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Youngbear Roth

exercise-considerations - 0 views

    Before deciding on an exercise routine consider that working out is a creative art and a physiological bio-science. All arts and sciences share im...

Med-Science Archives - Insights care - 0 views

    It often seems that participating in athletic activities become hard for the body if one is not in a regular practice or getting old. One cannot avoid getting injured, but the person can surely cure those injuries with med - science.
Peter Martinez

Beyond the Science of Yoga - 0 views

    Studies about yogic methods reveal that ancient teachers knew how to heal without the benefit of today's medical science and instruments. Those who study yoga may be doing so for the health benefits it provides; yoga has been touted as a way to increase metabolism, strengthen muscles and leads to reduced stress.

Diagnostics & Lab Science Archives - Insights care - 0 views

    Lab technologist must learn to survive without any Recognition. If you want to become a lab technologist, you must know that you must work without any recognition. However, your work is important and necessary to help a patient to recover from any illness.
Dannie Addison

Tantra Yoga: tantric yoga positions - 0 views

    Tantra Yoga is a very deep and profound understanding of the universe and things around us. The beauty of Tantra Yoga is that it takes a leaf out of various sciences and fuses them with the techniques of Yoga.

AI to Help Doctors in Diagnosing Cancer Now - 0 views

    From maintaining electronic medical records to controlling robots in medical science, AI is helping medical professionals now even in diagnosing diseases.

Implementation of Bioengineering to build Human Liver - Insights care - 0 views

    Science and technology help for the better lifestyles. It has transformed human life more efficiently. We must agree with this as not even a single field is there where we don't use technology. But still, research is ongoing for finding some new technologies by using previously available knowledge and techniques.
    It may also be useful in case of organ absence. Also, we need to get the fully functional body tissue which is easy to transplant.

Biotechnology Archives - Insights care - 0 views

    Science and technology help for the better lifestyles. It has transformed human life more efficiently. We must agree with this as not even a single field is there where we don't use technology. But still, research is ongoing for finding some new technologies by using previously available knowledge and techniques. If we think from the health point of view, is every person having better health? No, a lot of people are having various health problems. Some have serious diseases while some have dysfunction of the organs.

Cosmetic Cause Health Problems | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Personel care items like cosmetic including mascara foundations, body lotions and soaps, hair style products very vital value regarding health and science. Everybody used toxic chemicals in the form of cosmetics. How we take good and healthy steps for good and safe beauty.

Facts About Pain Management You Should Know - Pain Relief Doctor - 0 views

    Pain management is study of clinical and basic science. Its application for the reduction of pain suffering. This recently rising control accentuates an interdisciplinary way to deal with treatment, blending tools, techniques and standards taken from an assortment of the mending expressions to make an all encompassing worldview for the diminishment of torment and enduring.

Rishikesh Yoga Studio in Rishikesh, Uttrakhand - 0 views

    Reviews for Rishikesh Yoga Studio | Gym / Fitness Center in Rishikesh, Uttrakhand | science that has the capability of interfacing our psyche and body w...
Adam Kershaw

Infrared Saunas - 0 views

    An Infrared Saunas is designed on the concept of infrared heating system. In infrared saunas is emitting infrared head, which is directly absorbed by the user. The medical science has come to the terms of accepting the health benefits of these Infrared Saunas; more people are showing interest in buying one. You can also give it a thought to buy an Infrared Sauna for your home. But before you buy one, you should know the positive and negative sides of this sauna system. What is an Infrared Sauna, how to buy it online, how to install it to the best manufacturer of these saunas, its safety guidelines, health benefits etc.
kumar sapkota

Yoga poses and meditation-fitness, enlightenment - 0 views

    DESCRIPTION A Yogi (shaping his mind for enlightenment) who blogs about Yoga postures, Meditation, Pranayama, Memory tricks and sometimes his personal struggle.
kumar sapkota

Yoga to beat away irritation of common cold - 0 views

    Yoga works against cold and influenza by gradually strengthening our immune system much more than before, and this is why we get its preventive and curative effect to eliminate diseased health condition.
kumar sapkota

Supernatural power from Kundalini awakening - 0 views

    Rising kundalini energy or shakti create dramatic impacts on our body. Our mentality, psychology, emotional behaviors and psychic conditions suffers radical changes as compared to the past.
kumar sapkota

Pregnancy and Yoga - 0 views

    The practice of yoga postures during pregnancy can not only keep you physically well, but also mentally prepared for giving birth to a baby. With pain giving hormones and various pregnancy symptoms that a pregnant women suffer, yoga can be a natural solution to minimize these types of sufferings and discomforts, as well as ensuring an easier and smoother delivery and recovery time.
kumar sapkota

Kapalbhati pranyama for your optimum health. - 0 views

    Our saints and sages reiterated, "life can be protected from all types of dreadful attacks, either mental or physical or psychological, by the adoption of just a single technique- this Kapalbhati technique."
John murali

Bluetooth in Medicine, Good Support to Practitioners - 0 views

    The advancements in nanotechnology had its effective foot in Medical treatment resulting in tremendous outcomes both in treatment and medicines. A disease known is half cured and the medicine responsible for the cure is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.Time, being the most valuable part of life for a medical practitioner, most of the time is being spent in taking physiological readings.
Jass Brown

The Fourth state of mind : neurobiology of meditation - 5 views

    Some people think that meditation takes time away from physical accomplishment. Taken to extremes, of course, that's true. Most people, however, find that meditation creates more time than it takes."
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