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Poverty and Hunger Facts - 1 views

    Pretty much just some statistics on poverty and hunger in the US. One fact i thought was suprising was "Nearly one in four children is at risk of hunger. Among African-Americans and Latinos, one in three children is at risk of hunger."
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    I really liked this site! INstead of just talking about poverty, it also was talking about nutrition. I found it very interesting, and i really liked reading it. Thank you for sharing this!
    This site talked about ways to help with poverty. I liked how it listed different sites you could go to for more information and besides that really just educated the reader. I feel that it's format could have been different though so as not to bore the reader.
    That is rediculous how many people die every year from poverty! I cant even begin to imagine what it would be like to live in a situation like those people were in. Not having enough food, or a warm place to sleep at night

Results of Poverty - 1 views

    This article talks about people in poverty and why they struggle to survive. Iwas really sad when I saw the statistics about how 26,000 to 30,000 children in poverty die everyday.
    I didn't know that Statistics show that 14 to 20 percent of the U.S. population lives in poverty.
    14- 20% of America's population lives in poverty. Crazy!!!!!!

U.S. Hunger - 1 views

shared by Matson K on 14 Jan 11 - No Cached
    This article talks about the causes of hunger and how hunger is in America. It also gives you some quick facts and statistics. It also talks about the rises in hunger and poverty in the last couple years.

Poverty is EVERYWHERE.! - 11 views

    these are some pictures in poverty. look at the setting, there is mostly children and they live in such a poor place. ): it makes me feel so selfish.
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    It's so sad to see all those kids but it's good to see that they're coming together and they have hope. I like the picture with the road through it.
    seeing this makes me sad :(
    I like how in the pictures, most of the people are smiling. (:
    I think that we take so much for granted and the people that have barely anything are like: OOOHHHHH A PIECE OF BREAD!!!! and we are like.. : wahoo... bread... :|
    These pictures made me hopeful. Generous souls are helping these people, and perhaps their lives can be better because of their support (:
    I like the photoset called listening. I think that to truly understand and educate ourselves about poverty, we have to first listen to the needs of those who are living with it. Very interesting picture.
    i like what jordan said and i agree we have to learn more about it and listen to those who are really in poverty!
    the website had a bunch of photo albums for different places in the world that are in poverty. It was nice to see people smiling in the pictures

Ways to Help Poor People - 3 views

    i liked how it said help stop proverty by educatong yourself and friends. It reminded me of the qoute at the zoo "plan for a month plant rice plan for a year plant trees plan for a life plant education"
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    It is very brilliant to educate people to help stop poverty; for "knowledge equals power," and we need as much power as we can get to cure the "plague" of pverty around the world.
    I agree that educating people about poverty is one of the best ways to help it and to prevent it. educating people about the effects of poverty and educating people in general so they can go to school and get jobs is good.
    I also agree that education is one of the ways to help stop poverty. Because if people are educated, they can get a job and provide for the family. It wont solve the probelm all the way because their income may not match up to the amount of money needed to live. But educating people is a good start.
    it's so nice to see a website full of solutions. i mean, statistics and facts are important, but we need more sites like this that educate and give solutions.
    I thought the article wasn't the most detailed but it still outlined ways of helping people in poverty
    I think that this article had some good ideas for helping to stop poverty. It also had links to organizations that help end poverty. The article really showed me how easy it is for us to use organizations to help the world.

Poverty Day to address human rights and dignity - 0 views

    This article explains that Poverty Day should be celebrated and be made aware that poverty exists.

Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth - 0 views

    This website has a bunch of statistics about different areas of poverty. For example, they have a section of statistics about where child poverty is concentrated. This website has both causes and effects of poverty. But what I also like about this website, is it has not only things about poverty, but also things about hunger, and homelessness. This website really expresses how poverty has grown, and how it effects everyone, especially children. It make me feel very fortunate that I am healthy, go to a great school, and have loving and educated parents.

The End of Extreme poverty - 5 views

    This article is about how people can help stop poverty. It really surprised me how many people in the world live in extreme poverty. But it made me happy to see that over 20,000 people committed to help stop poverty.
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    THis article talks about poverty and tells us how we can help prevent it. It also has some facts about poverty like how many live in poverty on average.
    I can't even imagine trying to live on less than $1.25 a day. It's great to know that, in the past 30 years, the amount of people in the world having to live like this has halved, from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion. We still have a long, long way to go! This site can give us some ideas on how to change things for the better for our generation, and generations to come.
    I think it's uplifting to know that although poverty isn't over yet we have soultions to help end it
    That is so awesome how so many people around the world are commiting to help the poverty project.
    i think that it is cool that so many people are joining together and helping people below the line and trying to help one anyother!

poverty in mexico - 0 views

    this article is about a group in Mexico (VCAW's). this group helps small urban areas of mexico get food, since woman dont have rights down there they try to gert more rights for them too. I think this article is very insightful to what happens in other parts of the world but idont necesarily agree with what the groups doing
    I did not know that within the estimated 25.2 million people living in rural Mexico, 57 percent live in poverty and 28 percent live in extreme poverty.

Community Action: Poverty Information - 1 views

    • Gust A
    • Gust A
      why, please?
    • Gust A
      no beanz no
    This website gives a nice summary about poverty and some stats. It also gives some other info about poverty. I like this because the paragraphs are short and they give good info on poverty.
    I thought that it was really sad when they said that one of the reasons people are in poverty is because they are disabled mentally or physically. Another reason that people are in poverty is because they have little to no education which is one reason they can't get a job. I thought that these were reasons that we take for granite everyday. We complain about going to school, but i bet most people in poverty wish they were where we are now.

Poverty in America - 1 views

    • Sorenson H
      WARNING! This site has been bookmarked by Harald Sorenson. If you take this site, it will be a sub-post, and will not count as your site. Thank you for being co-operative.
    This site will give you the overview of Poverty. I found it amazing how
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    This website is about general facts about poverty, and how it varies by age, race and gender. i learned things like poverty is declining (and has been since the 1990s) but is still higher than in the 1970s. also, the poverty rate for children 0-17 is higher than any other age group, and marrige seems to help reduce poverty rates.
    fatcs about povetry like some comman ages, region, ect.
    I find it hard to believe that poverty level is dropping. I do, however, believe that it is higher thn it was in the 1970's.
    This article shows statistics of poverty over the last 13 years. Ex. In 1998 the child rate of poverty was 18.9% ( 13.5 million children) This article also talks about how Age, Race, Family Composition and Region effect Poverty
    this sight is very informative but its also to straight foward, they never give there opinion reallu
    harold that is so not cool to steal grasons post >:(
    I was surprised to hear that the west was in the most poverty, I had always thought of the west as well off.

Poverty Facts - 0 views

    This article is about the basic facts about Poverty. It lists the amount of races that are in poverty. It also lists the age range that is mostly in poverty. The article also lists the amount of people in Poverty and many more. I didnt realize how many people were actually in poverty.

Feed The Children - 5 views

    This website shows us pictures of kids who are hungry and tells us about poverty
    Hopefully this man will have an impact on many people's lives
    Wow these people are really determined to help fix extreme poverty go them!

15 facts about poverty - 9 views

    General Facts about poverty in America. Facts include-Household participation in the food stamp program has increased 20.28% since last year,The number of Americans on food stamps surpassed 41 million for the first time ever in June 2010, Nearly 10 million Americans now receive unemployment insurance, which is almost four times as many as in 2007, and more. This is very depressing. We need to do something before it gets worse.
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    I didn't know it was that bad. Geez.
    Wow I didn't know America had 41 million food stamps in use! And I agree Haley we do need to something before it gets worse! I loved the article, good job!
    its strange how even though we are the richest country in the world, we have millions in poverty, and the poverty rate is increasing quickly. it makes me feel sad that i didnt know about any of this and that a lot of these people dont get a lot of help
    Four times as more in only three years? Thats amazing. If it keeps increasing at this rate imagine how bad it will be in 2013! We do need to start doing something about this.
    I dig how they have pictures and such its very depressing.
    I didn't know there were food stamps, or even an all time food stamp record! These 15 facts, though very short, are to the point and informational. The pictures were very depressing, but thes are the pictures of poverty.
    I hope that the high level of poverty in 2009 will sow people how much help is needed.
    It's amazing how much the food stamp program has increased and how many families are in poverty! I also like how they make the facts short and add pictures, because for me it makes it much more interesting.
    i wonder why there was such an increase in poverty in 2009

Causes and Effects of Poverty - 3 views

    The world spends money trying to build armies, fight wars and and build econimies which helps the rich but does nothing for the people in poverty. I think this is surprising that the world focuses on helping themselves and not the people that need it but I can beleive that the countries are trying to make themselves more powerful and poverty is a result.
    A lot of information about poverty. why is everything so freaking sad
    This article gives cause and effect, which makes it a little easier to userstand poverty

Gender and Poverty - 4 views

    Forgot the tags and comment oops O.o i will post the comment. I find it amazing that 6 out of 10 of the poorest people in the world are women. This will tell you about the difference in gender and poverty!
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    I dont think its surprising that more women are in poverty than men.I think there is that certain amount of feminism involved in payment. Sadly this proves it
    I find the article very sad. I had no clue that poverty could be effected by gender. I was also shocked to see that 75% of women cant get bank loans because they have unpaid or insecure jobs.
    Knowing that women are the poorest gender is both outragoious and agreeable. Since women are the care takers in the family. But losing 85% of calories getting water, is unhealthy and sad.
    i think that if women got the same oppritunties as men like in jobs and education, there would be less problem with poverty in women.

Bread for the World - 7 views

    It really scares me to know that one child dies every five seconds from hunger. Also, it was eye-opening to see that 9 million kids die of hunger before their fifth birthday. I think it's really unfair that someone that young has to go through such living.
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    It's really really sad how a child dies every five seconds!! It's also amazing how many people have dropped into poverty over just the last 2 years.
    every five seconds...? Wow, I counted to 10 in my head and two kids just died 0_o
    These facts are really depressing its so upsetting to hear that a child dies every fives seconds and how the recession has pushed 100-150 million people into poverty
    I can't believe that just last year the entire total of people in poverty reached all the way up to 100-150 million people. It's really shocking that while this was happening, I was sitting here without a clue. It's truly amazing what goes on when you turn away for but a moment.
    Like Julia. That's actually pretty scary and deppressing. 925 million people in poverty is pretty insane. It's hard to see people in poverty who lives their life stuggling for food and/or $$... :(
    It's sad that a kid dies every five seconds. But whats even worse is that 9 million kids die before their fifth birthday.
    omg thats so sad and scary makes me count my blessings
    925 million people are hungry. They cant put food on their tables. I think we take it for granted. We always have food in our fridges, we always have food on our tables. We need to appreciate more for what we get. Next time our moms put something on the table we don't like, you should still appreciate that you get food in your bodies. There are millions people out there that would do anything for just a thing of spinach.

Stereotypes of People in Poverty - 10 views

    This is basicly breaking the stereotypes that some people think of others who are in poverty. I really amazed me how common poverty is. I used to think it was made-up.
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    I thought this website was improtant because it showspeople about what some one living in poverty actually looks like. They could have a job. You might see them everyday and not know what they are living like. We know that the only way to break stereotypes is to educate. This article does just that
    Ithought it was sad how it stated that poor people have usaully have jobs but they don't pay enough to suport them. so they work more hours than what my parents work.
    Some of this stuff is good to know. Some good facts about people in poverty.
    I love how this site breaks so many stereotypes of people in poverty. When you general think about poverty, you think of "Hobo's" or a dingy, dirty white guy with fingerless gloves and a sign. This hows that not all poor people are like that, only a tiny percentage are.
    i think this article was pretty really did break a lot of stereotypes like how people in poverty don't have jobs-a lot of them actually do. they just don't pay enough.

15 shocking poverty statisics - 1 views

    these facts are very shocking!

Hunger and Poverty - 2 views

shared by Carnahan H on 13 Jan 11 - Cached
    It kind of scared me that they have a little bar in one corner that says "Hunger deaths in this hour." It was at 810 last I checked. I feel so sad
    Seeing that bar made me feel awful. When I looked last, it was at 873...
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