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Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Overcome the 7 Most Common Barriers To Building Rapport - 0 views

    Has this ever happened to you? You meet someone and quickly fall into a deep conversation. And although you've just met this person, you feel an instant bond. This experience is known as Instant Rapport. For hypnotists, instant rapport is an invaluable tool when it comes to building trust and setting the parameters for effective communication - meaning it can make or break your hypnosis practice. Interested to find out how you can master rapport so it flows effortlessly and becomes second nature when you're working with a subject? Visit now to get your FREE eBook and MP3 audiobook to discover top rapport building secrets, including the 7 most common barriers to building rapport and the 5-step conversion formula for instant rapport building. Discover how you can enhance your hypnosis practice today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With A Hypnotist: HypnoThoughts Founder Scott Sandland Shares How To Set Up A... - 0 views

    How do you know if a hypnotherapy niche is right for you? Other than actually giving it a try, the most practical alternative is to talk with someone who works in the field. And, who else would be the right candidate than the founder of HypnoThoughts Scott Sandland to advise you on how can you set up a dental and medical hypnosis practice. Check out this month's interview with Igor Ledochowski, where Scott shares the unbelievable story of how he discovered hypnosis. Scott also dives into what you can achieve through dental hypnosis, what hypnosis can offer to people struggling with addiction and why this niche is not for everyone. He also shares plenty of advice on how to help you get started in this field of hypnotherapy. To listen to Part 1 of this powerful interview, visit
Hypnosis Training Academy

The Science Behind Hypnosis - 0 views

    Does hypnosis really work or is it just pseudoscience? This is a vastly pondered question about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. It is a practice hardly understood by many. And, if you have recently begun your hypnosis practices, such questions can become a bit complicated to be explained. You always need a credible proof with scientific studies about hypnosis. Our hypnosis experts at Hypnosis Training Academy have stepped up here to help you out to find the answers to this question and understand the science behind hypnosis. Read the article here that covers 19 breakthrough medical studies on hypnosis to reveal the science behind hypnosis and its incredible power to heal the body and mind.
my serendipities

How To Achieve Excellence - PSFK - 11 views

    six keys to achieving excellence.: 1. Pursue what you love 2. Do the hardest work first 3. Practice intensely 4. Seek expert feedback, in intermittent doses. 5. Take regular renewal breaks 6. Ritualize practice

Psychoanalysts show their analysis - 0 views

    It is recognized that the personal psychoanalysis by psychoanalysts is necessary for their training and their psychoanalytic practice. most often they are implicit allusions scattered in their theoretical and clinical texts. But sometimes they make explicit stories

Home tuition klang : Innovation Practice of Ethics and Spirituality in School - hometu... - 0 views

    The educational system is designed to equip children with experiences that can meet the challenges of adulthood in home tuition klang
thinkahol *

The Biology of Consciousness | WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook - 0 views

    "Renegade husband and wife philosophers Pat and Paul Churchland met forty years ago in a college Plato class. Their instincts as philosophers - then and now - run outside the philosophy mainstream. Where most philosophers looked to reason and logic to apprehend the human mind, the Churchlands looked - and look - to science. There is no independent "mind", these two practically say, just the human brain, three pounds of tissue and water, firing away behind all our emotions, beliefs, actions. Consciousness itself, they say, is straight biology, a machine. Once, that sounded esoteric. Now, it's on the frontline of debate over law, soul and life."
Leyla Bonilla

PsyBlog: How to Improve Your Self-Control - 0 views

  • It never ceases to amaze just how different two people's views of exactly the same event can be: one person's freedom fighter is another's terrorist.
  • why they maintain good physical health
  • Research reveals that people find it much easier to make decisions that demonstrate self-control when they are thinking about events that are distant in time, for example how much exercise they will do next week or what they will eat tomorrow (Fujita, 2008). Similarly they make much more disciplined decisions on behalf of other people than they do for themselves. People implicitly follow the maxim: do what I say, not what I do.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • how they maintained their physical health. Naturally they responded with things like: "Go exercise". In other words they focused on means rather than ends, the actual process.
  • low-construal thinking condition (thinking about means rather than ends
  • Those participants who had been encouraged to think in high-level, abstract terms demonstrated greater self-control in enduring the discomfort of the handgrip in order to receive more accurate personality profiles.
  • Participants tended to put answer such as: "To do well in school." This got them thinking about ends rather than means - the ultimate purpose of physical health.
  • Global processing. This means trying to focus on the wood rather than the trees: seeing the big picture and our specific actions as just one part of a major plan or purpose. For example, someone trying to eat healthily should focus on the ultimate goal and how each individual decision about what to eat contributes (or detracts) from that goal.
  • Abstract reasoning. This means trying to avoid considering the specific details of the situation at hand in favour of thinking about how actions fit into an overall framework
  • Someone trying to add more self-control to their exercise regime might try to think less about the details of the exercise, and instead focus on an abstract vision of the ideal physical self, or how exercise provides a time to re-connect mind and body.
  • Categorising tasks or project stages conceptually may help an individual or group maintain their focus and achieve greater self-discipline.
  • avoid thinking locally and specifically and practice thinking globally, objectively and abstractly, and increased self-control should follow.
    avoid thinking locally and specifically and practice thinking globally, objectively and abstractly, and increased self-control should follow.
D Vali

Jnana Yoga - Yoga For The Intelligent | Blog Of Sport - 0 views

    Jnana means the knowledge. This yoga is the yoga for the intelligent and selected people. This yoga is the ultimate goal of all the other varieties of yoga. This yoga teaches you to look at the world as it is without any ignorance and bias. You can achieve this state by practicing rigorous mental discipline and virtue. This yoga is also called Raja Yoga or the king of all the yogas, since it is of the highest variety and rules over all the other varieties. This is the Yoga that Patanjali has described in his Yoga Sutras.
D Vali

7 Important Tips For Yoga Success | Blog Of Sport - 0 views

    1. Talk to your doctor and explain what type of yoga poses you intend to practice. Show your doctor pictures of the poses for illustration. Your doctor may rule out specific poses if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, a history of retinal detachment, or heart disease. Make sure you follow your doctor's recommendations…
MrGhaz .

A Dream Come True: Putting The Dreamworld to Practical Use - 0 views

    Perhaps the most intriguing application is healing illness through lucid dreaming. Psychologists have found that many patients with psychosomatic illnesses persistently dream about physical injuries, suggesting that such dream experiences may contribute to causing the illness in the first place. Dream researchers believe that the reverse could also be true; an ill person could help to cure himself by intentionally dreaming that he is healthy…With sufficient training and patience, it seems possible that some of us might be capable of making our dreams literally come true.
Sarah Eeee

*A Brain Scientist's Take on Writing*: What Mirror Images and Foreign Scripts Tell Us A... - 0 views

  • For most adults in literate countries, reading is so well practiced that it’s reflexive. If the words are there, it's impossible not to read.
  • If you raise a child on a desert island, he'll learn to eat, walk, and sleep, but odds are he won't spontaneously pick up a stick and start writing. For most of human history, written language didn't even exist. Reading as a cultural invention has only been around for a few thousand years, a snap of a finger in evolutionary terms.
  • we’re very good at seeing, and the trick is just to retune that machinery to the demands of reading.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • But even on a basic visual level, we have to somewhat reprogram our visual systems.
  • Mirror invariance, the idea that something flipped sideways is still the same object, is a core property of our visual systems, and for good reason.
  • What's the mirror image of b? Now it's a completely different letter: d.
  • Mirror reversal is overwhelmingly common in beginning writers, from the occasional flipped letter to whole words written as a mirror image. Kids do this spontaneously. They never actually see flipped letters in the world around them. It's as if their brains are too powerful for the task.
  • With practice however, we do retrain our brains to read
  • Does the brain of a reader look different from that of a nonreader?
  • Since blood flow is tied to brain activity, fMRI allows us to see the patches of brain involved in different tasks.
    • Sarah Eeee
      Bit of an oversimplification, no?
  • They found that most participants did indeed have a brain region that responded more to words than objects.
  • This is rather remarkable, that the brain would develop a specialized area for an artificial category of images.
  • need more proof that this region developed as a result of learning to read.
  • If reading experience does alter the brain, you would expect English readers and English/Hebrew readers to have different brain responses to Hebrew. And this is indeed what Baker found. The bilingual readers had high activation for both Hebrew and English in their word region, while monolingual English readers only had high activation for English.
    Interesting & quick post on research into the neurological basis of reading.
thinkahol *

YouTube - Jon Kabat-Zinn: Coming to Our Senses - 0 views

    Uploaded by UCtelevision on Feb 15, 2008 Renowned mindfulness meditation teacher and best-selling author Jon Kabat-Zinn speaks at UCSD Medical Center on the topic of "Coming to Our Senses", which is also the name of his new book, subtitled "Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness". A pioneer in the application of ancient Buddhist practices to healing in modern medical settings, Kabat-Zinn expounds upon the value of "resting in awareness" not only to facilitate clarity in ourselves, but also as a means of relating to and healing the "dis-ease" in politics, society and the world. Series: "Health Sciences Journal" [11/1999] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 9375]
thinkahol *

How to size up the people in your life - opinion - 15 August 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    Why are we all so different? Here is a toolkit for finding out what people are really like IN THE 4th century BC, the Greek philosopher Theophrastus, Aristotle's student and successor, wrote a book about personality. The project was motivated by his interest in what he considered a very puzzling question: "Why it has come about that, albeit the whole of Greece lies in the same clime, and all Greeks have a like upbringing, we have not the same constitution of character?" Not knowing how to get at the answer, Theophrastus decided to instead focus on categorising those seemingly mysterious differences in personality. The result was a book of descriptions of personality types to which he assigned names such as The Suspicious, The Fearful and The Proud. The book made such an impression that it was passed down through the ages, and is still available online today as The Characters of Theophrastus. The two big questions about personality that so interested Theophrastus are the same ones we ask ourselves about the people we know: why do we have different personalities? And what is the best way to describe them? In the past few decades, researchers have been gradually answering these questions, and in my new book, Making Sense of People: Decoding the mysteries of personality, I take a look at some of these answers. When it comes to the origins of personality, we have learned a lot. We now know that personality traits are greatly influenced by the interactions between the set of gene variants that we happen to have been born with and the social environment we happen to grow up in. The gene variants that a person inherits favour certain behavioural tendencies, such as assertiveness or cautiousness, while their environmental circumstances influence the forms these innate behavioural tendencies take. The ongoing dialogue between the person's genome and environment gradually establishes the enduring ways of thinking and feeling that are the building blocks of personality. This de
nat bas

How Long to Form a Habit? | PsyBlog - 0 views

  • When the researchers examined the different habits, many of the participants showed a curved relationship between practice and automaticity of the form depicted below (solid line). On average a plateau in automaticity was reached after 66 days. In other words it had become as much of a habit as it was ever going to become. This graph shows that early practice was rewarded with greater increases in automaticity and gains tailed off as participants reached their maximum automaticity for that behaviour. Although the average was 66 days, there was marked variation in how long habits took to form, anywhere from 18 days up to 254 days in the habits examined in this study. As you'd imagine, drinking a daily glass of water became automatic very quickly but doing 50 sit-ups before breakfast required more dedication (above, dotted lines). The researchers also noted that: Missing a single day did not reduce the chance of forming a habit. A sub-group took much longer than the others to form their habits, perhaps suggesting some people are 'habit-resistant'. Other types of habits may well take much longer.
    it takes two months on average to form a habit

Environmental and Water Resource Management Agency - 0 views

    ADI is instrumental in evolving and implementing water conservation and management strategies in most of the States across India. ADI is committed to evolving and strengthening issues about water resource development and management and sustainable development of the area. ADI has pioneered several major initiatives to replenish water in communities. ADI is partnering in planning, facilitating implementation, and monitoring the impact of Sustainable Water Resource Development & Management projects in Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Haryana, Punjab, and many other States. Here, Sustainable water resources development and management deal with the practices that help ascertain continued access to good quality water, without jeopardizing the future potential or availability. It entails a methodical approach to augmentation, conservation, and utilization of water resources for a particular portfolio of activities. ADI provides a holistic development framework with an integrated approach to the management of water resources.

Buy Yelp Reviews-⭐100% Verified Yelp Reviews provides⭐... - 0 views

    Buy yelp Reviews Are you a small business owner looking to boost your online presence and attract more customers? In today's digital age, online reviews have become an essential factor in consumer decision-making. One platform that dominates the review space is Yelp, with millions of users relying on its reviews to make informed choices. However, getting positive reviews on Yelp can be a challenging task for many businesses. This has led to the emergence of a market where businesses can buy Yelp reviews to improve their reputation and visibility. In this article, we will explore the concept of buying Yelp reviews, discussing the benefits, risks, and ethical considerations associated with this practice to help you make an informed decision about enhancing your online presence. What About Yelp? In today's internet-dominated world, online reviews have become an integral part of our decision-making process, whether it's choosing a restaurant, booking a hotel, or buying a product. Among the many platforms available, Yelp has emerged as a popular and influential website when it comes to sharing customer experiences and opinions. With millions of reviews covering various businesses, Yelp has amassed a considerable user base, making it a valuable resource for consumers and businesses alike. However, like any other platform, Yelp is not without its controversies and challenges. Over the years, several concerns have been raised regarding the legitimacy and reliability of Yelp reviews. This raises the question: What about Yelp? One significant concern is the authenticity of reviews on the platform. As Yelp's popularity grew, so did the temptation for businesses to manipulate their ratings by posting fake reviews or soliciting positive reviews from friends, family, or even paying for them. This unethical practice not only misleads consumers but also undermines the credibility and usefulness of Yelp as a reliable source of information. To address this issue, Yelp ha
emily wilson

How Consumers Should Treat Debt Collectors - 0 views

    When consumers fall behind on their payments, it can be expected that they will start to receive collection calls, regardless of the size of the debt. These calls can make a consumer's life miserable.
Robert Kamper

Education professor dispels myths about gifted children - 0 views

  • Oh, they're smart, they'll do fine on their own'
  • often difficult to get funding for programs and services that help us to develop some of our brightest, most advanced kids — America's most valuable resource
  • gifted children are those who are in the upper 3 percent to 5 percent compared to their peers in one or more of the following domains: general intellectual ability, specific academic competence, the visual or performing arts, leadership and creativity."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • the IQ test, although it works fairly well, is not without limitations in identifying giftedness
  • discusses the issue of defining giftedness and many of the emotional and social challenges facing gifted children in a new paper, "The Gifted: Clinical Challenges and Practice Opportunities for Child Psychiatry,
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