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Althauser M

Poverty is poison - 9 views

    It's mostly about the effect poverty has on people (like children) throughout their life. "many children growing up in very poor families with low social status experience unhealthy levels of stress hormones, which impair their neural development."
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    Its about when young kids are born into a family thats poor and it affects the stress hormones and its also about paul krugman talking about the change in poverty, through out the years.
    I feel horrible for kids growing up in poverty. It's not their fault what family they are born into, but they still have to deal with it. This article tells about how growing up in poverty poisions your mind. You are an outcast, and are looked down upon. It messes with your homones and can damage your views of yourself and others. Because of this, a lot of kids are never able to get out of living in poverty, continuing the awful cycle.
    I find it so sad that poverty is a cycle like that. Poverty stops you from being able to et good jobs and make enough money to get out of poverty.
    I was suprised to hear that "American children born to parents in the bottom fourth of the income distribution have almost a 50 percent chance of staying there"
    I thought the quote "poverty in early childhood poisons the brain," was really interesting. If you are in poverty as a child you feel ashamed and never are brought out of it, then making your children live it in their lives too. I thought that quote was very strong.
    it makes me extermly upset to know that a childs brain devlopment can be damaged by their finachal situation. its just not right.
Matson K

Poverty - 4 views

shared by Matson K on 10 Jan 11 - Cached
Korn G liked it
    Summary of the article and then a brief personal reflection/reaction/opinion
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    This article talks about what poverty is and the different kinds of poverty. Relative poverty and absolute poverty are two kinds of poverty. Hunger and disease are some of the effects of poverty.
    Parts of this article describes what poverty is. It says how poverty is caused and the effects poverty has on people.
    this gives information about health effects, hunger, lack of sources, and the deffinition
    this article has facts about poverty before i read this i was thinking that i have pretty bad but reading about the people how are struggling every day just makes me feel like a spoiled brat
    This article tells you the definiton of poverty and its history in our world. It also talks about some campaigns that help to fight the poverty in the world. I thought this article was very useful beacaue then you know background to help you further your knowledge about poverty.
Cooperman H

More Facts About Poverty - 8 views

    this is a great site that shows you in numbers how many people in different areas are living in poverty in different areas.
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    I really like this website. It is basically a bunch of facts and statistics about poverty. On this website they take statistics from a lot of different websites. And they have facts about Global poverty, National poverty, and State poverty. I really like this because I can learn about 3 different types of poverty. :^D
    That's horrible how much poverty is rising in the world.
    I was very surprised that one billion people cant read. I think not being able to read would affect how you live because reading is a big part of life. In most jobs there is a need to know how to read, and if you dont know how, you're not going to stay in a job for very long.
    iI couldn't believe that half the world is in poverty. I can't imagine not being able to read. my life would be really boring if i couldn't read.
    This article was simple and gave so many facts everybody should read this!
    I was shocked when i saw that more than 37 million americans living in poverty.I didnt know there was that many people living in poverty.
    It was nice that the statistics included numbers from 2010. It gives a better perspective of the issue.
    i argree with ariel and liz they are right and i am shocked that one billion cant read and that is somthing you NEED to know how to do anywhere you go!
    it amazed me that 3 billion people are living less than $2 a day. that's half of the worlds population.
    *Number of people in the world who went hungry last year: 852 million *Number of people in the world who are going hungry this year: 854 million This is shocking to me. This means that That the rate of people going hurngry is increasing a lot. What if it increasss every year like this? What will that mean to people? This website gives facts that really open up my eyes. The reality is that people are in trouble and they are in hunger and we need to find ways to help. But how can we do this? I hope somebody finds a solution that makes a big difference and helps people.
Teets S

Children in Poverty: America's War - 3 views

    A lot of true facts about children in poverty. I can't believe about 15 million children live below the poverty line :(
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    15 million children that sad. Why want people help them?
    I don't know if we should be giving money to other nations to hepl poverty when we have so many people here in america that are experiencing the same hardships.
    i fond this fact very disturbing and suprising: "Everyday 2,660 children are born into poverty; 27 die because of it.'
    I liked this article because although it talked about the sad poverty statistics it did talk about how the government is trying to help compared to other articles which blame the government.
    This article was not only informational, but it made me hopeful. Full of statistics, this article gives you information on the effects of poverty AND tells you what is currently being done to help this growing problem in America. "Everyday 2,660 children are born into poverty; 27 die because of it." Although this fact is saddening, I was inspired by this fact: "In 1995, 49% of American adults regularly did some form of volunteer work -- a total of 20.3 billion hours." It's good to see that children in poverty are being helped by those more fortunate than themselves. (:
    I cant believe that in 2008 15.45 million children were living in poverty or were poor. Those children will probably not get an adequate education or have a good healthy childhood. Most likly when those children are old enough they will have to get a job as soon as they can to help the family pay for the things they need. We are so lucky and most of us dont realise it.
    1 in 4 children in America live under the poverty line. Its sad
Plummer H

Ways to Help Poor People - 3 views

    i liked how it said help stop proverty by educatong yourself and friends. It reminded me of the qoute at the zoo "plan for a month plant rice plan for a year plant trees plan for a life plant education"
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    It is very brilliant to educate people to help stop poverty; for "knowledge equals power," and we need as much power as we can get to cure the "plague" of pverty around the world.
    I agree that educating people about poverty is one of the best ways to help it and to prevent it. educating people about the effects of poverty and educating people in general so they can go to school and get jobs is good.
    I also agree that education is one of the ways to help stop poverty. Because if people are educated, they can get a job and provide for the family. It wont solve the probelm all the way because their income may not match up to the amount of money needed to live. But educating people is a good start.
    it's so nice to see a website full of solutions. i mean, statistics and facts are important, but we need more sites like this that educate and give solutions.
    I thought the article wasn't the most detailed but it still outlined ways of helping people in poverty
    I think that this article had some good ideas for helping to stop poverty. It also had links to organizations that help end poverty. The article really showed me how easy it is for us to use organizations to help the world.
Sawyer T

U.S. Hunger - 4 views

    This article is giving information about how many people are struggling in the United States from poverty. It gives causes and facts about hunger in the U.S. It was very eye opening when I read that 13 percent of people in the U.S. struggle with hunger. 16.7 million children live in households that struggle with putting food on the table.
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    Wow! Has it really gotten so bad that 1 in 4 familys struggle to put food on the table? I meen,i can't think about that because sometimes if i don't like whats on my plate then i throw it away and some people woule die for that.
    The "Causes of Hunger in the US" article was super interesting. It made me realize that we have so much food in the US but if you don't have money to buy it, then you just can't buy it at all.
    i was suprsed to see that 13% of people are living in poverty in the united states
    I know Adele! When I don't like something on my plate, I just throw it away and not think about how much someone right then is struggling and starving.
    its amazing that poverty hits so close to home
    In the "hunger and poverty in african americans" article, i was so shocked of the total income, food insecurities, and poverty total. I am completely blown away by this!
    I definetly agree with Adele. It's also sad that 51.4% of Americans will live in poverty before the age of 65. But it is nice to see that not only does this website have facts that grab you and give you a sense of how big this problem is, they also have solutions. The more solutions we can get, the better.
Brown A

National Poverty Center | University of Michigan - 7 views

    This artical gives information about how poverty has changed over a large amount of time and what it is like now.
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    I felt really bad when I saw that 20 percent of children live in poverty :(
    I never really knew how people were considered "poor". This artilcle really explains how people are considered poor. This article really shows dfferent views on how people view poverty.
    This site will give you facts of Poverty.
    I was amazed that two adults with three children would make 25,603 dollars. I can't even imagine how they would survive this. Looking at the graph is really an eye opener to how little people really make.
    This article has many frequently asked questions about poverty. It contains many facts about poverty and how it has changed over time, how it differs between different races, and how it is measures depending on how many people live in a household. I was surprised when i saw the graph of the poverty in different races. The poverty in thousands was pretty much the same until you got down to the asian percent. It was considerably lower then any other race which surprised me.
    I really like this website because it gives you all you should know if you want to learn all about poverty. Along with descriptions of everything, it provides very helpful charts and graphs.
    its amazing to me how africa has changed
    I didn't know that In 2009, 14.3 percent of all persons lived in poverty. I also agree with luke.
    It talks about the university of Michigan finding out about how many people in the U.S. are in poverty and won't tell anyone. It goes from a single individual to single parent to two adults.
Pavlechko M

Stereotypes of People in Poverty - 10 views

    This is basicly breaking the stereotypes that some people think of others who are in poverty. I really amazed me how common poverty is. I used to think it was made-up.
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    I thought this website was improtant because it showspeople about what some one living in poverty actually looks like. They could have a job. You might see them everyday and not know what they are living like. We know that the only way to break stereotypes is to educate. This article does just that
    Ithought it was sad how it stated that poor people have usaully have jobs but they don't pay enough to suport them. so they work more hours than what my parents work.
    Some of this stuff is good to know. Some good facts about people in poverty.
    I love how this site breaks so many stereotypes of people in poverty. When you general think about poverty, you think of "Hobo's" or a dingy, dirty white guy with fingerless gloves and a sign. This hows that not all poor people are like that, only a tiny percentage are.
    i think this article was pretty really did break a lot of stereotypes like how people in poverty don't have jobs-a lot of them actually do. they just don't pay enough.
Goldblum J

Empowering Women in Poverty - 7 views

    This article talks about women in Africa that are in poverty and how the Hunger Project is helping.
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    The fact that more than three quarters of women have HIV is scary I felt. When I saw that women in are giving up their food their food so that their children can eat is really sad. This article and all the other articles that I've been reading makes me want to do something.
    this is a really great article. i new that poverty affected everyone that has to go through it, but i never realised how much more it affects woman. I wonder why AIDS is now more of a womans disease?
    I couldn't believe that 3/4 of young people with HIV and AIDS were women! That really scares me. I agree with Mariah that women giving up food for their children is really sad. This article really makes me want to find "solutions" to poverty.
    I couldn't belive that women are usually in poverty! Young girls don't go to school, and 3/4 of young people with HIV and AIDS are young girls! To hear women giving up their meals so their children can have food is so sad. THis really wants me to take action and try to help those in need.
    2/3 of women!! I agree with Molly. That scares me as well. The one thing I'm wondering is why women? Why are women getting the disease? Women are making a sacrifice so their children can eat is very brave. Especially in poverty. I can see they are making a big scarafice.
    I thought is was really sad when they said that women are trying to help meet their families needs but are restricted because of the lack of resources. I would hate to be in poverty, but it would be even worse if you had to watch your children suffer and there is no way that you can help them.
Reed E

Kids in America who are homeless - 4 views

    This is Times magazine article about the number of kids who are homless in the U,S. A few statistics: Texas (337,105), California (292,624), Louisiana (204,053), Georgia (58,397) and Florida (49,886).
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    I wonder how accrate that survey was because I don't think people would tell the truth about how they are living. Some people are too proud. I didn't know that the level of kids living in poverty was so high before the economy got this bad!
    I think it's really sad that so many children are homeless. When you think of homelessness, adults usally come to mind. It is scary and alarming how many children and teens are homeless, especially if you put yourself in their shoes. I doubt I would survive.
    If i was one of those kids i would go mad out of my mind. Think of the kids who are 9 and younger live out side don't have food every day. How would you fill?
    That just feels so unfair that kids are just born into this kinda thing. It's pretty sad that they can't get the right education to be successful in their lives because they were born poor :(((((
Oberly K

Causes of, Solutions to Poverty - 0 views

    This article has listed a few of the ways people have made the poverty number drop. The author of the article has also stated their opinions on how we should help the people in poverty by helping them learn how to sustain by themselves, not giving them aid.
    I don't like how the person makes demands for the world to follow. It shows nothing about if countries are already trying to get rid of poverty or how it would mess with their economic structure. Some countries have health care for everyone but other parts of their economy is messed up.
Smyth C

Stories of Poverty - 4 views

    These are the stories of many children and tennagers tat are facing poverty. One of the articles I find really disturbing is the one about white Guinea Worms, which grow in the body after drinking contaminated water and eventually burst throught the skin, to be pulled out by hand. These parasites can grow to be meters in length.
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    It's sad to see these stories about children growing up in poverty. I was reading one about a girl named Yuleini and it said while her mother and stepfather were at work, she had to cook meals for her 4 siblings, wash their clothes, and play with them. She is taking on a lot of responsiblity and she will grow up to be a good mother to her children.
    I read about a 13 year old girl, and she coooks, cleans and does almoast everything for the family. very sad
    it makes me feel so lucky for what I have... :/
    Those worms are disgusting. ;_; It's amazing what these people have to go through.
    I can't beleive that people actualy have to go through that. Sometimes i just live in my own little world, and am oblivous to things around me. I notice the weird things, like how there is a gree bug in the snow, but i don't notice the walls, or the poverty going on around me. It's just unreal that things like worms can actually live in your body.
    curaline i love it! i mean not in the way you'd think but it the way of how its very good. i like how it gives the childs story and such and age makes me like living in ohio.
    the stories are so touching! I love Himal's story, just because it was so intense
    It's so sad to see what people have to go through, and it's great that these organizations are providing them education.
    I think that is was so sad when the kids were talking about their dreams one day of going to college and pulling themselves out of poverty. Hopefully one day the United States and even us can help them to achieve their goals and dreams.
Gonzalez A

Child Deaths and Poverty - 6 views

    This article talks about poverty around the world and gives statistics. I was shocked when it said that 1 child dies every four seconds due to poverty. 15 children die every minute.
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    This site was really an eye opener. You here that children are dying, and not having food, but when you put number sto it, like 8.1 million children every yeaar, it really makes you want to do something about it.
    I was very unpleasantly suprised to see that every 4 seconds a child dies.
    I cant believe that so many children die every year of poverty. And its really sad that 88million died in the span of 9 years. It makes me want to help even though I know it will always be a problem. The least we can do is donate and help decrease the number of deaths each year.
    the way the statistics were explained were good, the numbers weren't just numbers. they make sense, and it breaks my heart. a child dies every four seconds. We are letting precious life slip away.
    wow this is so sad. i world of never thought over 8 million kids die a year in the world. the Haiti earthquake was terrible but i never knew every ten days as many people died in the earth quake was as many kids died in the ten days around the world. thats so sad :(
    i can not believe that a child is dieing every 4 seconds, and 15 every minute. I don't know how they know that 15 children are dieing every minute or 22,000 children are dieing every day. I think that it is sad that most people don't donate money to people who need it.
    Its so sad that so many children died before there 5th birthday! 8 MILLION children. It really gives perspectice to the situation and i know people go with 8 million children dying if i helped by donating it wouldn't make a difference but it will. If everyone thought that same way the number of kids dying each year would be soooo much higher.
    I was completly shocked at what this article had to say. I was not happy with the notion that every four seconds a child dies and most likely it is causes realates to poverty. I want to help those in need. The pictures that they had of the children made my heart ache. I know that we might not save every child in the world but maybe we can reduce those numbers.
    Definatly a eye-opening article. The first few lines of text were like a bomb to the heart. It's just so sad that so many children are dying, and that there is no clear, easy solution.
Carnahan H

The Effects of poverty on teaching and learning - 2 views

    This article is about how kids that are in poverty and are going to school are more likely to fail because of their social circumtances
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    that is so sad that the children that live in poverty are more likely to fail in school. its not their fault
    It isn't the children's fault they are going to fail. The poverty has effects that takes the child out of school for a few days and stuff.
    With the amount of poverty rising (which means more kids that make up this country), I wonder how this will effect the country in the future.
    Very sad. It says that it is most likely for a child to fail in education that is in poverty because of his/her's life circumstances.
Korn G

Poverty in America - 1 views

    • Sorenson H
      WARNING! This site has been bookmarked by Harald Sorenson. If you take this site, it will be a sub-post, and will not count as your site. Thank you for being co-operative.
    This site will give you the overview of Poverty. I found it amazing how
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    This website is about general facts about poverty, and how it varies by age, race and gender. i learned things like poverty is declining (and has been since the 1990s) but is still higher than in the 1970s. also, the poverty rate for children 0-17 is higher than any other age group, and marrige seems to help reduce poverty rates.
    fatcs about povetry like some comman ages, region, ect.
    I find it hard to believe that poverty level is dropping. I do, however, believe that it is higher thn it was in the 1970's.
    This article shows statistics of poverty over the last 13 years. Ex. In 1998 the child rate of poverty was 18.9% ( 13.5 million children) This article also talks about how Age, Race, Family Composition and Region effect Poverty
    this sight is very informative but its also to straight foward, they never give there opinion reallu
    harold that is so not cool to steal grasons post >:(
    I was surprised to hear that the west was in the most poverty, I had always thought of the west as well off.
Brown A

Poverty Facts and Stats - Global Issues - 5 views

    It talks about facts about poverty, and gives percetages about the people in povery. it says there are 2.2 billion kids in the world, and 1 billion is in poverty. That's... sad.
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    I was shocked where it said, "At least 80% of humanitly lives on less than $10 a day". There's something wrong with humanity if this is all we have. This article gives a lot of surprising facts.
    Some of the graphs really made me sad. There was $105 billion spent on alcoholic drinks and $400 billion spent on narcotics drugs, what really made me sad was that there was only $6 billion spent on BASIC education, and $9 billion spent on water sanitation throughout the world. It made me sad..
    These are statistics about poverty. There are several graphs and charts that show how poverty effects different countries. Alot of the graphs are surprising and make me very sad. In 1998 more money was spent on Narcotics Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks than was spent on sanitation, basic education, and health (nutrition)
    This is unbelieveable! 22,000 children die every day due to poverty? It makes me feel like we really need to do SOMETHING. We have enough money to make a big change in the poverty levels, if we did something about it.
    i think its really sad that over half of the world makes less than 2.30 dollars a day. its also sad how many kids and people die each day from poverty and hunger. we should think of better ways to provide other people with food because there is enough for everyone.
Grover M

Solutions to World Hunger and Poverty - 3 views

    A great website about poverty. It includes solutions poverty in different country's. and just good informations
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    i think it is useful because it shows when poverty is mostly at.
    This article is about the countries that are effected most by poverty and gives plenty of solutions to poverty. One example of a solution is to improve the training and equipment of agricultural farmers to increase crop yields and conserve the environment.
    This shows the solutions to world poverty and it shows the amount of poverty all over the world.
    This article explains the different "Types" of poverty, like in the U.S compared to africa. It also gives solutions to abolish this mess.
    I like that site 'cause it tells you how poverty can be solved. oh, and I like the graphs because they give you an idea of where poverty is in the world if you don't know.. c:
Carnahan H

15 facts about poverty - 9 views

    General Facts about poverty in America. Facts include-Household participation in the food stamp program has increased 20.28% since last year,The number of Americans on food stamps surpassed 41 million for the first time ever in June 2010, Nearly 10 million Americans now receive unemployment insurance, which is almost four times as many as in 2007, and more. This is very depressing. We need to do something before it gets worse.
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    I didn't know it was that bad. Geez.
    Wow I didn't know America had 41 million food stamps in use! And I agree Haley we do need to something before it gets worse! I loved the article, good job!
    its strange how even though we are the richest country in the world, we have millions in poverty, and the poverty rate is increasing quickly. it makes me feel sad that i didnt know about any of this and that a lot of these people dont get a lot of help
    Four times as more in only three years? Thats amazing. If it keeps increasing at this rate imagine how bad it will be in 2013! We do need to start doing something about this.
    I dig how they have pictures and such its very depressing.
    I didn't know there were food stamps, or even an all time food stamp record! These 15 facts, though very short, are to the point and informational. The pictures were very depressing, but thes are the pictures of poverty.
    I hope that the high level of poverty in 2009 will sow people how much help is needed.
    It's amazing how much the food stamp program has increased and how many families are in poverty! I also like how they make the facts short and add pictures, because for me it makes it much more interesting.
    i wonder why there was such an increase in poverty in 2009
Omar H

Major Cause of Poverty - 1 views

    The website is about what has lead us to poverty and what still is. It seems like from the website that people in the west take advantage of poorer regions because the resources are cheaper. I find that very selfish. I was also very suprised too see that the main problem were the policies of international institutions.
    it was weird to read that the food banks can help people, but some people it doesnt help them at all.
    haley im sorry but would you care to explain what you are saying a bit more
Shockley L

Federal Poverty Guidelines - 0 views

    Poverty Threshold is different that poverty guidelines. Threshold is normaly used for statistics, such as estimating the number of Americans in poverty. Poverty guidelines are used for administrative purposes, such as seeing if someone meets the requirments of certain programs. The poverty guildelines may also be known as 'federal poverty level.' (There are charts showing the poverty guidelines for different family sizes that live in the 48 connected staes, Alaska, and Hawii) The poverty guideline changes depending on where you live. \nI was surprized to see that in 2009 Alaska had the highest poverty guideline at $13,530 and the 48 connected states had the lowest with $10,830. I also cant imagine my family of six living off $29,530. It also makes me think about all the other nessesities that we take for granted and how people living in poverty would be really greatful for them.
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