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Achieve Body Fat Loss By Avoiding the Munchies - 5 views

    Being familiar with the different things that trigger us to eat even if we're not really hungry can help a lot in our struggle for fat loss and fitness.
    Great info! When I started my weight loss journey, it turned out to be hard for me to avoid munchies :)
    I feel you. I've been on a diet for about three months and almost achieved my goal. But still, I faced problems with some body parts. The biggest one was fat on my knees. Fortunately, I found this source that helped me solve it. And I also had to avoid munchies.

USDA's MyPlate - Home page - 0 views


Ryan Larson an Aaron Lanfranco talk about Nexersys - 2 views


back support - 1 views

    If chronic back pain has been taking over your life, you have to know that there are ways that can help soothe or alleviate pain, from proper posture to having an appropriate back support. Back pain has been pestering lives of many. In fact, approximately 80 percent of Americans experience back pain in their lifetime. If you belong to these majority, read further to know how to reduce the burden of your back pain which may make you less productive. It ranks second as a cause of lost days at work in America. back support
    The information provided here is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please always consult your doctor for specific medical condition! back support

Grooming for men - 50 Best Grooming Tips - Body - 6 views

    Here's the second installment of the Men's Health article on the 50 Best Grooming Tips and Products for Men: BODY A menu can be a mirror Your

Q&A: Should I Carbo-Load the Night Before a Big Race? | Nutrition | Core Daily | Core P... - 1 views

  • Q: Should I carbo-load the night before a big race? A: Eating extra carbohydrates won't help you run faster or longer for races less than 90 minutes. But for longer races (triathlons, marathons, etc.), you'll want to make carbs the focus of your nutrition strategy in the weeks leading up to the race—carbs should be at the center of all meals and snacks. Then as you head into the tapering phase of your training, simply keep your calories and carbs the same as the weeks prior. This will help keep your body properly fueled heading into race day. The night before the race, eat a balanced meal comprised of whole grain carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats with generous portions of fruits and vegetables. On race day, have a pre-race snack such as a bagel with peanut butter an hour or two hours prior to lining up. And don't forget to hydrate with water and sports drinks such as Gatorade at each fueling station to maintain your carbohydrate and electrolyte balance during the race.
    • Dave McWhinnie

Find Your Effective Running Pace - 16 views

    Your optimal running pace is the pace when you are running where you reach a type of euphoria that gives you the feeling you could run at the same speed for miles.
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    Good point. I find working out gives you a feeling that you can accomplish anything.
    Good tips and nice article.
    great tips!

How the concept of 'memes' can help us restructure our thoughts - 7 views

    In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.

Thousand Oaks Nutrition - Thousand Oaks Nutritionists Renay Matthews - 2 views

  • Nutritionists Thousand Oaks Nutrition. Renay Matthews Thousand Oaks Nutritionist and Homeopathic Practitioner Certified helps you learn how to improve your lifestyle through diet and exercise. Contact at 818-851-0267
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    Nice video with good information
    Great video!It will help all age of peoples.

Meditation and Health: Public health study on Meditation - 18 views

    One of the largest public health studies conducted so far on on meditation was published recently, based on a representative national survey of 19,209 Australian women. the survey indicates that nearly 35 per cent of women in the age group 28 to 33 practised meditation or yoga. In the 56- 61 age range, that figure was 27%.
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    meditation is a great source for stress and depression
    Practising mindfulness and meditation can help to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. If you're more relaxed and less anxious, it could make getting pregnant more likely.and it more beneficial while taking taking IVf Treatment, IVf Cycles. We at Thanawala randomly took the musical meditation programs that is more more benefical for the pregnant moms.

All About Weight Loss - 19 views

    Providing quick yet very effective tips to lose weight in a fastest way possible
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    Nice article...but before loosing weight consult your doctor first. Dr. Uday Thanawala an Obstetrician and Gynecologist and Fertility Specialists says loss about too weight loss which makes in trouble during pregnancy. Consult :
    Weight loss is needed one for all aged group. But lots of men are not able to lose their weight due to poor food diet. Achieve weight loss is an easy one by following the natural method. To know more
    Great article, make sure you take your time losing weight, some people rush the process.
    My husband has erectile dysfunction. He is overweighted and I want him to lose weight as it can help to be healthy and solve the problem. I read that getting to a healthy weight and staying there is a good strategy for fixing ED. Of course, he can just Buy Viagra Online but I think it is better to start with managing a lifestyle. So, thanks for the tips and useful info.

LifeVantage Protandim and TrueScience Anti-Aging Products - 0 views

    Protandim is the only supplement clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress by an average 40%, slowing down the cell aging process to the level of a 20 year-old.* While conventional or direct antioxidants can neutralize only one free radical molecule, Protandim triggers the creation of enzymes that can each eliminate over a million free radical molecules per second without being used up.

Applying Mindfulness for Weight Loss and Healthy Eating - 3 views

    Only in recent years the idea ,that developing a habit of eating of mindfully or being absorbed in the act of eating with awareness, could be used as an anti-obesity tool has been investigated and been adopted into clinical practice.

The Fourth state of mind : neurobiology of meditation - 5 views

    Some people think that meditation takes time away from physical accomplishment. Taken to extremes, of course, that's true. Most people, however, find that meditation creates more time than it takes."

Metabolic Exercise Program That Helps Lose Belly Fat & Relieve Pain - 12 views

    Specialized exercise movements designed to activate as many muscle fibers as possible can help frustrated dieters lose stubborn fat and cure muscle and joint pain at the same time. By performing multi-joint movements in the recently-launched Ab Strength Guide Program, several muscle groups are involved in a simultaneous effort. This leads to significantly greater calorie-burn during and even in the hours after the workout.
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    Just in time for those struggling with their New Year's fitness resolutions. =)
    By performing the functional total body exercise program, people lose fat rapidly and cure muscle and joint pain by boosting metabolism and balancing out muscles.
    Doing this metabolic workout causes the cardiovascular system to work harder and leads to excessive post-workout oxygen consumption or EPOC. The EPOC effect actually triggers more calorie burn and speeds-up the fat loss process. In this light, it makes it possible to lose fat through short total body workouts of 10 minutes or less.
    This is a great article and it makes you really stop and think about effective workouts and time management.

Poor sleep and sleep habits in adolescence may raise health risks - 3 views

    "When most people think about cardiovascular risk factors and risk behaviors, they don't necessarily think of sleep," said Dr. Brian McCrindle, senior author and cardiologist at SickKids in Toronto, Ontario. "This study ... shows a clear association between sleep disturbance (in adolescents) and a greater likelihood of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure and being overweight or obese."

Sleep Apnea Test That Can Be Done at Home - 3 views

started by Meredith Blige on 21 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
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