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Wheelchair : Handicap Products: International Disability Day Schemes and Programmes - 0 views

    International day for persons with disabilities on 3rd December - Note on schemes for the welfare of persons with disabilities and concessions available to them. The Government of India is committed for the realization of full participation, protection of rights, and equal opportunities to all including persons with disabilities. India is a country where most of the population lives in the rural areas and accessing the health and rehabilitation services has always been a challenge. In a Backgrounder issued yesterday, a brief summary of the major steps initiated by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in this direction were given. Following is the Background Note on the legislative and Institutional framework along with the major schemes of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for the welfare of the People with Disabilities (PwDs). The Note also contains information on facilities and concessions available to PwDs under other central schemes which are being run by other Union Ministries. OFFER ON INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY DAY Wheelchair @ 4499 INR Tricycle @ 6500 INR Legislative Framework: There are four important legislations dealing on disabilities issues- The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, has laid the foundation of recognition of rights for Persons with Disabilities and has facilitated development of specific programmes for their education, rehabilitation, employment, non-discrimination and social security. The Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992 regulates and monitors training of rehabilitation professionals and personnel. The National Trust for the welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999, aims at enabling and empowering persons with disabilities to live independently as fully as possible in their community. Mental Health Act, 1987, address to the specific needs of persons with ment

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Wheelchair Safety With Power Wheelchairs - 0 views

    Folding Lightweight Wheelchairs For indoor wheelchair safety the folding power wheelchair models that are lightweight have front casters which turn easily, making them ideal for use in small apartments. Having the casters in front makes this a dangerous chair to use outdoors as the front wheels can turn sharply if encountering a crack in the sidewalk, incline, or rocks.Wheelchair india is manufacturer, supplier, distributor and dealer of Karma KP 10-2 Power Wheelchair for disabled and handicapped in india. They usually have one or two removable batteries and have a similar appearance as the manual wheelchair. They can be controlled with a joystick or a sip and puff method. Lightweight Power Assisted Wheelchairs These chairs can be propelled in a similar manner as the manual wheelchair or use a battery. You may want this type if you want to keep fit and get some exercise but need some power when going up an incline or when traveling a distance. They are smaller and lighter weight than the folding wheelchair and have smaller batteries and motors. Dual Purpose Power Wheelchairs These chairs generally are good for either indoor or outdoor use. You need to have larger wheels in front for outdoors as this is a safety feature. It is better to have six wheels for stability when traveling outdoors. These indoor/outdoor power chairs compromise wheelchair safety and perform poorly when you do not have enough room to turn indoors and you need to travel over rough ground and uneven surfaces. Their optimum performance indoors is when you have wider doors and hallways in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or homes/apartments. Ideal outdoor surfaces in urban and suburban areas would include sidewalks and paved areas. Outdoor Power Wheelchairs These chairs weigh as much as 400-500 pounds, add the weight of the user up to 250 pounds and the total weight is approximately 650 pounds. They are very efficient outdoors with their rear wheels they can sa

Easily Adjust Wrist & Forearm Splint with Thumb - 0 views

    Wrist and Forearm Splint is designed to immobilize and provide firm and comfortable support to hand and wrist in various orthopedic conditions. It maintains the wrist in the functional position. Tynor's Wrist & Forearm Splint Right/Left Extra Large is made out of very sturdy PUF fused fabric & malleable, anatomically shaped splints. Designed for perfect support & immobilization of wrist & forearm. Tynor Wrist & Forearm Splint Right/Left is designed to provide comfortable and firm support to the wrist as well as to the forearm. It effectively works during various orthopedic conditions. It will keep the wrist in the functional position and speed up the recovery process. It will feel comfortable and relieved after applying this wrist and forearm support. The PUF fused fabric provide comfortable and smooth feel which does not cause any rashes on the skin. It allows proper ventilation system to the skin area and also the skin to breathe properly. It has aluminum splints which are easy to remove and apply as well as offers a better grip and a snug fit. It also has long length that will permit the easy movement. This brace enables free finger movement. It has a hook loop closure system which provides optimal compression and it can easily adjust it as per the requirement. Its brace has an in-built thumb opening which keeps the thumb relaxed and free from pressure. Wrist and Forearm Splint is designed to immobilize and provide firm and comfortable support to hand and wrist in various orthopedic conditions. It maintains the wrist in the functional position. Aesthetically appealing. Customizable splint. Perfect immobilization. Controlled compression. Anatomical thumb opening. Tynor Wrist & Forearm Splint (Right/Left) Features Made out of PUF fused Matty fabric Breathable Excellent aesthetics Improved comfort Enhanced life. Removable, Aluminum Splints Customized fitting Required degree of dorsi-flexion can be achieved Very good grip and immobilizat

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Types Of Cerebral Palsy - 0 views

    Types of CP Associated With Muscle Tone Cerebral palsy comes in several types, which may be associated with muscle tone or specific body parts. Those associated with muscle tone include: spastic CP, where abnormally high muscle tone causes problems with movement, usually in the legs and hips; ataxia, which is marked by involuntary muscle movements; athetoid, which prevents sufferers from maintaining a fixed muscle position (for example, grasping and holding); and mixed, where symptoms of both spastic and athetoid CP occur. Cerebral Palsy: Hope Through Research: Detailed information from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, including facts on the causes, risk factors, warning signs, and types of CP. Definitions and Accommodations for Cerebral Palsy: Information on the types of CP and how to accommodate and interact with severe sufferers. From Kentucky's Office for the Americans With Disabilities Act. United Cerebral Palsy Association: Nonprofit organization that offers a nationwide network of affiliates aimed at expanding the rights, freedoms, and opportunities of those with cerebral palsy. Health Encyclopedia: Cerebral Palsy: Facts on the types, causes, prevalence, and accommodations related to cerebral palsy. Provided by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Cost of Cerebral Palsy: Information on the human and economic impact of cerebral palsy, presented in the form of an academic report composed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Types of CP Associated With Body Parts Certain types of cerebral palsy are associated with specific body parts rather than with the general condition of the muscular system. These types include: quadriplegia, in which all four limbs suffer severe motor dysfunction and a general inability to work together; hemiplegia, in which the limbs on one side of the body are severely affected, with the impact more pronounced in the digits; and diplegia, which causes problems with mus

Tynor Tennis Elbow Support - 0 views

    Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb is created to reinforce, prevent and partially immobilize the wrist and the palm. This wrist brace allows natural and free activity of the fingers. It keeps the affected area compact and maintains the body heat to lessen the local pain inflammation. Its has high quality striped elastic webbing which provides high modulus of elasticity which gives the comfortable feel. It is made from the strong, durable, porous and a comfortable material which remains for a long time. This Wrist Brace provides excellent compressive strength and support to the wrist. Its Hook loop closures allow easy application and removal. It fits comfortably around the wrist and comes in universal sizing. It also has an anatomical thumb opening which fastens the healing process. It keeps the thumb in relaxed and comfortable position. Its extra porous material allows the proper ventilation to the affected skin. Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb Wrist brace with thumb is designed to support, protect and partially immobilize the wrist and the palm while allowing free and natural movement of the fingers. It compresses the area and retains the body heat to allay local pain and inflammation. Extra grip. Extra porous Controlled compression. Anatomical thumb placement. Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb Features High quality , striped elastic webbing Strong and durable Porous and comfortable High modulus of elasticity- Retains shape and size for a long time. Excellent compressive strength, better support Hook loop closures Easy to apply and remove Ensures optimal compression Better fitting and universal sizing. Anatomical thumb opening Better pain relief and healing. Thumb in abduction remains relaxed, no fatigue Improves comfort Allows free and natural movement of the thumb and fingers. Tynor Tennis Elbow Support Tennis Elbow Support is designed to help provide relief from generalized pain and tenderness in the forearm and elbow caused by repetitiv

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Motivating Story Of Physically Challenged - 0 views

    How does a person feel when he lost his eyes in an accident or when one of his legs amputated? Would he feel like to end his life to escape from the crises or try to face all the problems that come on his way? According to the statistics more than one million people in the world commit suicide per year and over thirty thousand of these are said to be from the United States. Why these people commit suicide? What demoralize them? The surveys says that people commit suicide for different reasons in which most common are financial problems, relationship problems, bullying and stress of work. These people are trapped in depression and make up their mind that things will never get better, and none can improve the situation. G. B. Shaw said, "Sometimes, people get attached to their burdens more than the burdens are attached to them." Life gets tough We all just have to admit that life can sometimes get tough! Our health may sometimes suffer, family demands demoralize, daily traumas build up and work strains speed up, but it doesn't mean to feel that the life isn't worth living. In such situation, we need a dose of inspiration that makes us feel good.Buy online wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest Wheelchair price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping. Inspiration brings positive signs and heightens our creativity. In times of insecurity, remind yourself of those who overcame bodily limitations and various obstructions. Finding inspiration Here are six inspirational stories of people who, in spite of their physical limitations, participated fully in all aspects of the society. These differently-abled people (I don't like to say them disable) are not only inspirational to other people having physical problems; but equally inspirational to those of us who feel life is worthless and give up trying when the obstacles come on our way. One of the world's best-known overachiever Stephen Hawking who suffers from Mot

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: A Success Story Of Help Handicapped - 0 views

    The loss of a foot or limb due to landmine explosions or any disease is a major tragedy for any human being and to come to terms with this loss of a part of the body is not only a very traumatic experience but also fraught with dire economic consequences. A financially independent person suddenly realizes that he or she is totally at the mercy of relatives and friends and unable to indulge in any income generating activity. Prospects of poverty loom large over the horizon and this mental anguish coupled with the physical injury can wreck many a life.Buy online Handicapped Tricycle and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Tricycle manufacturer, distributor, dealer and supplier of variety of Tricycles at low price in india for handicapped Rehabilitation of such individuals is of prime importance and it is here that Help Handicapped International (HHI) plays a pivotal role especially in conflict areas where the number of landmine amputees is large. HHI is a registered charity working for the welfare of the physically handicapped and an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC. HHI specializes in fitting the Jaipur Foot prosthetic-an artificial limb developed in India and the most preferred in Asia and Africa because of the following factors: (i) It is light in weight (ii) It is fast and easy to fabricate. Since its manufacturing takes only a few hours the patient who comes to the centre in the morning can walk out on his own artificial limb by evening. (iii) It is very cost effective. (iv) It facilitates cycling, walking bare foot and squatting-all tasks essential to lead a near normal life in these continents. Post fitment the patient undergoes physiotherapy sessions to become accustomed to the artificial limb. He or she is also explained about some simple exercises that could be carried out at home as well as some tips on the proper use and maintenance of the prosthetic. HHI has b

Tynor Wrist and Forearm Splint - 0 views

    Tynor Wrist & Forearm Splint Right/Left is designed to provide comfortable and firm support to the wrist as well as to the forearm. It effectively works during various orthopedic conditions. It will keep the wrist in the functional position and speed up the recovery process. It will feel comfortable and relieved after applying this wrist and forearm support. The PUF fused fabric provide comfortable and smooth feel which does not cause any rashes on the skin. It allows proper ventilation system to the skin area and also the skin to breathe properly. It has aluminum splints which are easy to remove and apply as well as offers a better grip and a snug fit. It also has long length that will permit the easy movement. This brace enables free finger movement. It has a hook loop closure system which provides optimal compression and it can easily adjust it as per the requirement. Its brace has an in-built thumb opening which keeps the thumb relaxed and free from pressure. Tynor Wrist & Forearm Splint (Right/Left) Wrist and Forearm Splint is designed to immobilize and provide firm and comfortable support to hand and wrist in various orthopedic conditions. It maintains the wrist in the functional position. Aesthetically appealing. Customizable splint. Perfect immobilization. Controlled compression. Anatomical thumb opening. Tynor Wrist & Forearm Splint (Right/Left) Features Made out of PUF fused Matty fabric Breathable Excellent aesthetics Improved comfort Enhanced life. Removable, Aluminum Splints Customized fitting Required degree of dorsi-flexion can be achieved Very good grip and immobilization Design features Long length of the brace, ensures enhanced immobilization Brace abuts the Palmer crease , allows free finger movement. Elegant tabs , allow easy application and removal Elegant tabs, also enhance the aesthetics of the product. Black Color, enhances the aethetics Hook loop closures Easy to apply and remove Ensures optimal compre

Wheelchair Pediatric - 0 views

    Reclining Child Wheelchair Pediatric Reclining wheelchair is designed especially for children and offers the maximum in safety and comfort that is sure to put smiles on the faces of parents and children alike.The precision crafted reclining mechanism provides ultra smooth reclining performance and comes standard with swing away detachable elevating legrests. Reclining Child Wheelchairs for children have a backrest which can be reclined independently of the rest of the seating system.Reclining wheelchairs will have a long wheelbase for stability and a high backrest to ensure your child remains supported when reclined. Reclining backrests can be a useful feature for children Are unable to sit upright for sustained periods because of weak muscles in the upper body, or a stiff spine or hip. Have difficulty breathing. Are receiving treatment that require them to be in a reclined position. Key features: *Reclining backrest *Comfortable seat *Elevating or standard leg rests *Lightweight folding design
    young children have a different set of needs than adults. Aesthetically, devices designed for kids are often sleek and colorful, and functionally, they are typically lightweight and adjustable. As any parent knows, young people don't stay the same size for long and since a wheelchair is a major purchase -- don't want a simple growth spurt to render it useless. Wheelchair category offers models that feature seat width and depth adjustability, elevating legrests, and other versatile features. As a weight-bearing activity is critical to proper physical and mental function-which is why children with cerebral palsy, who may sit for stretches in a wheelchair and typically are unable to stand on their own, can benefit greatly from pediatric standers as part of a comprehensive pediatric rehabilitation program. Pediatric standers are offered in passive, active and mobile formats: Passive standers stay in one place and feature a support surface, active standers allow reciprocal movement of the extremities while in a standing position, and mobile standers enable users to self-propel. Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair: Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair Description: The model designed for cerebral palsy child only. Ultra light weight aluminium alloy frame. Seat Width 38 cms (15"). Net Weight: 18.5 kgs. Epoxy powder coated frame. Detachable arm rest & foot rest provided. Elevated and swinging foot rest. Elevated foot rest provided to elevate leg angle. Height adjustable and detachable head rest. Hydraulic reclining high back for a comfortable posture. Hydraulic adjustable seat angle. Detachable back and seat pad. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & calg Foldable. Lever and paddle brakes provided. Safety belt provided. Maintenance free rear solid wheels. Cloth look like water proof upholstery. Anti wheels for better safety and stability. Extra cushion upholstery provided to under arm, head & leg. Folding action. Lever and paddle brakes provide

Complete Flexibility KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair - 0 views

    Wheelchairs are easy to push, they fold to make them easier to store and simple for a friend or relative to load into a car. A wide selection of accessories too. So customise chair to give the performance, portability, comfort and style. Lightweight portable wheelchair are designed for ease of use and are made from durable material. These wheelchair are often foldable and are easier to store than conventional or custom. They are perfect for both manual and electric wheelchairs, as well as many walking aids such as a 4 wheel scooter. Lightweight portable wheelchair are extremely lightweight and for this reason they are easier to transport and store than many other types of wheelchair. Lightweight portable are made to be ultra lightweight, compact, and user friendly. They fold up in interesting ways to collapse to the size of a suitcase when not in use and are usually large enough to cover one or two stairs when extended. It is important to consider their weight and the person who would most often be carrying the ramp and setting it up. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair: Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Specifications: Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 14" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight 9.2 k.g. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Seat and Back: AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. It is a shield for your health. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Extended Armrest: By simulating the natural position of arms, the extended armrest design is ergonomic and creates bigger seating space. An Ultra lightweight wheelchair (9.2 kg) with a compact design for either attendant assisted or self propelling users. The use

Wrist Brace with Thumb Support - 0 views

    Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb Wrist brace with thumb is designed to support, protect and partially immobilize the wrist and the palm while allowing free and natural movement of the fingers. It compresses the area and retains the body heat to allay local pain and inflammation. Extra grip. Extra porous Controlled compression. Anatomical thumb placement. Tynor Wrist Brace with Thumb Features High quality , striped elastic webbing Strong and durable Porous and comfortable High modulus of elasticity- Retains shape and size for a long time. Excellent compressive strength, better support Hook loop closures Easy to apply and remove Ensures optimal compression Better fitting and universal sizing. Anatomical thumb opening Better pain relief and healing. Thumb in abduction remains relaxed, no fatigue Improves comfort Allows free and natural movement of the thumb and fingers.

Easier To Store Portable Wheelchair - 0 views

    Portable wheelchairs are easy to push, they fold to make them easier to store and simple for a friend or relative to load into a car. A wide selection of accessories too. So customize chair to give the performance, portability, comfort and style. Lightweight portable wheelchair are designed for ease of use and are made from durable material. These wheelchair are often fold able and are easier to store than conventional or custom. They are perfect for both manual and electric wheelchairs, as well as many walking aids such as a 4 wheel scooter. Lightweight portable wheelchair are extremely lightweight and for this reason they are easier to transport and store than many other types of wheelchair. Lightweight portable are made to be ultra lightweight, compact, and user friendly. They fold up in interesting ways to collapse to the size of a suitcase when not in use and are usually large enough to cover one or two stairs when extended. It is important to consider their weight and the person who would most often be carrying the ramp and setting it up. Types of Portable Wheelchair Ramps : Single Fold Ramps Trifold Wheelchair Ramps Multi Fold Ramps Transitional Ramps Advantage Suitcase Ramps Karma KM 2500 L Big Wheel Wheelchair Karma KM 2500 L Wheelchair Specifications Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 22" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight Karma KM 2500 L Wheelchair Seat and Back AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. It is a shield for your health. Karma KM 2500 L Wheelchair Extended Armrest By simulating the natural position of arms, the extended armrest design is ergonomic and creates bigger seating space. An Ult

Easy Frame Size Adjustment On Karma Wheelchair - 0 views

    Utilizing small wheels and lighter materials, transport wheelchairs can tip the scale at as little as 19 lbs., ideal for those looking for a highly portable option. Transport chairs also tend to be more affordable and offer the benefit of increased mobility without breaking the bank. This type of lightweight wheelchair is often referred to as a "transfer chair" and is typically used for shorter trips. Since it's geared towards storability and portability, it features four smaller wheels and dispenses with the larger, rear-mounted wheels that characterize standard wheelchairs. Its construction ensures that it's always foldable and portable, but does so at the expense of self-propulsion. Instead, a transport chair is built so that a caregiver can easily push the user from point A to B. Transport Wheelchair features a lightweight aluminum frame with a multiple finish options. It comes standard with padded-permanent armrests and swing-away footrests with composite footplates. It is an ideal solution for easy transportation and storage. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair: Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Specifications: Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 14" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight 9.2 k.g. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Seat and Back: AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. It is a shield for your health. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Extended Armrest: By simulating the natural position of arms, the extended armrest design is ergonomic and creates bigger seating space. An Ultra lightweight wheelchair (9.2 kg) with a compact design for either attendant assisted or self propelling users. The

Transport Chair - 0 views

    Lightweight wheelchairs provide convenience and comfort to the user and caregiver alike and are often built using materials like aluminum and titanium alloy, while foldable wheelchairs allow for easy storage and transport. Merge the two styles, and got a great mobility aid that isn't a pain to lug around. Utilizing small wheels and lighter materials, transport wheelchairs can tip the scale at as little as 19 lbs, ideal for those looking for a highly portable option. Transport chairs also tend to be more affordable and offer the benefit of increased mobility without breaking the bank. Transport wheelchairs or companion chairs are companion wheelchairs where the purpose is for a companion to push the user. Most transporters have swing-away leg rests, fixed armrests, and side panels. Instead of the usual large back - small front wheels typical of most wheelchairs, light travel chairs have four small wheels providing much easier maneuverability of the chair. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair: Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Specifications: Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 14" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight 9.2 k.g. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Seat and Back: AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. It is a shield for your health. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Extended Armrest: By simulating the natural position of arms, the extended armrest design is ergonomic and creates bigger seating space. An Ultra lightweight wheelchair (9.2 kg) with a compact design for either attendant assisted or self propelling users. The use of aircraft-grade aluminium alloy and double cross brace provide this model

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Benefit Of Ergonomic Wheelchair - 0 views

    Ergonomics: Benefits of Active Sitting for the Able-bodied The field of ergonomics, in particular that of office furniture, now offers various active sitting products that enable different kinds of movement: forward and backward, lateral (side to side), 360 degree wobble, etc. It is important to note that the ergonomic research also indicates that - although movement is necessary - it is not enough. All movements are not the same; there are movements to be avoided. For example, movement that alternates between different awkward sitting postures that repeatedly load the same joints will provide little benefit.Buy online Ergonomic Wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Ergonomic Wheelchair manufacturer, distributor, dealer and supplier of variety of karma Ergonomic Wheelchair at low price in india The benefits of active sitting are understood to occur with movements through a graded range of centered and symmetrical postures. The active and controlled postural positions in sitting are believed to activate and strengthen muscles in the back and core area,to relieve the static loads acting on joints, ligaments, and tendons, and to promote circulation for elimination of waste products. Thus, a dynamic, ergonomic sitting position is believed to lead to improved posture, core stability, and circulation. Wheelchair at low price in india for handicapped and disability product like Karma S Ergo 305 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 125 Wheelchair, Karma S-Ergo 115 Wheelchair, Karma Ergo Lite 2501 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 106 Wheelchair, Karma S Ergo 105 Wheelchair, along with that we offer huge discount and promo code when you purchase ERGONOMIC WHEELCHAIR from our online shopping store of Ergonomic Wheelchair. Although extensive research in the field of ergonomics and active sitting is yet to become widely available, the logical benefits are easily extrapolated. The pelvis is tilte

Karma Vip 515 - 0 views

    Wheelchair with comfortble reclining back headrest. This wheelchair allows the user to obtain a more comfortable position, equally for those who are unable to sit at 90 degrees, but need to lie back. Options include elevating legrests and cushioning. This type of Wheelchair is a superb light weight aluminium total care chair with all the actions one would wish. All fully adjustable, tilt in space, reclining back, multi positional headrest,elevating legrests and full pressure cushioning. The reclining deluxe manual wheelchair. This wheelchair has all the features one would need in a wheelchair, fully adjustable arms, legrests, reclining back and pop off wheels. To remove the wheels simply press the button in the centre of the wheel and slide them off. Ideal for those who need to recline in the wheelchair as the back rest on this wheelchair can be adjusted to any position. With cushions, elevating legrests and other options, this wheelchair can be configured to meet most needs. This chair does not have tilt in space mechanism or pressure care cushioning, for this must look to the tilt in space chair. Comfort and positioning tilt-in-space wheelchair which is durable, modern looking and comfortable. It offers adjustable seat height and depth, back height, length adjustable armpads and infinite recline and tilt. The multifunction tilt in space wheelchair focuses heavily on the need of each individual user which is why it has many adjustments in one frame to make sure it can alter to cater individual requirements. One of the main features of this chair is its tilt in space feature, which allows a step less adjustment of the backrest and the seat angle. This is easily operated from the push handle and can be quickly adjusted when needed. The design of the backrest and seating on the wheelchair helps ensure comfort and support for the user. Wheelchair comes with elevating leg rests fitted as standard which again are step less and easily adjusted. There is also the o

Karma Km 2500 Wheelchair - 0 views

    Travel Wheelchairs are usually designed for being as lightweight as is possible for the health of performance or maybe portability. People exactly who travel frequently because of their wheelchairs by means of car or maybe airplane roommates wish a wheelchair is not just lightweight but takes the least number of space doable. Travel information wheelchairs are classified as the most sleek and stylish, lightweight collapsible wheelchairs. The lightest wheelchairs do not need some on the accessories a usual manual wheelchair often have, but almost all models is usually customized to add in items like fold-away footrests in addition to adjustable buttocks. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair: Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Specifications: Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 14" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight 9.2 k.g. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Seat and Back: AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. It is a shield for your health. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Extended Armrest: By simulating the natural position of arms, the extended armrest design is ergonomic and creates bigger seating space. An Ultra lightweight wheelchair (9.2 kg) with a compact design for either attendant assisted or self propelling users. The use of aircraft-grade aluminium alloy and double cross brace provide this model with outstanding strength and durability. Karma Healthcare KM-2500 Premium Wheelchair is amazingly light and compact transit wheelchair which is ideal for outings and travelers. It folds down to take up virtually no space in the boot of a car and weighs just over 9.2 kg making it easy for anyone to lift into

Superior Quality And Strength Travel Wheelchair - 0 views

    Transport wheelchairs are machines or equipment that facilitate for mobility and movement of wheelchair confined people at public places. While it is true that simple wheelchairs can do the trick, travel Wheelchair are specifically designed and manufactured to facilitate better roaming and mobility at malls, restaurants and parks where people usually converge to relax. A seat belt and swing-away removable footrests are standard and make it easy to get in and out of this chair. A fold-down back allows for easier storage and transport and padded armrests add additional comfort. The materials with which travel Wheelchair are made are of more superior quality and strength. That is because Travel Wheelchair are made very specifically to facilitate movement at public and outdoor places. Also, travel Wheelchair are made of materials that are highly durable to enable it to carry out its purpose. Thus, it is often that users complain about the limited usefulness and comfort of using the wheelchairs. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair: Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Specifications: Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 14" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight 9.2 k.g. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Seat and Back: AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. It is a shield for your health. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Extended Armrest: By simulating the natural position of arms, the extended armrest design is ergonomic and creates bigger seating space. An Ultra lightweight wheelchair (9.2 kg) with a compact design for either attendant assisted or self propelling users. The use of aircraft-grade aluminium alloy and double

Fold Back Karma KM 2500 Small Wheelchair - 0 views

    Travel wheelchair assists people to become more mobile and independent. There are many different types of wheelchairs that are used for various reasons. It is important to understand the limitations and safe operation of whatever wheelchair choose or need. The travel chair seat size (width and depth), seat-to-floor height, footrests/leg rests, front caster outriggers, adjustable backrests, controls, and many other features can be customized on, or added to, many basic models, while some users, often those with specialized needs, may have wheelchairs custom-built. A single-arm drive enables the user to turn either left or right while the two-armed drive enables user to move forward or backward on a straight line. Another type of wheelchair commonly used is a lever-drive wheelchair. This type of chair enables the user to move forward by pumping the lever back and forth. Travel Wheelchair is designed with unique S shaped seat which provides pressure relief and prevents slippage. Equipped with wide arm pads the wheelchair provides extra support for the user. The chair material is treated with an Aegis Microbe shield to reduce the likelihood of staining and odours. Streamline oval tubes add style and strength to the wheelchair whilst the aluminium frame keeps the chair light. Also featured are new patented footrests which swing both outwards and inward for user convenience. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair: Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Specifications: Width 18" Front/Rear Wheels 6" to 14" Seat Width 47cm Seat Depth 40cm Overall Width 66cm Overall Collapsed Width 36cm Armrest Height 21cm Overall Length 90cm Seat Height 47cm Backrest Height 38cm Overall Height 86cm Weight 9.2 k.g. Karma KM 2500 Small Wheel Wheelchair Seat and Back: AEGIS Microbe Shield Approved by the FDA, EPA, EU, etc., bonded anti-microbial barrier upholstery protects from odor, staining and deterioration from bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms.

Best Wheelchair For Heavy Person - 0 views

    People who are very large or heavy may have difficulty using regular chairs. In some cases, they are simply too wide to comfortably fit in an average-sized chair, and in other cases their weight may damage or break the chair entirely. This is not only humiliating to the person who sits in the chair, but could result in injury if the chair collapses. To avoid such an unfortunate occurrence as well as potential litigation, it is important to purchase heavy duty chairs that can accommodate larger family members, employees, and customers. Heavy duty wheelchairs can also be made for specific purposes. An off-road wheelchair, for example, is a heavy duty wheelchair designed for individuals who intend on spending a lot of time on rugged terrain. The most common type of heavy duty wheelchair is a bariatric wheelchair, which is designed to allow larger individuals adequate mobility. For this matter, heavy duty wheelchairs typically have larger seats than conventional wheelchairs. The frames of these wheelchairs can be made from several different reinforced metals, although a titanium wheelchair is often the most popular choice. The wheels themselves are made of thicker rubber than normal, preventing any possible failure due to the greater amount of weight supported. Most makes of heavy duty wheelchairs fold like regular wheelchairs, making storage relatively easy despite the wheelchair's increased size. For the user's convenience, a heavy duty wheelchair can either be manually-operated or motorized, each with its own pros and cons. A manual Heavy Duty Wheelchair gives full control of motion to the user, but the added weight from the reinforcements makes pushing or propelling the wheelchair much harder than normal. A motorized heavy duty wheelchair offers a solution to this dilemma, but is often more expensive and harder to maintain than a manual wheelchair. Some designs offer a combination of both, with a small motor assisting those pushing the wheelchair. The proper c
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