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Social Interaction Software, Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools, Free Web Widgets, Web 2.0... - 0 views

    What is FlockPod? FlockPod is the world's first social interaction pod - a small place on any Web page where people get together and interact on-the-spot, while staying on the page. The central idea of FlockPod is to provide a space on any web page to collaborate and interact right on-the-spot, to share ideas, opinions, experiences, anecdotes or sometimes even to question, reason or debate. Want to know more?
John Pearce

Online Interactive ELearning Teaching Resource Library. View teaching resources online ... - 0 views

    "Established in 2006, offer free online access to a growing range of interactive multimedia elearning resources. The online resource library contains games, quizzes, animations and videos in a variety of subjects. Resources have been produced according to key stage 3 and 4 of the UK National Curriculum for students aged 11 to 16." Though the learning objects are not downloadable they are eminently suited to using on an interactive whiteboard.
    Established in 2006, offer free online access to a growing range of interactive multimedia elearning resources. The online resource library contains games, quizzes, animations and videos in a variety of subjects. Resources have been produced according to key stage 3 and 4 of the UK National Curriculum for students aged 11 to 16. All resources are produced by elearning multimedia specialists in collaboration with every day teaching staff as a direct solution to their classroom requirements.
John Pearce

Spongelab | A Global Science Community | Home page - 3 views

    "Spongelab Interactive is a group of scientists, teachers, animators, artists, and programmers passionate about science education. We believe that cutting-edge technology and stunning interactive media should be available to everyone, regardless of fiscal constraints. Most of the content on our site is free. Like what you see? It's yours. To use anything identified as premium (usually full games, interactives or case studies) you can: Redeem the credits you have earned while using our site - each piece of premium content is marked with a "P" and can be redeemed when you select it from the search results page Buy a bank of credits through our PayPal ordering system - In the My Profile area, order blocks of credits in the Buy Credits section. Purchase a Site License - Get access to all content, unlimited student seats, all for $600 CAD, contact us and we do the rest. "
Rhondda Powling

Ten ideas for interactive teaching | Curriculum | - 5 views

    " While lecturing tends to be the easiest form of instruction, studies show that students absorb the least amount of information that way. Interactive teaching methods are an effective way to connect with a generation of students used to consistent stimulation-and education professor Kevin Yee has some advice for how teachers can make their lessons more interactive." eSchoolNews
Andrew Jeppesen

Home : Inform - 4 views

    Inform is a design system for interactive fiction based on natural language. It is a radical reinvention of the way interactive fiction is designed, guided by contemporary work in semantics and by the practical experience of some of the world's best-known writers of IF.
John Pearce

How to Make an Interactive Lesson Using Youtube « Knewton Blog - 2 views

    "We've been getting a lot of questions ever since our GMAT Choose Your Own Adventure video went up. Well, one question, really: How can I make one for my students? Answer: It's easy! Youtube has a great tool called Spotlight that lets you make any video interactive. It's really handy for lessons and quizzes. Essentially, you can ask students a question - or a series of questions - and when they answer show them a personalized video response according to how they did."

Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager - Unlimited FB Business Manager - 0 views

    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
Gerald Carey

Physion - Physics Simulation Software - 6 views

  • Physion is a 2D Physics simulation software. It can be used to easily create a wide range of interactive physics simulations and educational experiments. Teachers may find it particularly useful since it can be used as a virtual physics laboratory through which they can demonstrate some basic physics concepts in the classroom.
    Free download - very interactive. Now all I need to do is learn Physics!
Rhondda Powling

Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink - 2 views

    ThingLink is a simple-to-use website designed to make images more interactive. Originally created for fashion marketing in Europe, it works similar to tagging photos on Facebook or Flickr but goes one step further by allowing the user to embed 'media-rich tags' into the image that link back to any web content.
Rhondda Powling

Interactive: 100 years of drought in Australia - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corp... - 1 views

    From ABC news site: "Use our interactive map to see 100 years of rainfall patterns across Australia, famously a land "of droughts and flooding rains".
Rhondda Powling

Brit Lab - YouTube - 1 views

    A growing number of videos that may be of interest for science. "for instance BBC Brit's Biggest Bangs is a fun, interactive video experience that allows users to channel their inner mad scientists, mixing dangerous chemicals with sometimes explosive results without a proper laboratory. The secret behind the interactivity is a central choose-your-own-adventure video around which annotations lead to separate videos that respond to your chemical selections." You choose your first chemical and then select another from among eight on the laboratory table.  You'll see the team scientist take each chemical from the table.  Then pause to consider-will it explode or won't it? If it doesn't, the oh so serious, oh so British narrator offers background on why the bang, or the lack of bang (NR or no reaction) may have disappointed, as well as what the resulting compound is and does.
Kerry J

What is 'competence' and how should education incorporate new technology's tools to gen... - 3 views

    This paper addresses the competences needed in 21st century life especially in relation to civic participation, and the educational requirements to foster them in young people. New technologies are widely used by young people for informal social interaction, video game-playing and giving voice to their views. Incorporation of these practices into the classroom has been fairly slow, despite their manifest potential for promoting agency and civic engagement. The paper argues that this is in part due to the need for a cultural shift in education to accommodate them. Currently, many competences young people will need for the future world of interactive technology and 'bottom-up' information, communication and democracy are mainly being developed through informal practices. These competences, which include adaptability, managing ambiguity, and agency are discussed in relation to civic participation. 
John Pearce

Interactives . The Rock Cycle . Introduction - 3 views

    "Discover rock secrets through these activities. Create a rock collection as you learn about the three main types of rock, find out how to tell the different rock types apart, and see how rocks change from one type into another!"
Rhondda Powling

Inside the Brain: An Interactive Tour - 3 views

    This highly interactive site describes the parts of the brain and their functions and how they are affected by Alzheimer's disease. It provides detailed diagrams and solid descriptions for a variety of ages.
Rhondda Powling

The Great War | PBS - 1 views

    PBS provides a detailed look at World War I and its affect on the world at large. Content includes comprehensive interviews with expert historians, an interactive timeline, an interactive gallery complete with detailed maps, and commentary on the overarching effects
John Pearce

Lemelson Center presents Invention at Play - 0 views

    This online exhibit from the Lemenson Center includes Invention Playhouse. The Tinker Ball game in particular is a great physics based interactive. The site also includes Inventors' Stories and a section called Does Play Matter? How have attitudes toward play changed over time? What kinds of toys did inventors play with as children? Is the quality and quantity of children's play changing? If play is changing, how will that affect invention? Reflect upon these and other questions through video commentaries and toy displays
Lynne Crowe

OCSD Interactive Games - 0 views

    Design your own interactive games or use the pre made templates (mainly Maths)

Robert Marzano and Interactive Whiteboards - The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution - 0 views

    Marzano believes that voting technology is a breakthrough technology, but it must be combined with teachers who know how to "milk" that data.
dean groom

Virtual Heroes Inc - Serious Games - Serious Games and Advanced Learning Systems - Seri... - 0 views

    Realism, Retention and Relevancy… In a Virtual Heroes world, textbooks and lectures are replaced with complete interactivity, excitement and serious fun! Our Advanced Learning Technology (A.L.T.) platform has re-invented the way medical, military and corporate professionals can enhance performance and unleash potential. Our technology facilitates the linkage of learning objectives to measurable performance outcomes. Our studio's proprietary approach to interactive instructional design and experiential learning simultaneously inspires and educates. We invite you to explore our Website and your organization's untapped potential.
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