Benefits of Weight Loss - 2 views
4 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Fighting Ab Flab - 1 views
There are a lot of things you can do to help melt stubborn belly fat that probably won't come as a surprise to you-you know, the typical cut-calories, get-regular-cardiovascular-exercise type of advice. But what you don't do can be just as key to finally achieving that firm, flat tummy. Get to know these sneaky belly bulgers so you can steer clear of them and trim inches off your waistline fast.
Fitness Videos - Useful iPad Apps - 0 views
5 New Rules To Keep Our Hearts Healthy - 0 views
research is coming out almost daily that improves on what we already know. Our advice: Act on this wisdom. Sixty percent of young adults who did-by eating right, working out, keeping their BMIs in check, avoiding smoking, and going easy on the booze-kept their heart-disease risk low well into middle age, according to a new study from Northwestern University.
Fitness Videos - Useful iPad Apps - 1 views
Useful iPad2 Apps- Fitness Videos - 0 views
Fitness videos for the iPad2 are one of the best apps to install on tablet pcs because they add greatly to these gadgets' value. The ability to download and save iPad fitness videos makes it easier to watch them from almost anywhere you choose to workout. Exercising along with follow-along iPad fitness videos adds to the fun factor of working-out and eventually leads to success in one's fitness goals. Making exercise programs fun makes it easier to stay consistent with working-out and lets us achieve faster results. Of course, how effective the iPad fitness video app depends on the quality of the exercises in the videos themselves.
Strong as an Ox - 0 views
It Really Possible To Lose Weight With Fatburners? - 1 views
Some of the products that can help to burn up fat are very potent and are renowned for their abilities to burn up the flab in double quick time. The end result is that you will look much slimmer and in a very short period of time as well. These products can help you achieve your weight loss goals and many of the products being sold today are also hundred percent natural. So, there is nothing to worry about on account of suffering from side effects. It also pays to look for products that contain the powerful extract from the Acai Berry plant. Such products will help to increase metabolic rates to sufficiently high levels and this will ensure faster burning up of flab.
The Best Fitness Gear and Gadgets '11 - 1 views
Total Body Workout Best Exercise For Six Pack Abs - 1 views
Wrist Braces For Carpal Tunnel - 0 views
Ripped Abs Are Easier Than You Think - 0 views
Fast Fat Loss- Run The Flab Away - 0 views
German Volume Training - just add kettlebells - 0 views
5 Foods That Help You Sleep - 0 views
Should you let yourself have that midnight snack if you're having trouble sleeping and you think hunger might be part of the problem? Here are five foods that can actually help you drift off: 1. Cherries. 2. Bananas. 3. Toast. 4. Oatmeal. 5. Warm milk. 1. "Cherries". Fresh and dried cherries are one of the only natural food sources of melatonin, the chemical that controls the body's internal clock to regulate sleep. Researchers who tested tart cherries and found high levels of melatonin recommend eating them an hour before bedtime or before a trip when you want to sleep on the plane. 2." Bananas". Potassium and magnesium are natural muscle relaxants, and bananas are a good source of both. They also contain the amino acid L-tryptophan, which gets converted to 5-HTP in the brain. The 5-HTP in turn is converted to serotonin (a relaxing neurotransmitter) and melatonin. 3." Toast." Carbohydrate-rich foods trigger insulin production, which induces sleep by speeding up the release of tryptophan and serotonin, two brain chemicals that relax you and send you to sleep.. 4. "Oatmeal". Like toast, a bowl of oatmeal triggers a rise in blood sugar, which in turn triggers insulin production and the release of sleep-inducing brain chemicals 5. Warm milk. Like bananas, milk contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which turns to 5-HTP and releases relaxing serotonin. It's also high in calcium, which promotes sleep.
Neuro Strength Training and Fat loss - 0 views
Achieve Total Body Fat Loss By Avoiding Processed Food - 0 views
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