT3, TGF-β, Wnt, and Akt, are implicated in the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells
  • HIF-1 induces the expression of glycolytic enzymes, including the glucose transporter GLUT, hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and MCT, resulting in the glycolytic switch
  • HIF-1 represses the expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK), which inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), thereby inhibiting mitochondrial activity
  • STAT3 has been implicated in EMT-induced metabolic changes as well
  • TGF-β and Wnt play important roles in the metabolic alteration of cancer cells
  • Akt is also implicated in the glycolytic switch and in promoting cancer cell invasiveness
  • EMT, invasion, metastasis, and stemness
  • pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2), LDH, and pyruvate carboxylase (PC), are implicated in the induction of the EMT and CSC phenotypes
  • decreased activity of PKM2 is known to promote an overall shift in metabolism to aerobic glycolysis
  • LDH catalyses the bidirectional conversion of lactate to pyruvate
  • High levels of LDHA are positively correlated with the expression of EMT and CSC markers
  • IR has been shown to induce metabolic changes in cancer cells
  • IR enhances glycolysis by upregulating GAPDH (a glycolysis enzyme), and it increases lactate production by activating LDHA, which converts pyruvate to lactate
  • IR enhances glycolysis by upregulating GAPDH (a glycolysis enzyme), and it increases lactate production by activating LDHA, which converts pyruvate to lactate
  • IR also elevates MCT1 expression that exports lactate into the extracellular environment, leading to acidification of the tumour microenvironment
  • IR increases intracellular glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose, and products of pyruvate (lactate and alanine), suggesting a role for IR in the upregulation of cytosolic aerobic glycolysis
  • Lactate can activate latent TGF-
  • lactate stimulates cell migration and enhances secretion of hyaluronan from CAF that promote tumour metastasis
  • promote tumour survival, growth, invasion, and metastasis; enhance the stiffness of the ECM; contribute to angiogenesis; and induce inflammation by releasing several growth factors and cytokines (TGF-β, VEGF, hepatocyte growth factor [HGF], PDGF, and stromal cell-derived factor 1 [SDF1]), as well as MMP
  • tumours recruit the host tissue’s blood vessel network to perform four mechanisms: angiogenesis (formation of new vessels), vasculogenesis (de novo formation of blood vessels from endothelial precursor cells), co-option, and modification of existing vessels within tissues.
  • immunosuppressive cells such as tumour-associated macrophages (TAM), MDSCs, and regulatory T cells, and the immunosuppressive cytokines, TGF-β and interleukin-10 (IL-10)
  • immunosuppressive cells such as tumour-associated macrophages (TAM), MDSCs, and regulatory T cells, and the immunosuppressive cytokines, TGF-β and interleukin-10 (IL-10)
  • intrinsic immunogenicity or induce tolerance
  • cancer immunoediting’
  • three phases: 1) elimination, 2) equilibrium, and 3) escape.
  • The third phase, tumour escape, is mediated by antigen loss, immunosuppressive cells (TAM, MDSCs, and regulatory T cells), and immunosuppressive cytokines (TGF-β and IL-10).
  • IR can elicit various changes in the TME, such as CAF activity-mediated ECM remodelling and fibrosis, cycling hypoxia, and an inflammatory response
  • IR activates CAFs to promote the release of growth factors and ECM modulators, including TGF-β and MMP
  • TGF-β directly influences tumour cells and CAFs, promotes tumour immune escape, and activates HIF-1 signalling
    • Nathan Goodyear
      And now the receipts
  • MMPs degrade ECM that facilitates angiogenesis, tumour cell invasion, and metastasis
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Receipts and mechanisms
  • IR also promotes MMP-2/9 activation in cancer cells to promote EMT, invasion, and metastasis
  • IR-induced Snail increases MMP-2 expression to promote EMT
  • Radiotherapy has the paradoxical side-effect of increasing tumour aggressiveness
  • IR promotes ROS production in cancer cells, which may induce the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation of tumour suppressors, which further promote oncogenic metabolism
  • Metabolic alterations
  • oncogenic metabolism
  • elicit various changes in the TME
  • Although IR activates an antitumour immune response, this signalling is frequently suppressed by tumour escape mechanisms
    Important review article.

Antitumor activity of dichloroacetate on C6 glioma cell: in vitro and in vivo evaluation - 0 views

  • the oral bioavailability of DCA is nearly 100%
  • the oral bioavailability of DCA is almost 100%.
  • DCA can penetrate into the traditional chemotherapy sanctuary sites. Interestingly, it was reported that DCA could penetrate across the BBB,30 exhibiting the potential activity for brain therapy.
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  • Clinical studies of DCA have shown reduced lactate levels
  • It has been reported that DCA activates the PDH by inhibition of PDK in a dose-dependent manner, and results in increased delivery of pyruvate into the mitochondria
  • The antitumor activity of DCA on nonsmall cell lung cancer, breast cancer, glioblastomas, and endometrial and prostate cancer cells has been demonstrated
  • It is well known that many chemotherapeutic agents have a low therapeutic index in brain tumors.
  • The most common metabolic hallmark of cancer cells is their propensity to metabolize glucose to lactic acid at a high rate even in the presence of oxygen
  • Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) is a gate-keeping enzyme that regulates the flux of carbohydrates (pyruvate) into the mitochondria
  • In the presence of activated PDK, pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), a critical enzyme that converts pyruvate to acetyl-CoA instead of lactate in glycolysis, is inhibited, limiting the entry of pyruvate into the mitochondria.
  • the level of Hsp70 was significantly decreased
  • DCA can penetrate the BBB
  • It has been reported that DCA treatment resulted in an increase in the proportion of tumor cells in the S phase, showing a decrease in proliferation as well as the induction of apoptosis
  • Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are involved in protein folding, aggregation, transport, and/or stabilization by acting as a molecular chaperone, leading to the inhibition of apoptosis by both caspase-dependent and/or independent pathways
  • HSPs are overexpressed in a wide range of human cancers and are implicated in tumor cell proliferation, differentiation, invasion, and metastasis
  • Considering the fact that high expression of HSPs is essential for cancer survival, the inhibition of HSPs is an important strategy of anticancer therapy.
  • In addition, after 5 years of continued treatment with oral DCA at a dose of 25 mg/kg, the serum DCA levels are only slightly increased compared with the levels after the first several doses, also showing its safety for oral administration at this dose.
  • DCA can enter the circulation rapidly after oral administration and then generate the stimulation of PDH activity generally within minutes.
  • Our in vivo results in tumor tissues indicated that DCA significantly induced ROS production and decreased MMP in tumor tissues
  • The numbers of microvessels in the DCA treatment groups were significantly decreased, suggesting the potential antiangiogenic effect of DCA
  • Under hypoxic conditions, hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF-1α) is activated and induces angiogenesis
  • In addition, HIF-1α can also induce the expression of PDK,48 which can inhibit the activity of PDH
  • The inhibition effect of DCA on HIF-1α would decrease vascular endothelial growth factor and inhibit angiogenesis
  • the antiangiogenic effect in the 25 mg/kg treatment group was lower than that in 75 mg/kg or 125 mg/kg treatment groups
  • In conclusion, DCA induces the apoptosis of C6 cells through the activation of the mitochondrial pathway, arresting the cell cycle of C6 cells in S phase and down-regulating Hsp70 expression.
  • DCA significantly induced the ROS production and decreased the MMP in tumor tissues. Our in vivo antitumor activity results also indicated that DCA has an antiangiogenic effect
    DCA as proposed therapy in cancer.

alpha-Lipoic acid treatment decreases serum lactate and pyruvate concentrations and imp... - 0 views

    alpha lipoic acid improves glucose control in individuals with type II DM.  This study showed decreased lactic acid and pyruvate levels with alpha lipoic acid therapy.  Therapy in this study consisted of ALA of 600 mg twice daily.

British Journal of Cancer - Dichloroacetate inhibits aerobic glycolysis in multiple mye... - 0 views

    Dichloroacetate (DCA) inhibits aerobic glycolysis via inhibition of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase kinase (PDK), which allows for the phosphorylation of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase and the formation of acetylCo-A.  This then feeds the krebs cycle.  Increased mitochondrial activity increases ROS and resultant apoptosis of cancer cells.

Dichloroacetate (DCA) as a potential metabolic-targeting therapy for cancer - 0 views

  • The generic drug dichloroacetate is an orally available small molecule that, by inhibiting the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, increases the flux of pyruvate into the mitochondria, promoting glucose oxidation over glycolysis
  • The most important reason for the poor performance of cancer drugs is the remarkable heterogeneity and adaptability of cancer cells. The molecular characteristics of histologically identical cancers are often dissimilar and molecular heterogeneity frequently exists within a single tumour.
  • Because GO is far more efficient in generating ATP compared with GLY (producing 36 vs 2 ATP per glucose
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  • molecule), cancer cells upregulate glucose receptors and significantly increase glucose uptake in an attempt to ‘catch up
  • early carcinogenesis often occurs in a hypoxic microenvironment, the transformed cells have to rely on anaerobic GLY for energy production.
  • Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) is activated in hypoxic conditions
  • evidence suggests that transformation to a glycolytic phenotype offers resistance to apoptosis
  • non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer and glioblastoma
  • Dichloroacetate activated the pyruvate dehydrogenase, which resulted in increased delivery of pyruvate into the mitochondria
  • DCA increased GO and depolarised the mitochondria, returning the membrane potential towards the levels of the non-cancer cells, without affecting the mitochondria of non-cancerous cells
  • induction of apoptosis by DCA in non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer and glioblastoma cell lines
  • DCA was shown to induce apoptosis in endometrial (Wong et al, 2008) and prostate (Cao et al, 2008) cancer cells
    DCA as targeted therapy in cancer.

Estradiol-17β Upregulates Pyruvate Kinase M2 Expression to Coactivate Estroge... - 0 views

    This is an important study.  Study found that Estradiol increased the transcription of pyruvate kinase M (PKM2)production in endometrial stromal cells.  This increase in PKM2 shifted metabolism to a aerobic glycolysis pattern similar to the Warburg effect described in cancer.  Additionally, increased PKM2 via Estradiol increased ER alpha transcription and functioned as a ER alpha coactivator.

BMC Cancer | Full text | A lactate shuttle system between tumour and stromal cells is a... - 0 views

  • Under hypoxic conditions, tumour cells primarily use glycolysis for energy, producing lactate, which is expelled to the tumour microenvironment, allowing tumours to continue their glycolytic activity
  • Sonveaux et al. showed that lactate, which is generally considered a waste product, is preferred over glucose by oxidative tumour cells as their primary energy source
  • MCT4 is a low-affinity transporter, which is abundant in highly glycolytic muscle cells and is one of the many target genes of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α)
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  • Other targets of HIF-1α include glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-1), the main transporter involved in glucose uptake [9,10]; lactate dehydrogenase V (LDHV), which is responsible for the conversion of pyruvate into lactate; pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isozyme 1 (PDK1), which is responsible for the phosphorylation and consequent inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH); and carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX), a hypoxia-related protein involved in pH regulation [11]. Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR), pristanoyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX-3) and D-bifunctional protein (DBP), are also important fatty acid oxidation-related proteins in prostate cancer
  • the essential role played by the cross-talk between stroma and epithelium in carcinogenesis and prostate cancer progression has been increasingly recognised
  • strong membranous expression of MCT1 was consistently observed in cancer cells, suggesting a role for MCT1 in the transport of lactate into tumour cells from the acidic extracellular matrix, suggesting that lactate might be used as a fuel by oxidative cancer cells.
  • Our hypothesis is in agreement with those of Fiaschi et al.[17], who describe the metabolic reprogramming of CAFs towards the Warburg phenotype as a result of contact with prostate cancer cells
  • Using in vitro studies, they showed lactate production and efflux by de novo expressed MCT4 in CAFs and also demonstrated that, upon contact with CAFs, prostate cancer cells were reprogrammed towards aerobic metabolism, with an increase in lactate uptake via the lactate transporter MCT1.
  • pharmacological inhibition of MCT1-mediated lactate uptake dramatically affected PCa cell survival and tumour outgrowth
  • In this model, “energy transfer” or “metabolic coupling” between the tumour stroma and epithelial cancer cells fuels tumour growth and metastasis via oxidative mitochondrial metabolism in anabolic cancer cells
  • the concomitant expression of MCT1 in tumour cells and MCT4 in fibroblasts in the same tissue is clinically significant, and associated with poor prognosis.
    Study confirms the importance of the crosstalk between cancer cells and CAFs via MCTs in prostate cancer.

Inborn-like errors of metabolism are determinants of breast cancer risk, clinical respo... - 0 views

  • We now recognize that human cancers evolve in an environment of metabolic stress. Rapidly proliferating tumor cells deprived of adequate oxygen, nutrients, hormones and growth factors up-regulate pathways that address these deficiencies to overcome hypoxia (HIF), vascular insufficiency (VEGF), growth factor deprivation (EGFR, HER2) and the loss of hormonal support (ER, PR, AR) all to enhance survival and proliferation
  • RAS, PI3K, TP53 and MYC
  • The results suggest that breast cancer could be preceded by systemic subclinical disturbances in glucose-insulin homeostasis characterized by mild, likely asymptomatic, IEM-like biochemical changes
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  • The process would include variable periods of hyperinsulinemia with the consequent systemic MYC activation of glycolysis, glutaminolysis, structural lipidogenesis and further exacerbation of hypoglycemia, the result of MYC's known role as an inhibitor of liver gluconeogenesis
  • The metabolic changes we describe in breast cancer arise in concert with IEM-like changes in oxidative phosphorylation as detected by increased values of the ratio lactate/pyruvate (Supplementary Table 2A, 2B) characteristic of Ox/Phos deficiency [25]. In our study, 76% (70/92) of the European breast cancer patients had lactate/pyruvate ratios values higher than the normal value of 25.8
  • four-fold higher frequency of cancer (including breast) in patients with energy metabolism disorders
  • growing recognition that cancer cells differ from their normal counterparts in their use of nutrients, synthesis of biomolecules and generation of energy
  • glutamine concentrations in the cancer patients were reduced to nearly 1/8 of the levels observed in the normal population
  • blood concentrations of aspartate (p = 1.7e-67, FDR = 8.3e-67) (Figure ​(Figure1E)1E) and glutamate (p = 6.4e-96, FDR = 6.2e-95) (Figure ​(Figure1F)1F) were nearly 10 fold higher than the normal ranges of 0–5 μM/L and 40 μM/L, respectively
  • glutamine consumption associated with parallel increases in glutamate and aspartate (Figure ​(Figure1A1A red arrows) is considered a hallmark of MYC-driven “glutaminolysis”
  • Gln/Glu ratio inversely correlates with i- late stage metabolic syndrome and with ii- increased chance of death
  • changes in glutamine consumption, reflected by the Gln/Glu ratio could provide a metabolic link between breast cancer initiation and diabetes, reflective of a systemic metabolic reprogramming from glucose to glutamine as the preferred source of precursors for biosynthetic reactions and cellular energy
  • lower Gln/Glu ratios inversely correlated with insulin resistance and the risk of diabetes
  • the metabolic dependencies of cancer characterized by excessive glycolysis, glutaminolysis and malignant lipidogenesis, previously considered a consequence of local tumor DNA aberration [23] could, instead, represent a systemic biochemical aberration that predates and very likely promotes tumorigenesis
  • these metabolic disturbances would be expected to remain extant after therapeutic interventions
  • accumulation of very long chain acylcarnitines such as C14:1-OH (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0), C16 (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0), C18 (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0) and C18:1 (p = 1.73e-322, FDR = 1.16-321) and lipids containing VLCFA (lysoPC a C28:0) (p = 1.14-e95, FDR = 1.65e-95) in the blood of breast and colon cancer patients
  • Among the most powerful metabolic equations for MYC-activation is that which links the widely used MYC-driven desaturation marker ratio of SFA/MUFA to the MYC glutaminolysis-associated ratio of (Asp/Gln)
  • liver dysfunction shares many features with both IEM and cancer suggesting a role for hepatic dysfunction in carcinogenesis
  • cancer “conscripts” the human genome to meet its needs under conditions of systemic metabolic stress
    Breast cancer is a metabolic disease.  Now, where have I heard that cancer is a metabolic disease?

Metabolic Modulation of Clear-cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Dichloroacetate, an Inhibi... - 0 views

    Animal study finds that DCA reduced renal cell proliferation triggering apoptosis via pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibition.

Vitamin C activates pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) targeting the mitochondrial tricarboxy... - 0 views

    In KRAS + CRC, vitamin C downregulates PDK GLUT1, thereby increasing PD increasing Acetyl CoA production.

Toxicity of the spike protein of COVID-19 is a redox shift phenomenon: A novel therapeu... - 0 views

  • Redox shift is due to Warburg effect and mitochondrial impairment.
  • Redox shift is due to Warburg effect and mitochondrial impairment.
  • Redox shift is due to Warburg effect and mitochondrial impairment.
  • ...88 more annotations...
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • The cytokine storm is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • Lipoic acid, Methylene Blue and Chlorine dioxide relieve COVID-19 spike protein toxicity
  • most diseases display a form of anabolism due to mitochondrial impairment
  • most diseases display a form of anabolism due to mitochondrial impairment
  • most diseases display a form of anabolism due to mitochondrial impairment
  • infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern
  • chronic inflammation
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Long-term effects include redox shift and cellular anabolism as a result of the Warburg effect and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern
  • unrelenting anabolism leads to the cytokine storm,
  • unrelenting anabolism leads to the cytokine storm,
  • unrelenting anabolism leads to the cytokine storm,
  • chronic inflammation
  • chronic inflammation
  • infection by Covid-19 follows a similar pattern
  • Lipoic acid and Methylene Blue have been shown to enhance the mitochondrial activity, relieve the Warburg effect and increase catabolism
  • Lipoic acid and Methylene Blue have been shown to enhance the mitochondrial activity, relieve the Warburg effect and increase catabolism
  • Lipoic acid and Methylene Blue have been shown to enhance the mitochondrial activity, relieve the Warburg effect and increase catabolism
  • Methylene Blue, Chlorine dioxide and Lipoic acid may help reduce long-term Covid-19 effects by stimulating the catabolism
  • Methylene Blue, Chlorine dioxide and Lipoic acid may help reduce long-term Covid-19 effects by stimulating the catabolism
  • Methylene Blue, Chlorine dioxide and Lipoic acid may help reduce long-term Covid-19 effects by stimulating the catabolism
  • direct consequence of redox iMeBalance, itself a consequence of decreased energy yield by the mitochondria
  • direct consequence of redox iMeBalance, itself a consequence of decreased energy yield by the mitochondria
  • mitochondrial dysfunction and increased levels of lactate, which are important characteristics of metabolic shift and Warburg effect in many diseases
  • mitochondrial dysfunction and increased levels of lactate, which are important characteristics of metabolic shift and Warburg effect in many diseases
  • increased lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH) was observed in COVID-19 patients
  • increased lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH) was observed in COVID-19 patients
  • almost every disease presents an increased anabolism
  • almost every disease presents an increased anabolism
  • cell division is the most sophisticated way to release entropy
  • cell division is the most sophisticated way to release entropy
    • Nathan Goodyear
    • Nathan Goodyear
  • transition from catabolism to anabolism is driven by a redox shift
  • transition from catabolism to anabolism is driven by a redox shift
  • viral spike protein binds to ACE2 receptor of the host cell [22,23].
  • redox signaling plays an important role in regulating immune function and inflammation, and disruptions in this signaling can lead to excessive cytokine production and immune system activation
  • Aging is associated with a poor control of the redox balance
  • thiol/disulfide homeostasis
  • reduced extracellular environment in the elderly and the increased susceptibility to Covid-19 infection
  • reduced extracellular environment in the elderly and the increased susceptibility to Covid-19 infection
  • Redox signaling tightly modulates the inflammatory response and oxidative stress has been reported in acute Covid-19
  • People at high risk are the elderly, patients suffering from metabolic syndrome such as obesity, or those suffering from chronic diseases such as cancer or inflammation
  • COVID-19 patients with severe disease have higher levels of oxidative stress markers and lower antioxidant levels
  • oxidative stress can activate the NLRP3 inflammasome, which is a protein complex that plays a key role in the cytokine storm
  • inflammation leads to the formation of ROS and RNS, while redox iMeBalance results in cellular damage, which in turn triggers an inflammatory response
  • persistently elevated mtROS triggers endothelial dysfunction and inflammation, which results in a vicious loop involving ROS, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Damaged mitochondria releasing ROS induce inflammation via the NLRP3 inflammasome
  • Damaged mitochondria releasing ROS induce inflammation via the NLRP3 inflammasome
  • reduced environment during the cytokine storm
  • IL-2 is highly up-regulated in Covid-19 patients [37], and IL-2 is known to significantly stimulate the generation of NO in patients
  • Nitric acid is also the key mediator of IL-2-induced hypotension and vascular leak syndrome
  • mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to the pathogenesis of Covid-19
  • mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by SARS-CoV-2 leads to damage to the mitochondria
  • mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by SARS-CoV-2 leads to damage to the mitochondria
  • As catabolism is decreased, entropy is released through anabolism
  • Elevated levels of lactate, a characteristic of the Warburg effect, were also reported in the high-risk Covid-19
  • elevated levels of ventricular lactic acid consistent with oxidative stress
  • A decrease of ΔΨm is implicated in several inflammation-related diseases
  • decrease in ΔΨm in leucocytes from Covid-19 patients
  • vaccinated with RNA or DNA vaccines triggering the synthesis of the viral spike protein in human cells
  • viral reactivation in varicella-zoster virus [55] or hepatitis [56], coagulopathy and resulting stroke and myocarditis following both DNA-based vaccines [57] and RNA-based vaccines
  • Covid-19, mitochondrial impairment
  • characteristic of the Warburg effect is present in almost every disease and appears to be a central feature in most of the hallmarks of cancer
  • inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and increased lactate concentrations in the extracellular fluid
  • In Covid-19, like any inflammation, there is a metabolic rewiring where cells rely on glycolysis
  • As the mitochondria are impaired, the infected cell cannot catabolize efficiently. It will release lactic acid in the blood stream
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Mitochondrial impairment
  • Striking similarities are seen between cancer, Alzheimer's disease and Covid-19, all related to the Warburg effect
  • Cancer, inflammation, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's diseases share a common peculiarity, the inability of the cell to export entropy outside the body in the harmless form of heat
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Entropy: lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
  • MEB relieves the Warburg effect [87], improves memory [77], is active in the treatment of depressive episodes [79,80] and reduces the importance of ischemic strokes
  • MEB relieves the Warburg effect [87], improves memory [77], is active in the treatment of depressive episodes [79,80] and reduces the importance of ischemic strokes
  • MEB has been shown to inhibit SARS-Cov-2 replication in vitro
  • MEB has been shown to inhibit SARS-Cov-2 replication in vitro
  • It has been shown that Covid-19-patients treated with MEB, have a significant reduction in hospital stay duration and mortality
  • MeB is an acceptor-donor molecule
  • MeB + can take a pair of electrons (of H atoms) and MeBH can release this pair easily, so that MeB is partially recycled like a catalyst
  • MeB acts as an electron bridge between a donor (FADH2, FMNH, NADH) and an acceptor (complex IV of ETC or oxygen itself)
  • As a coenzyme of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) initiates the formation of acetyl-CoA to feed the TCA cycle
  • ALA enhances the catabolism of carbon. cycle and therefore may reduce the Warburg effect and consequently, lactate production
  • Methylene Blue plays a similar role after the TCA cycle, by carrying electrons to complex IV of the electron transport chain
  • Drugs such as lipoic acid and MeB, which target the metabolism, decrease the redox shift by increasing catabolism

Nutrition & Metabolism | Full text | Fructose, insulin resistance, and metabolic dyslip... - 0 views

  • For thousands of years humans consumed fructose amounting to 16–20 grams per day
  • daily consumptions amounting to 85–100 grams of fructose per day
  • Of key importance is the ability of fructose to by-pass the main regulatory step of glycolysis, the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, controlled by phosphofructokinase
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • Thus, while glucose metabolism is negatively regulated by phosphofructokinase, fructose can continuously enter the glycolytic pathway. Therefore, fructose can uncontrollably produce glucose, glycogen, lactate, and pyruvate, providing both the glycerol and acyl portions of acyl-glycerol molecules. These particular substrates, and the resultant excess energy flux due to unregulated fructose metabolism, will promote the over-production of TG (reviewed in [53]).
  • Glycemic excursions and insulin responses were reduced by 66% and 65%, respectively, in the fructose-consuming subjects
  • reduction in circulating leptin both in the short and long-term as well as a 30% reduction in ghrelin (an orexigenic gastroenteric hormone) in the fructose group compared to the glucose group.
  • A prolonged elevation of TG was also seen in the high fructose subjects
  • Both fat and fructose consumption usually results in low leptin concentrations which, in turn, leads to overeating in populations consuming energy from these particular macronutrients
  • Chronic fructose consumption reduces adiponectin responses, contributing to insulin resistance
  • A definite relationship has also been found between metabolic syndrome and hyperhomocysteinemia
  • the liver takes up dietary fructose rapidly where it can be converted to glycerol-3-phosphate. This substrate favours esterification of unbound FFA to form the TG
  • Fructose stimulates TG production, but impairs removal, creating the known dyslipidemic profile
  • the effects of fructose in promoting TG synthesis are independent of insulinemia
  • Although fructose does not appear to acutely increase insulin levels, chronic exposure seems to indirectly cause hyperinsulinemia and obesity through other mechanisms. One proposed mechanism involves GLUT5
  • If FFA are not removed from tissues, as occurs in fructose fed insulin resistant models, there is an increased energy and FFA flux that leads to the increased secretion of TG
  • In these scenarios, where there is excess hepatic fatty acid uptake, synthesis and secretion, 'input' of fats in the liver exceed 'outputs', and hepatic steatosis occurs
  • Carbohydrate induced hypertriglycerolemia results from a combination of both TG overproduction, and inadequate TG clearance
  • fructose-induced metabolic dyslipidemia is usually accompanied by whole body insulin resistance [100] and reduced hepatic insulin sensitivity
  • Excess VLDL secretion has been shown to deliver increased fatty acids and TG to muscle and other tissues, further inducing insulin resistance
  • the metabolic effects of fructose occur through rapid utilization in the liver due to the bypassing of the regulatory phosphofructokinase step in glycolysis. This in turn causes activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase, and subsequent modifications favoring esterification of fatty acids, again leading to increased VLDL secretion
  • High fructose diets can have a hypertriglyceridemic and pro-oxidant effect
  • Oxidative stress has often been implicated in the pathology of insulin resistance induced by fructose feeding
  • Administration of alpha-lipoic acid (LA) has been shown to prevent these changes, and improve insulin sensitivity
  • LA treatment also prevents several deleterious effects of fructose feeding: the increases in cholesterol, TG, activity of lipogenic enzymes, and VLDL secretion
  • Fructose has also been implicated in reducing PPARα levels
  • PPARα is a ligand activated nuclear hormone receptor that is responsible for inducing mitochondrial and peroxisomal β-oxidation
  • decreased PPARα expression can result in reduced oxidation, leading to cellular lipid accumulation
  • fructose diets altered the structure and function of VLDL particles causing and increase in the TG: protein ratio
  • LDL particle size has been found to be inversely related to TG concentration
  • therefore the higher TG results in a smaller, denser, more atherogenic LDL particle, which contributes to the morbidity of the metabolic disorders associated with insulin resistance
  • High fructose, which stimulates VLDL secretion, may initiate the cycle that results in metabolic syndrome long before type 2 diabetes and obesity develop
  • A high flux of fructose to the liver, the main organ capable of metabolizing this simple carbohydrate, disturbs normal hepatic carbohydrate metabolism leading to two major consequences (Figure 2): perturbations in glucose metabolism and glucose uptake pathways, and a significantly enhanced rate of de novo lipogenesis and TG synthesis, driven by the high flux of glycerol and acyl portions of TG molecules coming from fructose catabolism
    Fructose and metabolic syndrome.  Good discussion of the impact of high fructose intake and metabolic dysfunction.  This study also does a great job of highlighting the historical change of fructose intake.

Dichloroacetate induces apoptosis in endometrial cancer cells - 0 views

    DCA induces apoptosis of endometrial cancer cells in cell line study. DCA is a pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor which will increase apoptosis and decrease proliferation. DCA serves to recapture the mitochondrial kreb's cycle and ETC coupling potential.

The HK2 Dependent "Warburg Effect" and Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation in Cance... - 0 views

    biochemistry strikes again: hexokinase 2 shown to be key step in cancer proliferation, energy metabolism and mortality. 3BP shown to be a potent glycolytic inhibitor and in animal studies shown to have significant mortality effects on cancer. Also, great review of cancer cell metabolism i.e Warburg effect, Crabtree effect, LDH, PD, PDK...

Press-pulse: a novel therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancer | Nutr... - 0 views

  • A “press” disturbance was considered a chronic environmental stress on all organisms in an ecological community
  • “pulse” disturbances were considered acute events that disrupted biological communities to produce high mortality
  • Neoplasia involving dysregulated cell growth is the biological endpoint of the disease
  • ...84 more annotations...
  • Data from the American Cancer Society show that the rate of increase in cancer deaths/year (3.4%) was two-fold greater than the rate of increase in new cases/year (1.7%) from 2013 to 2017
  • cancer is predicted to overtake heart disease as the leading cause of death in Western societies
  • cancer can also be recognized as a metabolic disease.
  • glucose is first split into two molecules of pyruvate through the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas glycolytic pathway in the cytosol
  • Aerobic fermentation, on the other hand, involves the production of lactic acid under normoxic conditions
  • persistent lactic acid production in the presence of adequate oxygen is indicative of abnormal respiration
  • Otto Warburg first proposed that all cancers arise from damage to cellular respiration
  • The Crabtree effect is an artifact of the in vitro environment and involves the glucose-induced suppression of respiration with a corresponding elevation of lactic acid production even under hyperoxic (pO2 = 120–160 mmHg) conditions associated with cell culture
  • the Warburg theory of insufficient aerobic respiration remains as the most credible explanation for the origin of tumor cells [2, 37, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57].
  • The main points of Warburg’s theory are; 1) insufficient respiration is the predisposing initiator of tumorigenesis and ultimately cancer, 2) energy through glycolysis gradually compensates for insufficient energy through respiration, 3) cancer cells continue to produce lactic acid in the presence of oxygen, and 4) respiratory insufficiency eventually becomes irreversible
  • Efraim Racker coined the term “Warburg effect”, which refers to the aerobic glycolysis that occurs in cancer cells
  • Warburg clearly demonstrated that aerobic fermentation (aerobic glycolysis) is an effect, and not the cause, of insufficient respiration
  • all tumor cells that have been examined to date contain abnormalities in the content or composition of cardiolipin
  • The evidence supporting Warburg’s original theory comes from a broad range of cancers and is now overwhelming
  • respiratory insufficiency, arising from any number mitochondrial defects, can contribute to the fermentation metabolism seen in tumor cells.
  • data from the nuclear and mitochondrial transfer experiments suggest that oncogene changes are effects, rather than causes, of tumorigenesis
  • Normal mitochondria can suppress tumorigenesis, whereas abnormal mitochondria can enhance tumorigenesis
  • In addition to glucose, cancer cells also rely heavily on glutamine for growth and survival
  • Glutamine is anapleurotic and can be rapidly metabolized to glutamate and then to α-ketoglutarate for entry into the TCA cycle
  • Glucose and glutamine act synergistically for driving rapid tumor cell growth
  • Glutamine metabolism can produce ATP from the TCA cycle under aerobic conditions
  • Amino acid fermentation can generate energy through TCA cycle substrate level phosphorylation under hypoxic conditions
  • Hif-1α stabilization enhances aerobic fermentation
  • targeting glucose and glutamine will deprive the microenvironment of fermentable fuels
  • Although Warburg’s hypothesis on the origin of cancer has created confusion and controversy [37, 38, 39, 40], his hypothesis has never been disproved
  • Warburg referred to the phenomenon of enhanced glycolysis in cancer cells as “aerobic fermentation” to highlight the abnormal production of lactic acid in the presence of oxygen
  • Emerging evidence indicates that macrophages, or their fusion hybridization with neoplastic stem cells, are the origin of metastatic cancer cells
  • Radiation therapy can enhance fusion hybridization that could increase risk for invasive and metastatic tumor cells
  • Kamphorst et al. in showing that pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells could obtain glutamine under nutrient poor conditions through lysosomal digestion of extracellular proteins
  • It will therefore become necessary to also target lysosomal digestion, under reduced glucose and glutamine conditions, to effectively manage those invasive and metastatic cancers that express cannibalism and phagocytosis.
  • Previous studies in yeast and mammalian cells show that disruption of aerobic respiration can cause mutations (loss of heterozygosity, chromosome instability, and epigenetic modifications etc.) in the nuclear genome
  • The somatic mutations and genomic instability seen in tumor cells thus arise from a protracted reliance on fermentation energy metabolism and a disruption of redox balance through excess oxidative stress.
  • According to the mitochondrial metabolic theory of cancer, the large genomic heterogeneity seen in tumor cells arises as a consequence, rather than as a cause, of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • A therapeutic strategy targeting the metabolic abnormality common to most tumor cells should therefore be more effective in managing cancer than would a strategy targeting genetic mutations that vary widely between tumors of the same histological grade and even within the same tumor
  • Tumor cells are more fit than normal cells to survive in the hypoxic niche of the tumor microenvironment
  • Hypoxic adaptation of tumor cells allows for them to avoid apoptosis due to their metabolic reprograming following a gradual loss of respiratory function
  • The high rates of tumor cell glycolysis and glutaminolysis will also make them resistant to apoptosis, ROS, and chemotherapy drugs
  • Despite having high levels of ROS, glutamate-derived from glutamine contributes to glutathione production that can protect tumor cells from ROS
    • Nathan Goodyear
      reason to eliminate glutamine in cancer patients and even GSH with cancer patients
  • It is clear that adaptability to environmental stress is greater in normal cells than in tumor cells, as normal cells can transition from the metabolism of glucose to the metabolism of ketone bodies when glucose becomes limiting
  • Mitochondrial respiratory chain defects will prevent tumor cells from using ketone bodies for energy
  • glycolysis-dependent tumor cells are less adaptable to metabolic stress than are the normal cells. This vulnerability can be exploited for targeting tumor cell energy metabolism
  • In contrast to dietary energy reduction, radiation and toxic drugs can damage the microenvironment and transform normal cells into tumor cells while also creating tumor cells that become highly resistant to drugs and radiation
  • Drug-resistant tumor cells arise in large part from the damage to respiration in bystander pre-cancerous cells
  • Because energy generated through substrate level phosphorylation is greater in tumor cells than in normal cells, tumor cells are more dependent than normal cells on the availability of fermentable fuels (glucose and glutamine)
  • Ketone bodies and fats are non-fermentable fuels
  • Although some tumor cells might appear to oxidize ketone bodies by the presence of ketolytic enzymes [181], it is not clear if ketone bodies and fats can provide sufficient energy for cell viability in the absence of glucose and glutamine
  • Apoptosis under energy stress is greater in tumor cells than in normal cells
  • A calorie restricted ketogenic diet or dietary energy reduction creates chronic metabolic stress in the body
  • . This energy stress acts as a press disturbance
  • Drugs that target availability of glucose and glutamine would act as pulse disturbances
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can also be considered another pulse disturbance
  • The KD can more effectively reduce glucose and elevate blood ketone bodies than can CR alone making the KD potentially more therapeutic against tumors than CR
  • Campbell showed that tumor growth in rats is greater under high protein (>20%) than under low protein content (<10%) in the diet
  • Protein amino acids can be metabolized to glucose through the Cori cycle
  • The fats in KDs used clinically also contain more medium chain triglycerides
  • Calorie restriction, fasting, and restricted KDs are anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory, and pro-apoptotic and thus can target and eliminate tumor cells through multiple mechanisms
  • Ketogenic diets can also spare muscle protein, enhance immunity, and delay cancer cachexia, which is a major problem in managing metastatic cancer
  • GKI values of 1.0 or below are considered therapeutic
  • The GKI can therefore serve as a biomarker to assess the therapeutic efficacy of various diets in a broad range of cancers.
  • It is important to remember that insulin drives glycolysis through stimulation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
  • The water-soluble ketone bodies (D-β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate) are produced largely in the liver from adipocyte-derived fatty acids and ketogenic dietary fat. Ketone bodies bypass glycolysis and directly enter the mitochondria for metabolism to acetyl-CoA
  • Due to mitochondrial defects, tumor cells cannot exploit the therapeutic benefits of burning ketone bodies as normal cells would
  • Therapeutic ketosis with racemic ketone esters can also make it feasible to safely sustain hypoglycemia for inducing metabolic stress on cancer cells
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Ketones are much more than energy adaptabilit, but actually are therapeutic.
  • ketone bodies can inhibit histone deacetylases (HDAC) [229]. HDAC inhibitors play a role in targeting the cancer epigenome
  • Therapeutic ketosis reduces circulating inflammatory markers, and ketones directly inhibit the NLRP3 inflammasome, an important pro-inflammatory pathway linked to carcinogenesis and an important target for cancer treatment response
  • Chronic psychological stress is known to promote tumorigenesis through elevations of blood glucose, glucocorticoids, catecholamines, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)
  • In addition to calorie-restricted ketogenic diets, psychological stress management involving exercise, yoga, music etc. also act as press disturbances that can help reduce fatigue, depression, and anxiety in cancer patients and in animal models
  • Ketone supplementation has also been shown to reduce anxiety behavior in animal models
  • This physiological state also enhances the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, while reducing the side effects
  • lower dosages of chemotherapeutic drugs can be used when administered together with calorie restriction or restricted ketogenic diets (KD-R)
  • Besides 2-DG, a range of other glycolysis inhibitors might also produce similar therapeutic effects when combined with the KD-R including 3-bromopyruvate, oxaloacetate, and lonidamine
    • Nathan Goodyear
      oxaloacetate is a glycolytic inhibitor, as is doxycycline, and IVC.
  • A synergistic interaction of the KD diet plus radiation was seen
  • It is important to recognize, however, that the radiotherapy used in glioma patients can damage the respiration of normal cells and increase availability of glutamine in the microenvironment, which can increase risk of tumor recurrence especially when used together with the steroid drug dexamethasone
  • Poff and colleagues demonstrated that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) enhanced the ability of the KD to reduce tumor growth and metastasis
  • HBOT also increases oxidative stress and membrane lipid peroxidation of GBM cells in vitro
  • The effects of the KD and HBOT can be enhanced with administration of exogenous ketones, which further suppressed tumor growth and metastasis
  • Besides HBOT, intravenous vitamin C and dichloroacetate (DCA) can also be used with the KD to selectively increase oxidative stress in tumor cells
  • Recent evidence also shows that ketone supplementation may enhance or preserve overall physical and mental health
  • Some tumors use glucose as a prime fuel for growth, whereas other tumors use glutamine as a prime fuel [102, 186, 262, 263, 264]. Glutamine-dependent tumors are generally less detectable than glucose-dependent under FDG-PET imaging, but could be detected under glutamine-based PET imaging
  • GBM and use glutamine as a major fuel
  • Many of the current treatments used for cancer management are based on the view that cancer is a genetic disease
  • Emerging evidence indicates that cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease that depends on availability of fermentable fuels for tumor cell growth and survival
  • Glucose and glutamine are the most abundant fermentable fuels present in the circulation and in the tumor microenvironment
  • Low-carbohydrate, high fat-ketogenic diets coupled with glycolysis inhibitors will reduce metabolic flux through the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways needed for synthesis of ATP, lipids, glutathione, and nucleotides
    Cancer is a mitochondrial disease? So says the well published Dr Seyfried. Glucose and glutamine drive cancer growth.

Overall survival of cancer patients with serum lactate dehydrogenase greater ... - 0 views

  • catalyzes the interconversion of pyruvate and lactate during glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
  • It has long been known that many human cancers have higher LDH levels than normal tissues
  • It has long been appreciated that LDH is a prognostic factor for survival
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • The serum level of LDH correlated with tumor burden and was thought to reflect the tumor’s growth and invasive potential
  • the majority of patients with advanced or metastatic disease could be detected to have extremely high serum level of LDH
  • strong evidence to support effective chemotherapy of full dose even in patients with high LDH level
  • LDH is a key enzyme in the process of energy production in cancer cells, it catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to lactate in hypoxic conditions
  • its function in anaerobic metabolism, cancer cells grow even after their rapid proliferation that leads to low-oxygen conditions in the tumor microenvironment
  • LDH plays an important role in tumor progression and maintenance
  • inhibition of LDH inhibits tumor progression and has been considered for the therapeutic target of cancer energy metabolism
  • LDH levels are increased in response to tissue injury or during disease states
  • LDH could be a marker of tumor burden for advanced cancer patients
    High LDH, defined as >1,000, found to be maker for very poor overall survival in retrospective study.

Curcumin decreases Warburg effect in cancer cells by down-regulating pyruvate... - 0 views

    Curcumin inhibits PKM2 and thus the Warburg effect in cancer.

Role of Oxidative Stress and the Microenvironment in Breast Cancer Development and Prog... - 0 views

  • oxidative stress leads to HIF-1α accumulation
  • Oxidative stress generated by breast cancer cells activates HIF-1α and NFκB in fibroblasts, leading to autophagy and lysosomal degradation of Cav-1
  • increased levels of hydrogen peroxide in exhaled breath condensate from patients with localized breast malignancy, associated with increased clinical severity
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Comparing mitochondrial metabolic activity revealed a difference between stroma and epithelial cells
  • Overexpression of NOX4 in normal breast epithelial cells results in cellular senescence, resistance to apoptosis, and tumorigenic transformation, as well as increased aggressiveness of breast cancer cells
  • metalloproteinases (MMP) such as MMP-2, MMP-3, and MMP-9 increase extracellular matrix turnover and are themselves activated by oxidative stress
  • Lowered expression of Cav-1 not only leads to myofibroblast conversion and inflammation but also seems to impact aerobic glycolysis, leading to secretion of high energy metabolites such as pyruvate and lactate that drive mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells
  • Reverse Warburg Effect
  • secreted transforming growth factor β (TGFβ), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor 2, and stromal-derived factor 1 (SDF1) are able to activate fibroblasts and increase cancer cell proliferation
  • oxidative stress has an important role in the initiation and preservation of breast cancer progression
  • cancer preventive role of healthy mitochondria
  • the cancer cells produce hydrogen peroxide and by driving the “Reverse Warburg Effect” initiate oxidative stress in fibroblasts. As a result of this process, fibroblasts exhibited reduced mitochondrial activity, increased glucose uptake, ROS, and metabolite production.
  • Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between unstable reactive species lacking one or more unpaired electrons (superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, reactive nitrogen species) and antioxidants
  • cancer cells are able to induce drivers of oxidative stress, autophagy and mitophagy: HIF-1α and NFκB in surrounding stroma fibro-blasts
  • Studies show that loss of Cav-1 in adjacent breast cancer stroma fibroblasts can be prevented by treatment with N-acetyl cysteine, quercetin, or metformin
  • However, diets rich in antioxidants have fallen short in sufficiently preventing cancer
  • hydrogen peroxide is one of the main factors that can push fibroblasts and cancer cells into senescence
  • It is widely held that HIF-1α function is dependent upon its location within the tumor microenvironment. It acts as a tumor promoter in CAFs and as a tumor suppressor in cancer cells
  • It was reported that overexpression of recombinant (SOD2) (Trimmer et al., 2011) or injection of SOD, catalase, or their pegylated counterparts can block recurrence and metastasis in mice
  • obstructing oxidative stress in the tumor microenvironment can lead to mitophagy and promote breast cancer shutdown is a promising discovery for the development of future therapeutic interventions.
  • Recent studies show that in the breast cancer microenvironment, oxidative stress causes mitochondrial dysfunction
    Really fascinating article on tumor signaling. The article points to a complex signaling between cancer cells and stromal fibroblasts that results in myofibroblast transformation that increases the microenvironment favorability of cancer. This article points to oxidative stress as the primary driving force.  
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