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Fischbach J

Poverty and Crime - 4 views

    this is a really interesting website. it says that people who are in poverty suffer more stress then those who dont. this causes them to commit more crimes
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    I like how it shows that poverty could be a factor of crim but it is not alway that way.
    :o I didn't know that it was more likely for a poor child to commit a crime, but that sounds like something that would happen if you really need something to live, like food or clean water.
    This article is explaining that crime is evident in places that are high in poverty. It also states tat there are many others factors of poverty that lead to other things rather then just crime. They are also explaining how high unemployment leads to smaller crimes like stealing. I think that this is sometimes true, but that not all people in poverty steal to get food. There are other ways to get food legally.
    I really liked this article because i thought it was really interesting how people in poverty are so desperate to get fod that they would do anything to get it even steal it. That's usuallt why crime goes up because of people in poverty.
    I'm very surprised how densly populated areas are the poorest. I was looking more into how Poverty relates into crime this whole time, but with everything i saw, I didn't know that! It just kind of blew me away!
Reed E

Number of Americans under the federal poverty line - 1 views

    A Wikipedia article about the number of Americans under the federal poverty line, More then 1/2 of the people will spend atleast one year under the poverty line between ages 25 and 75
Foster H

Its everywhere - 3 views

shared by Foster H on 12 Jan 11 - Cached
    About poverty in Africa. It has stories, facts and pictures. When reading some of the facts I just couldn't even imagine it being true.
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    Looking at the pictures made me really sad, and i can't believe that 15 million orphans in this one area of Africa have HIV
    About poverty in Africa and it has stories, and pictures, and facts . i was really sad how the artical said "it is estimated that more than 18 million people have died to date, of which over 3 million were children. Additionally, more than 25 million adults " i was shocked
    i think that this website has some good information but people arent commenting correcy bout it (this doesot as a comment, to the teachers)
    if i could, i would totally go to africa and give everysingle child something to help them through the hard times. Just a little teddy bear will do the trick, just to have something to hold and love. that makes them feel happy inside. This artical is about how africa is such a poor country and they need halp and fast. children are getting water from streams that other people have to use the restroom in and take showers with. its so sad. D: my heart aches for them.
    I think this website had a lot of things to read, but it was all good information. It was very interesting to read the left side, all of the short facts.
Lide E

Buzzle.Com- Poverty In The United States - 0 views

    This article gives me facts and statistics about poverty. It gives a chart showing minium living wages for families of different sizes. There is also a short and to the point paragraph abput causes of poverty at the end.
Foster H

Poverty is EVERYWHERE.! - 11 views

    these are some pictures in poverty. look at the setting, there is mostly children and they live in such a poor place. ): it makes me feel so selfish.
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    It's so sad to see all those kids but it's good to see that they're coming together and they have hope. I like the picture with the road through it.
    seeing this makes me sad :(
    I like how in the pictures, most of the people are smiling. (:
    I think that we take so much for granted and the people that have barely anything are like: OOOHHHHH A PIECE OF BREAD!!!! and we are like.. : wahoo... bread... :|
    These pictures made me hopeful. Generous souls are helping these people, and perhaps their lives can be better because of their support (:
    I like the photoset called listening. I think that to truly understand and educate ourselves about poverty, we have to first listen to the needs of those who are living with it. Very interesting picture.
    i like what jordan said and i agree we have to learn more about it and listen to those who are really in poverty!
    the website had a bunch of photo albums for different places in the world that are in poverty. It was nice to see people smiling in the pictures
Cooperman H

Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth - 0 views

    This website has a bunch of statistics about different areas of poverty. For example, they have a section of statistics about where child poverty is concentrated. This website has both causes and effects of poverty. But what I also like about this website, is it has not only things about poverty, but also things about hunger, and homelessness. This website really expresses how poverty has grown, and how it effects everyone, especially children. It make me feel very fortunate that I am healthy, go to a great school, and have loving and educated parents.
Oberly K

In Ohio, Marriage Drops the Probability of Child Poverty by 87 Percent - 1 views

    this article has a suprising chart that shows the difference in poverty rates between a married couple with kids and a single mother with the same amount of kids
    Do you think that even if a single mother had a good education she would still be in poverty? I think so IFF the child or children could take care of themselves long enough for the mother to find a decent job to support the family.
    that very interesting. i never would have thought that married families are at less risk of poverty affecting them, but now that i think about it i guess they could both work and would get more money then one person.
Walouke A

Why can't people escape poverty? - 3 views

    This is an article that came out March 30, 2010. A personal story about a girl coming out from college trying to find a way in this world. It also talks about the live's of black families and white families and comparing their wealth.
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    that was a really inspirational article...i hope more people realize that often it isn't the people's fault-they just weren't given a chance to start a new life without all that baggage.
    Peterson's story was very sad but it was interesting too see that she used education as her solution. I hope that people who are like her read her story and use education as their solutions. If she can inspire me im sure she can inspire alot of people just like her.
    Its so hard to escape poverty because they have to get a job. In this bad economy it so hard.
    People ask why people stay in poverty for so long, and this article answers that question
    I liked the last part that said with personal education comes, the need for others to be educated. I thought this was really good because it was saying that the first and most important step to helping others in poverty is to be educated well.
    I think that it's really interesting that education is one of the big reasons people are in poverty. If we could give everyone a proper education, we could probably take a lot of people out of poverty.
Isaacson R

Graph of poverty level in every state - 0 views

    This shows a graph of the percentage of poverty in each state. It opens my eyes a lot, because I realize that even though ohio is bad, it could be worse.
Costello R

what is extreme poverty? - 6 views

    This article is about extreme poverty and many facts about it. This article made me really sad because there are a lot of sad facts about poverty.
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    Poverty is sad, 600 million children are living in extreme poverty. 75 million children are out of school. It's horrible because they don't even get a chance for a good life without school.
    i think one of the saddest thing is that kidsw are dying from curable diseases. that means that we arent doing enough to make sure that everyone gets the treatment they deserve.
    That's sad to see that approx. 25,000 children die each day to something that can be prevented. I wonder what the U.N. is doing to prevent that
    I didn't know that, approximately 9.2 million children under the age of 5 die each year, mostly from preventable diseases.
    It's so sad to see that so every day and every minute a kid dies because of poverty i wonder if anyone is trying to do anything to help if not why don't they start
Sorenson H

Gender and Poverty - 4 views

    Forgot the tags and comment oops O.o i will post the comment. I find it amazing that 6 out of 10 of the poorest people in the world are women. This will tell you about the difference in gender and poverty!
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    I dont think its surprising that more women are in poverty than men.I think there is that certain amount of feminism involved in payment. Sadly this proves it
    I find the article very sad. I had no clue that poverty could be effected by gender. I was also shocked to see that 75% of women cant get bank loans because they have unpaid or insecure jobs.
    Knowing that women are the poorest gender is both outragoious and agreeable. Since women are the care takers in the family. But losing 85% of calories getting water, is unhealthy and sad.
    i think that if women got the same oppritunties as men like in jobs and education, there would be less problem with poverty in women.
Mousou M

World Poverty - Challenges and Solutions - 5 views

    it shows challenges of world poverty and the solutions. One example is the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer. Throughout the 1990s, hungry people rose by 18 million. 4 million a year and 25,000 people die from poverty. I think that the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer is not all true, because some people donate money to poor people.
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    I heard on NPR that surprisingly, more people are looking up to the richer people for help, than looking down on them and blaming them that they hoard a lot of money and that they should be at fault for the economy.
    I could not believe that the war in I raq has killed as many people in five years as poverty killed in four days!
    It's kind of sad how selfish and uncaring people are/can be. Once the amount of money between people is even, poverty wont be a problem. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon...
    declan that is called down trickleing. the rich buy stuff, the money fom the stuff gets distributied among emploees, emploees buy stuff and it keeps going down the class pyrimid.
    thats insane! the worlds so messed up with war, im making a song about it, but still this website has alot to offer and i also saw the war thing very interesting
Mousou M

Poverty Rates in Ohio - 1 views

    This Article was about the percent of people in poverty living in factory town. I was really amazed that east Cleveland leads the state in poverty.
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    This site lists the percentage of Ohio's Poverty.It mentions that poverty in Ohio is located in major cities which means that poverty in Ohio is linked to the market. I was pretty shocked when i found out that Ohio has the 24th highest poverty rate in the United States.
    This article gives information about why the worst poverty in Ohio exists and what is being done about poverty in Ohio. It gives poverty rates of counties and it saddens me when I saw that east Cleveland has 32% rate of poverty. It makes me think that maybe as Phoenix we could help reach out to people and give them something that could change their life.
    It has facts on stats in America and ohio is the 24th highest poverty rate. I think that is not good because 23 other states have lower poverty percentage then us.
Cooperman H

Causes of Poverty - 0 views

    This is a short, simplen paragraph, that does exactly what the title says. It really made me upset reading it, because poverty happens everywhere, and can happen to anyone. Sometimes, it isn't anyone's fault. Some people are born into it. And poverty can be a result of no enough education. I feel very fortunate that both my parents have good jobs, and are educated. I know that some people aren't that lucky.
Bloom J

Bread for the world - 6 views

    facts about hunger and how many people died a year and how to end hunger in the U.S and ways to stop it
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    It made me upset the nearly 16.7 million children struggle to put food on the table.
    It made me upset that nearly one in four children live in households that struggle to put food on the table. It is very sad and depressing
    it suprised me that only 13% of people in the u.s. live in poverty.
    It surprised me that 26.9 percent of latino's have a hard time to put food on the table. I feel sad.
    if america is one of the wealthiest countries we should be sharing the wealth instead of keeping it to ourselves. it surprised me that most people will go through poverty before they are 65.
Tuttle S

Hunger and Malnutrition - 0 views

    This article is about the definition of hunger and malnutrition, what causes malnutrition,like someone with celic disease, effects of malnutrition, such as getting a weak imune system and fatigue,like who has a high risk of malnutrition, such as people living in poverty,and treatments and recommendations for malnutrition, which is talking to your doctor. Knowing that over 1 billion people in the world are malnurished is heart-breaking and nervracking, since that's more than the U.S., Canda, and the European Union's entire population!
    wow i couldent imagin all of us in that state
    wow i cant believe how many people are effected
Estice H

Why Hunger - 1 views

    This article explains some of the causes of hunger and poverty, some facts, and what this organization has done to help. Some of the facts were really surprising, and I was surprised by how many people are struggling with hunger.
Omar H

Poverty Facts - 0 views

    This article is about the basic facts about Poverty. It lists the amount of races that are in poverty. It also lists the age range that is mostly in poverty. The article also lists the amount of people in Poverty and many more. I didnt realize how many people were actually in poverty.
Magnuson A

teenage homelessnes - 4 views

    This article talks about 11 effects of homelessness on teenagers. Some of them were incredible shocking. Like the statistic that 1 in four homeless youth have traded sex for survival needs. It was also sad that one in 260 homeless youths is murdered
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    oh my god thats so freaking sad that they need to have sex for food. :(
    I really like this because most articles that people have are talking about what poverty is. This one went even further, and was really describing the effects of poverty on teens. Thanks for sharing, very interesting!
    The fact alone that people have to sell sex is awful. Having to sell sex for FOOD is a whole different state of morbidness. It's really sad that this is how people live their life.
    I thought it was so sad that adolescents are so desprate that one in four teens have traded sex for survival needs!!!
    Wow that was really scary, i can't believe that people would do that just to have food. I just want to help them. I can't believe that they would even be in a situation where they would have to do that.
Mousou M

Understanding Poverty in America - 0 views

    This article is about understanding the numbers of how many people are affected by poverty, It states that one in 8 are living in terrible circumstances and it lookes at the different aspects of being "poor" and how that persons finacial stus may have been looking different in different decades.
    there is lots of facts and they took a survey in 2001 and alot of poverty is because they can not make enough money to feed themselves and their familes
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