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Nathan Goodyear

The Ketogenic Diet and Sport: A Possible Marriage? : Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews - 0 views

  • It is important to note that, although the blood level of glucose drops, it still remains at a physiological level (23), which is maintained through gluconeogenesis involving glucogenic amino acids and also glycerol released from triglycerides
  • “physiological ketosis” where KB levels may rise to 7 to 8 mmol L-1 (but without any pH change). In “pathological diabetic ketoacidosis,” on the other hand, ketonemia can exceed 20 mmol L-1 and also cause lowering of blood pH
  • in the initial phase of KD, about 16% of glucose comes from glycerol (released from triglyceride hydrolysis) and the bulk (60–65 g) from proteins via gluconeogenesis (proteins may be of either dietary or endogenous origin
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  • the protein supply consumed during a KD “preserves,” as demonstrated, lean body mass
  • The importance of glycerol as a glucose source increases progressively during ketosis; in fact, glycerol passes from supplying 16% of total glucose to an average of 60% after many days (>7 d) of complete fasting (from 38% in lean individual to 79% in the obese).
  • The possible reasons for the effectiveness of KD for weight loss may be listed as follows, in order of evidence, strongest first: Figure 3Image Tools 1. Appetite reduction: protein satiety, effects on appetite-related hormones such as ghrelin, and possibly a sort of direct appetite-blocking effect of KB 2. Reduced lipogenesis and increased fat oxidation 3. A reduction in respiratory quotient may indicate a greater metabolic efficiency in fat oxidation 4. A thermic effect of proteins and increased energy usage by gluconeogenesis
  • all data regarding biochemical and molecular mechanisms suggest that it is very difficult to increase muscle mass during a KD; use of which really should be limited to the few days immediately before competition in bodybuilding.
  • a long-term KD can interfere with some muscle hypertrophy mechanisms and this could be counterproductive if the aim of the athlete is to gain muscle mass
    Great read on the ketogenic  and its application to sports/training...
Nathan Goodyear

The Time Is Ripe for a Randomized Trial of Metformin in Clinically Localized Prostate C... - 0 views

    Editorial discussing the benefit of Metformin in prostate cancer.  The effect is through the inhbition of gluconeogenesis.  However, one wonders if a ketogenic diet with restriction of l-Glutamine would have the same effect without the potential side effects of Metformin?  The answer is logically yes.  
Nathan Goodyear

Effect of long-term dietary protein intake on g... [Diabetologia. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Long-term high protein intake associated with increased gluconeogenesis.  In the presence of insulin resistance, this will promote weight gain.
Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic profiles characterizing different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome: pl... - 0 views

    Study found that PCOS was associated with increased glycolysis, reduced kreb's cycle activity, and decreased gluconeogenesis.  Also found a decrease in the BCAA/AAA ratio.
Nathan Goodyear

Metformin Use and All-Cause and Prostate Cancer-Specific Mortality Among Men With Diabetes - 0 views

    Study out of Canada finds that Metformin reduces mortality rates for all-cause and due to prostate cancer in those with diabetes.  The key point here is glucose.  Metformin is going to inhibit gluconeogenesis and this limit hepatic glucose production feeding the cancer.  This is just the abstract and several questions come to mind: what was the glucose control like in these patients?  What dietary changes if any were these patients following?  A better study would be to compare the effects of a ketogenic diet with restriction of glutamine versus the metformin.
Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone: a metabolic hormone in health and disease - 0 views

  • E2 and the inflammatory adipocytokines tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) and interleukin 6 (IL6) inhibit hypothalamic production of GNRH and subsequent release of LH and FSH from the pituitary
  • Leptin, an adipose-derived hormone with a well-known role in regulation of body weight and food intake, also induces LH release under normal conditions via stimulation of hypothalamic GNRH neurons
  • In human obesity, whereby adipocytes are producing elevated amounts of leptin, the hypothalamic–pituitary axis becomes leptin resistant
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  • there is evidence from animal studies that leptin resistance, inflammation and oestrogens inhibit neuronal release of kisspeptin
  • Beyond hypothalamic action, leptin also directly inhibits the stimulatory action of gonadotrophins on the Leydig cells of the testis to decrease testosterone production; therefore, elevated leptin levels in obesity may further diminish androgen status
  • increasing insulin resistance assessed by glucose tolerence test and hypoglycemic clamp was shown to be associated with a decrease in Leydig cell testosterone secretion in men
  • ADT for the treatment of prostatic carcinoma in some large epidemiological studies has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of developing MetS and T2DM
  • Non-diabetic men undergoing androgen ablation show increased occurrence of new-onset diabetes and demonstrate elevated insulin levels and worsening glycaemic control
  • Prostate cancer patients with pre-existing T2DM show a further deterioration of insulin resistance and worsening of diabetic control following ADT
  • The response to testosterone replacement of insulin sensitivity is in part dependent on the androgen receptor (AR)
  • Low levels of testosterone have been associated with an atherogenic lipoprotein profile, characterised by high LDL and triglyceride levels
  • a positive correlation between serum testosterone and HDL has been reported in both healthy and diabetic men
  • up to 70% of the body's insulin sensitivity is accounted for by muscle
  • Testosterone deficiency is associated with a decrease in lean body mass
  • relative muscle mass is inversely associated with insulin resistance and pre-diabetes
  • GLUT4 and IRS1 were up-regulated in cultured adipocytes and skeletal muscle cells following testosterone treatment at low dose and short-time incubations
  • local conversion of testosterone to DHT and activation of AR may be important for glucose uptake
  • inverse correlation between testosterone levels and adverse mitochondrial function
  • orchidectomy of male Wistar rats and associated testosterone deficiency induced increased absorption of glucose from the intestine
  • (Kelley & Mandarino 2000). Frederiksen et al. (2012a) recently demonstrated that testosterone may influence components of metabolic flexibility as 6 months of transdermal testosterone treatment in aging men with low–normal bioavailable testosterone levels increased lipid oxidation and decreased glucose oxidation during the fasting state.
  • Decreased lipid oxidation coupled with diet-induced chronic FA elevation is linked to increased accumulation of myocellular lipid, in particular diacylglycerol and/or ceramide in myocytes
  • In the Chang human adult liver cell line, insulin receptor mRNA expression was significantly increased following exposure to testosterone
  • Testosterone deprivation via castration of male rats led to decreased expression of Glut4 in liver tissue, as well as adipose and muscle
  • oestrogen was found to increase the expression of insulin receptors in insulin-resistant HepG2 human liver cell line
  • FFA decrease hepatic insulin binding and extraction, increase hepatic gluconeogenesis and increase hepatic insulin resistance.
  • Only one, albeit large-scale, population-based cross-sectional study reports an association between low serum testosterone concentrations and hepatic steatosis in men (Völzke et al. 2010)
  • This suggests that testosterone may confer some of its beneficial effects on hepatic lipid metabolism via conversion to E2 and subsequent activation of ERα.
  • hypogonadal men exhibiting a reduced lean body mass and an increased fat mass, abdominal or central obesity
  • visceral adipose tissue was inversely correlated with bioavailable testosterone
  • there was no change in visceral fat mass in aged men with low testosterone levels following 6 months of transdermal TRT, yet subcutaneous fat mass was significantly reduced in both the thigh and the abdominal areas when analysed by MRI (Frederiksen et al. 2012b)
  • ADT of prostate cancer patients increased both visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat in a 12-month prospective observational study (Hamilton et al. 2011)
  • Catecholamines are the major lipolysis regulating hormones in man and regulate adipocyte lipolysis through activation of adenylate cyclase to produce cAMP
  • deficiency of androgen action decreases lipolysis and is primarily responsible for the induction of obesity (Yanase et al. 2008)
  • may be some regional differences in the action of testosterone on subcutaneous and visceral adipose function
  • proinflammatory adipocytokines IL1, IL6 and TNFα are increased in obesity with a downstream effect that stimulates liver production of CRP
  • observational evidence suggests that IL1β, IL6, TNFα and CRP are inversely associated with serum testosterone levels in patients
  • TRT has been reported to significantly reduce these proinflammatory mediators
  • This suggests a role for AR in the metabolic actions of testosterone on fat accumulation and adipose tissue inflammatory response
  • testosterone treatment may have beneficial effects on preventing the pathogenesis of obesity by inhibiting adipogenesis, decreasing triglyceride uptake and storage, increasing lipolysis, influencing lipoprotein content and function and may directly reduce fat mass and increase muscle mass
  • Early interventional studies suggest that TRT in hypogonadal men with T2DM and/or MetS has beneficial effects on lipids, adiposity and parameters of insulin sensitivity and glucose control
  • Evidence that whole-body insulin sensitivity is reduced in testosterone deficiency and increases with testosterone replacement supports a key role of this hormone in glucose and lipid metabolism
  • Impaired insulin sensitivity in these three tissues is characterised by defects in insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity, in particular into skeletal muscle, impaired insulin-mediated inhibition of hepatic glucose production and stimulation of glycogen synthesis in liver, and a reduced ability of insulin to inhibit lipolysis in adipose tissue
    Great review of the Hypogonadal-obesity-adipocytokine hypothesis.
Nathan Goodyear

Metabolic Effects of Liothyronine Therapy in Hypothyroidism: A Randomized, Double-Blind... - 0 views

  • tissue euthyroidism is the net result of multiple steps including conversion of the prohormone T4 into its active metabolite T3, which is ultimately responsible for signaling at the end-organ target level
  • The circulating and intracellular pools of T3 of treated hypothyroid patients (i.e. devoid of endogenous TH production) depend entirely on the conversion of exogenous l-T4 into T3
  • TH is the major regulator of basal metabolic rate
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  • The substitution of l-T3 for l-T4 caused a significant weight loss
  • The substitution of l-T3 for l-T4 caused a significant reduction in lipid parameters
  • Despite the increase in serum T3, the l-T3 treatment did not cause major changes in cardiovascular or musculoskeletal function, as indicated by the echocardiographic and maximal exercise tolerance tests and DXA studies.
  • The changes in serum lipid metabolism parameters are similar to the effects observed with drugs approved for the treatment of dyslipidemia
  • This differential response appears to be limited to the lipid metabolism and SHBG, whereas no differences in indices of insulin resistance were detected. This is remarkable because hyperthyroid states are associated with an increase in hepatic gluconeogenesis (37), and overt thyrotoxicosis is a known cause of secondary diabetes.
  • TH action is increased in the liver, and the SHBG increase supports this hypothesis
  • Similarly, no significant differences were observed in blood pressure, heart rate, or endothelial vascular function
  • In conclusion, the results of this pharmacology, proof-of-concept study indicate that replacement therapy of hypothyroidism with l-T3, compared with l-T4 causes weight loss and favorable changes in the lipid profile without appreciable side effects
    Crossover study finds T3 versus T4 results in more weight loss, improved lipid management and increased SHBG without any adverse cardiovascular effects.   The T3 was dosed 3 x daily due to its short half life compared to T4.
Nathan Goodyear

Nutritional Modulation of Insulin Resistance - 0 views

  • Five branched chain and aromatic amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine) showed significant associations with future diabetes
  • there is increasing evidence that longer term high-protein intake may have detrimental effects on insulin resistance [68, 117–123], diabetes risk [69], and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease
  • high-protein and the high GI diets significantly increased markers of low-grade inflammation
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  • significant and clinically relevant worsening of insulin sensitivity with an isoenergetic plant-based high-protein diet
  • healthy humans that are exposed to amino acid infusions rapidly develop insulin resistance
  • longer term high-protein intake has been shown to result in whole-body insulin resistance [68, 118], associated with upregulation of factors involved in the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/S6K1 signalling pathway [68], increased stimulation of glucagon and insulin within the endocrine pancreas, high glycogen turnover [118] and stimulation of gluconeogenesis [68, 118].
  • it was recently shown in a large prospective cohort with 10 years followup that consuming 5% of energy from both animal and total protein at the expense of carbohydrates or fat increases diabetes risk by as much as 30% [69]. This reinforces the theory that high-protein diets can have adverse effects on glucose metabolism.
  • Another recent study showed that low-carbohydrate high-protein diets, used on a regular basis and without consideration of the nature of carbohydrates or the source of proteins, are also associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease [70], thereby indicating a potential link between high-protein Western diets, T2DM, and cardiovascular risk.
    macronutrient intake and effect on glucose regulation and thus metabolism.
Nathan Goodyear

-Absence of Melatonin and Insulin Resistance - 0 views

    insulin resistance associated with absence of melatonin
Nathan Goodyear

A low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet to treat type 2 diabetes - 0 views

    only a small study, but ketogenic diet in those with type II DM resulted in improved glycemic control and elimination of meds in most cases.
Nathan Goodyear

Renin-angiotensin system and cancer: A review - 0 views

  • crucial role of the RAS in the development and maintenance of cancer
  • kidneys, which produce renin in response to decreased arterial pressure, reduced sodium in the distal tubule, or sympathetic nervous system activity via the β-adrenergic receptors
  • Renin is secreted from the juxtaglomerular cells into the bloodstream where it encounters angiotensinogen (AGN), normally produced by the liver
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  • Renin catalyses the conversion of AGN to angiotensin I (ATI), which is quickly cleaved by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) to form angiotensin II (ATII)
  • ATII triggers the release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands, which stimulates reabsorption of sodium and water and thereby increases blood volume and blood pressure
  • ATII also acts on smooth muscle to cause vasoconstriction of the arterioles
  • ATII promotes the release of antidiuretic hormone from the posterior pituitary gland, which results in water retention and triggers the thirst reflex
  • ability of non-CSCs to ‘de-differentiate’ into CSCs due to epigenetic or environmental factors, which further increases the complexity of tumour biology and treatment
  • efficacy of RAS modulators on cancer in both cancer models and cancer patients
  • A localised (‘paracrine’) RAS mechanism has been identified in many types of cancers, and interruption of the control of the RAS is thought to be the basis for its role in cancer
  • Components of the RAS are expressed by these CSCs, supporting the hypothesis of the presence of a ‘paracrine RAS’ in regulating these CSCs
  • Renin is an enzyme normally released by the kidneys in response to falling arterial pressure
  • a study of GBM demonstrating overexpression of PRR coupled with the observation that inhibition of renin reduces cellular proliferation and promotes apoptosis
  • PRR has been found to be vital for normal Wnt signalling
  • A major focus of PRR research is its relationship with Wnt signalling
  • suggest a crucial role for PRR activation on the proliferation of CSCs, possibly via Wnt/β-catenin signalling, leading to carcinogenesis.
  • Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), also known as CD143, is the endothelial-bound peptidase which physiologically converts ATI to ATII
  • ACE is crucial in the regulation of blood pressure, angiogenesis and inflammation
  • results suggest that an overactive ACE promotes cancer growth and progression, and an inhibited or low-activity ACE may have cancer-protective effects
  • When bound to ATII or ATIII it causes vasoconstriction by stimulating the release of vasopressin, reabsorption of water and sodium by promoting secretion of aldosterone and insulin, fibrosis, cellular growth and migration, pro-inflammation, glucose release from the liver, increased plasma triglyceride concentration, and reduced gluconeogenesis
  • ATIIR1 is a G-protein-coupled receptor, with downstream signalling involved in vasodilation, hypertrophy and NF-κB activation leading to TNF-α and PAI-1 expression
  • ATIIR1 has well-documented links with cancer, with one study demonstrating its overexpression in ~20% of breast cancer patients
  • the effect of RAS dysregulation has been associated with increased VEGF expression and angiogenesis in cancers
  • In ovarian and cervical cancer, ATIIR1 overexpression has been shown to be an indicator of tumour invasiveness
  • administration of ATIIR1 blockers (ARBs) have been associated with reduced tumour size, reduction in tumour vascularisation, lower occurrence of metastases, and lower VEGF levels
    Great review on RAS in cancer.
Nathan Goodyear

Inborn-like errors of metabolism are determinants of breast cancer risk, clinical respo... - 0 views

  • We now recognize that human cancers evolve in an environment of metabolic stress. Rapidly proliferating tumor cells deprived of adequate oxygen, nutrients, hormones and growth factors up-regulate pathways that address these deficiencies to overcome hypoxia (HIF), vascular insufficiency (VEGF), growth factor deprivation (EGFR, HER2) and the loss of hormonal support (ER, PR, AR) all to enhance survival and proliferation
  • RAS, PI3K, TP53 and MYC
  • The results suggest that breast cancer could be preceded by systemic subclinical disturbances in glucose-insulin homeostasis characterized by mild, likely asymptomatic, IEM-like biochemical changes
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  • The process would include variable periods of hyperinsulinemia with the consequent systemic MYC activation of glycolysis, glutaminolysis, structural lipidogenesis and further exacerbation of hypoglycemia, the result of MYC's known role as an inhibitor of liver gluconeogenesis
  • The metabolic changes we describe in breast cancer arise in concert with IEM-like changes in oxidative phosphorylation as detected by increased values of the ratio lactate/pyruvate (Supplementary Table 2A, 2B) characteristic of Ox/Phos deficiency [25]. In our study, 76% (70/92) of the European breast cancer patients had lactate/pyruvate ratios values higher than the normal value of 25.8
  • four-fold higher frequency of cancer (including breast) in patients with energy metabolism disorders
  • growing recognition that cancer cells differ from their normal counterparts in their use of nutrients, synthesis of biomolecules and generation of energy
  • glutamine concentrations in the cancer patients were reduced to nearly 1/8 of the levels observed in the normal population
  • blood concentrations of aspartate (p = 1.7e-67, FDR = 8.3e-67) (Figure ​(Figure1E)1E) and glutamate (p = 6.4e-96, FDR = 6.2e-95) (Figure ​(Figure1F)1F) were nearly 10 fold higher than the normal ranges of 0–5 μM/L and 40 μM/L, respectively
  • glutamine consumption associated with parallel increases in glutamate and aspartate (Figure ​(Figure1A1A red arrows) is considered a hallmark of MYC-driven “glutaminolysis”
  • Gln/Glu ratio inversely correlates with i- late stage metabolic syndrome and with ii- increased chance of death
  • changes in glutamine consumption, reflected by the Gln/Glu ratio could provide a metabolic link between breast cancer initiation and diabetes, reflective of a systemic metabolic reprogramming from glucose to glutamine as the preferred source of precursors for biosynthetic reactions and cellular energy
  • lower Gln/Glu ratios inversely correlated with insulin resistance and the risk of diabetes
  • the metabolic dependencies of cancer characterized by excessive glycolysis, glutaminolysis and malignant lipidogenesis, previously considered a consequence of local tumor DNA aberration [23] could, instead, represent a systemic biochemical aberration that predates and very likely promotes tumorigenesis
  • these metabolic disturbances would be expected to remain extant after therapeutic interventions
  • accumulation of very long chain acylcarnitines such as C14:1-OH (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0), C16 (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0), C18 (p = 0.0, FDR = 0.0) and C18:1 (p = 1.73e-322, FDR = 1.16-321) and lipids containing VLCFA (lysoPC a C28:0) (p = 1.14-e95, FDR = 1.65e-95) in the blood of breast and colon cancer patients
  • Among the most powerful metabolic equations for MYC-activation is that which links the widely used MYC-driven desaturation marker ratio of SFA/MUFA to the MYC glutaminolysis-associated ratio of (Asp/Gln)
  • liver dysfunction shares many features with both IEM and cancer suggesting a role for hepatic dysfunction in carcinogenesis
  • cancer “conscripts” the human genome to meet its needs under conditions of systemic metabolic stress
    Breast cancer is a metabolic disease.  Now, where have I heard that cancer is a metabolic disease?
Nathan Goodyear

Original Articles: Comparison of Insulin Action on Glucose versus Potassium Uptake in H... - 0 views

  • When treating hyperkalemia, insulin remains efficacious in diabetics and nondiabetics and one does not need to resort to b-agonists, and diabetics do not require different doses of insulin to shift potassium
  • the commonly encountered “insulin-resistant” patients actually have preserved insulin-induced potassium disposal, one wonders why their high insulin levels are not causing hypokalemia
  • insulin independently regulates glucose and potassium uptake into cells and this independence explains why in noninsulin-dependent diabetic insulin resistance leads to impaired insulin uptake into cells but has no effect on the cell's potassium disposal
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  • insulin suppresses glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and fatty acid release, and protein catabolism and is the principal hormone that stimulates glucose uptake into mainly skeletal muscle and to a certain extent adipocytes
  • Plasma [K+] is a major determinant of the resting potential of all cells
  • Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia are silent yet fatal disturbances because of their arrhythmogenic potentials
  • Basal insulin maintains fasting plasma [K+] within the normal range
  • When insulin levels are suppressed, plasma [K+] rises and pronounced hyperkalemia develops after a potassium load
  • Potassium is a well proven insulin secretagogue
  • Insulin is a key defender against exogenous potassium load by using intracellular buffering to minimize hyperkalemia before renal excretion
  • Hyperkalemia is often encountered in patients with diabetes
  • The insulin-deficient state in type 1 diabetes predisposes to hyperkalemia because of an impaired ability of potassium to enter cells. During hyperglycemic hypertonic states in type 1 and type 2 diabetics, potassium is carried out of cells by convective flux as the most abundant intracellular cation
    good review of the potassium, glucose, insulin relationship mostly in diabetes.  In diabetes, hyperkalemia is present due to the hyperglycemia and the associated exchange.  Inuslin independantly regulates potassium and glucose intake into the cell.  INterestingly, in IR found in diabetes, the hyperkalemia is the norm, which should cause hypokalemia--the authors were perplexed by this finding.
Nathan Goodyear

Overall survival of cancer patients with serum lactate dehydrogenase greater ... - 0 views

  • catalyzes the interconversion of pyruvate and lactate during glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
  • It has long been known that many human cancers have higher LDH levels than normal tissues
  • It has long been appreciated that LDH is a prognostic factor for survival
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  • The serum level of LDH correlated with tumor burden and was thought to reflect the tumor’s growth and invasive potential
  • the majority of patients with advanced or metastatic disease could be detected to have extremely high serum level of LDH
  • strong evidence to support effective chemotherapy of full dose even in patients with high LDH level
  • LDH is a key enzyme in the process of energy production in cancer cells, it catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to lactate in hypoxic conditions
  • its function in anaerobic metabolism, cancer cells grow even after their rapid proliferation that leads to low-oxygen conditions in the tumor microenvironment
  • LDH plays an important role in tumor progression and maintenance
  • inhibition of LDH inhibits tumor progression and has been considered for the therapeutic target of cancer energy metabolism
  • LDH levels are increased in response to tissue injury or during disease states
  • LDH could be a marker of tumor burden for advanced cancer patients
    High LDH, defined as >1,000, found to be maker for very poor overall survival in retrospective study.
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