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Rhondda Powling

Domo Animate - Make your own Domo Animations and Slideshows with GoAnimate's super easy... - 3 views

    A tool to create animations. You can animate the characters, change the background, movement, sound effects and emotions; you can add speech bubbles, interactive elements and music to your animation as well. You can resize things, delete, and move or change their places. Children can create their animated books that talk or they can write their own screenplays and turn them into animation.
Steve Madsen

I Can Animate (software) - 0 views

    I Can Animate has quickly established itself as the Stop Motion Animation tool for Mac OS X. Windows users can now enjoy using this fantastic application and join the growing numbers of 'would be' animators. I Can Animate is now used by educators and film makers world wide, wanting to create Stop Frame Animations (also known as claymation).
    Site for software entitled I Can Animate. Other teachers have raved about it. Now available for Windows machines. Seems to be worth checking out.
John Pearce

Stykz - The first multi-platform stick figure animation program - 0 views

    "Stykz is the first multi-platform stick figure animation program in the world (as far as we know!), and it is COMPLETELY FREE! If you've ever used Pivot StickFigure Animator, you'll feel right at home and will appreciate the extra features that Stykz has to offer! And even if you haven't used Pivot, you'll find Stykz to be a powerful, easy to learn tool for creating great looking stick figure animations quickly and efficiently."
Rhondda Powling

Animated Explanations - Explanatory Animations - 0 views

    Animated Explanations is a website "full of animated movies, interactive tutorials and instructional videos, all free for you to view and to embed in your website".
Rhondda Powling

Instant Wild - Live Wildlife Photographs - 0 views

    "Images of wild animals are sent to you directly from small automatic cameras placed in remote locations. When you identify the wild animal by matching the photo with the relevant image in the Field Guide you save conservationist thousands of hours by helping to sort the images by species group. This enables scientists to analyze the data much faster and assess whether the threatened animals are increasing or decreasing."
Rhondda Powling

Dvolver Moviemaker. Make digital movies online. Formerly Dfilm. Home - 1 views

    a tool to create your mini animations by pointing and clicking. You can choose the setting, characters, music at the background and how the chosen characters interact in your animation. You write what you want your characters to say and it shows up in bubbles in your animation. Children can watch a video and write an ending for it or they can summarize a story.
Sue Tapp, Cartoons (AAEC - The Association of American Editorial Cartoo... - 0 views

shared by Sue Tapp on 14 Oct 08 - Cached
    Find a Speaker Cartoons for the Classroom How To News Cartoons # Newest Cartoons # Browse / Search # Student Member Cartoons # Cartoons for the Classroom # Animated Cartoons Cartoon Books by AAEC Members Welcome Home Cartoon Books Award Winners Animated Cartoons Cartoons Newest Cartoons Browse / Search Student Member Cartoons Cartoons for the Classroom Animated Cartoons Cartoonists Browse / Search Find a Speaker Featured Profiles How To News & History Cartoon News Contests and Events Award Winners History Corner Historical Profiles AAEC About the AAEC Membership Information Annual Convention Bulletin Board Locher - Award History Locher - John Locher Biography Locher - Award Entry Form Members cftcpagetop.gif
John Pearce

Field Guide to Victorian Fauna for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    "The animals found in the south eastern Australian State of Victoria are unique and diverse. Detailed descriptions of animals, maps of distribution, and endangered species status combine with stunning imagery and sounds to provide a valuable reference that can be used in urban, bush and coastal environments. The content has been developed by scientists at Museum Victoria, Australia's largest public museum organisation. The app holds descriptions of over 700 species encompassing birds, fishes, frogs, lizards, snakes, mammals, freshwater, terrestrial and marine invertebrates, spiders, and insects including butterflies. From animals found in rockpools, minibeasts in your garden, to wildlife you might see in the bush. We've put in a lot of species, but it's still a fraction of the complete fauna of Victoria. Our scientists will continue to add additional species and refine descriptions over time."
John Pearce

Automatoon- Easy Animation For The Web! - 4 views

    "Automatoon is completely web based and free. There's no fussy authoring software to install (or pay for!) and you can effortlessly share your animations online. You can also easily export your animations and embed them in your own websites, all for free! (Some premium features cost extra.)"
Grace Kat | Commensalism- Crab and Shells - 0 views

    cc Animations to create or embed other users' animations
Suzie Vesper

Make Free Cartoons and Animations - Sketch Star - 8 views

    Great online animation tool - very easy to use.
John Pearce

YouTube - RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us - 5 views

    "This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace."
Amanda Rablin

GoAnimate - Create your own cartoons and animations easily. Our tools are free and you ... - 0 views

    In browswer tool for creating animations with a variety of scenes, backgrounds and characters.
dean groom

SAM Animation | About SAM - 0 views

    SAM Animation is a software platform that allows the user to make stop-action movies using a USB or fire-wire real-time (i.e. web camera or webcam) and whatever props the user desires. The software is both Mac and PC compatible and free to all users willing to register with
Lynne Crowe

Wildlife Filmmaker, Video Mashups, Animal Videos, Wildlife Footage - National Geographic - 0 views

    Make a movie using photos from National geographic
Grace Kat

SAM Animation: Home - 0 views

shared by Grace Kat on 18 Jun 08 - Cached
    SAM is software designed to give students the power of making stop-action animations to share their ideas and understanding. The environment provides an alternative expressive medium for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education that allows students to match their learning styles to the way the present and communicate ideas.
John Pearce

Every Drop Counts on Vimeo - 7 views

    "This video is an animated short about water conservation targeted at elementary school kids. Marisa DeLuca created this video as her senior thesis project while working on her undergrad in Communication. It was her first attempt at animation, and she created it using still pictures of characters made from paper. She manipulated the pictures in Adobe Photoshop and then edited the still photos together in Final Cut. "
John Pearce

Online Interactive ELearning Teaching Resource Library. View teaching resources online ... - 0 views

    "Established in 2006, offer free online access to a growing range of interactive multimedia elearning resources. The online resource library contains games, quizzes, animations and videos in a variety of subjects. Resources have been produced according to key stage 3 and 4 of the UK National Curriculum for students aged 11 to 16." Though the learning objects are not downloadable they are eminently suited to using on an interactive whiteboard.
    Established in 2006, offer free online access to a growing range of interactive multimedia elearning resources. The online resource library contains games, quizzes, animations and videos in a variety of subjects. Resources have been produced according to key stage 3 and 4 of the UK National Curriculum for students aged 11 to 16. All resources are produced by elearning multimedia specialists in collaboration with every day teaching staff as a direct solution to their classroom requirements.
Darren Walker

Domo Animate - Create animations - 0 views

    This is a child friendly version of go animate which is moderated and therefore perfect for kids. I have also been updating my own website with over 300 free web tools reviewed and linked. If you haven't been for a while it could well be worth a visit.
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