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Collège d'analyse - 0 views

    Collège d'analyse Sur Facebook : RUBRIQUES PHOTOS VIDEOS PARTAGER 207 S'ABONNER Samedi, Nov. 10, 2012 Prochaine édition dans environ 6 jours Archives MILLER et Autisme/ La psychanalyse en procès & Pour la défense des droits des autistes Partagé par Frans Tassigny - Je crois que la parole, sur la question de la psychanalyse, n'est pas assez donnée aux analysants Je suis venu au fil du temps à m'autoriser à parler et à voir ma vie un peu d'une autre manière. Mo... Minutes autour de Jacques Lacan - Minutes autour de Jacques Lacan « »Lacan avait posé la question à la passe de ce qui pouvait se passer dans » la boule de quelqu'un pour s'autoriser d'être analyste « . Il dit en avoir raté la ré... Les vases non communicants, par Jean Bertrand Pontalis. - Les vases non communicants, par Jean Bertrand Pontalis. - Entre Freud et Breton, c'est peu dire que le principe des vases communicants a mal fonctionné. Breton/Freud: les vases no... La grande aventure de la cure par la parole, à partir du versant père-fille - La grande aventure de la cure par la parole, à partir du versant père-fille Les Éditions Fayard ont publié récemment la correspondance entre Freud et sa fille Anna. Environ 300 lettres jusqu'alors ... L'Avocat du Diable ( BHL ), Bernard-Henri Lévy et Jacques Lacan…et Michel Foucault… - * Yann Garvoz Je suis dans trop de groupes (reflet de trop d'intérêts, que du coup je ne puis tous qu'effleurer), alors du coup vais quitter celui-ci. Avant cela je vais me faire l'avocat du diable...

Collège d'Analyse Laïque - 0 views

    Finnegans Wake James Joyce This web edition published by eBooks@Adelaide. Rendered into HTML by Steve Thomas. Last updated Friday, October 5, 2012 at 16:14. This edition is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence (available at You are free: to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, and to make derivative works under the following conditions: you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the licensor; you may not use this work for commercial purposes; if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the licensor. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. eBooks@Adelaide The University of Adelaide Library University of Adelaide South Australia 5005
thinkahol *

Michael Lewis on the King of Human Error | Business | Vanity Fair - 0 views

  • Kahneman has a phrase to describe what they did: “Ironic research.”
    The book was originally titled Thinking About Thinking. Just arriving in bookstores from Farrar, Straus and Giroux, it's now called Thinking, Fast and Slow. It's wonderful, of course. To anyone with the slightest interest in the workings of his own mind it is so rich and fascinating that any summary of it would seem absurd. Kahneman walks the lay reader (i.e., me) through the research of the past few decades that has described, as it has never been described before, what appear to be permanent kinks in human reason. The story he tells has two characters-he names them "System 1" and "System 2"-that stand in for our two different mental operations. System 1 (fast thinking) is the mental state in which you probably drive a car or buy groceries. It relies heavily on intuition and is amazingly capable of misleading and also of being misled. The slow-thinking System 2 is the mental state that understands how System 1 might be misled and steps in to try to prevent it from happening. The most important quality of System 2 is that it is lazy; the most important quality of System 1 is that it can't be turned off. We pass through this life on the receiving end of a steady signal of partially reliable information that we only occasionally, and under duress, evaluate thoroughly. Through these two characters the author describes the mistakes your mind is prone to make and then explores the reasons for its errors.

Quant à savoir si James Holmes était psychotique ou psychopathe... - 0 views

    Il y eut beaucoup de débat quant à savoir si James Holmes était psychotique ou psychopathe. Quand une personne est psychotique, ils sont d'avoir un épisode où ils perdent contact avec la réalité, souvent le résultat d'un trouble comme la schizophrénie. Dans le cas où Holmes, nous spécifiquement apprenant qu'il aurait pu être schizophrène, une condition qui ne se manifeste pas souvent jusqu'à la fin des années de l'adolescence et au début de la vingtaine moyennes. Psychopathie, d'autre part, n'est pas un trouble de la pensée, mais un état où une personne manque d'empathie et de remords pour leurs actions et manque par conséquent les inhibitions qui empêchent une personne normale de faire "mal". VERSION ANGLAISE :
Caramel Crow

The brain's response to being treated fairly | Assess Systems Australia - 0 views

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Visualisation of Robert Plutchik's theory of basic emotions - PDF - 0 views

    Robert Plutchik, an American psychologist and professor, developed an emotion theory from 1960s to 80s. He assumed that all emotions result from eight congenital basic emotions that developed evolutionary. I made an attempt to visualise his theory on a poster during Prof. Matthias Krohn's information mapping seminar at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The poster was exhibited at the Leipzig Book Fair from March 22nd to 25th, 2007 in the booth of Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. Project description+ at Download+ a PDF of the poster (A2). By
thinkahol *

The grand delusion: What you see is not what you get - life - 16 May 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    Your senses are your windows on the world, and you probably think they do a fair job at capturing an accurate depiction of reality. Don't kid yourself. Sensory perception - especially vision - is a figment of your imagination. "What you're experiencing is largely the product of what's inside your head," says psychologist Ron Rensink at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. "It's informed by what comes in through your eyes, but it's not directly reflecting it."
thinkahol *

How to size up the people in your life - opinion - 15 August 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    Why are we all so different? Here is a toolkit for finding out what people are really like IN THE 4th century BC, the Greek philosopher Theophrastus, Aristotle's student and successor, wrote a book about personality. The project was motivated by his interest in what he considered a very puzzling question: "Why it has come about that, albeit the whole of Greece lies in the same clime, and all Greeks have a like upbringing, we have not the same constitution of character?" Not knowing how to get at the answer, Theophrastus decided to instead focus on categorising those seemingly mysterious differences in personality. The result was a book of descriptions of personality types to which he assigned names such as The Suspicious, The Fearful and The Proud. The book made such an impression that it was passed down through the ages, and is still available online today as The Characters of Theophrastus. The two big questions about personality that so interested Theophrastus are the same ones we ask ourselves about the people we know: why do we have different personalities? And what is the best way to describe them? In the past few decades, researchers have been gradually answering these questions, and in my new book, Making Sense of People: Decoding the mysteries of personality, I take a look at some of these answers. When it comes to the origins of personality, we have learned a lot. We now know that personality traits are greatly influenced by the interactions between the set of gene variants that we happen to have been born with and the social environment we happen to grow up in. The gene variants that a person inherits favour certain behavioural tendencies, such as assertiveness or cautiousness, while their environmental circumstances influence the forms these innate behavioural tendencies take. The ongoing dialogue between the person's genome and environment gradually establishes the enduring ways of thinking and feeling that are the building blocks of personality. This de

Buy Verified Cash App Accounts - 100% BTC Enable 100% Best Bitcoin Enabled. - 0 views

    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts With the rise of online installment frameworks, Cash App has rapidly gotten to be a well known choice for numerous clients looking to send and get cash effortlessly. But what precisely is a Cash App account? Basically, a Cash App account is a computerized wallet that permits clients to store cash, make installments, and get cash back rewards all through their portable gadget. With highlights like coordinate store, Bitcoin contributing, and the capacity to buy stocks, Cash App has advanced past fair a straightforward peer-to-peer installment platform. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts How does Cash App work? In today's advanced age, the way we handle cash has advanced essentially. Cash App is one of the numerous devices that have risen to make overseeing our accounts less demanding and more helpful. But how precisely does Cash App work, and how can it advantage you? In this article, we will investigate the ins and outs of Cash App, from the nuts and bolts of setting up an account to utilizing its different highlights to send and get cash rapidly and securely. To put it basically, Cash App is a portable installment stage that permits clients to effectively send, get, and exchange cash straightforwardly from their smartphones. With fair a few taps, clients can connect their bank accounts or charge cards to their Cash App account to rapidly get to and oversee their reserves. Whether you need to pay a companion back for supper, part bills with roommates, or indeed get installments for administrations rendered, Cash App gives a consistent way to handle all your money related exchanges with ease. So, if you're inquisitive almost how this app can revolutionize the way you handle your cash, keep perusing to learn more almost the benefits and highlights of Cash App. Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Is Cash App secure to use? The brief reply is yes, Cash App is by and large considered secure to utilize. Like any budgetary app or benefit, there

Buy Amazon Seller Accounts - 100% Best Quality & Full Verified Account - 0 views

    Buy Amazon Seller Accounts Introduction Have you ever considered offering items online but were uncertain of where to begin? One prevalent choice for people looking to offer on a huge stage is opening an Amazon Vender Account. An Amazon Vender Account permits you to list items for deal on the Amazon commercial center, giving you get to to millions of potential clients around the world. Whether you're looking to offer carefully assembled creates, vintage things, or unused fabricated products, Amazon Vender Accounts give you with a stage to reach a wide gathering of people and develop your business. Buy Amazon Seller Accounts What Is Amazon Dealer Accounts? Amazon Dealer Accounts are a pivotal device for people and businesses looking to offer items on the world's biggest online commercial center. These accounts provide dealers get to to a wide extend of highlights and benefits that can offer assistance them reach a more extensive group of onlookers and increment their deals. From setting up item postings to overseeing orders and dealing with client request, Amazon Dealer Accounts give a comprehensive stage for dealers to develop their online businesses. Buy Amazon Seller Accounts With millions of clients going to Amazon each day, having a Dealer Account can open up a riches of openings for venders to grandstand their items and interface with potential buyers. Whether you are a little commerce proprietor looking to grow your online nearness or an person looking to make a few additional wage by offering items, an Amazon Dealer Account can give you with the instruments and assets required to succeed in the competitive e-commerce scene. In this article, we will dive into the different highlights and benefits of Amazon Vender Accounts, as well as give tips and exhortation for modern venders looking to explore the stage effectively. Is there a expense to open an Amazon Dealer Account? In arrange to offer items on the stage, you will require to make an Amazon Vender

Best of College of Lay Analysis ( angl-fr) fairness - 0 views

    Psychoanalysts since Freud thought they passed psychoanalysis alone, and then only in the context of the analytic cure: set of mirrors where the "shrink" was even here the "knowing" possession of knowledge and discourse the man, his mental and psychic life? OR, the analyst, in principle ... is at the heart of the cure being "psychoanalysis" as an issue of transmission. He puts this object, emphasizing this no word could contain the whole truth. "There is no metalanguage". No words can all say anything. Word and things, words and ideas are lame to conjoin. Tinker, tinker, and see: the small screws never find their right ankles ... Why prohibit psychoanalysis, often when we saw outside the inner circle of Schools, to be also affected by this impossible? There had he not, in everyday life as an object of knowledge that few could pass, but contain them all?

Frans Frans Tassigny | Facebook - 0 views

    Ne prétendons plus à la neutralité mais tenons compte de l'efficace psychanalytique et de sa résistance, de ses spéculations et stratagèmes, interpellons de façon critique, ouvrons des brèches: c'est oeuvrer à la psychanalyse "en fracas". Faut-il encore soumettre le discours psychanalytique à la rigueur de la preuve, aux chaînes de la conséquences , aux contraintes internes du collectif? Faut-il toujours articuler et surtout ne plus ignorer ce que certains voudraient laisser tomber ou réduire sous les dogmes de diverses chapelles? Faut-il enfin déterminer la spécificité de l'après-coup psychanalytique et de ce qu'elle arraisonne? Que propose-t-on ä la psychanalyse alors que nous vivons dans un espace pluridisciplinaire, global où toutes les valeurs préfabriquées normalisent banalisent l'être? Où des revues, articles, de tout poil, semblent, plus qu'informer, nous rendre un amalgame de savoirs qui donnent une impression de fadeur lorsque,rivalisant de diagrammes abscons, ils font la statistique de leur propre médiocrité telle un "semblant" juste bon à décomposer, fragmenter, un tout qui ne sera donc jamais compris exhaustivement. Jamais l'enseignement de la psychanalyse n'a fait de la psychanalyse une recherche "limitée corporativement en en une weltanschaung réservée aux seuls initiés". Initiés de l' héritage freudien, lacanien, etc... Tous les membres du collectif , responsables, intervenants, contribuent à élever la psychanalyse en un espace spéculatif telle une recherche fondamentale. On n'y apprend ni des systèmes, ni des cultes, on y reçoit un éveil de la pensée dépassant les limites de la psychanalyse pure pour se tourner vers l'ethnologie à l'exemple de Frazer ou de Malinowski et dans ce pluralisme se dégagent des idées non dirigistes, des non certitudes en quelque sorte. Jamais cette recherche ne prendra matrice dans une quelconque corporation, guilde, défendant ses droits et privilèges plutôt que la pertin
emily wilson

How Consumers Should Treat Debt Collectors - 0 views

    When consumers fall behind on their payments, it can be expected that they will start to receive collection calls, regardless of the size of the debt. These calls can make a consumer's life miserable.
Caramel Crow

Torn Between Left and Right | Psychology Today Blogs - 3 views

  • Most quality online stores. Know whether you are a trusted online retailer in the world. Whatever we can buy very good quality. and do not hesitate. Everything is very high quality. Including clothes, accessories, bags, cups. Highly recommended. This is one of the trusted online store in the world. View now
kecoaxus good

Israeli Women Soldier Photos Scandal Beside Blindfolded Palestinian prisoners | TV9 My ... - 0 views

    An Israeli soldier posted herself photos on Facebook in uniform. She smiling beside bound and blindfolded Palestinian prisoners. It gets sharp criticism Monday from the Israeli military and Palestinian officials.
my serendipities

Rich People Can't Recognize Your Emotions (It's Science, Apparently) - Culture - GOOD - 15 views

  • people of upper-class status aren't very good at recognizing the emotions other people are feeling. The researchers speculate that this is because they can solve their problems, like the daycare example, without relying on others -- they aren't as dependent on the people around them. Maybe most fascinating is that "when people were made to feel that they were at a lower social class than they actually were, they got better at reading emotions," suggesting that even a temporary shift in context can account for behavioral changes.
    "people of upper-class status aren't very good at recognizing the emotions other people are feeling. The researchers speculate that this is because they can solve their problems, like the daycare example, without relying on others -- they aren't as dependent on the people around them. Maybe most fascinating is that "when people were made to feel that they were at a lower social class than they actually were, they got better at reading emotions," suggesting that even a temporary shift in context can account for behavioral changes."
    I am inclined to agree with you, it's a class thing rather than a money thing. we're subjected to a fair bit of it here in the UK, but are expected to 'play the game'
Caramel Crow

Neuroscientifically Challenged: The Neuroscience of Distributive Justice - 5 views

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Buy Shopify Accounts - 100% Best Quality Buy Or Sell Account - 0 views

    Buy Shopify Accounts Introduction If you're looking to begin an online commerce, chances are you've listened of Shopify. But you may be pondering - what precisely is a Shopify account? Basically, a Shopify account is your door to making and overseeing your online store on the Shopify stage. It permits you to set up your store, customize your location, oversee stock, handle orders, and more. With a Shopify account, you have get to to a assortment of devices and highlights that make it simple to dispatch and develop your e-commerce business. Buy Shopify Accounts Are Shopify accounts secure? As online shopping proceeds to develop in ubiquity, it's vital for both customers and businesses to prioritize security when it comes to online exchanges. With the rise of e-commerce stages like Shopify, numerous trade proprietors are turning to these stages to make their online stores. Be that as it may, with the delicate data put away on these stages, the address emerges: Are Shopify accounts secure? In this article, we will investigate the different security measures in put to ensure Shopify accounts and the steps both businesses and customers can take to assist secure their online transactions. In later a long time, cyber assaults and information breaches have ended up all as well common, making it vital for businesses to take proactive measures to defend their online nearness. Shopify, as a driving e-commerce stage, has actualized a number of security highlights to secure accounts and client information. From encryption of touchy data to two-factor verification, Shopify endeavors to give a secure environment for online exchanges. In spite of these measures, it is still critical for trade proprietors to remain watchful and frequently audit their security settings to guarantee their information is protected. Buy Shopify Accounts What are the benefits of having a Shopify account? Having a Shopify account comes with a plenty of benefits that can raise your online trade
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