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thinkahol *

Artificial hippocampal system restores long-term memory, enhances cognition | KurzweilAI - 2 views

    Theodore Berger and his team at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering's Department of Biomedical Engineering have developed a neural prosthesis for rats that is able to restore their ability to form long-term memories after they had been pharmacologically blocked. In a dramatic demonstration, Berger blocked the ability to rats to form long-term memories by using pharmacological agents to disrupt the neural circuitry that communicates between two subregions of the hippocampus, CA1 and CA3, which interact to create long-term memory, prior research has shown. The rats were unable to remember which lever to pull to gain a reward, or could only remember for 5-10 seconds, when previously they could remember for a long period of time. The researchers then developed an artificial hippocampal system that could duplicate the pattern of interaction between CA3-CA1 interactions. Long-term memory capability returned to the pharmacologically blocked rats when the team activated the electronic device programmed to duplicate the memory-encoding function. The researchers went on to show that if a prosthetic device and its associated electrodes were implanted in animals with a normal, functioning hippocampus, the device could actually strengthen the memory being generated internally in the brain and enhance the memory capability of normal rats. "These integrated experimental modeling studies show for the first time that with sufficient information about the neural coding of memories, a neural prosthesis capable of real-time identification and manipulation of the encoding process can restore and even enhance cognitive mnemonic processes," says the paper. Next steps, according to Berger and Deadwyler, will be attempts to duplicate the rat results in primates (monkeys), with the aim of eventually creating prostheses that might help human victims of Alzheimer's disease, stroke, or injury recover function. Ref.: "A Cortical Neural Prosthesis for Restoring and Enhancing

Long Range Wifi Adapters and Antennas For Free Internet Access - 0 views

    The best super long range WiFi antennas and high power wireless adapters for really long reaching wifi.

How to Pick Up Free Internet On A Sailboat With Ultra Long Range Wifi - 0 views

    How to pick up free internet with long range wifi antennas living on a boat.
Erich Feldmeier

Robin Mellors-Bourne: #Vitae #STEM Researchers' 'unrealistic' hopes of academic careers... - 0 views

    "There is a "significant credibility gap" between researchers' expectations and the likelihood of their forging long-term careers in higher education, a survey has found. More than three-quarters of research staff responding to the Careers in Research Online Survey 2013 said they aspired to a career in higher education and around two-thirds said they expected to achieve this. But it was "unrealistic to expect" that this number of research staff, or even half of those in the early stages of their career, would be able to secure a long-term research role in higher education, says the report, based on the survey produced by Vitae, the careers organisation for researchers."
Charles Daney

Scientists are only two years from developing a cure for breast cancer? : Respectful In... - 0 views

    It's just plain silly to make claims like this about a basic science paper given that, as I have discussed before, it often takes decades for basic science observations to wend their way through that long strange trip to becoming actual therapies used by clinicians. The life cycle of translational research is long, and efforts to speed it up have only met with mixed success.
thinkahol *

Our Social Nature: The Surprising Science of Smiles | Wired Science | - 0 views

    All hail the powerful smile. The right smile, at the right time, wins friends and calms enemies. The smile held for too long, not long enough, flashed too intensively or too dimly, arouses suspicion, fear or anger. Far from being a straightforward show of joy, the language of smiles is filled with subtlety: a meld of our inner state, surroundings, social training, conscious and unconscious.
thinkahol *

Sea levels to continue to rise for 500 years? Long-term climate calculations suggest so - 1 views

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 17, 2011) - Rising sea levels in the coming centuries is perhaps one of the most catastrophic consequences of rising temperatures. Massive economic costs, social consequences and forced migrations could result from global warming. But how frightening of times are we facing? Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute are part of a team that has calculated the long-term outlook for rising sea levels in relation to the emission of greenhouse gases and pollution of the atmosphere using climate models.

Best Android App For Long Time Earning-LasTedz Pro Money Making Android App - Android A... - 0 views

  • is a site which provide you best and top android apps and games. Here you can find and download free Best app for your android phone. So friends I am here today with a new and interesting money making android app. This is a long time earning app for you. Here you can earn extra money for a long time. This earning app is not fake this app is real and it is for life time not for a short time.The name of this best earning app is LasTedz Pro. So let's start complete information about this app. LasTedz Pro Android Earning App: LasTedz Pro is very nice app for make some extra money. Here you will find many ways to earn money. You can earn money by completing some simple tasks. Here you can make money by inviting or refer your friends. This app pay you as a points. When you complete your 1000 points then you will earn 100 indian rupees. First install this android app in to your android phone then fill the sign up form and sign in to LasTedz Pro android app. Here you can earn money by answer easy questions. You can earn money by watching ads. You can earn money by spin a wheal. By spinning wheal you can earn 5 or 3 rupees for one time spin. You can transfer your earned money in paytm account. You can redeem your money into your paytm account when you earn 100 indian rupees or complete 1000 points. If you always login into LasTedz Pro app then you can win some money as a bonus points. Features: Paytm Payout Earn Money By Simple Tasks Quick Payout Daily Basis Payout Daily Basis Earning Life Time Earning App Simple Signup Or Login How To Download LasTedz Pro App: The downloading of this earning app is very simple search on google play store and download it
thinkahol *

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Highlights from the Gallery of Fluid Motion - 9 views

    The best of the bunch (so far) for the 2010 American Physical Society's Gallery of Fluid Motion Each year, the Fluid Dynamics division of the American Physical Society holds a conference. This year, the meeting is in Long Beach, California, in November. One of the highlights is the impressive set of videos of fluid motion that the delegates put together. These videos have already begun to appear on the arViv in impressive numbers. Videos are an effective and increasingly popular way of publishing research. Expect to see more like this. But there are clearly better ways to make them available other than as downloads from the arXiv or as videos in a room in Long Beach. One obvious option is to make them available on streaming websites such as YouTube andVimeo. As far as I can tell, they are not available like this. Another is to create a website that showcases them in advance, to make it a global, web-based event. Many of the videos are superb. Not only could they command a bigger audience, they deserve it. If plans are afoot to make the Gallery of Fluid Motion a bigger event, then great. If not, shame! Here is my selection of the highlights this year.
Skeptical Debunker

Long-distance quantum communication gets closer as physicists increase light storage ef... - 0 views

    "In a new demonstration of reversible light storage, physicists have achieved storage efficiencies of more than a magnitude greater than those offered by previous techniques. The new method could be useful for designing quantum repeaters, which are necessary for achieving long-distance quantum communication."
Skeptical Debunker

Exotic Antimatter Created on Earth - Yahoo! News - 0 views

  • Among the many particles that resulted from this crash were bizarre objects called anti-hypertritons. Not only are these things antimatter, but they're also what's called strange matter. Where normal atomic nuclei are made of protons and neutrons (which are made of "up" quarks and "down" quarks), strange nuclei also have so-called Lambda particles that contain another flavor of quark called "strange" as well. These Lambda particles orbit around the protons and neutrons. If all that is a little much to straighten out, just think of anti-hypertritons as several kinds of weird. Though they normally don't exist on Earth, these particles may be hiding in the universe in very hot, dense places like the centers of some stars, and most likely were around when the universe was extremely young and energetic, and all the matter was packed into a very small, sweltering space. "This is the first time they've ever been created in a laboratory or a situation where they can be studied," said researcher Carl Gagliardi of Texas A&M University. "We don't have anti-nuclei sitting around on a shelf that we can use to put anti-strangeness into. Only a few anti-nuclei have been observed so far." These particles weren't around for too long, though – in fact, they didn't last long enough to collide with normal matter and annihilate. Instead they just decayed after a fraction of a billionth of a second. "That sounds like a really short time, but in fact on the nuclear clock it's actually a long time," Gagliardi told "In that fraction of a billionth of a second that Lambda particle has already gone around the nucleus as many times as the Earth has gone around the sun since the solar system was created."
    Scientists have created a never-before seen type of exotic matter that is thought to have been present at the earliest stages of the universe, right after the Big Bang. The new matter is a particularly weird form of antimatter, which is like a mirror-image of regular matter. Every normal particle is thought to have an antimatter partner, and if the two come into contact, they annihilate. The recent feat of matter-tinkering was accomplished by smashing charged gold atoms at each other at super-high speeds in a particle accelerator called the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, N.Y.
thinkahol *

Theoretical breakthrough: Generating matter and antimatter from the vacuum | KurzweilAI - 0 views

    Under just the right conditions-which involve an ultra-high-intensity laser beam and a two-mile-long particle accelerator-it could be possible to create something out of nothing, according to University of Michigan researchers.

Cashew Nut Processing Based On Trivedi Effect, How It Is Good? - 2 views

The concept of transmitting energy to a living organism was introduced by Mr. Mahendra Trivedi. In his theories, he states that transmitting energy to any living organism wouldn't just optimize it,...

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started by anonymous on 16 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Best Android App For Long Time Earning-LasTedz Pro Money Making Android App - Android A... - 1 views is a site which provide you best and top android apps and games. Here you can find and download free Best app for your android phone. So friends I am here today with a ...

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started by ghulammustafa on 30 Dec 18 no follow-up yet
Erich Feldmeier

Ellen Jorgensen: Biohacking -- you can do it, too | Video on - 0 views

    "The press had a tendency to consistently overestimate [biohackers'] capabilities and underestimate our ethics. We have personal computing, why not personal biotech? That's the question biologist Ellen Jorgensen and her colleagues asked themselves before opening Genspace, a nonprofit DIYbio lab in Brooklyn devoted to citizen science, where amateurs can go and tinker with biotechnology. Far from being a sinister Frankenstein's lab (as some imagined it), Genspace offers a long list of fun, creative and practical uses for DIYbio. Ellen Jorgensen is at the leading edge of the do-it-yourself biotechnology movement, which brings scientific exploration and understanding to the masses"
Janos Haits

Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System - 0 views

    'The Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP) is responsible for implementing NASA's plans for the discovery and understanding of planetary systems around nearby stars. ExEP plays an important function in exoplanet research, by laying out a long-term view of the entire field and charting out a strategic timeline of missions and instruments."
Janos Haits

Automated Insights - 0 views

    Long & short form articles, headlines & summaries written entirely by software, that derive insight from data. Powerful Charts, tables, graphs, dashboards & other visualizations that make data come alive
Erich Feldmeier

The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. - 0 views

    William Gunn The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. With the Mendeley for Life Scientists webinar coming up on Thursday, I thought I would take a look at the readership stats for Biological Sciences. Biological Sciences has long been our biggest discipline, and having done my doctoral work in the Life Sciences, I knew this would be interesting. Overall, researchers in bioinformatics contributed most strongly to the most read papers, along with the older disciplines of micro- and molecular biology. Regardless of discipline, however, it's clear that the days of toiling away in isolation to thoroughly study one gene are over. Today, it's all about huge consortia and massive data. Here's what I found
Janos Haits

Wolfram Education Portal: Free Resources and Materials for Teachers - 0 views

    Wolfram has long been a trusted name in education-as the makers of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, we've created some of the most dynamic teaching and learning tools available. We are pleased to offer the best of all of our technologies to you here in the Wolfram Education Portal, organized by course. In the portal you'll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more built by Wolfram education experts.
Erich Feldmeier

Alison Gopnik: What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind? - - 0 views

    "Our Juliets (as parents longing for grandchildren will recognize with a sigh) may experience the tumult of love for 20 years before they settle down into motherhood. And our Romeos may be poetic lunatics under the influence of Queen Mab until they are well into graduate school. What happens when children reach puberty earlier and adulthood later? The answer is: a good deal of teenage weirdness. Fortunately, developmental psychologists and neuroscientists are starting to explain the foundations of that weirdness. Photos: The Trials of Teenagers View Slideshow [SB10001424052970204573704577187080963983566] Everett Collection James Dean in the 1955 film 'Rebel Without A Cause' The crucial new idea is that there are two different neural and psychological systems that interact to turn children into adults"
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