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Janos Haits

Portal:Computer Science - Wikiversity - 0 views

    Portal is a directory of Computer Science pages at Wikiversity. This directory page provides links to Computer Science learning resources that have been developed by the various Wikiversity Computer Science content development projects. The main content development project is the School of Computer Science. This portal features exciting examples of Computer Science learning resources. Wikiversity participants who are interested in Computer Science are invited to create and participate in learning projects and learning resources and help organize them by developing this portal. We're just starting, but we already have some good materials. The Computer Science Portal serves to provide quick access to everything in the Computer Science category.
Janos Haits

Computer and Information Science research | Mendeley - 0 views

    Computer Science is a branch of science that focuses on the theoretical and methodological implementation of computational based information processes and computer technologies in both hardware and software. Theoretical fields include such areas as information theory, database and information retrieval and programming language theory. Applied computer science features areas of study such as artificial intelligence, computer architecture, computer security and software engineering.
Erich Feldmeier

The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. - 0 views

    William Gunn The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. With the Mendeley for Life Scientists webinar coming up on Thursday, I thought I would take a look at the readership stats for Biological Sciences. Biological Sciences has long been our biggest discipline, and having done my doctoral work in the Life Sciences, I knew this would be interesting. Overall, researchers in bioinformatics contributed most strongly to the most read papers, along with the older disciplines of micro- and molecular biology. Regardless of discipline, however, it's clear that the days of toiling away in isolation to thoroughly study one gene are over. Today, it's all about huge consortia and massive data. Here's what I found
Janos Haits

MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.00SC Introduction ... - 0 views

    Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
Janos Haits

Welcome - Association for Computing Machinery - 0 views

    "ACM, the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources."
Janos Haits

Semantic eScience at the Tetherless World (RPI) - 0 views

    Science has fully entered a new mode of operation. E-science, defined as a combination of science, informatics, computer science, cyberinfrastructure and information technology is changing the way all of these disciplines do both their individual and collaborative work.
Janos Haits

Home | Science On a Sphere - 0 views

    Science On a Sphere® (SOS) is a room sized, global display system that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six foot diameter sphere, analogous to a giant animated globe. Researchers at NOAA developed Science On a Sphere® as an educational tool to help illustrate Earth System science to people of all ages.
Janos Haits

Google Custom Search - Computer Science Research - 0 views

    Search for computer science related papers and research material repositories
Janos Haits

Free Online Course Materials | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCo... - 0 views

    Graduates of MIT's electrical engineering and computer science department work in diverse industries and conduct research in a broad range of areas.
Janos Haits

Meta - AI for Science - 0 views

    "Meta is a tool that helps researchers understand what is happening globally in science and shows them where science is headed. Pending shareholder and court approval, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is acquiring Meta to help bring its technologies to the entire scientific community. Sign up now to reserve your free account."
Janos Haits

List of distributed computing projects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    a list of distributed computing projects based on BOINC middleware project developed at University of California, Berkeley. In many of these projects, users volunteer CPU time from their home computer. When there is idle time available to work on the distributed computing project, client software can detect and utilize the "spare CPU cycles." In some projects, a computer's graphics processor (GPU) may be employed to work on the project.
Janos Haits

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an open source middleware system for volunteer and grid computing. It was originally developed to support the SETI@home project before it became useful as a platform for other distributed applications in areas as diverse as mathematics, medicine, molecular biology, climatology, and astrophysics. The intent of BOINC is to make it possible for researchers to tap into the enormous processing power of personal computers around the world.
Janos Haits

Quantum Computing Playground - 0 views

    "Quantum Computing Playground is a browser-based WebGL Chrome Experiment. It features a GPU-accelerated quantum computer with a simple IDE interface, and its own scripting language with debugging and 3D quantum state visualization features. Quantum Computing Playground can efficiently simulate quantum registers up to 22 qubits, run Grover's and Shor's algorithms, and has a variety of quantum gates built into the scripting language itself."
Janos Haits

Google Computer Science Education - 0 views

    "Computer science (CS) education is a pathway to innovation, to creativity and to exciting career opportunities. We believe that all students deserve these opportunities. That is why Google is committed to developing programs, resources, tools and community partnerships which make CS engaging and accessible for all students."
Janos Haits

Free Online Computer Science and Programming Books, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes :: Fre... - 0 views

    This site lists free online computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes, all of which are legally and freely available over the Internet.
Janos Haits

Stanford Offers Online Computer Science Courses Free to All | Geekosystem - 0 views

    Stanford University is Offering Computer Science Courses Online, Free to Anyone
Janos Haits - 0 views

    the educational Internet platform of the German Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam. Starting in September you will be able to take part in our worldwide social learning network based on interactive online courses covering different subjects in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Enter a fascinating world of knowledge with our free open online courses. Meet other participants from around the world and familiarize yourself with fundamental and current topics in ICT, computer science and IT systems engineering.
Janos Haits

flazx community - your computing guides & resources. - 0 views

    flazx community, your one stop computing guide & resource. Our vision is to create a cozy atmosphere for computer science students & IT professionals to learn and share their knowledge. That is the reason why we are encouraging you to sign-up to our community. Be part of fast growing IT community.
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