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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

B2B List Building - Apollo newly branded Database Booster - 0 views

    Database Booster Over 60% of sales leaders say that they do not believe that they know the correct decision makers and influencers in most of their target companies. We have found that if you have a prospect database of 2,000 contacts that is 2 years old; you have over 35% bad data. Did you think it would be that high? Here are some supporting statistics: * Up to 18% of all telephone numbers change every year.¹ * Up to 20% of all postal addresses change every year.¹ * Up to 21% of all CEO's change every year.¹ * 25-33% of email addresses in your in-house file will become outdated every year.² * In addition, up to 66% of people change companies or job functions every year!³ SOURCES: 1. D&B 2. Lyris Technologies: "Guru's Guide to Email Marketing Success" 3. Sales & Marketing Institute If you are interested in more, visit their website. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

B2B Lead Generation - Apollo newly branded Target Booster - 0 views

    Target Booster Having trouble connecting with the decision makers at target companies? Get the meeting you want in front of your prospect's best decision makers. Many times sales people are able to get meetings with mid-level managers or overlay organizations with a company such as IT, but they are blocked from connecting with the decision makers, business users and executives that would approve their solution. Even if they are not actually blocked from having that executive meeting, have they really earned it? Do they know enough about an organization to be able to articulate that company's challenge and how their solution would apply? This program is designed to specifically target the hard to reach executive decision maker to grab their attention with relevant, intelligent communications based off of information gathered in the Intelligence Booster campaign. If you are interested in more, visit their website. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

B2B Lead Generation - Apollo newly branded Event Booster - 0 views

lead management B2B sales leads Event Marketing Trade Show
started by Apollo Sales & Marketing Group on 08 Feb 11 no follow-up yet
  • Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
    Event Booster

    Drive additional face time and booth appointments with your top prospects at your trade shows and events and let Apollo do all of the time consuming lead filtering and follow up to find the qualified prospects out of the population of booth scans and attendees.

    Most companies that exhibit at trade shows say relatively the same thing about the results they get in return, "sometimes we get a new lead or qualified prospect, but mostly we are there to maintain a presence and meet with our customers and already engaged prospects". The fact remains that good, qualified prospects are at the event, they are just not being effectively engaged or profiled by most of the exhibitors.

    Apollo will help you get more out of the investment you are already making.

    If you are interested in more, visit their website.

    Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices:

    Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Do You Practice Groundhog Day Marketing? - 0 views

    Have you been repeating the same sales and marketing strategies and activities each year hoping for a better result? Kinda like that movie Groundhog Day? Plug into Apollo's First 100 Days program and make this year different. Here's what business leaders said who responded in the last 30 days: "I called Apollo because we need to take it to the next level in 2011." "We're tired of what is not working. We need a system for lead generation." How did the first 100 days go last year? Looking for better this year? Plug into a proven, systematic approach ensuring that you get off to a quick and sustainable start. * Did you know that less than 33% of the SMB market has a written business development plan * Of that 33%, more than 50% admit that they do not track performance against the plan more than quarterly. Any surprise that the grand plans most companies start out with are rarely achieved? What should my first 100 days look like? Apollo's First 100 Days Program will help you achieve your best start ever. * Transition from working a dozen to a hundred opportunities. * We create a qualified community of ideal prospects and qualified buyers using direct marketing, eMarketing and Social Networking tactics. * Build/clean/augment your database with hundreds of qualified opportunities. * Gather essential qualification criteria for your top prospects. * Build at least 3 marketing assets that drive brand recognition and improve sales conversion. * Launch your nurturing communication strategy so that prospective buyers recognize your brand and value your services. * Get in front of decision makers and close business. …all within 100 days. If you want more out of 2011, let's have a conversation. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices:
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Inbound Marketing - Apollo newly branded eSearch Booster - 0 views

    Search BoosterSM If a prospect is looking for your solution, do they find you online through search? Most companies seem to do a good job of getting one impression on the first page of a search for their solution, at least in local search. Most, however, are surrounded on that first page by the usual suspects of competitors. How more likely would a searching prospect choose to visit your site if the search engine rendered 5 of the 10 impressions for your company? Buyers conduct nearly 75% of their research/information gathering online Sirius Decisions 2009 This program combines the best practices in Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media to ensure that you're not only on top the rankings, but dominate them with multiple rankings in the top 10. Read more about creating Marketing Assets to ensure sales success. If you are interested in more, visit their website. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

B2B Marketing Assets - how do they work for you? - 0 views

    So if the marketing assets in the previous post are the most valuable; how are they the valuable? Any B2B company serious about growth should be taking steps to increase their profit margin as they grow. One of the key ways to accomplish this is to reduce your cost of sale. If you can develop B2B marketing assets that will reduce your cost per lead over time and increase your close rate, you will earn more profit. Additionally, as with any asset, your net worth increases over time as you develop more assets. Studies show that 80% of sales people that fail in the fist year do so because they were not supported by effective marketing assets. Get more B2B sales leads over time and close a higher percentage - - not a bad deal. If you are interested in more, visit their website. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Email marketing - how can we get better returns? - 0 views

email marketing eMarketing lead nurturing automation messaging social
started by Apollo Sales & Marketing Group on 19 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
  • Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
    For years, email marketing response rates have been declining for B2B marketers that are not segmenting their prospects and customers.

    Why? NOISE!!! We all get so many emails per day and so many other inbound messages (social media, phone, office meetings, mail, etc), it is increasingly difficult to keep up. Many have revolted against receiving any emails from unknown sources or that they are not actively reading on a regular basis. Think about it. Hasn't one of your better customers unsubscribed recently and you wondered "why would they do that?". NOISE - that's why.

    So what can be done? Here are some approaches that will help you improve your rates:

    * Start segmenting - organize your audience into logical groups (by customer or prospect type, industry, demographic, firmographic characteristics, areas of interest, frequency of activity, recentcy of interest…)
    * Get specific - send messages to each segment with content that relates to them directly.
    * Send original, valuable content - give them something they see as valuable (research you have done, commentary on others' research or article, industry case study)

    Start conversations before selling Friends before funds


    * Send personalized emails from the head of the company thanking them for their interest and, then, periodically asking for their feedback
    * Send out surveys to ask for their preferences
    * Do your own research; ask about industry trends and opinions
    * Ask your audience what they would like to see next
    * Engage your subscribers into your social networks
    * Find out from your most regular readers why they read your emails

    Segmenting…targeting…there are so many layers that can be peeled here that one could literally get a PHD in this area of marketing. Just look at the retailers, search engines and social media folks. So take a few steps in the direction of the pros and start improving your rates right away.

    If you are interested in more, visit their website.

    Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices:

    Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Account Profiling (effective B2B list building) - 0 views

    What is something that companies can do to leverage their lead generation investment? Get more out of your prospecting by profiling your target market. In other words, use your B2B lead generation programs to gather intelligence about your prospects as you interact with them through teleprospecting or email or webinars or social media marketing. This strategy enables you to start ranking them to find out how good a prospect they are and updating that ranking over time to understand how good a prospect they are in future quarters and years. Then, target them based on that information to educate them over time. So, what are the qualification questions you ask every prospect to determine how strong of a prospect they are for your solution? Find those out as many time as you can each prospect interaction. Then, even add some industry trend-type questions, maybe formulate some multiple choice answers to all of these questions and use the responses to create a research report that can be published and used as a marketing asset for your future B2B marketing campaigns. Talk about effective campaign development. Here's an example ( of what it could look like. Set yourself apart as a thought leader in your industry. If you are interested in more, visit their website. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

B2B Teleprospecting - Lead Generation - "Send me some information" - 1 views

B2B Sales Leads Marketing Campaign Development e-marketing_eMarketing and Lead Generation Services
started by Apollo Sales & Marketing Group on 04 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
  • Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
    OK, we've all heard it before…when a prospect says, "Send me some information". Now, as a professional sales person, we are taught to respond in a variety of ways depending on your school of thought and training. Personally, I like to come right out and share with them that "I sometimes hear that when someone is really not interested but doesn't want to hurt my feelings by saying so..that wouldn't be the case here would it?". Others say that "they would love to send some information and since we have so many specific items we can send, what most specifically were you looking for?"

    Both are great, but you still don't convert all of them into qualified or dis-qualified prospects. In reality, there are those that sincerely do want me information or, at least, they want to talk at some point in the future about what problem or pain you can solve for them.

    In fact, sometimes working to get the information request can be a solid strategy when profiling your prospect base (more sophisticated B2B list building). It helps you qualify them as a potential prospect and add them to your in-house lead nurturing list.

    So, what do you send them and what should you follow-on communication strategy be? Check my next post to find out more when I'll discuss the different schools of thought relating to fulfilling B2B sales leads' information requests.

    If you are interested in more, visit their website.

    Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices:

    Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

B2B Marketing Campaign Development - Quick Checklist - 0 views

    In Apollo's Flight Plan (The B2B Marketing and Lead Generation Playbook for Small-to-Medium Businesses), we have a comprehensive set of best practices checklists. One of the quickest checklists you can use for a litmus test on your latest B2B marketing campaign focuses on just three things: * List quality * Offer * Call to action It really goes without saying that your list must be accurate for your campaign to be successful. It also needs to be properly surveyed, qualified and targeted to ensure results. Your offer must be something compelling for your audience. Also, it should easily relate to your unique value proposition so that your sales cycle is properly positioned for progress and success. Your call to action should be crystal clear and you should only offer your prospect one call to action. While more than one offer can make it difficult to truly measure the effectiveness of the campaign relative to alternative offers, it also can confuse the prospect enough to keep them from taking any action at all. Apollo {Houston, TX - B2B Sales Leads, Marketing Campaign Development, e-marketing/eMarketing and Lead Generation Services} If you are interested in more, visit their website. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Marketing Challenges - The TOP 5 - 0 views

    Marketing Challenges - The TOP 5 Marketing Sherpa recently published their 6th annual B2B Marketing Benchmark Report. In the report, there were many very interesting findings. Among those, here are the Top 5 challenges for B2B marketers responding to the research: * Generating high quality leads * Marketing to a lengthening sales cycle * Creating perceived value * Generating a high volume of leads * Marketing to a growing number of people in the buying process These top five challenges strongly endorse everyone to focus on the following items in their marketing: * Marketing strategy * Custom list building - having the right contacts, keeping your database clean * Meaningful marketing campaigns - plan an integrated approach * Lead generation offers - content development * Marketing messaging to each of the different buyers - address their pains and challenges * Lead nurturing * Multi-channel marketing to reach as many target prospects as possible If you are interested in more, visit their website. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

The Most Interesting Stat in B2B Lead Management - 0 views

    The Most Interesting Stat in B2B Lead Management What is one of the most interesting stats in B2B lead generation? Of the prospects you connect with (conversation, in-bound lead, meeting, event, other direct response)… …15% are ready to engage with you regarding your solution to their need …70% are a confirmed fit for your solution, but not yet ready to engage with you …15% are not a good fit and are disqualified. We use these percentages which are an average from research from Miller Heiman, Sirius Decisions and our own findings at Apollo. Given that, on average, 70% of the prospects you spend soooooooo much time and money for the 1st contact are not yet ready to engage with you, it begs the question, "What is your lead nurturing or lead management strategy?". Are you using an e-marketing solution or an automated marketing solution? If your firm does not have the resources or expertise to execute an effective lead management strategy, do you know of a good partner that can help you with lead management/nurturing services? An outsourced marketing partner? The good news is that there are plenty of options and some very affordable and effective game plans that you can execute to nurture these leads over time to convert them into your pipeline. Some of our client campaigns find that after 4-6 months, as much as 50% of their pipeline is being produced by their B2B lead management strategy. Beats finding out they are engaged with a competitor after 6 months because you gave up on them. That's a sinking feeling. Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

B2B Sales Lead - How do you define it? - 0 views

    Well, to some it is an appointment with anyone on a target list. To others, it is an appointment with a target contact in a target company that meets pre-defined criteria in a standard scoring model like BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timing). Some would say any inbound lead works. Another must have a qualifying conversation before considering something a "lead". The important thing is to not worry about what someone else calls a lead, define it for your organization. What is a qualified prospect? What are the demographic criteria? What are the key roles and responsibilities in a company that make a decision for your B2B solution? Does budget have to be allocated before you should engage? It's hard to sell something that is "nice to have" so what level of pain must be uncovered or quantified to call something a lead? It is critical to define these not only for your own organization, but also for any partner companies that are performing any marketing services, especially telemarketing services for you. If you can answer these questions for your company, you can define what you should work on in sales and what should be included in a lead nurturing campaign or discarded as not a fit. Apollo {Houston, TX - B2B Sales Leads, Marketing Campaign Development, e-marketing/eMarketing and Lead Generation Services} Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Lead Generation for the Trusted Advisor - 0 views

    The Trusted Advisor * Is able to effortlessly understand clients…their needs and requirements. * Always help clients see things from new perspectives. * Never forces the issue. * Doesn't panic or get over emotional. * Criticizes and corrects gently and almost lovingly. * Values relationships more than current issues. * Challenges client assumptions. * Acts like real people. * Are always honorable. * Remembers everything clients say even without notes. Derived from The Trusted Advisor, by David Maister, Charles H. Green, and Robert M. Galford; Free Press; 2001 Apollo specialized in working with professional services clients that thrive on their reputations as trusted advisors. Many of our clients utilize our Lead Generation for the Trusted Advisor campaigns to secure more of the right business from the right clients. Marketing yourself as a trusted advisor is different than what most people would consider traditional marketing or lead generation. It relies on educational themes and the willingness to trickle out some free consulting to demonstrate your value. Often this is not accomplished in the initial conversations with prospects but rather over time in an effective lead nurturing campaign that continuously drips on prospective clients the knowledge and value that you would bring to them if you were their trusted advisor. Apollo {Houston, TX - B2B Sales Leads, Marketing Campaign Development, e-marketing/eMarketing and Lead Generation Services} Apollo's central hub for up-to-date B2B marketing, lead generation and nurturing information and best practices: Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Saving Grace #3: "Take a media break!" - 0 views

    It is no mystery that we are subjected to a barrage - or more accurately, an assault - from various media all day, every day. If we don't watch TV, we have alerts flowing in from online news sources. We have radios in the shower and newspapers with breakfast. Try this to de-stress: Turn it ALL off for one day. Or half a day. News can become an addiction. Really. When Websense of San Diego conducted a survey of surfing habits in the workplace, a large majority of employees admitted they surfed for personal reasons. And fully one quarter admitted to having an obsession with the Internet. And guess what? News beats out porn. So even if your company is blocking porn, which it should, it's likely that one-fourth of the staff wastes time (and possibly emotional reserves) as they cruise for news. It can get worse when There is breaking news or a disaster, and the same news and images are looped over and over. Surfing can take an extra emotional toll. So turn the thing off for a while. Unless you're in a position to affect the news and therefore need to be totally informed at every moment, the world can live without your eyeballs for a few hours at least. Take a full-day sabbatical once in a while. Weekly if you dare. At least tune out for a few precious hours a day and focus on life as you know it in the world you can touch and feel. Honestly, it seems odd to not be 100% in touch. But it's also a relief. You can't do much about most events in the news. And relentlessly bad news can make you more stressful. Unplug however and whenever you can. Consider it a gift to yourself to let the world slide by. If the end of the world comes, someone will text message you, I promise.
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

The Houston Entrepreneurs' Forum & Apollo - 0 views

started by Apollo Sales & Marketing Group on 24 Jun 10 no follow-up yet
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Saving Grace #2: Take an email break - 0 views

    How's your stress level today? Want to drop it quickly? Here's a "Saving Grace" you can activate right now to buy a little peace and quiet. Give it a try. Almost every email system has some sort of auto responder feature that most people use when they'll be gone on vacation. Why not use it to stop incoming rounds for half a day? Usually these are "out of the office" messages, but simply being "unavailable" is also useful when email could be a distraction. Close the program or turn off the sound for incoming messages. Do the same thing for instant messaging. It is smart to tell your immediate group what you're doing and why ("Report due at 1:00"), or else you may have a parade coming to your office door - which pretty well defeats the purpose. Here's the saving grace: If people know you'll be available again, they won't keep sending you emails or instant messages hoping to get a reply. And your attention won't be diverted by email dropping into your In Box.
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Saving Grace #1: Clear the decks - 1 views

started by Apollo Sales & Marketing Group on 09 Jun 10 no follow-up yet
  • Apollo Sales & Marketing Group
    Does it seem like being overwhelmed is a natural state of being in business?

    I have several "Saving Graces" that I think you'll find useful, or will at least make you smile.

    The premise of these techniques is that various self-help gurus and business consultants offer one of two things:

    1) Blindingly obvious advice - terrific, but time consuming, "shoulds" that only add to our guilt about being so out of control.
    2) Complex answers that may be smart, but are difficult to apply quickly and easily in real life.

    Saving Graces are small, simple ways to create some peace and order to help reduce the pressures in our lives to a livable level. I don't know about you, but for me, anything that provides a little more breathing room is welcome.

    Here's Saving Grace #1: Clear the decks.

    Who has time at work to keep all those papers straight? When paper, forms, mail and nonsense begin to spread like a glacier across your desk, give it the "DVD treatment."

    Get a banker's box - most offices have dozens of them. Toss every piece of paper on your desk and credenza in the box, along with the pencils and pens rolling around on your desk. And include a bunch of file folders. Slip a lid on the box and tape it shut if you have to.

    Take the box home. Stop and pick up a DVD on the way. Get something funny.

    Sit on the family room floor with your box and a waste basket. Start the DVD. Pace yourself to get through the whole box in the time it takes to laugh your way through the movie.

    If you do this right, at the end of the movie, you'll have a full wastebasket and a bunch of topic-specific paper piles. Stuff each stack in a separate file folder and put them all back in the banker's box to reintegrate into the work files at the office. (Now that they're grouped, it will be easier to delegate the task.)

    Before you quit, take a scrap of paper and test every pen and pencil. Toss out every one that doesn't mark. They won't heal themselves, no matter how long you leave them in the pencil cup.

    Here are the saving graces from this exercise:

    First, you will likely have found at least one wayward document or receipt. Plus you have the bonus of a clean work surface when you go to work.

    Also, you will save yourself the small, but very real, irritation of going through several pens or pencils before finding one that works.

    These are small gifts-to-self, but pay attention to the level of your whelm-o-meter.

    Apollo Sales and Marketing Group's blog is the central hub for up-to-date Small Business Lead Generation Services, Telemarketing Campaign Management, Marketing Campaign Development information and best practices.

    Our mission: To get your SMB marketing and B2B Lead Generation on auto-pilot.
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Secret #8 to Auto-Pilot Marketing - 0 views

    Be Consistent! Get started and don't stop. Let's assume for a minute that you have only been half as successful as you might have been working on your Secrets to Auto-Pilot Marketing. This still puts you miles down the road ahead of your competition. They, most probably, haven't even left the station, yet. (That's Secretariat winning the Belmont by 31 lengths in 2:24 in 1973) (His record still stands today) Keep pumping. Zig Ziglar gives the analogy of a water pump for a well when he talks about business development. He relates how all the hard work is done pumping the handle to get the water flow started. Once the water is flowing, all you have to do is maintain an even pace of pumping and you get all the water you want. But, as soon as you let up, the water stops flowing and you have to go back to pumping much harder to restore the water flow. This analogy will hold true for your B2B lead generation and lead nurturing too. In getting B2B sales leads, timing is everything. Be there with the right solution at the right time and you have a new customer. The buying cycles of your prospects cannot always be predicted or manufactured by visionary, consultative selling. How do you ensure that your message is in the right place at the right time? Be in a lot of places a lot of the time. If you let up and lose your consistency, your message will fall cold and your audience will cease to remember your company and your solution when their buying cycle starts. So, plan out a marketing calendar. Assign resources (internal, external - outsourced marketing, marketing consulting, marketing services) to accomplish each of the tasks involved. Find the right technology (CRM, SEO/SEM, marketing automation, email marketing, reporting, analytics, blogs, website) to execute and measure you success. That's it - 8 Secrets to Auto-Pilot Marketing. Best of Success!!!
Apollo Sales & Marketing Group

Secret #7 to Auto-Pilot Marketing - 0 views

    Multi-channel Marketing! Simple put, communicate with your prospect in multiple ways - direct (phone, email, direct mail, events, networking); indirect (website, blog, PR, SEO/SEM) and partners (resellers, referrals, endorsers). There are two levels of multi-channel marketing in B2B lead generation, one is across the main major channels, direct, indirect and partner and the other is within each channel with utilizing multiple communication methods and, in the case of partners, lead sources. As an example, let's take the direct channel. If your lead generation program is only teleprospecting/telemarketing and the networking you do, you are failing to reach a large percentage of your audience. Studies continually show that people respond to B2B marketing differently. Some answer their phone regularly, but will never respond to emails. Others never pick up the phone, have effective screeners, but will read and respond to much of their email. This higher up in an organization you go, you'll find that executives like to network with their peers at events. Therefore, when you are working hard to deliver your finely tuned, very specific marketing message to the right target at the right time with a great unique value proposition and a fantastic call to action, all communicated in a relative manner to their industry and their role within the company - - DON'T WASTE IT BY NOT COMMUNICATING THROUGH MULTIPLE CHANNELS AND COMMUNICATION METHODS. As for indirect and partner channels, ensure that your message flows consistently throughout and is clear for all audiences. If this task seems just a bit too much to handle or manage with your current resources, there are many fine business marketing services and marketing consulting firms out there to help you along.
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