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Daniel Stevenson

Poor sleep and sleep habits in adolescence may raise health risks - 3 views

    "When most people think about cardiovascular risk factors and risk behaviors, they don't necessarily think of sleep," said Dr. Brian McCrindle, senior author and cardiologist at SickKids in Toronto, Ontario. "This study ... shows a clear association between sleep disturbance (in adolescents) and a greater likelihood of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure and being overweight or obese."
ind swift

Pharmaceutical Solutions India | Cardiovascular Diseases Drugs | Anti-Diabetic Products... - 0 views

    Our Cardia Division has worked towards the aim of providing the best quality products for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and Diabetes. We provide market leading Anti-Hyperlipidemics, Anti-Hypertensive & Anti-Diabetic products. Our range is appreciated for its effectiveness, long shelf life, and exact compositions catering to the ever increasing demand.
Daniel Escobedo

5 New Rules To Keep Our Hearts Healthy - 0 views

    research is coming out almost daily that improves on what we already know. Our advice: Act on this wisdom. Sixty percent of young adults who did-by eating right, working out, keeping their BMIs in check, avoiding smoking, and going easy on the booze-kept their heart-disease risk low well into middle age, according to a new study from Northwestern University.
Peter Martinez

Yoga Teacher Training: Yoga Teacher Training: Heart Health - 0 views

    By Faye Martins Of all the ailments we cover in yoga instructor training, cardiovascular disease and cancer are two that most of us know a little about. In many families, one of those two ailments has claimed the lives of family members. You can't ignore the importance of preventative maintenance, when it comes down to your family medical history.
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